Read Wild Fire Page 52


  “Miss Prudence?” The voice was outside my tent. I glanced at Marshall who had passed out on the couch and smiled to myself.

  “Yes?” I asked trying to sound a bit miffed by the intrusion.

  “Lilly wishes to see you in her tent.” The voice shook. I had apparently struck fear in the unknown being.

  “Give me a moment.” I checked my shoes and greeted the young man standing outside my tent with a frown.

  “This way.” The boy said slowly as he turned and walked through the rows of tents. We came upon another large tent and he opened the flap. Everything was red inside. A single cage sat in the corner of the room its contents not present.

  “Welcome to the camp.” Miranda’s voice was annoyed the moment she saw me. I looked at her and narrowed my eyes. The anger was slowly starting to build again and I attempted to push it back down.

  “Thank you for having me.” I said politely but there was an edge to my voice.

  “I didn’t have much of a choice. My mother insisted that I bring you here.” She grumbled.

  “Remind me to thank her then.” I bit at her. She looked shocked but then motioned for me to sit.

  “My mother does not come here.” Miranda said slowly. “She finds that being in the presence of the prisoners only makes her anxious.”

  “I could see that.” I agreed as I took a seat next to her.

  “May I offer you a beverage?” She asked politely.

  “Yes please.” I accepted her generosity and she snapped her fingers. A boy appeared behind her carrying a tray. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. The shirt was tattered and torn the jeans with holes in the knees. His feet were bare and cut, when he walked he favored his right foot.

  “This is Wesley.” The boy’s eyes shot up and locked with mine. He looked well enough but I could tell he was still human, at least for now.

  How could I not have seen it the moment he came into view? He looked thin. His blue eyes were dull and lacked their usual sparkle.

  “Good day.” I said to the boy and looked back at Miranda.

  “Is there anything else I could get for you?” He asked robotically looking over at me. My heart pounded but I hid the excitement.

  “No. You may go back to your drawings.” She shooed him away my eyes lingered on him as he left.

  “You like?” Miranda asked raising an eyebrow.

  “He’s a bit battered but quite attractive.” I answered her.

  “He’s the one that saw you.” She said simply handing me a can of Diet Coke. Though I was used to the taste I still longed for something else.

  “Oh, so he’s the Harbinger?” I asked pointing in the direction he had gone.

  “Yes. I snatched him out from under that Fire Warden. That boy would do anything to keep her safe. He forgets who owned him before she came along.” Miranda growled and her eyes flashed red.

  “I’m hearing a lot about this Fire girl.” I moaned making it sound like it wasn’t something I was enjoying.

  “What can I say about her that doesn’t sound like I want to murder her?” Miranda thought for a second. “She’s going to destroy the hybrid nation if she gets a chance to. Wesley doesn’t know how she brainwashed him.”

  MORE LIES!!! Why was she so hell bent on lying about me? I had done nothing wrong when it came to Wesley. She was the one that stepped in and took him. I never even fought with her over it. I let her do it! Maybe that was the problem. I let him go to easily.

  “She sounds like a pest.” I said narrowing my eyes and turning up my nose.

  “She’s a thorn in my side.” Miranda laughed. For a second I saw a side of her I had never seen before.

  “So is the boy yours?” I asked licking my lips as if I was wishing for a taste of his soul.

  “I own him yes. I love him some. When it comes to sharing, we may be able to strike a deal for a reasonable favor.” She winked at me.

  “Favor?” I asked dryly. It wasn’t like I was hoping it was money but it really depended on the favor.

  “My blood lust has caused Wesley to nearly die on several occasions. The boy just doesn’t have the same stamina he did three years ago. I need an alternative form of sustenance.” She eyeballed me and I frowned at her.

  “What are you proposing?” I asked crossing my ankles.

  “For you to find me an alternative form of sustenance.” She said simply. I was grateful that was all she wanted. I could help her with that.

  “BOY!” I called loudly through the tent. There was nothing for a moment and then the deteriorated Wesley stepped around the corner and in my view.

  “Yes madam.” He said politely with no emotion in his eyes. He was, for lack of better words, dead.

  “Bring me the biggest pitcher of water you can find.” I demanded and shooed him away.

  “What do you plan?” She asked sitting up and leaning my direction.

  “You shall see.” I winked at her leaning back in my seat and basking in the warmth around me.

  “Once you have achieved the favor give him one night. He should be in peak performance come tomorrow evening.” Miranda seemed delighted that I had taken her up on her favor request. She was far too willing to pass the boy to another woman in hopes of finding an alternative meal.

  Wesley returned a few moments later with a large pitcher in his hands he sat it down on the table before me. I touched his hand politely and thanked him. The moment our skin touched an electricity so strong burst through my nervous system. He looked at me with knowing eyes but only for a second before they died again. I ran my hands over the pitchers tip and down the sides, closing my eyes I said the spell that I had used when on my date with Edmund. I heard a gasp and a giggle. I opened my eyes. It took everything for me to keep a straight face as I looked at her with knowing eyes.

  “Is it?” She asked slowly pointing towards the pitcher. I could see her fangs starting to ascend.

  “One way to find out.” I smiled. “Boy a wine glass please.”

  Wesley moved quicker this time grabbing a crystal goblet from a counter and bringing it to me making sure our skin touched again. The electricity surged again and I had to bite the inside of my mouth so that it wasn’t a noticeable charge to Miranda.

  I shooed him away impatiently grabbing the glass and pouring the thick liquid into it and handed it to her. She greedily put it to her lips and drank. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head and she smiled a red bloody smile.

  “Delicious.” She said in ecstasy. “More.”

  I took the glass form her hands and poured more of the concoction into the cup and handed it back to her. Her face became more and more relaxed as she drank the blood water. Each time she handed me her glass the happier she became. Wesley stood in the corner his eyes locked on the pitcher, then shot to me, and back at the pitcher. She drank the whole thing. Every last drop before she put the glass down and looked at me again.

  “You are a talented witch.” She said greedily. “I shall request that you make more of this for tonight’s feast. Many of my vampire brethren are in need of the same sustenance. They tired of the blood provided by the prisoners. This is less messy and very fulfilling.”

  I looked at Wesley. “Boy, more water. Barrels if you will.” He ran from the tent willing to get me anything I desired.

  “He is yours come tomorrow. As long as you continue to provide this he will remain yours to do as you wish.” She laid back on the couch and breathed heavily.

  “I will provide what I can.” I said slyly. So far this plan was going better than we had anticipated.