Read Wild Desire Page 30

  Surprised, Bea wasn’t sure how to respond. Of course she had to go back, didn’t she?

  Fran winked, then started toward the door. “I can see it in your eyes, me dear.” She paused at the door. “And your eyes say you’re not ready to return.”

  Bea stiffened, her mind in turmoil. Was it so obvious?

  “Good night, Bea.” The woman pulled open the door. “And really, try a stroll through the gardens. Perhaps you’ll find the answer to your questions there.”

  The door shut, leaving Bea to her thoughts. Answers to what questions? Curious, she glanced toward the gardens. A stroll would be quite welcome and the grass looked so soft and inviting, compared to the dry dirt they’d been traveling over for days. Taking in a deep breath, she moved outside, pausing on the terrace, the stone cool through her thin slippers. Yes, she supposed the fresh air did help to clear her mind.

  Beyond the wall, the village was quiet, the house dark but for her own bedchamber lantern throwing a pattern of gold across the rosebushes below. In the middle of the garden, a barely visible arbor was covered with white jasmine, promising repose.

  Bea’s body felt restless, eager to move. She rested her hand on the marble railing, intent on going down the steps, but froze as a shiver raced over her skin. She sensed him before she actually saw him, the same heated shimmer she’d felt before when he was near.

  Her breath hitched, her heart slamming wildly against her chest. Slowly she turned her head and met his gaze. Only a stone’s throw away, Colin stood at the bottom of the shallow steps. Call it instinct, call it desire, but she couldn’t seem to stop her feet from moving. She started down the stairs, pausing only when her feet sank into the damp grass.

  “You should be abed.”

  She wanted to laugh at his ridiculous comment. Abed? As if she could sleep with him so near. He’d bathed. His hair curled damply against his neck in a way that taunted her fingers. His white linen shirt hung lose, unbuttoned at the neck. Had he been waiting for her? He looked relaxed and completely unconcerned. For some reason, that annoyed her. She wanted him restless. She wanted him anxious … anxious for her.

  “I’m not tired.” And it was the truth. Suddenly, exhaustion seemed to have disappeared. She tilted her chin high and feigned interest in a nearby rosebush. Blast him! Why couldn’t he even pretend to be interested in her? Had he gotten over her so easily? Had their time spent together meant so little that—

  “Please, Bea, go to bed.”

  His soft voice surprised her and her attention jumped to him. “Why?”

  “Because if you don’t …” His throat worked, as if he wasn’t quite sure how to go on.

  Her heart thundered madly in her chest. “If I don’t … what will happen?”

  He turned his back to her, his hands fisted at his sides. She knew everything, everything, hinged on his next words.

  “Damn it, Bea, don’t tempt me to be the rake.”

  Bea felt dizzy, her mind spinning, her emotions in turmoil. He wanted her. The realization thrilled her in a way she couldn’t begin to describe. He wanted her. But it was obvious by the stiff line of his back that he didn’t want to want her. Bea took in a deep, shuddering breath.

  “Nonsense. I tempt no one,” Bea whispered, surprised she could speak. “Besides, you’re the one lurking beneath my window.”

  She started toward him, her slippers resisting softly against grass blades, knowing that every step closer brought her to her goal. Knowing that every step closer brought her to her demise.

  With his back still to her, he rested his palms on the wall of the home, his head hung low, as if ashamed. “You’re right. I’m to blame. But do you have any idea how hard it is to say no to you?” He turned to face her, his gaze pleading, and at the same time he looked almost angry. “How you tempt me, yet never fulfill?”

  Bea couldn’t seem to catch her breath. He was blaming her? Anger warred with frustration. “I’ve never stopped you.”

  He blinked, surprised by her answer.

  Emboldened, Bea stepped closer, so close she could feel his harsh breath across her forehead. “Never once have I told you to stop.”

  “You don’t know what you’re saying.”

  “I’m not an idiot, Colin. I know what I want. I want you.” Dear God, had the words really slipped from her lips? Bea resisted the urge to blush. Resisted the urge to take the words back. Resisted the urge to flee to her room. Too late. She’d spoken the truth and she wouldn’t recant.

