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  Witches Snared

  Book Two

  The Dream Cane Series ©


  Phil Armstrong

  Published by

  2Promises Publishing House ©

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  Title and Copyright Page

  Witches Snared

  Book Two

  by Phil Armstrong

  Thank you, for reading this second eBook in ‘The Dream Cane Series.’ © You’re welcome to share it with your friends. This book may be reproduced, copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes, provided the book remains in its complete and original form, with the exception of quotes used in reviews. Your support and respect for the intellectual property of this

  Author is appreciated.

  The cover art has been licensed and purchased by the author from -

  © Ateliersommerland | - The Golden Light Photo

  This book is a work of fiction, it merges fact with fiction for your entertainment, any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places and events is purely coincidental or a work of fiction and should not be taken literally. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination; all characters and associations are used fictitiously for entertainment purposes. Thank you for downloading this eBook.

  ISBN 978-0-9877284-5-6 Witches Snared

  Copyright 2016 Phil Armstrong. Discover other titles by Phil Armstrong at

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  Witches Snared

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  The Fifth Realm - Earth

  Chapter 1: The Monsters Within.

  Westtown, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

  “I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.”

  Sharp teeth ripped mercilessly through the flesh of the defensive arm thrust forward in an attempt to deflect the snapping jaws of the beast. Razor like claws slashed through Raj’s body, as he fell to the ground lifeless from the fatal blow. Crimson butterflies fluttered through the hot evening air, but it was too late to save Raj. The beast dropped to the ground resting his large heavy frame upon all fours and snarling loudly as his victim’s blood dripped from his open mouth. Ally screamed as the approaching beast caught her figure within his dark yellow eyes. Her body was frozen with fear and trapped by a steep rock face at her back; she was defenseless against this powerful adversary. Dan felt his heart thumping wildly within his chest.

  “Ally run! Please, run Ally - now!” Dan screamed loudly, straining to convey his instructions he pumped his legs furiously, running as hard as he could and trying to reach the beast in time to distract his gaze away from Ally. The beast shook his powerful jaws, moving his prominent snout from side to side, before rising into the air and onto his hind legs. Ally screamed in pain as large claws raked across her exposed neck splattering her warm blood across the dark rocks. Ally fell to her knees, her head bowed as her body faced the powerful beast. Dan ran as fast as he could, but he failed to get close to the beast. Ally raised her fear-filled eyes but this was the end; where was Dan?

  Dan pumped his arms furiously but he wasn't going to make it in time. Ally finally caught his worried glance as their eyes connected for just the briefest of moments. Ally looked horrified and scared as the beast extended his claws to their maximum length. Dan watched in horror as the beast struck Ally one last time. Her lifeless body was flung to one side, now crumpled in a defeated motionless heap. Dan was too late, he’d failed; he leapt forward to attack the beast for taking everything that was dear to him.

  He yelled “No,” as he flew through the air brandishing a large knife. “No!” he shouted again, this time throwing his arms in the air, pushing his blankets and pillows and crashing to the floor at the side of his bed.

  Dan was shaking; covered in sweat from the nightmare he’d experienced every night for a week. It was always the same ending with the same brutal act, resulting in Ally savagely attacked by the beast. He always woke in such distress, angered that he couldn’t save Ally or Raj. His heart thumped rapidly and his strained breathing was short and shallow. Dan rubbed his eyes, exhaled loudly, and wiped the perspiration from his face with his hand. He hated this dream as it played upon his inability to save his friends - the beast was haunting him through his dreams. He was never afforded the opportunity to kill the beast and break the cycle before he woke in sheer terror.

  Dan hated himself and his inability to be the hero within his own dreams. It scared him a little but it brought into focus his growing feelings for Ally. His Mother’s recent teasing had annoyed him because deep down he knew she was right, it was true - Ally had made him look at the world differently. He faced each day with a growing confidence and a brighter outlook on life.

  A year and a half had passed since his last Dream Cane adventure, he was now sixteen years old and the Dream Cane had fallen silent, refusing to activate for either Dan or Raj. Raj was becoming increasingly worried that Autumn’s Ravage would be his last mission. Dan had learned how to fight and he’d seen a Karcon closer than he ever wanted to see again. Dan had grown much closer to Raj, the old Indian man living in the next apartment. Raj’s health was failing him badly and his strength was at an all time low. Dan had enjoyed his taste of adventure and the skills he was now blessed with, he wanted more but couldn't understand the fickle nature of the Cane. Why wouldn't it fire up again? Why wouldn't it give them another mission? He grew impatient and resentful.

  Dan had labored through his usual morning routine in a hazy fog that clouded his brain and his sense of time; he was now late. This was compounded by the fact that his Mother had left much earlier taking care of business in another town across the state. Liz had warned Dan about sleeping in and ignoring his alarm clock - she’d scolded him gently and predicted that he’d fall asleep again. He hated the fact that she was always right and hated rushing around in the morning even more. Now he’d have to skip breakfast, rush to school and listen to his grumbling belly all morning.

