Read Witches Snared Page 10

When Dan regained consciousness he was lying on the floor of Raj’s apartment looking at Raj's slumped body enveloped by his old comfy chair. The Dream Cane was leaning between his legs. A knock at the door demanded Dan’s immediate attention and he sprang to his feet to answer the call. Raj was emerging from his dazed state as Dan unlocked the door and greeted his Mother. “Hi Mum, did you have a good shift?”

  “Yes, but I’m really tired and my feet are sore, are you ready to go?” Liz peeked her head into the apartment, “Hi Raj - hope he was no trouble?”

  Raj came to his senses just in time, “No trouble at all Liz, see you tomorrow night Dan, and be good!”

  Dan slept heavily that night drifting into the occasional dream that featured devouring insects. He heard the Elfen’s screams reverberating through his mind one more time, which startled him to wake as the smell of warm toast drifted through to his nostrils. As usual Liz had risen early and was in a chirpy mood singing along quietly to the radio. Dan stumbled into the kitchen looking a little disheveled, "Your breakfast is on the counter - help yourself," she said pouring his orange juice. “You and Raj looked pretty tired last night, everything ok with you two?”

  Dan sat at the kitchen table, “Yeah, we talk about books and school stuff - he’s really nice, I like him a lot.” Dan reached into his pocket and brought out a folded piece of paper. He slid it across the table without looking at his Mother, “This is for you.”

  Liz looked at the folded crumpled pamphlet; she picked it up to inspect it both sides, “What is it?”

  “I know you have the afternoon shift off today when I’m toiling away at school and I remembered it’s your day date today. I also know you’re pathetic at planning these things and I want this to go well for you ‘cos you deserve it and I know how much you like this guy. It’s going to rain today, pretty hard I think, so I thought you could go to this really cool new coffee house that’s opened in town. It’ll give you two crazy kids a great place to go, talk and get to know each other better. The girls at school say the cookies and pie are the best in town and I also know how hard it is for you to choose off a menu, so I stopped in and got you a menu so that you can choose ahead of time - instead of looking like a dork!” Dan smiled as he playfully teased his Mother.

  “Dan, aren’t you the sweetest thing ever,” Liz playfully tugged at his cheek, “but seriously, thank you so much - this is really thoughtful and yes, I really do like this guy.” Liz smiled at Dan, “Eat your breakfast it’s going to be a great day for both of us today despite the rain.”

  * * * * *

  Dan sauntered into school taking his usual route and feeling relieved that the rain had held off until he was well inside the school’s main building. He walked down the hallway looking for the familiar sight of Ally. He located her standing in the usual spot talking to Jen and Gail. A couple of the lads were also hanging around having a chat and a laugh before school started. Dan approached Ally from behind; she was wearing the same oversized black slacks and baggy sweater. He slowed his pace and stood at her side, “Hi you.”

  “Hi, did you get wet?” she teased.

  “No, it just started to spit as I walked inside. I didn't see you yesterday what happened?”

  Ally smiled at him, “I was in a foul mood and I didn't want to take it out on you, so I left early.”

  Dan nodded his head, “No foul mood today then eh?”

  Ally smiled and took his hand gently, “No foul mood today; in fact, I’m in a very happy mood today, very happy.” She looked happy, almost giddy.

  “OK, why so happy?” inquired Dan.

  Ally leaned in and whispered into his ear, “Because I'm going to Paris with you; I’m paying today!”

  Dan looked at her excited face; “You’re kidding me right?”

  “Nope, no kidding, I’m serious,” Ally’s smile was a beautiful as ever.

  Dan smiled and squeezed her hand; he leaned in to whisper to her, “That’s fantastic, you and me in Paris. That’ll really pour cold water on Jen's plans,” he pulled a face of mock sympathy.

  “Too bad, so sad,” mouthed Ally - her eyes twinkling at the thought of going to Paris with Dan.

  Dan asked the question without thinking, “How did you manage to pull that off? I mean, how did you raise the money?”

  That’s when Ally’s mood changed, “I just did, its not important how - just be happy that I’m going.” The school bell rang and Dan rolled his eyes at its timing. “I won't see you at break, I’m going to the science club meeting remember?”

  Dan had forgotten, “Right - I remember you telling me, so I’ll see you at lunch then. When are you handing in your trip money?”