  Instead of surprise, the only thing that seemed to flash behind Colin’s gaze was anger. Without a glance her way, Colin stalked toward the gardens, his hands fisted. “You’re a virgin, for God’s sake. An innocent virgin and you don’t understand the repercussions of your actions.”

  She laughed, a taunting sound. She was tired of people controlling her life. Tired of people telling her what she wanted and didn’t want. She wanted Colin, and damn it, she was going to make sure he knew. If their relationship didn’t work, it wouldn’t be because of her. She lifted the hem of her robe and started after him.

  “Just because I want you doesn’t make me a fool.”

  He spun around to face her. “Then what does it make you?”

  Bea stumbled to a halt. She wasn’t sure what he implied, but she knew it couldn’t be good. There was a hardness in his eyes that she didn’t like, an accusation that bothered her. Without another word, he started past her, headed no doubt to his own chamber, where he would lock the door on his emotions. He’d left her before; he wouldn’t do so again. Angry, Bea reached out, latching on to his hand, hoping he didn’t notice the tremble of her fingers.

  He froze as if her touch were poison. “If you don’t …”

  “What?” Bea taunted with a confidence she didn’t exactly feel. “If I don’t let go, what will you do, Colin?”

  His free hand settled on her waist and he jerked her forward. Bea’s palms flattened to his hard chest, a gasp parting her lips.

  “This, Bea. I’ll do this.” His mouth crushed to hers. This was no sweet, innocent kiss. Colin’s mouth was demanding, just as Bea wanted him. He tasted sweet, of fruits and wine.

  His muscled arms tightened around her waist, pulling her so close, she could feel every wild beat of his heart against her breasts. When he thrust his tongue into her mouth, any little resistance Bea held shattered. She sank into his body, giving in to her desires. That was when he pulled back.

  With his steely gaze on hers, his hands fell to the belt around her waist. “You want me? You shall have me.”

  Chapter 24

  His words worried as much as they excited her. Even though she attempted to take a step back, her body shivered in anticipation of the thought of Colin’s hands on her.

  “Colin, I …”

  He reached for the knife on his thigh. Bea sucked in a sharp breath. Before she could protest, he’d cut the belt of her robe and brushed the silky material from her body. The gown fluttered to the ground, pooling around her ankles and leaving her naked and exposed.

  “Colin,” Bea whispered, flustered, her gaze jumping around the dark corners of the garden, making sure they were truly alone. “You don’t have to …”

  He tossed his knife to the ground and cupped the sides of her face. Without pause, he was kissing her again. It wasn’t right. He was angry. She was naked, in someone else’s garden. It wasn’t right, yet she couldn’t seem to dredge up the energy to explain that to Colin.

  The pressure of his body leaning into hers tilted her backward, but instead of hitting the ground, she was suddenly scooped up into Colin’s arms. He didn’t look at her as their kiss broke, but remained focused ahead, focused on his apparent goal. Confused and feeling timid, Bea wrapped her arms around his neck and peeked up at him through her lashes.

  His gaze was set forward, his jaw locked in determination as he stomped toward the jasmine-covered arbor. Noting the fierce look in his eyes, she didn’t dare demand an explanation. No, she knew exactly what he wa
s going to do, and even though she knew she should tell him to stop, she didn’t really want to.

  Charming, laughing, taunting Colin was gone. Yet she still wanted him. He laid her down upon a cushioned fainting couch that had been placed romantically under the arbor. Laid out like an offering to the night, she was exposed, completely naked, but Colin didn’t say a word. There was no compliment, no gentle words to ease her worries. There was merely a man and a woman, giving in to their baser needs.

  Slowly, he undressed, his gaze pinned to her the entire time. Moonlight filtered through the vines, highlighting the muscled planes of his chest. Buttons undone, he pulled his shirt loose and tossed it aside, his chest gloriously unveiled.

