Read Wide Awake Page 4

  “Okay,” I weakly replied. “I'll be there as soon as I can.” I hit the end button and placed my phone back into my pocket.

  At least her hotel was only down the road and I didn't have to stumble that far. I started to walk a little faster. What was I going to say to her? Why exactly did she want to see me?

  Then the look of hurt on Jo's face flooded through my mind. She was going to kill me tomorrow. Maybe us not being in the same place tonight would give her time to cool down.

  Before I even thought about it, I was outside the Four Seasons. It was the moment of truth time....

  I banged on the door, it quickly opened and she was before me. I was dumbstruck. She was even more beautiful dressed in simple PJs. I took in a sharp breath. I was still feeling a little drunk but not as I was before. The fresh air and her telephone call had seemed to help me a little.

  I stepped in. She closed the door behind me and now I felt very awkward, maybe a little stupid at the thought I had come running to her after the way I was treated. God, why was I such a girl sometimes? It was if I hadn't inherited that gene that made me an arsehole! Guess I wasn't anything like my dad-- like I didn't already know that.

  We both stood there in silence, both of us avoiding eye-contact with each other. Was she waiting for me to go first? I shrugged my shoulders, someone had to talk. We both couldn't do this all night.

  “You went to Europe?” She nodded. “Why didn't you call me before you left?”

  “I thought about it,” she ran her hands through her hair. “I just didn't want to come across clingy. Did you want a drink?”

  “Okay” more alcohol might help me get over my anxiety, which was stupid really. I followed her over to the bar on the other side of the suite. I watched as she poured two vodka and tonics. She handed me my drink. “What did you do in Europe?”

  “Did some work,” she took a sip of her drink. “Hung out with a few friends.” She gave a little laugh. “What is this question Tess time?”

  “Well, don't you think I should be told you were going?” I snapped. She was really beginning to irritate me. I watched her roll her eyes and that was it. Something exploded inside me. I slammed my glass back down on the bar.

  “You really don't care, do you?” I felt my hand clench into a fist, she was driving me mad. The way she could just stand there as if nothing was wrong, her expression blank and not a flicker of emotion in her eyes. I closed my eyes and tried to get rid of the fire burning through me. She obviously wasn't worth all my time, thoughts or even worthy of me.

  “I have to go” I calmly breathed. Although, I knew another argument was already lined up for me when Jo got home. I could deal with her. At least she had a heart and a conscience. I turned round and headed towards the door.

  “Wait!” Tess was now behind me and her hand grabbed hold of my wrist. “You think I don't care about us and what happened?” I didn't turn to look at her, but my heart did skip a beat. “Well... Ryder, you're wrong” her voice had an edge to it, like she was fighting back tears.

  Now, I knew I couldn't look at her. There was something that made it difficult for me to deal with crying girls. The amount of times I had tried to avoid Jo when she had been crying. However, she always managed to pull at my heart strings and I had to comfort her.

  “I haven't stopped thinking about it,” she let go of my wrist. “Do you know how hard it was for me to leave that morning? Do you know how hard it was for me to call you tonight?”

  She had caught my attention and I slowly turned to look at her. Her hands were in her hair and her eyes moving rapidly from side to side. I didn't say anything, I wanted to listen to her speak and explain. I wanted her side of what she thought was going on.

  “This is all new to me and I am scared... You don't want anything from me. The way you look at me takes my breath away. I am not sure if I could handle another person in my life!”

  “What?” I bellowed, shaking my head. I held my hand up. I couldn't listen to anymore of her feeble excuses. “So, you like me and you feel something for me?” I was saying her points out loud, hopefully to make some sense of the crap she had just said. “But, you're scared because it's new and you don't want to add me to your hectic schedule?”

  Her eyes opened wide. “Okay,” she shrugged. “I am not very good at explaining things... You sort of understand what I am trying to get out.”


  “No?” She sounded upset and looked lost.

  I made my way over to her and moved a strand of hair away from her face. I now felt sorry for her. She was more clueless than I was.