  Ally started to leave, “This morning at Ms. Dubery’s class, got to go or I’ll be late. See you at lunch.”

  “Come on Dan, we’d better get a move on,” said Jen looking as perky as ever. Dan nodded and hurried off to his form room for assembly. As they walked Dan’s thoughts turned to Jen and how she wouldn’t be smiling this much when she finds out that Ally’s coming along for the ride to Paris. He smiled again and quickened his stride.

  The morning did not move along quickly, Mr. Henson dragged out every banal moment of a double math class where Dan actually saw a couple of students sleeping. Math was not his favorite subject but if Mr. Henson taught a class about the Dream Cane he had the expert ability to make it super boring. Dan was so relieved to hear the bell ring and headed for the break room with renewed hope. Jen was looking really good today dressed in her tight striped sweater and even tighter jeans; she wore her hair pulled back in a ponytail and she knew she looked good. She followed him around like a lost puppy and it was starting to irritate him. Fortunately Ray appeared and the drama started with Jen vying for Dan’s attention, while Ray vied for Jen’s affections. Ray didn't seem his jovial self and for some reason didn't pay too much attention to Jen. When Ray moved closer to Dan he spoke softly, “Dan mate, can I talk to you about something? Let’s go somewhere quiet ‘cos I need to ask you something - something sensitive.”

  Dan was intrigued and nodded his acceptance; they pulled away from the group and turned their backs to the normal crowd, “What’s on your mind Ray?”

  “I don't know how to say this but I’m really ticked off. Yesterday - I had my Paris money stolen.”

  Dan’s eye’s widened, “What? Who did it?”

  “That’s the point. I don't know for sure but I’m 99.9% certain,” said Ray, looking around to see if anyone could hear them.

  “Well don't keep me hanging in suspense, tell me - who?”

  Ray's face flushed, “Ally!”

  Dan’s jaw dropped, “My Ally - no way man, that can’t be right.” Dan looked at Ray to see if it was a joke, a wind up. He was serious, and this was no joke, “My Ally,” repeated Dan.

  “Yesterday we were all talking, remember, you said that you were handing in your money that morning. I said that I was too - I was stoked. Then I had to pee and I left my backpack with you, Jen, and Ally.”

  Dan nodded, “Yeah, I remember. So your money was in the backpack?”

  “Yeah. It was inside in a sealed white envelope - I left the bag with you guys and I want to know what happened when I left?”

  Dan rubbed the back of his head trying to recall the sequence of events, “Okay - here’s what I remember. Jen was going on about how romantic and sappy Paris was going to be, you were going on about the creepy underground crypts. Ally was getting really annoyed ‘cos she wasn’t going. That’s when you needed a leak and kicked your bag towards Jen to look after it. It was on the floor when you left and no one went in it - I swear. I wanted to get to class early ‘cos I had to give my deposit to Ms. Claridge. I was about to leave and that's when Jen decided that she wanted to walk with me to class - you know what she’s like.”

  “Yeah, she’s got the hots for you - but what happened to my bag?” Ray looked at Dan waiting for the inevitable answer.

  Dan paused for he remembered only too well, ??
?Jen kicked your bag over to Ally, it slid across the floor - then she left and followed me.”

  Ray moved closer and lowered his voice, “When I came back the two of you had left, there was only Ally holding my backpack, the bell had gone off and she’s telling me to hurry back to the form room. Once I got back to the form room I was going to hand in the envelope and when I looked in my backpack the envelope had gone.”

  “Could it have fallen out?” offered Dan.

  “Dan - the backpack was zipped up, nothing was open. It had to be Ally. I know - neither of us want it to be her, but let’s face it, I hate to say this but she’s a little desperate for some cash right now.”

  Dan thought back to her excited smile this morning, her sudden announcement that she’d found the Paris deposit money and her vagueness and irritation when asked where she’d managed to get the money. He didn't need anymore convincing, suddenly he’d lost his appetite to go to Paris as this trip was turning out to be a nightmare and they hadn’t even boarded the plane yet!

  “What am I going to do Dan? If I report her to the principal, that will get her into a world of trouble. She may get suspended and she doesn't need that additional hassle right now - she’s a good friend Dan, she’s just a little desperate in her situation right now.”

