Read Witches Snared Page 2

Many years earlier a small monkey had screamed its protest and threw a colorful gooful fruit towards a man as he crept silently through the underbrush. Ryan was a young man with the lofty ambition of becoming an Elfen Ranger. It was a dark night assisted by the canopy of the redwood trees that shielded the forest floor from the Moon’s blue light. Ryan stared at the inquisitive monkey raising his finger to his lips and his desire for silence. He’d been stalking a rare bird, a brilliantly colored wild parrot that was thought to reside in this part of the forest at night. Few had seen it but those that had talked about its plumage and sang campfire songs of its majesty and presence. Revered as a mystical bird from the old forest, the Kukumic parrot was the symbolic emblem of Ryan’s home, the village of Cressmore; an Elfen village located on the edge of the Rinii forest.

  The monkey seemed to respond to Ryan’s request as it retreated carefully clinging to the security that the higher branches offered. His curiosity was peaked as he bent his flexible furry neck to observe Ryan’s next move. Ryan could hear a strange soft sound emanating from the bushes in front of him; it was a strange noise that prodded his interest like an unsolved riddle. Moving gently towards the rustling sound he parted two large fern leaves that blocked his view. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief as he surveyed the scene unfolding before him.

  A beautiful Elfen girl sat on the edge of a rocky outcrop. She wore a dark colored dress with a high collar made from exquisite wispy black lace that matched her cuffs. The dress was long and shimmered with flecks of rich burgundy reflecting in the subdued light. Her dress may have been dark but in stark contrast her skin was an alabaster white accented only with the peach colored glow of her lightly freckled cheeks, soft red colored lips and piercing chestnut brown eyes. She wore little jewelry but she wore a hair ornament that rested upon her forehead with a string of small beads. The ornamental headband doubled as a hair clip for her long luxurious mane of curly auburn hair, which flowed effortlessly from her head, around her pointed ears and across her shoulders down to her lower back.

  Ryan was transfixed, he was careful not to move or make a sound with the watching monkey perched high above. The Elfen girl seemed sad, caught in the depths of her own thoughts and unable to break free from the worries that surrounded her. She was oblivious to Ryan’s presence and seemingly alone deep within the forest. Ryan usually had no time for admiring girls for he saw them as an unnecessary distraction towards his goal of becoming an Elfen Ranger. This was the first girl that had stopped his world from turning and had paused his blinding ambition. She was unique, perfect and intriguing. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her but he couldn’t let her slip away either.

  Ryan lay hidden beneath the ferns but decided to act, “Young lady, my name is Ryan and I mean you no harm for I’m from a reputable family based within the village of Cressmore, may I approach?”

  The sound of Ryan’s voice snapped her to attention altering her calm, relaxed mood and placing her senses on high alert while raising her guard, “Come forward so I can see you Ryan of Cressmore. Are you alone?” she stammered.


  “Fear not my lady, I travel alone.” Ryan extracted himself from the forest’s ferns and stepped out into the clearing in full view of the Elfen girl. She studied the Elfen boy who stood proudly before her. They were both seventeen summer’s old and immediately attracted to one another.

  She studied the boy armed with a long bow, a quiver of arrows and a large knife glistening along its blade while tucked into a narrow leather belt. He wore a traditional Elfen uniform of boots, grey trousers and a light green tunic cinched at the waist by his brown leather belt. Her curious eyes could see his muscular frame underneath his loose fitting clothing. Liking what she saw she motioned to him, “Come closer, let’s talk.”

  Ryan approached cautiously for no beauty would be left unattended this far into the forest without a Ranger or protector assigned and he didn't want to get into any trouble. “My Lady this is not the safest part of the forest for we have wild boar and stray devlins scavenging for food yet you appear alone and unarmed.”

  “Ryan of Cressmore, you’re so sweet to worry about my safety - but you don’t know if I’m alone or indeed unarmed.” Ryan glanced around nervously half expecting unwelcome visitors to appear at any moment. She sat upright wearing a smug satisfied smile of a girl with the upper hand. Why would she be this far into the forest alone? Why would she let herself be vulnerable and unarmed? Ryan suddenly felt nervous but as he approached the true beauty of her face stunned his sore eyes. “You’re staring at me, is there something wrong Ryan?”

  Ryan couldn’t think, couldn’t talk, everything about her was beautiful and he’d become tongue-tied. Finally Ryan began to function, “No, nothing is wrong. I haven’t seen you around Cressmore or any of the markets, where do you live?”