  “You're right. I don't want anything from you. Why can't you forget about your work when you're with me?” My fingertip gently lifted her chin so now our eyes were locked. “Just be yourself, please.” I leaned down and placed my lips on hers.


  The phone was ringing. I slowly opened my eyes and found Tess lying against my chest with the blanket wrapped round her. The phone was still ringing. I slowly woke up and realized that it was my mobile on the bedside cabinet ringing. With my free hand I reached over and grabbed my phone. Fuck! It was my dad. I sat up, waking Tess in the process and answered the phone.

  “Dad,” I greeted him.

  “How long does it take for you to answer the phone, Ryder?” I could tell he was angry. “Anyway, I want you at my house tonight. Your sister had come to visit and we are having dinner. I called Jo and invited her.”

  “Okay,” I quickly said, my eyes looked down at Tess and she looked beautiful. Her big blue eyes staring up at me with a perfect smile on her face. “Could I bring someone?” The words left my mouth before I realized.

  “If you want. 7 and don't be late!” The line went dead and I gave a breath of relief that he hadn't asked any questions. I put my phone down and lay back down next to Tess. I pulled her back into me and her head rested on my chest again.

  “That was my dad” I laughed, as my fingers played with her soft blonde hair. “My sister is in town and he is having some dinner thing.” I gave an awkward cough. “Would you like to come with me?”

  “Yes,” she sat up a little and she was beaming. “I would love to come and meet your family.” She kissed me sweetly on the cheek. “Thank you.”

  I finally decided to go home. I wasn't sure what I was going to go home to. After last night with Tess, I didn't really care what she was going to say. I opened the front door and Jo was sitting in the living room with Ryan right next to her. They were both still in their nightwear eating breakfast in front of the TV.

  “Hi,” I mumbled, as I put my keys in their usual place. I could feel both pairs of eyes glaring at me. Neither one of them spoke to me as I made the walk of shame to my room. I had been rather foolish last night. I didn't know what had gotten into me. I didn't want to be with Jo, she was my best friend and I loved her too much to lose her. It was him really that was the problem. Deep down I knew he would hurt her again and I didn't want to stand around and let it happen.

  I walked into my room and fell on to my bed. I could sleep for a hundred years alcohol and a late night were not exactly a good combination. I was going to avoid any drink tonight, especially if Tess was going to be with me. I didn't want to make a fool of myself.

  There was a tap on my bedroom door and Jo walked in, her face cold and nostrils flaring slightly. She was still very anger with me, which I had already gathered from the no reply when I walked in. I sat up and was going to take whatever she said to me. After all it was my fault.

  “No apology?” She snarled, her arms were now folded and she was tapping her foot.

  “I’m sorry for the way I behaved last night, Jo. I was out of order” I looked down at my hands. She always had this way of making me feel like a child. Sometimes I deserved it, I liked the way she could keep me in line.

  I slowly looked back up and now she was smiling. She ran over and wrapped her arms round my neck. She caught me off guard and fell back onto the bed with her falli
ng on top of me.

  “So?” She was now looking down at me with a raised perfect eyebrow. “Where did you go last night?”

  I placed my hands behind my head. “Well... I got the call!!”

  “Really?” She climbed off me and lay down beside me. “How did it go?”

  A cheesy grin plastered my face as I thought at last night. “Amazing, Jo. She is really starting to open up to me and I invited her to my dad's tonight.”

  She grabbed hold of my hand and gave it a big squeeze. “Oh Ryder, that's great. Do you think she is the one?”

  I gave a hysterical laugh. “Jesus! The one? It's a little early to start thinking about that.” Then curiousness hit me. I turned to face her leaning on my elbow. “When did you think that Ryan was the one?”

  Her cheeks flushed a little and her eyes went dreamy. “Immediately” she sighed. “When he walked into the bar and asked for that beer, I knew.”

  “Beer and a walk?” I shrugged. “Sounds like good husband material!”