  Dan knew Ray was trying to be a good friend, and he was right but what could he do? “You have until the end of the week to submit the deposit, let me talk to her and see what I can do. You’re a good friend Ray; leave it with me, at least for a couple of days to try to sort out this misunderstanding.

  “I’ll give you two days Dan, then I’ll have to go to the principal - you understand.”

  “Thanks, I really appreciate it.”

  “Why are you two boys huddled over here? Are you rehearsing your pickup lines in French?”

  Jen laughed at how clever she thought she was. Ray laughed like a hyena while Dan didn't break a smile for he had other, more serious things, upon his mind.

  The break was over quickly and the boys returned to their class. Dan could not concentrate; he drifted in and out of the lecture - was it a mistake? Could Ally really be a thief? His eyes scanned the class and they came to rest upon the pleasing site of Jen’s long auburn hair. She sat to his left in a desk one position forward from his. Jen was making notes furiously, clearly engrossed in the lecture. The teacher droned on and walked around a lot as he delivered his class lecture. Could Ally have been driven to steal the money out of pure jealousy? He looked at Jen again; she was by far one of the prettiest girls in the school? Would Ally stoop that low as to steal from a close friend? Girls can get mean and Jen had taken every opportunity to rub Ally’s nose into her inability to go to Paris.

  ‘It’s so romantic,’ she would boast implying that she would hook up with Dan if Ally weren’t there to prevent it. Did that drive her to steal? She was really vague this morning - it had to be her. Unfortunately Dan thought less of Ally. Being a thief and untrustworthy, was not an endearing quality despite her recent hard times. He glanced at Jen again in her blue and white striped sweater, figure hugging blue jeans and stylish black runners. Jen was a very popular girl with a friendly disposition and she was crazy about Dan. The thought flashed across his mind - perhaps he should start going out with Jen. Jen took a break from scribbling her notes and as she often did, she turned her head to look at Dan.

  This time was surprisingly different because Dan was looking back at her. She beamed that beautiful smile showing off her perfect teeth and twirled her long hair with her finger. Dan immediately looked away feeling embarrassed and stupid.

  Dan’s thoughts swirled around his confused brain, how could I betray Ally like that? Perhaps she didn't take the money; perhaps there’s another plausible explanation. I need to talk with her and get this thing straightened out. I’m going to simply ask her at lunch - did she take the money? No - that’s crazy. What if she had nothing to do with this and I’m basically accusing her of stealing. Dan supported his worried head within his hands. He glanced at Jen who was still smiling at him. Dan looked the other way quickly and tried to focus on the teacher.

  Lunch break could not come quickly enough but he remembered a phrase that his Mother used a lot; Ready - Fire - Aim. It was a neat way of saying that you need to get your steps in the right order and don't be too quick to judge before you have all of your facts supporting your conclusion. Dan had convicted Ally - guilty before he’d had a chance to prove anything. It did look like an open and shut case, but additional facts can often change the outcome significantly. Dan decided to take the two days, to go slowly and try to tease the answer out of Ally. Yes - that would be the smartest approach.

  “Finally,” he mumbled, as the bell rang for lunch break. The class erupted into a frenetic state of activity with students trying to get out and get something to eat. Dan packed up quickly and headed for the door, Jen followed, “I saw you looking at me in class today - I like that.”

  “Yeah, it was a boring class and I was probably looking right through you,” he raced into the hallway, Jen managed to keep up with him.

  “Well you looked at me quite a lot,” she said smiling and knowing he was interested.

  “I looked at Bubba Wilson too - doesn’t mean I want to go out with him,” quipped Dan.

  “Well - I just wanted to say that it was nice, you looking at me,” Jen smiled and walked away in the direction of the cafeteria.

  Dan was floored by her comment - yikes she was nice! Now he had to confront Ally, he remembered her being elusive, moody and full of attitude. After a while Dan managed to find Ally who seemed to be in a better mood, “Save me a seat, I’m going to get a sandwich.” Ally nodded and found a small table for two. Dan joined Ally setting down his tray, “So - did you hand in your deposit?”

  Ally finished chewing her food, “Yup, this morning. I’m going to Paris, it’s very exciting.”

  “Yes it is,” said Dan watching her every move. “I know that Ray’s looking forward to seeing the catacombs -that’s some real creepy stuff.”