  “I like that, a boy who wants to know where I reside above knowing what my name is?” She laughed sweetly while poking at him gently with her intellect.

  Ryan stepped closer, “I’m sorry, where are my manners? What is your name fair lady of Rinii forest?”

  She smiled sweetly and he caught sight of her chestnut colored eyes, soft lips, and perfect nose, with a flushed face causing him to temporarily stop breathing, “My name is Wendy, and I don't reside in Cressmore. I’m an orphan adopted by my family here in the forest. I don't fear the forest, the wild boar, or the devlins. The birds, monkeys, snakes, insects, trees, rocks and everything else in this forest are my friends, my protection. The only thing I do fear is Elfen folk, for they seem to have complicated motivations.” She smiled as she toyed with his emotions. “There’s room for you to sit on this large rock Ryan, I trust you mean me no harm, as you could have taken advantage of me long ago. Come and sit beside me and we can talk for a while.”

  As instructed, Ryan sat on the rock next to Wendy shaking like a forest fern in a torrential storm. They chatted, laughed, teased each other and occasionally fell silent while watching the Moon travel across the night sky as they listened to the sounds of the forest. Ryan would have stayed all night, happy to be lost in the vast curls of her hair and the welcoming deep brown sparkle of her exquisite eyes. “I have to go now, my family will start to worry if I don't return soon. I’ll be here again, on this very rock tomorrow night as the Sun goes down and the forest comes to life. If you’ve enjoyed our visit Ryan of Cressmore than I shall be delighted to continue our conversation, but if I’ve bored you with my tedious ramblings then I shall understand. Perhaps tomorrow then…” she said, leaping off the dark rocky outcrop and disappearing into the thick dense brush.

  Ryan shook his head as if to confirm that he was really awake and not dreaming. Who was that girl? How did he just stumble across her? Will she really be there tomorrow night? Will he return? His head began to spin with questions and the enduring image of her captivating eyes. Ryan couldn’t recall his journey through the forest back to Cressmore that night for his head was awash in auburn curls. The next day proved to be the longest day of his life; he saw her everywhere. Ryan was alive but everything he did felt like a waste of time until he could finally be with her again, it was now his only purpose in life. Chopping wood, going to the market, preparing food and repairing a broken door, were simply tasks that consumed his time. He saw her eyes in the knots of the wood, her curls in the auburn shade of a doors wood grain and the burgundy flecks within her dress from the beets prepared for lunch. Ryan could not function; this feeling forced him to set out into the forest much earlier than he needed to. He raced to the rocky outcrop and waited patiently. He knew from the fading light of the Sun that he was way too early.

  He closed his eyes and tried to feel her presence, was she close? Was she looking forward to their next meeting with as much anticipation as he did? He breathed in deeply the clean crisp forest air filling his lungs to capacity. As he exhaled he opened his eyes to a wondrous site for sitting on a small overhanging branch to his left was the most colorful of all birds. A Kukumic parrot nibbled pati
ently upon a clump of small red berries. Its plumage consisted of yellow, blue, green, orange, black, white and red. The bird was striking in its appearance and much smaller than he’d expected. Ryan killed time watching the bird graze and eventually its mate joined her for a late night feast. As the Sun’s rays faded Ryan began to face the prospect of sitting alone on a rock outcrop deep within the forest feeling like a fool.

  “A Kukumic parrot told me that Ryan of Cressmore was sat waiting for me on my rock. Of course I didn't believe her, so I decided to go and look for myself,” her voice teased him as she emerged from the cover provided by a large clump of ferns.

  “That’s strange because a Kukumic parrot told me that if I waited here patiently, Wendy of Rinii forest would grace me with her presence.” They looked at each other and giggled both basking in the relief that they were not alone, and left to feel stupid. They sat, laughed, and talked well into the night. Ryan and Wendy were falling for each other with an undeniable attraction that made time simply disappear. They laughed and exchanged glances both enjoying the formative part of their relationship. There was an attraction so strong that they couldn’t stand to end their conversations. Wendy ended the evening in exactly the same way as the previous night by extending an invitation to Ryan to resume the next night.

  The following evening it was Wendy that found herself sitting alone on the rock anticipating the arrival of Ryan. The forest was alive with the sounds of birds, monkeys, insects and an assortment of creatures going about their daily activities before the light started to fade. A small rustling sound caught her attention as the ferns started to move and a figure emerged. “You’re early Ryan of Cressmore, anyone would think that your addicted to our little talks.” She smiled satisfied with her teasing ways.