  She playfully pushed my shoulder and sat up. “See, I knew you wouldn't understand.” She placed a hand on her chest. “I know and that is really all that matters” she paused for a bit. I knew she was in deep thought about Ryan. “Why is your dad having this dinner?” She had returned back to normality.

  “Lara,” I turned my nose up at the sound of my older sister's name. Every so often she would turn up with a new boyfriend or when she needed more money for another investment. Of course Lara could do no wrong, she was the perfect one and she loved to rub my face in it. “Wonder what her excuse is this time?”

  Jo made her way over to the door and leaned against the frame. She started giggling to herself. “Why are you even bothered about her? Once everyone see Tess Oliver on your arm, it will be Lara Hilton who?” She gave her big smile and skipped off. She was right. Maybe I would actually surprise my dad. I looked at the bedside clock, not long and Tess would be here. Something told me tonight was going to be good.


  I could seriously kill Jo sometimes. I had to wait a whole hour to get into the bathroom and when I finally had a shower the water was cold. I decided to wear the suit Tess had brought for that charity event a few weeks back. I was just sorting out my tie when my bedroom door opened.

  “God, Jo!” I said in annoyance. “Don't you bother to knock anymore?” I turned round and there she was, once again in my room. She looked amazing dressed in a long sleek black dress, her hair piled on her head with a few loose strains. “Wow!” It was all my brain and mouth seemed to be able to deal with.

  She gave a little twirl. “I take it you approve?”

  “Tess,” I couldn't take my eyes off her. Everything about her drew me in. I kept my fingers crossed hoping the sweating wouldn't begin. For some absurd reason it seemed to be a major problem when Tess was in my presence. “You look beautiful.” She gave a proud smile, wasn't she use to people telling her how wonderful she looked? From the smile I felt like I was the first person to ever tell her.

  She walked slowly over to me, placing her tiny hands on my chest. Her scent was starting things off again. We didn't have time to deal with my arousal.

  “You look mighty handsome, Ryder” she whispered. I swallowed hard, her speaking in that voice didn't exactly help my situation. I grabbed hold of her hand and dragged her out of my room, hoping Jo was in the living room. It was empty, I looked at Tess shocked.

  “They left when I got here,” she was looking down at the floor. “I'm getting the feeling you don't want to be alone with me.”

  The shock hit me. She could read me really well. “No!” I shook my head and our eyes met, I now felt very embarrassed. “It's just,” I raised an eyebrow and took in another glance of Tess in that dress. “Your dress” I pointed. “It's doing things to my body and I haven't got time to deal with the problem.”

  She started fluttering her eyelashes and her hands started running up and down my chest. The blood started to pump south and the indiscreet thoughts filled my mind. I stood up, just to find some air to breathe again. “Is it that bad?” She laughed.

  “Yes,” I gasped. “Come, we better go.”

  “Rain check?”

  A massive smile hit my face. “Oh yes.”

  My father had gone all out, waiters with champagne, other waiters handing out food. A little band singing all Lara's favourite songs. It was actually sick. You would have thought she was his only child. All my dad's work friends were there, including Mr Young, who I just nodded to. I didn't care. I was more interested in everyone staring at the woman on my arm.

  “Hi,” said a cheerful voice, it was Jo coming up to us with that dickhead. His eyes blatantly staring at Tess. They stopped in front of us. “Ryder, are you not going to introduce us to your date?”

  I narrowed my eyes, why? She knew who Tess was and Tess knew who Jo was. Her green eyes glared at me. I rolled my eyes. “Tess, this is my roommate Jo.”

  Tess held out her hand. “Wonderful to meet you,” she smiled. “Wow, you're more beautiful in the flesh.”

  I watched Jo's cheeks flush a little. “Thank you. Um, we will catch you around later.” With that Jo dragged Ryan away with her.

  “Oh my god!” I cringed at the voice. She was standing in front of us with her hands on her hips. “How on earth did you manage to pull this off?”

  “Lara,” I spat. “My wonderful sister.”

