Read Wild Soul Page 2

  Chapter 2

  “So about that monkey tail we just saw you hanging from, how is that a super power?” Io questions.

  “It isn’t just the monkey tail, it can be any other animal part,” Keita explains.

  “See watch, err… Hawk wings!” at that comment, a pair of tawny wings appear on his back, just the right size.

  “Oh, I see, so you just say the name and that animal part appears on your body?” Daichi asks, not really taking any interest.

  “Not necessarily, you have to connect your conscience with that animal part when you say the name, if it worked the way you thought, then every time you said ‘hawk wings’, hawk wings would appear, and you wouldn’t want that, also, you can use an animal’s abilities like cheetah speed,” He says.

  Keita then pulls three, sky blue, glowing orbs out of his back pack and hands them to us.

  “The power is in those orbs, they phase into your body and don’t show up on x-rays,” Keita says getting a little overexcited.

  “Ugh, phase into our bodies, I know it won’t hurt but still, it’s kinda gross,” I mutter, putting my orb into my arm. I get a tickly feeling as I do this. Io puts hers into her side then flinches.

  “Um, guys, do you think we should be doing this?” Daichi asks, looking worried. I just shrug. Daichi hesitates, then, I don’t know why but, he puts his orb into his head. Io shrieks,

  “Agh! Daichi, that’s just gross and disturbing.” Daichi just shrugs.

  “Oh and you guys, one more thing… those orbs are never coming out, they dissolve into your body’s system, that’s why they don’t show up on x-rays,” Keita says.

  “Wait a minute, are telling us that we are stuck with these powers forever?” I ask, a little wary.

  “Yep,” Keita says, smiling. I exchange a happy glance with Io. Io then starts to do her happy dance. Well actually, it’s more of a wiggle than a dance. I’m about join Io and do her happy wiggle with her when realize something. Why did this guy just do this to us, and what for?

  “Hey, um, Keita, why did you give us these powers anyway?” I ask. I give Keita my best death glare so he’ll tell me the truth. Keita’s face suddenly darkens.

  “Well you see um, I’m sort of an agent of a cryptid group and I’m supposed to recruit new members. You guys are the new members of the C.F.A., the Cryptid Fighting Agency,” Keita explains his voice stern and his eyes fierce. Chapter 3

  Daichi, who hasn’t said much, finally speaks up. He looks ready to fight.

  “What do you mean we’re members, we aren’t going to join your stupid fighting agency,” Daichi says, bursting with anger, “You tricked us! I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you! You’re just like every cryptid in that agency, liars and phonies! Well I’m not going to become one of you because I’m not a murdering beast like you are!” Io and I stare at Daichi with astonishment.

  “Uh, Daichi calm down,” I say.

  “You already are a beast like me, you have the power, you have the strength and courage and you have nobody to leave behind since the parent accident,” Keita says.

  “That was no accident, that was a murder on two innocent people that I loved,” Daichi is crying now, “my parents!”

  “D-Daichi? I thought your parents died from pneumonia. W-was that a lie?” Io asks clearly angry at Daichi for lying. Daichi sniffs, then sighs.

  “When I was four, my parents were sick with pneumonia, but that isn’t how they died. My mother was less sick than my father, so she helped me take care of them.

  One day, I was told to go to the attic to get a cloth for my father. As I was climbing the attic ladder to get the cloth, I heard a crash and a scream, I knew it was my mom’s. I ran back down to the main floor to find a broken teapot, my mom still alive, and a blonde haired man with huge paws with sharp claws and wings. I was scared half to death and ended up fainting from shock.

  When I came to, I saw my mom and dad’s lifeless bodies lying on the floor, bloody and battered.

  Standing over them was the man with wings and claws. I moved to hide and just as I was sliding into a shadowed corner, the creature looked up. I hoped with all my heart that he didn’t see me.

  He stood in his spot for what seemed like hours, then shrank down to the size of a mouse and flew threw a crack in our tattered window. When I was sure he was gone, I slipped out from my corner and crawled over to my parents bodies, I kneeled down and sobbed for countless minutes.

  After a while, Mr. Donnelly, from next door, came to my house because he had heard noise. He was shocked to find my parents and house in their condition. He had asked me what had happened and I had told him that a monster came and killed my parents. Of course he didn’t believe me, so he just carried me away to his house, called the police, and decided to raise me.

  On that day, I vowed I would get revenge on the killer or any of his counterparts. And now’s my chance,” Daichi finishes. After hearing Daichi’s story, I feel grief wash over me, and then anger. I look over at Io and see fire in her eyes, she’s furious, but her gaze is on Keita.

  “You’re a dead man, Keita!” I say, then I see worry in Keita’s eyes.

  “Hold on, just wait a minute, that guy you were talking about, he’s wanted criminal by the C.F.A., and he’s wanted because of that murder. Look, I may not be the nicest guy, but I’m not a murdering beast like Shadow. Yes it’s true I tricked you, but would you really come with me if I didn’t? Daichi is the only one who knows what he looks like and we need your help to track this guy down,” Keita says hurriedly.