  And just when she had decided to enjoy his touch, Bea grew nervous. Her breath hitched, her heart racing madly. His hands fell to his waistband and her nerves grew frayed. His feet were already bare, and with a quick flick of his fingers, his trousers fell to the ground. He was naked. Completely naked. Like one of Shiva’s marble statues come to life. Bea couldn’t seem to breathe, couldn’t seem to catch hold of a rational thought. Her gaze slid down his chest to that erection jutting out hard and large.

  “Is this what you want, Bea?” He settled on the couch, looming over her, a hand on each side of her hips, trapping her. Slowly, he crawled upward, inch by inch. An animal about to pounce. The heat in his gaze held her captive, even as she felt, what could only be, his hard erection brush between her thighs.

  “Is it?” he demanded, pausing when his face was only inches from hers.

  She swallowed and gave a quick nod of her head, realizing there was no going back now.

  “Then you shall have me.” He lowered his body, his muscled form molding to hers as his mouth crushed to her lips.

  Roughly, his knee nudged between her legs, parting her thighs. Hips to hips, his erection nestled heavy and hard against that aching spot. Frozen, Bea merely lay there while he nibbled her lips. She didn’t know what to do, what to say. Didn’t even know if she really wanted this.

  Colin’s thumb rested on her chin, and with a little pressure, he opened her mouth. His tongue swept inside, making quick work of seduction. Heat shot through Bea’s core. Any reluctance fled. Her tongue met his, rubbing and thrusting until the ache between her legs flared. This was what she’d wanted the moment they’d kissed that night in Delhi.

  Lost to her heady desires, Bea wrapped her arms around his neck, arching her back to bring him closer. Instead, Colin pulled away. His mouth rested near the side of her head, his harsh breath stirring the hairs near her temple. She was just about to demand he kiss her again when his tongue swept out, tracing the delicate shell of her ear. Bea quivered. He moved lower, his lips pressing to her neck, lower still to that valley between her breasts.

  Above, just through the vines, stars twinkled like brilliant diamonds laid upon the goddess of night. Of promises to come. Over her own harsh breathing, Bea could hear insects chirping a symphony of seduction. She closed her eyes, reveling in the sensation of Colin’s lips on her. She wanted this. She’d wanted Colin for so long. She had him now. Perhaps not exactly as she wanted him.

  No, he wasn’t on his knees confessing his love, but he was here, now, and that was all that mattered at the moment. And why not enjoy the moment? After all, if her family had taught her anything, it was that good moments never lasted and so she should enjoy them while they came.

  Colin’s warm hand rested low on her belly, shocking Bea from her thoughts. His thumb brushed across the soft curls at the junction of her thighs and her body caught fire. Slowly, he lifted his head, his eyes dark and fathomless in the night.

  “Do you want this, Bea? Do you like it when I touch you here?” He slid his knuckle between her damp folds.

  Bea bit her lower lip. He was taunting her. Trying to teach her a lesson as his finger teased. She didn’t care. “Yes, please.”

  Two fingers replaced the one. Slowly, he slid them into her tight sheath. Bea sucked in a sharp breath, resisting the urge to arch her back and take him in farther.

  “So polite. So English,” he murmured, a wicked smile upon his lips, but there was no mirth in his eyes.

  The flush of desire mixed with heated embarrassment. Bea turned her head, trying to hide her face in the cushions of the settee.

  There was nowhere she could hide from Colin. He leaned closer, his chest pressing to her breasts. “Would you be so polite if my tongue replaced my fingers?”

  His wicked words sent a thrilling chill through her body, but his fingers, oh dear Lord, his fingers were working a magic that made her want to beg for more.

  Bea curled her fists, her nails biting into her palms as she resisted the urge to reply.

  Colin leaned forward and licked the side of her neck. “Say please, Bea.”

  She whimpered, but kept her lips pressed tightly together. Somehow he’d gotten the upper hand in this seduction. She knew he wanted her as much as she wanted him and she wouldn’t beg, not like this.

  His mouth captured her right breast while his free hand cupped her left. Bea gasped, her eyes opening as tendrils of pure delight swept through her body. The ache between her legs intensified, coiling tightly as her breasts grew heavy.

  Colin moved lower, his lips pressing against her belly. “Say pretty, pretty please.”

