Read Wild Fire Page 28


  The war was waging, the blood falling from the skies. I have been here before. This was the dream that I had when we were in Dallas. I was wielding my flaming sword against the Queen’s Army. I swung once and my opponent fell. I swung again and another fell. Then I see her, our eyes meet, and she smiles at me wickedly. This is what she wanted the whole time. A chance to end me once and for all. I felt a presence coming up behind me. I swing around my blade tearing through something soft. I look up and into a set of blue eyes. My blade had torn through the torso of my love. Wesley looked at me gasping a smile playing on his lips.

  “Thank you.” He said as he fell. I screamed as fire erupted around me. Pain, searing pain, breaks through my heart and I scream.

  “Wesley!” I woke up screaming his name. I felt like I was dying. This was worse than when he had broken the contract the bonded us together. This was the pain of taking the life of the one I loved.

  My door flew open and Shawn was at my side his eyes dark as night his mouth tight. He was at the side of my bed in seconds his eyes changing back to normal upon seeing that I was alone.

  “Did you see it?” I asked him softly my heart racing.

  “Yes.” He answered me his hands finding my face. “I saw it all.”

  “Why am I having these dreams?” I whispered wanting to cry.

  “I don’t know. I thought you were being hijacked.” Shawn said quietly his forehead leaning against mine. I saw a light and suddenly he pulled his forehead away. “These are just daydreams. Possible visions I suppose. I will find out Dawn. You will not take Wesley’s life.”

  “I couldn’t. Even if I wanted to. I could never kill the man that I love.” I sobbed.

  “You could if the time demanded it. If you knew it was your only chance to save humanity.” He held my hand tightly. “Sleep Dawn. You only have a few hours till you need to wake. I will keep watch. These dreams will not plague you again tonight.”

  “Thank you.” I said as sleep called to me again. “I am lucky to have you as a brother.”

  “No, it is I that am the lucky one to have you as my sister.” Those were the last words I heard before I was pulled back into a dreamless sleep.