Read Wild Fire Page 53


  Tour of Suffering

  I had blessed a good dozen barrels of water by the end of the afternoon. Wesley stood by me with his head bowed awaiting my next order. He said nothing other than simple yes ma’am and did my bidding without question. When the sun set a large bonfire was lit and the members of Miranda’s group gathered round.

  “Tonight we celebrate!” Miranda screamed in her broken English. “Tonight we welcome our newest leader. We welcome Prudence Warren, high priestess of the hybrid commonwealth.”

  The crowd erupted in cheers as red solo cups were passed around to the attendants. Wesley was busy at work filling the cups with the thick red liquid. Those that were not blood drinkers opted for the more realistic beverage or just water. There was roast pig, corn, and bread in abundance. Nobody would leave this feast starving that was for sure.

  I marveled at the idea of being a High Priestess, I honestly never knew that they existed. Nor did I know that the hybrid community had managed to create their own commonwealth. This made me smile indeed.

  Every last barrel was emptied in a matter of hours. Wesley’s tiring from running this way and that carrying food and drink to Miranda’s comrades. Marshall was sitting at my feet his head leaning against my thigh. My hands were threaded in his tresses playing with his hair as the others danced to music provided by dark fairies.

  I actually found myself having fun. I laughed and clapped, danced and sang until the last being decided it was time to sleep. Miranda and I were all that was left when the fire died. She looked content and full as she walked over to sit next to me. Marshall was asleep in my lap.

  “I think you drained all the fun out of him.” She teased pointing at the sleeping boy.

  “He tried to stay awake. He’s had a full day.” I lovingly ran my fingers over his head.

  “You like him?” She asked me curiously.

  “He will do well.” I said looking at her with curiosity.

  “What is it like?” She asked me frowning.

  “What do you mean?” I questioned her my eyes narrowing. There were many things she could be asking.

  “Not caring about anyone but yourself.” She stated.

  “I have those I care about.” I looked at Marshall. “I care for this one.”

  “You have left a path of death and destruction in your journey to get here. Yet you find the time to take a liking to an orphan.” She shook her head. “You are a peculiar woman.”

  “I have been called worse.” I laughed.

  “Well. It is time to get some rest Miss Prudence. Tomorrow we have work to do. I have some holes in the security system and a few of my men are suffering from illness.” She pat me on the shoulder in a friendly manner before leaving me and returning to her tent that sat angled away from the bonfire.

  I sat in the silence of the night staring at the stars above. My mind raced, my heart ached, and Marshall laid there lightly snoring on my leg.

  “Need me to help you?” The male voice came from behind me, I felt a shiver then turned to look at the voice.

  “John.” I said pleasantly. “Please join me. I will move him when I am ready to rest.”

  John took a seat next to me and looked up at the stars. “They are beautiful aren’t they?” He asked without ever looking at me.

  “I have always found the stars to be intriguing.” I said faintly as I followed his gaze.

  “When I was a boy I wanted to be an astronaut. Wanted to be up there with the stars.” He said dreamily. So he wasn’t always a sneering asshole.

  “What changed that?” I asked as I felt his hand inch closer to mine.

  “Eighteen years ago I met a girl in Germany. She enchanted me so that I gave her my soul in exchange for a bright future. That all went up in flames when I murdered my girlfriend.” He looked away but his hand kept inching.

  “We all do things that we either regret. In some cases we may do things that are within our nature.” I smiled at him my eyes were slits.

  “Lilly said you savagely murdered anyone who got in your way.” He said as his hand finally reached mine. I allowed it, though, even with my skin telling me to retract my hand and smack the boy. His pass at me was innocent enough and showed no sign of the devil that I had met in that alley last year.

  “I did what I had to.” I said coldly.

  “Understandably so.” He agreed picking my hand up from the seat and kissing it softly.

  I smiled at the boy and looked at my hand in his. He looked back at me and grinned widely as he leaned his face closer and closer to mine. What was it about men and this appearance? Marshall began to move and my attention was turned to the boy in my lap. He opened his eyes and looked up at me.

  “I’m so sorry milady.” He sat up and rubbed his eyes looking between me and John. “I shall turn the bedcovers down for you. Is there anything else that I can do while I prepare your bed?”

  He kept glancing between me and John and I was growing a bit uncomfortable by the look in his eyes. He was wondering if he needed to turn the bed down for two. I shook my head at him.

  “No, there is no need for anything else. Get what you need from your tent and meet in mine in ten minutes.” I instructed as the boy ran off to do as I told him. I turned back to face John.

  “Has anyone told you how strikingly beautiful you are?” He said caressing my face. I had to bite back the bile that was forming in the back of my throat. I knew if I had John’s trust that Miranda’s wasn’t far behind.

  “The last man I killed said it to me before he died.” I said seductively as my lips brushed his.

  “You are some woman.” He moaned as I pulled away from him and stood.

  “I have been called worse. I must turn in dear John. I will see you in the morning I hope.” I gave him one last smile as I turned to walk away. The idea that I had allowed my lips to touch his made my stomach turn.

  I entered my tent and saw Marshall frantically pulling the comforter from the bed back for me. He looked up at me and smiled.

  “Did you get your things?” I asked walking in and looking around.

  “I have nothing ma’am.” He said softly. My heart bled for the boy.

  “I will have none of that. Bring me that blanket.” I demanded pointing at the cashmere throw that was laying across the back of one of the couches.

  He grabbed it and brought it to me. I looked at the boy and closed my eyes turning the blanket into a comforter meant for a prince. He looked at me confused as I handed it back to him.

  “Thank you Miss Prudence.” He said softly as he ran his fingers over the smooth fabric.

  “My hand servant will not be without luxury.” I growled. “Where were you sleeping?”

  “In the dirt with the rest of my clan.” He held his head low his eyes not meeting mine.

  “You are with me now Marshall.” I softened my voice as I walked towards him putting my hand to his face. “I will take care of you.”

  The promise may have been a bit much. I had no idea what was going to happen to him when I disappeared into the night. For now though he was safe until I could come up with a plan that would keep him in the best of care when it was time for me to go. I walked past him and went to my room behind the see through curtain. Pulling out my silk nightgown I slowly, and deliberately, dressed for bed. I knew his eyes lingered, any boys would have.

  “Goodnight Miss Prudence.” His voice shook from the other side of my make shift room.

  “Goodnight Marshall. Sleep well.” I crawled under the covers and pulled them up to my chin. The mountain air was thin and cool even in the middle of summer.

  “You too ma’am.” He said as the lights around the tent were extinguished. I heard him sigh as he laid down on the couch and not long after the soft snore reached me. I held the pendent around my neck close as sleep took me. The darkness a welcomed friend with a promise of no dreams in the future.