  An Elfen boy stepped from the cover of the high ferns and emerged into clear view, “Ryan of Cressmore is an honorable soul but you are clearly mistaken fair lady.” Wendy recoiled in shock as she realized the person in front of her was not Ryan. She felt exposed, foolish and suddenly alone. “You are most beautiful, a Princess of Rinii forest but surely it’s not safe for you to be here alone.”

  “Who says I’m alone kind Sir.”

  “I can tell by your disappointment that you’re alone.” The Elfen boy moved closer, “You are far too beautiful to be wasting your time and placing your trust in a half wit like Ryan of Cressmore, a young lady like you should aim a little higher.”

  “A little higher you say, perhaps I should be conversing with a gentleman like yourself, a gentleman I might add who has not yet introduced himself?”

  The young man stepped forward where he could almost touch Wendy, she tried to remain calm and conceal her distrust and her distain. “I am Eian of Cressmore and I know Ryan - the boy that you wait for. He’s a simpleton and not suited for a young woman as fair as you. I don't make a habit of talking with strangers as I prefer to know whom I talking with.”

  Wendy fidgeted nervously, where was Ryan? What was keeping him? Wendy smiled and Eian’s heart began to melt, “My name is Wendy, I’m an orphan and I live with my family here in the forest.”

  “I see,” said Eian taking his place on the rock next to Wendy, “an orphan yet you wear the finest of threads with whimsical adornments in your hair. I would assume your adoptive family are well ranked to offer such indulgence?”

  “Dear Sir, you meet an unfamiliar lady and yet you ask the rank of her family within the first few minutes of our introduction. I thought you said I should aim a little higher than the half wit Ryan of Cressmore and yet it is you that acts like a petulant half wit!”

  Eian winced, “You’re right my lady, I….”

  “Yes, it appears she’s right about you Eian, but describing me as a half wit could not be further from the truth. I suggest you leave now as your duty to ensure the safety of this fair lady, alone in the forest, is now relieved. I’m here now and your presence is no longer required.” Ryan walked over to the rock, stood in front of Eian and waved a hand beckoning him to leave. The mood was tense and Wendy remained seated, motionless.

  Ryan did not intimidate Eian, as Eian was physically larger and far stronger. Eian was almost an Elfen Ranger and the patch sewn proudly onto his shirtsleeve bore the yellow head of the Hanachi bird signifying the training he’d received - it meant he needed one more step before he was fully qualified as a Ranger. Ryan had known Eian for years and had considered him a friend but Wendy seemed to surface his worst traits of jealousy, competitiveness and insecurity. Confident in his good looks, large muscular frame, and the patch showing his status, Eian posed a question, “Why don't we let the lady decide whom should protect her in this dangerous forest. Wendy of Rinii, who would you feel most safe with, as clearly we both can’t sit here and be civil?”

  Wendy glanced at both of the young Elfen men, “Finally a suggestion that makes sense, where I get to decide whom I would prefer to converse with.” She smiled at Eian and a momentary swell of panic swept through Ryan like a monkey swinging around in his stomach. “It’s an easy decision Eian,” Eian smiled knowing his place on the rock was obviously secure. “My decision has been made and I choose Ryan to accompany me tonight, and every night, until I change my mind.” She continued to smile at Eian content with watching the disappointment sweep across his face as her words started to register. Wendy continued to smile well after she had stopped talking never looking at Ryan while keeping her gaze fixed upon Eian as if to underscore her decision.

  Eian was stunned, he felt angry, confused and humiliated. Eian leapt off the stone outcrop and pushed past Ryan brushing his shoulder. “Of course it’s your choice my fine lady but you’ll live to regret this day. You choose a simple fool and have spurned a future Ranger; anyone will tell you that’s a poor choice. I do have a question though; tell me orphan, tell me where you reside as I’m unfamiliar with any settlements in these parts?”

  “I think you should leave. Our conversation must conclude for Ryan will protect my honor now,” demanded Wendy.

  “I think it best you leave Eian,” said Ryan taking his position next to Wendy on the rock. In the trees above a curious monkey watched the scene unfold with interest as Eian shook his head, turned, and left without another word spoken.

  Wendy exhaled loudly glad that the tense moment had passed, “Where were you? I was not happy about meeting him.”