  She ignored me and looked at Tess. “Is he paying you?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “There is no way someone like you would volunteer to be seen with” she pointed to me. “That!” She shook her head. “Dad, said hurry up dinner is being served.” She strutted off, leaving me fuming.

  “Your sister?” Tess asked as I led her away to the dining hall.

  “Yep, the one and only” I snarled. “I don't bother with her very much. She seems to think she has some royal status.” We found our seats at the table and sat down. Looked like we were sharing a table with Jo and her boyfriend all night.

  Once again he was staring at Tess, I felt sorry for Jo, and she looked amazing in a ruby coloured ball gown. His eyes should have been on her. I noticed a few men look at Jo with admiration, you couldn't ignore her. Tess was right. She was looking more beautiful than she did in the photos. That creep didn't deserve her. She needed someone who would show off. I wished she would get rid of him.


  Dinner seemed to fly by quickly. All through it Tess and Jo had done nothing but chat. I just remained quiet, every now and then giving Ryan the evils. My own father hadn't bothered to talk to me. He was far too busy introducing Lara to all his business associates.

  After dinner, I and Tess remained at our table watching Jo take over the dance floor. She was in her element and she had attracted a few more admirers.

  “Jo is very nice” Tess smiled. “You like her a lot.”

  I took my eyes off Jo and looked back at Tess. “Of course I like her a lot. She has been my best friend since I was five.”

  She looked down at her hands. “I see the way you have looked at her tonight. You stare at her very lovingly. Your eyes soften just by the sound of her voice.”

  I shifted nervously in my seat. “What are you trying to say?”

  She raised an eyebrow. “You don't know?”

  “Know what?” I was very confused with where this was leading.

  “You're madly in love with her,” she smiled.

  My eyes looked back over at Jo... This was the night my whole life changed!!

  Chapter Six

  Yeah, I was in the dark

  Tess's words kept swirling around my head. Tess was away for a few days, which came at a good time. Although, I still had to live with Jo this was causing me much discomfort. I was trying really hard to avoid her, when we did end up in the same room I never knew what to say. It was weird, as I had never had this problem before and I wasn't even sure Tess's statement was true. If a complete stranger could come out and say tha
t... Were we living in denial?

  She was best friend and had been since I was five; my first day at school, in the middle of the playground I tripped up in front of everyone. Jo was the only one who didn't laugh and helped me get up. She had been my rock through High School, I dealt with her break ups and she dealt with my whining about girls, Lara and my dad. I couldn't live without her...

  Maybe that's why I felt protective over her. I needed her near me to keep her safe. Then on the other hand, I couldn't possibly think of existing in a world without her. I let out a deep breath and carried on staring at my coffee cup.

  “Morning,” her voice made me jump. I watched as she sat down at the kitchen table and poured herself some juice. “Are you seeing Tess today?” I just shook my head. I could feel her eyes burning into me. I wanted to jump up and run off. “Ryder?”

  “Mmmm” I finally removed my eyes off the cup and to her, pretending I had just noticed she was talking to me. “Did you say something?”

  She rolled her eyes. “What is wrong with you? For the last couple of days you have been acting weird.” She started drinking her juice. Great, she had caught on. Why was I being weird about what Tess had said? When I came to think about it everyone I knew assumed me and Jo were together. Not one of them had ever stated I was in love with her. She slammed her glass down and jumped up.

  “Don't bother!” She snapped and walked out.

  I rested my head on the table and let out an agonizing scream. God, what was going on? This was stupid, I could tell Jo anything and now I was treating her like a stranger. I had to tell her before this got really out of hand. I knew she would probably laugh at me and tell me I was over thinking--- which was normally the reason.

  I got up and went in search for Jo. Just like every morning she was sprawled over bed with her laptop. She was such a social-networking freak. I just stood in the doorway and watched. I tilted my head to the side and that's when I noticed, how amazingly stunning she was. She was pouting slightly. Her full pink lips were in luring. I wondered how mine would feel against hers.