  Daichi seems to have calmed down, and the gleaming flame of fury has faded from Io’s gaze.

  “Ok, so we’ve gotta hunt this guy, Shadow, down, but, what do we tell our families, he could be anywhere in the world, and it’s not like there is any animal that can fly as fast as a jet,” Io comments.

  “Just tell them the truth, your parents could be very helpful in this mission, they can be wise, and have knowledge that can guide us once they learn enough from the agency, family is the only source besides our agency and other agencies that you can trust,” Keita clarifies.

  “Alright, so when we go home, we tell our parents, or stepparents, the truth, do anything you can to get them to believe you, got it?” I say. Daichi and Io nod.

  Chapter 4

  “Hey, mom, I’m home,” I say to my mom as I walk in.

  “Hi, Kagami. How was the park?” my mom asks. I don’t answer. I turn to my mom and give her the “we need to talk” look and go up to my room. I sit down on my bed and my mom is up there a few moments after.

  “Kagami, what’s wrong, are you hurt?” my mom asks, her gaze serious. I tell her everything, how Daichi’s parents really died, the powers, everything. I have a feeling that she’s not going to believe me so I get ready fly. Then my mom mumbles something that I can’t hear.

  “Hunh?” I say.

  “I believe you,” she says.

  “What? How can you believe me so easily?” I ask.

  “I…I work for the C.F.A., I help with information and hacking,” my mom says.

  “Wait a minute, what?” I say, “So your telling me, that’s the reason you never told me where you worked?” My mom nods her head.

  “So, you know that I’ll probably have to go out of town for a while?” I ask. Mom sighs.

  “You have the powers and I know you can look out for yourself and the others so, I really hate to say this but, yes, you will, knowing that I won’t see you for months at a time is hard but, it’s the best thing for you,” Mom says.

  “Than-,” I’m cut off by my cell phone ringing. It’s Keita. I pick up


  “Kagami, it’s Keita, listen to me, we’ve got details on where Shadow might be, but it’s all the way in New York,” Keita says.

  “Isn’t that an American state?” I say.

  “Yes, so pack up a back pack with food and money, we leave
tonight at ten, meet us at the park,” Keita answers. Then he hangs up. I turn to my mom.

  “I have to go to America, and I leave tonight,” I say solemnly.

  “Kagami, I’m going to miss you, but I know you’re going to be safe with Io and Daichi at your side,” Mom gets up and gives me a hug, “You better start packing.”


  Chapter 5


  “Are you sure you have everything?” Mom frets. It’s 9:45 and I’m ready to leave to go on my mission.

  “Yes mom, I have my phone, the two hundred American dollars you gave me, the sandwiches, and my iPod,” I say, listing everything in my bag. My mom still looks worried.

  “*Sigh*, I’ll be fine mom,” I reassure her. I turn around.

  “Hawk wings!” I shout. In an instant, a pair of brown and white wings appear on my back. I test each one then I shoot up into the air flapping hard until I’m about 50 feet in the air.

  “I love you mom!” I yell then I fly in the direction of the park.

  “Hmm, I wanna have some fun with these powers,” I say to myself, “How about… cat ears…cat tail.” Suddenly, I have an orange tabby tail and my ears have sunk into the sides of my head. I open my mouth to say cool, but no sound comes out. I can’t hear. Where are the cat ears? What the heck! Why isn’t this working? I think to myself. I look down and see my friends and Keita standing 30 feet below. I descend and land in front of them. I start pointing to where my ears should be and mouth the words, “I can’t hear,” to them. Daichi and Keita look confused. Idiots! Then I see Io say, “She can’t hear.” I hear the word “hear,” and I realize my ears are functioning again.

  “Yes, I can hear again,” I exclaim with glee. I look at my friends. Io is looking away holding in a laugh, Daichi is staring at me, eyes wide, and Keita has his head in his hand shaking his head.

  “What’s wrong?” I demand. Then I feel the sides of my head. My ears are still gone!

  “Try feeling on the top of your head,” Keita grumbles. I do as he says and sure enough, there’s something up there. Two triangle shaped furry ears.

  “Why didn’t these show up sooner?” I say glaring at Keita.

  “I should’ve told you this earlier, domestic animal parts are forbidden to use, if you use them, then they are permanent body parts, and they won’t go away,” Keita explains.

  “Ha-ha! Kagami’s a nekko, Kagami’s a nekko!” Io sings laughingly. I think for a moment, then realize that I’m probably going to have to learn to deal with other problems along the way, this being a minor. I turn to Keita.

  “Next time, tell me everything about anything,” I snap.

  “Hey, y’know, it might not be that bad, who knows, someone might think it’s cute,” Daichi says, winking. He’s been a little off lately.

  “Okay, we need to fly to the Osaka airport, it’ll drop us off in America’s capital, Washington D.C.,” Keita says, “If we start flying now, we should be at the airport by morning tomorrow, our flight leaves at noon, that gives us enough time to stop and rest on our way there so we’ll be there at 10 a.m.” I nod and then take off, hovering above everyone else. The others join me and we fly away from the park, following Keita.

