Read Wild Fire Page 29


  My alarm went off at six that morning and I grumbled reaching for it to turn it off. Shawn was across the room asleep in a chair. He must have drug it upstairs after the nightmare either that or he created it from the world around him. My brother was talented that way.

  I got up quietly and grabbed a spare blanket from my closet and throwing it over Shawn. He said a muffled thank you and went back to snoring. This was one of the perks, I suppose, of having a brother like him. Always having a telepathic link, having conversations for the first time without actually speaking.

  I got dressed quickly in a black pair of flare legged hip huggers and a red short sleeved baby doll shirt. Throwing on my combat boots I was ready to go. I left the room with a skip knowing that today was going to be a good day. I had spared Adam of his feelings for me and I could hopefully put behind me the bad blood that had been created between Rose and myself.

  “Dawn!” Adam’s voice rang out behind me and I turned afraid of what I would see. Instead of anger at me for having my brother mess with his memories he looked happy.

  “Hey.” I smiled at him.

  “How’d you sleep?” He asked standing at my side.

  “Quite well.” I lied.

  “I went to bed troubled about something, but woke up no longer worried. In fact I don’t even remember what it was that troubled me.” He looked lost for a second then looked at me.

  “Well I suppose it’s good that you do not remember.” I laughed nervously. I was glad that Shawn’s magic had worked, yet worried that Adam would remember before it was time for him to pull those memories.

  “I suppose. Rose is already downstairs, I just wanted to make sure to see you. You know it’s odd having a girlfriend again. I looked at Rose this morning and couldn’t figure out why she wanted to be with me in the first place. So glad she came back with us.” He was rambling, this was the Adam that I remembered. I had my best friend back.

  “Breakfast?” I asked him as I looped my arm through his.

  “Of course. I could eat a horse right now. Not that I would ever eat a horse of course.” He raised an eye brow. I knew he had noticed what he just said.

  “I can make us some bacon and eggs.” I grinned. “Maybe some toast.”

  “That sounds great but I think Rose was going to make me breakfast this morning.” He laughed. “Did you hear what I just said? My girlfriend is going to make me breakfast. That’s just funny.”

  I rolled my eyes. OK so it was nice to have Adam back but Rose was still a thorn in my side. Why couldn’t the fourth have been some mousy girl into books and historical reenactments? I heard a hysterical giggle knowing that Shawn was finding this amusing.

  “Just means more for me.” I teased as I broke free from him and took off laughing into the kitchen.

  He wasn’t kidding Rose had managed to pull quite a meal together for the two of them. She placed the two plates on the table and smiled at Adam as he entered the room. He raced over and kissed her briefly before sitting down with her and digging in. I decided that I was just going to have cereal instead of the large breakfast I had described to Adam. I finished my bowl before they finished their feast and took off to the study in hopes of being one of the first to get there.

  I was never this punctual while in school it was different now there was an actual reason that I was needed here and it wasn’t so the teacher could glare at me or become possessed and try and threaten me.

  “Dawn.” Max’s voice said as he entered the room. He was well dressed and walking erect. “You are early.”

  “When you say early you mean like five minutes right?” I asked smiling. I liked Max, there was something about the man that made me feel happier. He probably wore a cologne that made the people around him feel like they were on cloud nine.

  “More like twenty.” He took a seat next to me. My father had the desk pushed against the wall and a large table put in that took up most of the room in the office.

  “I can deal with that.” I laughed.

  “You are quite odd.” He raised an eyebrow.

  “You are not the first to say that.” I grinned wide. What was going on with me?

  “I can believe that.” He clapped his hands together.

  “Why do you say that I am odd?” I asked with an urgency to know.

  “Not many women would be willing to risk their lives to save a boy that just happen to fall in love with.” Max looked flabbergasted.

  ”It’s not just because I love him. There are other factors.” I said softly.

  “There are always other factors. What is it about this boy?” He asked. “What makes him so special?”

  “He is the only boy that I have loved. I mean there are those that I have cared about.” I explained.

  “Like the boy that was here the other day. The one that came with the Incubus’.” He grinned at me.

  “Just like the boy that was here.” I laughed. “I never meant to claim Aaron. I also never meant to bring him into this world. I was hoping that he would live his life blind to everything. I also thought he would break the contract we had long before being turned.”

  “Sometimes we don’t mean to do things, fate just has a way of determining what is going to happen.” He touched my hand.

  “I just don’t want Wesley to live his life in a place he doesn’t want to be. He tried to get away from Miranda but she sought him out. She needed his bloodline for a reason. We just found out the hard way what that reason was. Now all those poor people are dead. So it’s not just for him it’s for them as well. Someone has to speak for those that cannot speak for themselves.” I looked at him and he seemed impressed.

  “That is true young one. Which solidifies what I just said. You are an odd one Ms. Weathers.” He gave my hand another pat as others began to pile into the room.