Read Wild Soul Page 1

  Wild Soul


  Kyshena Bowen

  Chapter 1


  “Ugh, need food” I moan. I wiggle out of bed and go downstairs to see what I can eat.

  “Let’s see, leftover chicken, or cereal?” I say to myself. The choice is obvious so I put the chicken in the microwave and sit down. I grab one of my manga books to read while I wait for the chicken to cook. I am reading my favorite manga, Durarara. One of the main reasons I like it is because its setting is in where I live, Ikebukuro, Japan.


  “Whoa!” I yell as I fall off my stool. I turn around to see my cat, Maka (named after an anime character) sitting on a stool next to mine.

  “Maka! You scared me, and now my butt hurts thanks to you!”

  “Meow.” Maka says, still sitting.

  I get up from the floor and sit back in my seat.


  “Oh come on I just sat back down,” I complain. I walk over to the microwave and bring my food to the table. I eat my chicken and occasionally give a piece to Maka.

  “Ok, I’m full, Maka you can have the rest” I dump the remains of the chicken into Maka’s food bowl and go upstairs to get dressed.

  A few minutes later, I hear my mom’s call, “Kagami!”

  “Coming!” I call back. I hop down the stairs trying to pull my jeans on, and let me tell you, it’s not easy.

  “Yes?” I say to my mom when I get downstairs. She is looking in the fridge, probably for the chicken.

  “What happened to the leftover chicken?” She asks.

  “In my stomach,” I say slowly.

  “Kagami, I was going to eat that for breakfast, you ate it all?”

  “No, Maka ate some too,” I say. My mom frowns.

  “Ok, fine, I’ll just have some cereal,” Mom complains.

  “That’s the spirit,” I tease.

  “I’ll remember this when we have pizza and I wake up first in the morning,” she teases back.

  “By the way where are you going?” My mom asks.

  “With Daichi and Io to the park,” I answer, slipping my sneakers on.

  “Oh, ok, have fun, and be careful,” my mom says as I walk out the door. I get my bike and head to the park where my friends are surely waiting for me. When I get to the park, I see my friends standing next this suspicious looking guy with blue hair.

  “Kagami! Come here, quick!” Daichi yells. I lock my bike up on a fence and walk over to Daichi and Io.

  “Who the heck is this?” I ask, I’m not big on new people so I have to be suspicious of him.

  “He says his name is Keita Oziharru, he’s all the way from Osaka,” Io comments. I give him a once over. He is wearing pair of worn faded jeans, blue Sketchers, a blue Hetalia shirt, and a black Armanyo jacket. Ha! He wears Armanyo!

  “Enh, he’s alright,” I say, frowning. Although I gave him an all clear, I still don’t trust him that much.

  “What does she mean?” Keita asks.

  “She always looks someone over to see if we should be talking to the person in the first place,” Daichi explains, he seems to be fidgeting.

  “But don’t they say don’t judge a book by its cover?” Keita says, clearly irritated.

  “Last I looked, you don’t like a book do you?” I snap. Keita shrugs.

  “Anyway, I came over here because I’ve got an offer for you guys,” Keita says. I raise an eyebrow.

  “What kind of offer?” I ask

  “How would you guys like to have, wait for it… super powers!” Silence. I frown.

  “You’re pathetic, I hope you know that,” I say.

  “Seriously? Super powers, you must be insane if you think we’re going to believe that,” Io says laughingly.

  “C’mon let’s get out of here and leave the wackjob to his super power daydreams or whatever,” Daichi sneers. He looks relieved to be away from Keita. We start to walk to the other side of the park to go look for frogs.

  “Wait!” Keita calls. We turn around, and what we see almost makes me have to pick my jaw up off the ground. Keita is hanging from a tree branch, with a monkey tail!

  “What the crapola!” I exclaim.

  “Do you believe me now?” Keita asks, clearly amused. We all nod our heads, dumbfounded.

  “Ok we’ll take your offer, but we can’t talk here, let’s go into that alley over there,” I point to a dark area over by a yew bush. We sprint over to the alley and make sure we are out of sight from any eavesdroppers.