  “You were early, besides I know Eian he’s all mouth.”

  “I’ve wounded his pride and that’s never a wise thing to do any young man. Do you think he’s gone?”

  “Wendy, he’s too arrogant and yes I think he’s gone,” Ryan reached out to Wendy and lifted her chin with his fingers. He looked deeply into her chestnut eyes and said, “You chose me and I won’t let you down.” Wendy smiled; she liked resting her chin on Ryan’s hand.

  Wendy grabbed Ryan by the hand leading him away towards the other side of the rocky outcrop where they were now well out of sight. Not trusting that Eian had left, Wendy had expertly navigated a series of interconnected paths that ended at a clearing. A beautifully carved wooden bench had been placed at one end of the clearing. Wendy led Ryan to the bench where she felt safe and confident that they would be alone. Eian would not have been able to follow them and he wouldn’t find them here.

  Eventually they relaxed, talked and laughed as they enjoyed their company and their growing love. She’d chosen him and he felt a swell of pride and relief. They talked late into the night but Ryan had an uneasy feeling that he’d not heard the last of this from his spurned friend Eian.

  Each night they would meet at the rock where Wendy would guide Ryan through a forest maze to the welcoming bench where they would sit and talk until it was time to go. She would guide him back to the rock before slipping back into the forest and the darkness. One night Ryan had asked about Wendy’s family and wanted to know more about them. Wendy seemed reluctant but she finally broke down and told Ryan about her family. She started with a story that described how she was discovered. We
ndy had been left in the forest; her crying had attracted the attention of the monkeys and the boars. As the wild boars moved in for a certain kill the monkeys raised the alarm and tried to protect her by pelting the boars with anything that they could throw. The commotion raised the curiosity of three women who lived in the forest. They were hermits who lived off the land and made healing potions from natural plants to sell at farmers markets. Herbs, ferns, roots, bark and plants have powerful healing properties to fight infection, heal wounds and cool a fever.

  The monkeys guided the three women to the frightened child where they flashed torches of fire to scare away the wild boar saving the crying child. They discussed the child’s plight all night swaying back and forth in their opinions. What should they do with an abandoned baby girl? Would they be falsely accused of stealing the child? Whose child was it? Would she bring them unwanted attention? It was clearly an Elfen baby belonging to a Mother from Cressmore but why was she abandoned? Why was she left for dead?

  After examining all of their options they decided to raise the child quietly as their own with minimal fuss. They would teach her the ways of the forest. The three women remained private, elusive and recluse but always had the means to buy warm clothes and provide enough food. Wendy concluded her story, “So there you have your answer, I consider them all to be my Sisters; you could say that I’m a very fortunate girl, I have three Sisters.”

  It was getting dark, Ryan moved closer so he could see into Wendy’s eyes illuminated by the Moon’s light and the occasional firefly fluttering by, “Do you live in a house?”

  Wendy laughed, “Yes, of course. We all live together in a small house made from timber, moss and soil. It’s built into a hillside located near a fresh water stream. I think it used to be a hunting shack but it was abandoned years ago so my Sisters restored it. We never get visitors, we don't usually let people know where we live - that would be foolish for four women. Occasionally one of the three will travel to Livenmore and exchange potions, ointments and treatments in exchange for supplies and clothing. Ryan shifted his attention to a noise to his right, “It's a small spider monkey, he’s been watching us for a while now,” Wendy laughed.

  Ryan turned to face Wendy, their noses almost touching, “I don’t…”

  Wendy placed her finger upon his lips, “Shhhh,” she said, removing her finger and moving her face closer to his. She kissed him gently upon the lips, a bold move that signaled her intent. Ryan was stunned, he didn't have the courage to kiss her first and he wished he had. Her eyes opened and twinkled in the Moon’s bright light. “I like our little chats and I like you,” she said flicking her eyes in a shy downward direction.

  Ryan reached for her hand, “Thank you; I like our little chats and I like you too,” he smiled at the awkward sentence but realized that it was heartfelt. He’d never felt so strongly about another person before. Ryan didn’t know where this would lead but at that moment, sitting with Wendy in the darkened forest under the Moon, he didn't care.

  She beamed a satisfied smile before breaking the moment with a dose of reality, “Time to go. I’ll be your escort to the rocks as usual.” Wendy stood and offered her delicate white hand.

  “Thank you my fairest lady,” said Ryan trying to exhibit chivalry, they both laughed.

  * * * * *