  He dressed hurriedly, flattened his short hair with a wet brush and grabbed his black backpack before exiting into the street. The Sun had started to rise and the morning rhythm had commenced in Westtown. Birds fluttered in search of food enjoying the warm morning air, delivery people were busy driving their vans, and commuters stopped to retrieve their morning coffee as they walked with purpose. Westtown had a certain vibe in the morning it represented a typical community waking up and getting ready to have a productive day - you could feel it.

  Dan ran with a skip in his step as he bounded over roadside curbs, grates and piles of newspapers. He ran along his route to school holding onto the straps of his backpack as it shook violently upon his back due to his awkward running motion. As he approached the school gates he glanced at his watch and let out a sigh of relief. He’d made it - but only just. Dan entered the classroom and took his seat as Ms. Claridge, his new form teacher, followed behind him. “Cutting it a bit fine this morning Mr. Allen,” she quipped.

  “Yes Ma’am,” was all that Dan could muster. Ms. Claridge was fantastic but if she’d been the most interesting teacher in the world Dan would’ve still struggled to focus this morning. His mind wandered easily and the morning seemed to drag on so slowly. Finally the recess bell sounded - meaning he could leave the classroom and take a break. He needed to clear his mind so he grabbed his backpack and headed for a section of the cafeteria where he knew he would meet up with his friends, they were all creatures of habit and had staked out this location as their own.

  As he approached the wall closest to the stairs that exited the cafeteria he could see Ally, Ray and some of his other friends milling around. Ally was talking with Jen, a cute red headed girl that always seemed to annoy Ally immensely as she would often flirt with Dan. Da
n approached as Ally turned to greet him, “Can we have a word,” she said, steering him immediately away from their friends.

  “What’s up?” inquired Dan, curious of her unusual actions.

  “It’s my Mum, she was let go yesterday,” Alley’s Mother had a seemingly steady accounting job at the city’s administrative branch; she’d worked there for over ten years. Ally’s face had turned white with uncertainty, fear, and anxiety.

  “Are you OK?” inquired Dan reaching out and gently taking her hand.

  Tears started to well in her pretty brown eyes as Dan gave her hand a subtle but tender squeeze. Ally’s Dad had arrived home from work six month’s earlier and announced that he’d met someone and they were both moving to San Francisco. This came as a sudden shock to everyone in the family as there were no signs of trouble, no arguments, no temper tantrums or shouting matches to signal their unhappiness. Ally was heartbroken for her Mother, and clearly devastated that her Father could just walk out and leave them both this way. Her Mother had remained strong, trying to maintain a brave face and a positive outlook - she’d made every effort to keep things normal for Ally. The daily household budget had become extremely challenging, as they collectively cut back their spending and tried to live within their means. Ally started to wear different clothes to school, clothes that represented a more frugal choice. Girls can be very cruel and they seized upon this opportunity. Even though Ally still associated with the cool kids she was ridiculed and subjected to the pointing, laughter and callous remarks. Ally tried to keep her dignity and her head held high; so what if she wasn't fashionable, she’d start her own fashion trends. She needed Dan’s support - she needed the protection that his cool kid image would offer. She had to drop out of the organized school trip to Paris. She was bitterly disappointed but took her time breaking the inevitable news to Dan who didn't want to raise this delicate topic for discussion.

  Ally’s Mothers’ redundancy could not have come at a worse time and Ally was starting to worry about her Mother’s resilience. Would she be able to find another job? Would this hit her fragile confidence so hard that it caused her frail state of mind to crumble? Will they be evicted and homeless?

  Ally and Dan moved further away from their friends to get some privacy when Ally started to cry. Dan was her rock; she needed him and couldn’t stand to lose her boyfriend if she had to move away or into a home. Dan tried to assure Ally that he would always be there for her and that things would work out but she remained skeptical. He calmed her but even he was worried and it showed. Their friends had noticed them pulling away and that Ally was clearly upset. Jen shot inquisitive glances towards Ally convinced that they were going through a break up and were having difficulties. After a while the school bell rang and they knew they had to return to their separate classrooms.

  The school day moved along slowly with Dan unable to concentrate on anything knowing that Ally was upset. He tried to locate her at the lunch break in the usual meeting places but it was Ally who decided to remove herself from school by going home at lunch to check in on her depressed Mother. Dan and Ally never did meet up that day so Dan left school at the end of the day more concerned and deeply agitated. He returned home feeling angry at the world for inflicting this type of injustice upon Ally whom he cared so much about. Dan didn't know how to deal with his feelings; he’d seen her transition from a happy stylish popular girl to an unhappy drably dressed introvert lacking any confidence and a target for cruelest of kids. Dan recognized shades of his old self in her new demeanor and he wasn’t about to let Ally slide into the dark place that he knew only too well. Settling in to his routine at home Dan was clearly in a foul mood snapping at his cheerful Mother. He sat at their kitchen table and cradled his head within his hands, “Mum can we talk?”

  That evening Dan and his Mother talked about Ally and how much she meant to him. They talked about how Ally must feel and how her life must have changed dramatically. Dan realized that the only stable thing left in her life was his friendship, love, and unwavering support. He realized how much she needed him to be there for her. Liz explained how Ally must feel taking Dan through his own feelings of anger, helplessness, frustration, and his protective feelings towards Ally. It was that night they both realized how much Ally meant to Dan. Dan felt better - he realized that he was angry at the situation and not at Ally, his friends, or his Mother. He felt closer to his Mother and really appreciated her perspective and advice.