  Chapter 6

  “Um, Kagami, are you okay?” Daichi says looking at me worried. We’ve been flying for hours and my wings are killing me. I’m also starting to lose altitude.

  “I-I’m okay,” I huff.

  “No, you need to rest, there’s a spot down there,” Daichi says point a cliff with a large hollow. Our group descends and I collapse on the ground, relieved to rest my aching body.

  “Hawk wings,” I rasp. The wings on my back disappear and I roll onto my back and stare up at the starry night sky. Daichi lands beside me.

  “Are you okay now?” he asks. I look up and nod, unable to speak. I sit up and look around. Io has already settled herself and is asleep in the back of the cave, and Keita is a few feet away from her, dozing.

  “I’ll keep the first watch, you get some rest,” Daichi says quietly. He walks over to the entrance to the cave and stares.

  I curl up into a ball, flatten my ears, and slide my tail over my eyes. Then I fade into a deep sleep.




  “Kagami. Kagami, wake up,” I open my eyes to see Io standing over me smiling.

  “You seriously looked like an oversized cat, the way you were sleeping,” Daichi says.

  “Oh, and here,” Daichi tosses me a black hoody, “Keita bought this for you so you could hide your ears, just tuck your tail into your jacket.”

  I slip the hoody on and cover my ears with my hood, then I push tail up into my jacket.

  “How do I look?” I ask.

  “Like a regular person, unlike we are now,” Io says, “But you should take the hood off for now, we don’t leave in another hour.”

  I pull the hood off my head, thinking about Io’s “not normal” comment. A piece of lint has caught onto my ear. I flick my ear to toss it off, then I hear a snort.

  “What’s so funny, Io?” I demand.

  “It’s so adorable when you do that, the ear flick thing. It’s also pretty funny, too,” She says.

  I huff and then walk to the front of the cave. I see Daichi, leaning against the wall.

  “Hey Daichi, why didn’t you wake me up for my watch?” I ask him.

  “You looked so peaceful, I didn’t want to disturb you, plus, you’re pretty scary when you’re tired,” He says, smirking.

  I then, take out my iPod, “Wanna play checkers?” I ask, changing the subject. Io and Daichi nod, and we sit down and play about ten rounds of checkers. Then I hear something. An occasional flap, and the sound of air going under something.

  “Keita’s back,” I say, “I can hear his wings.” Daichi and Io stare at me, and I realize, I have way better hearing now that I have these cat ears.

  I turn around as Keita lands on the edge of the cliff, he’s holding something.

  “These are our tickets, get your bags and follow me, the airport isn’t that far,” Keita hand us our plane tickets and I grab my backpack.

  “Hawk wings,” I hear Daichi say. I pair of jet black wings unfold from his back. They are huge!

  “Whoa,” I say. This is the first time I’ve seen them clearly.

  “That’s what I said,” Daichi says, then he shoots up into the air.

  “Hawk wings,” Io exclaims. Her wings are pure white and are the same length as Keita’s. I think for a second, Why not try something new?

  “Falcon wings,” I say. I see two wings unfurl from my back. They are the same color as my hawk wings, but they are lighter and more streamlined. I soar up into the sky and realize I have to flatten my ears, for the wind is blasting into them.

  “Why falcon wings?” Daichi asks.

  “Falcons fly faster than hawks,” I explain, and I zoom past the others in a flash. I hear murmuring behind me and the next thing I know, I see a flurry of black, white, and tawny feathers.

  “Hey, no fair, the falcon wings were my thing,” I protest. Everyone’s wings look thinner.

  “Hey, you said falcons fly faster, so, what the hey, why not change, plus we’ll get to the airport faster,” Keita says laughingly, amusement flickering in his eyes. Funny guy, eh? I’ll show you funny, I think.

  I flap upward and make sure I’m good 10 feet above Keita. Then I fold my wings close to my body and dive bomb him. I miss him, on purpose, by a hair. When I get to close to the ground, I open my wings back and shoot upward.

  “Pfft, eww, I guess I asked for that. You got feathers in my mouth,” Keita grumbles, spitting out brown feathers. I coast over to Daichi. He looks like he’s enjoying himself.

  “This is great, you don’t have to flap but
once, and when you do, there’s not much effort to do so,” Daichi comments. I realize he’s right.

  We could fly for hours and my wings wouldn’t be half as tired as they were with the hawk wings. All you have to do is ride the updrafts.

  “My ideas are always the best,” I say, pretending to boast.

  “Were those ears and tail a good idea?” Daichi teases. I take my hand and feel my flattened ears.

  “Well at least I can hear things way better with these ears, and the tail helps me balance more so I guess it’s a benefit,” I say. We fly in silence for a bit. Then I see that Daichi is flying close to me. Very close.

  “Uh, Daichi, you’re um, a little close,” I say.

  “Oh, uh, sorry,” Daichi stammers. He moves over a bit. I look over and Daichi’s cheeks are pink. Is he blushing? I ask myself.