  With a groan, she sat upright and pushed at his shoulders. He didn’t budge. Suddenly, she was overwhelmed … by his strength so apparent in the sinewy muscles that refused to move, by her own emotions so consuming and utterly destroying. “Damn you, Colin!”

  He lifted his head and crushed his mouth to hers. With his body and weight, he pressed her back into the settee, his heavy form holding her captive. His fingers, like manacles, latched on to her wrists. With a growl low in this throat, he lifted her arms and jerked them above her head, pinning them to the cushions. This wasn’t the Colin she’d come to know.

  “Tell me you still want me,” he demanded against her mouth.

  She turned her head, refusing to respond, but her body answered for her. Her breath came out in sharp, hot pants. She knew what this domination act was about. He was trying to frighten her. He wanted her to say no, to stop this madness. His knees nudged between her legs, spreading her thighs once more.

  “Say it.”

  She lifted her chin and met his gaze, determined he wouldn’t win. “I still want you.” The words left her lips in a rush of air.

  She couldn’t deny the truth. She couldn’t hold back her emotions any longer. She wanted him and she feared she always would.

  She felt him shudder right before he lowered his mouth. “Damn you.”

  He crushed his lips to hers and his fingers found the soft curls at the junction of her thighs once more. As his tongue thrust into her mouth, his fingers thrust into her tight sheath.

  White-hot need burst to life. Bea arched, arching her hips higher as her hands moved down his sleek back. She wanted more, more of him, all of him.

  Frustration burned low in her belly, mixing with the deep ache and producing a desire that was uncontrollable. With a groan, Bea shifted, drawing his fingers deeper. She couldn’t seem to get close enough, needed more … Desperate, Bea slid her arms around his neck, her fingers tugging on the strands of his hair until he lifted his head. Colin’s hips shifted and she felt the tip of his arousal press to her folds. Breathless, wanting, she met his gaze and knew this time he wouldn’t stop. This time he’d enter her fully.

  Her heart sped up. With his eyes still locked to hers, Colin lowered his hips. His shaft slipped between her folds, sliding easily toward her entrance. Slowly, he stretched the walls of her sheath. It didn’t hurt, but it wasn’t exactly what she’d been expecting. Suddenly nervous, Bea’s fingernails dug into his back, and she took her lower lip between her teeth. Perhaps she should explain that she wasn’t quite ready after all. Perhaps …

  With a low growl, Colin arched his back and thrust deep into her with swift determination. A slight st
ing interrupted the confusing reality of the moment. Shocked, Bea merely lay there, realizing it was done. She was no longer a virgin. She was completely and utterly ruined.

  Colin paused then, his chin resting against her forehead, his breath harsh and loud, his body heavy. Tentatively, Bea shifted, testing the feel of him buried inside her. There, just below the shock, that ache resided, waiting … taunting.

  “This is what you wanted.” Colin said the words as if proving a point, as if she’d regret her decision.

  She didn’t. She wouldn’t.

  Angry, she slid her fingers into his hair and jerked his head down, taking his lips. At the same time, she arched her hips, sending his shaft deeper. This time, instead of pain, she felt only an aching pull deep within her womb … a heady need for fulfillment.

  Colin groaned against her lips, his own hands slipping under her bottom, cupping her backside and pulling her up closer to him. Instinct made Bea slip her legs around his. Slowly, he moved, rocking against her. Bea’s need flared, her nails digging into his shoulders.

  “Please, Colin, please.”

  His thrusts became hard, faster, setting up a rhythm that sent her body tingling. Bea lifted, meeting him thrust for thrust. Again and again, he drove into her, sending a feverish spiral of need through her body. She would explode, the ache too deep, too tight. She wanted it to end, yet never wanted to stop. Finally, her body tightened. Bea arched, Colin’s mouth found hers, trapping her shout. Her sheath tightened and Bea burst into that heady bliss of sexual release.

  Every muscle in his body seemed to harden. Bea arched, for some reason needing to take him deeper. With a final cry, Colin thrust into her. She felt his seed, warm and wet, enter her body. For some reason, the sensation sent her muscles quivering with renewed pleasure.