  “I have to get ready for work now, are you OK?”

  Dan smiled, “I am. Thanks Mum, you’ve really helped.”

  Liz squeezed Dan’s hand across the kitchen table and headed to her room to change for her night shift at the Indian restaurant in their building below. Dan started to prepare for his visit with Raj throwing on a black sweater and his favorite pair of loose blue jeans. Liz was now hurrying Dan along; she wanted to leave the apartment and start her shift, “Wait! I almost forgot,” Dan raced back into his room to retrieve a book title - Command Authority by Tom Clancy. “I need to return this to Raj - I’ve finished reading it.” Liz smiled and gently closed the apartment door behind them. She locked the door and followed Dan across the hall to apartment 2A. Dan knocked upon Raj’s door and listened for his familiar voice.

  “I’m coming. I travel light but not at the same speed.” Liz and Dan smiled at each other for Raj had started to use this Jarod Kintz quote every time he answered the door. He probably hadn't realized his recent quirky habit as his memory had started to deteriorate. Raj was looking after Dan but as the nights had rolled by Dan was now starting to look after Raj. The door opened slowly and there stood Raj. “Now there’s trouble if I ever I saw it,” he said, beaming down at Dan.

  “How are you Raj?” inquired Liz.

  “Good as Indian gold,” replied Raj in high spirits. Dan smiled and pushed his way into the apartment.

  “See you later Mum,” he paused for the briefest moment, “and have a good shift tonight.” Liz smiled knowing this was Dan’s way of thanking her for helping him. She smiled at Raj, winked at Dan, and hurried down the stairs leading to the restaurant.

  Raj closed the door and spun around to return to his comfy chair. Dan noticed that Raj was favoring his right leg and leaning more heavily upon his fancy Cane. Dan sat in his usual chair and watched the old man struggle to keep his balance as he moved across the room. He knew Raj was too proud to accept any help and would become irritated and annoyed if Dan offered any. Finally Raj reached his chair and fell heavily into its welcoming form. “Getting old is no fun Dan, and I’m getting worse every day.”

  Dan acknowledged the truth with a strained smile, “Do you need anything? Water? Pills?”

  “No thanks, I’m good, what do you have there?”

  Dan looked at his hands clenching the book, “Oh, I brought back the book you loaned me, I’ll pop it back on the shelf for you.” Dan sprung from his chair and remembered where he’d taken the book from replacing it carefully. As he pushed the borrowed book back into a small gap his attention was diverted to the crimson lights racing across the apartment wall. He wheeled around quickly to see an elated look spreading across Raj’s face, his eyes opened wide in wonderment. Raj looked like a little child on Christmas morning about to unwrap his gifts.

  Raj glanced at Dan, “Are you ready Dan because the Dream Cane is?” The silver ball, normally attached to the top of Raj’s walking Cane, was suspended in air shooting bright shards of crimson light from its ruby insets. The ball continued to rotate as it descended effortlessly through the air to rest upon its beveled housing at the top of the Cane. Dan didn’t respond to Raj’s question - the movement of the ball and its bright glow transfixed him. His inquisitive mind strained to understand how the light was generated? “Well?” inquired Raj impatiently. Raj hadn’t been feeling well lately, his aging body was wearing out and the blinding headaches had returned with a vengeance. The frequency of his pill consumption had increased and he knew this was probably his last chance t
o experience an adventure offered by the Dream Cane. It was selfish, thoughtless and perhaps dangerous, but he knew he would answer the Dream Cane’s call without a second thought for Dan’s feelings or concerns.

  Dan suddenly felt the weight of Raj’s stare, as it seemed to impart a renewed sense of urgency. He thought about the Karcon, the beast’s snarling teeth and that night spent out on the cold rocky ledge. He recalled the chilling howl of the beast and his recent vivid nightmares. Finally he raised his eyes to meet the expectant Raj and without hesitation signaled his confirmation, “Let’s do this.”

  Raj was holding the Cane tightly with his hands circled around the top. Its silver tipped bottom was resting on the floor between his feet as he sat motionless in his favorite chair. Dan moved towards the Cane and sat on the rug in front of Raj. He looked at the silver ball now fixed to the top of the Cane. It continued to glow with a soft ruby colored hue. He noticed Raj’s weathered hands shaking violently as he tried to grip the Cane tightly. Dan lifted his hands and paused for a brief moment, “Are you ready?”

  Raj nodded once, “Yes.”

  Dan grabbed the Cane tightly with both hands. The Cane was now steadied relieved from the shaking of Raj’s uncontrolled movements. This peace only lasted for a few seconds before the Cane started to buck wildly under its own volition. They held on as tightly as they could as the room began to spin around them. There was no turning back now; they were heading to another realm with the Dream Cane selecting them for another adventure.




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  The Sixth Realm - Bardonia

  Chapter 2: The Temptress of Rinii Forest.

  Rinii Forest, Bardonia

  “The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.”