  Ally took a bite from her sandwich; she nodded her agreement with a mouth full of food clearly occupying her attention. Dan tried another angle, “I wonder who all is going?”

  Ally continued eating, “I’m not sure, most of our friends are going. No, I’m wrong, Teresa said her parents won’t let her go for punishment over that drinking thing - you know, she’s grounded.”

  It wasn't working, she was either a fantastic liar or she was innocent. Could he trust her? The conversation continued in its delicate dance around the topic, it was clear that subtlety was not working. Dan decided to take a more direct route, “I’m curious, how did you ever manage to scrape together the deposit dollars because a few days ago you were so bummed out because you couldn’t make the trip?”

  Ally stopped chewing and stared at Dan, “You’re not going to quit with that are you? Let’s just say that sometimes when you wish for something badly enough it just shows up, just be thankful that I’m going - I am.”

  “It just shows up - wow - I wish I had that ability. A new black Maserati and a valid driver’s license hasn’t just shown up in my life yet,” Dan said - pushing her buttons a little further.

  “Just drop it,” she snapped, clearly irritated.

  Dan couldn't pin her down to a confession and she didn't exhibit any visual cues or signs of remorse. She seemed callous, cool and comfortable with lying, a real poker players demeanor. He wasn't buying the ‘it just shows up’ thing. It was in that moment that he decided he would end his relationship with Ally and encourage Ray to file his report. Jen was starting to look like a really good trade-up option at this time. He’d wait to see what happened but in his heart he knew what he was about to do.

  “Oh don't wait for me after school tonight, I have to speak to Mr. Davies about a paper I’m writing," said Dan brushing Ally off.

  “OK,” said Ally, thankful that he’d changed the subject.

  The rest
of the lunch was really awkward talking about meaningless safe subjects. The bell saved them both from further agony and they returned to their different classrooms. Dan waited back at the end of the day to avoid bumping into Ally. The rain had subsided as Dan walked home with his thoughts constantly turning to Jen. He knew his Mother would be on a high from her date and he didn't want to bring her down with his trivial problems. He devised a plan to listen to her over dinner, and enjoy her excitement and her positive outlook. She’d worked hard for the last couple of years establishing a home, locking down a job and creating a nice comfortable life for them both. Dan was genuinely excited and thrilled that his Mother was finally getting some happiness and starting to live a little and enjoy her life. He hoped that this nice man would stick around and make her happy. The best thing to do was to talk to her about his decision regarding Ally, but he’d leave it to another day where it wouldn’t bring her down because he knew she liked Ally a lot.

  Liz’s date had gone well, it was obvious that she was excited and Dan was genuinely pleased to see her like this. She had a vibrant glow about her as she talked about her day and her new guy - Brian. She talked so much that she was nearly late for work and they rushed to get ready.

  Pausing at their apartment door Liz fumbled for her keys, “You be nice to Raj tonight, we’re pretty lucky to have him around you know.”

  Dan agreed, “Mum, I’m always good with Raj, I don't think he’s in great shape and I really like him - I really like going over there.”

  “That’s good Dan but I hope we’re not too much for him, he’s getting a little on the old side and I don't think anyone thought this arrangement would go on this long, we don't want to outstay our welcome.”

  Liz knocked on Raj’s door; four quick knocks as she always did. “I travel light but not at the same speed,” said Raj opening the door with his usual smile.

  Dan entered, “Hi Raj,” he said skipping past them both.

  Raj laughed, “Hi young man,” he said knowing why he was so eager to enter.

  “Hi Raj,” said Liz rolling her eyes. “Are you ready for another night of fun?” she said, tilting her head in Dan’s direction.

  “Sure,” said Raj.

  “You will let me know when he becomes an imposition won’t you? You’ve been so kind and I never meant this to go on this long.”

  “Liz, I love having Dan over here. As long as he wants to come, then I’m only too happy to chat with him. It’s a lonely life being an old immigrant, he’s my connection to the outside world and I like to hear what’s on young people’s minds. Liz, don't worry, I really like having him over here.”

  “Thank you Raj, but if you ever change your mind you should talk to me right away and never feel obligated.”

  “I will,” said Raj nodding his head.

  Liz smiled and headed down the stairs to start her evening shift.

  Raj closed the apartment door and slid across the bolt to lock it behind him. He leaned on his Cane and shuffled over to his favorite chair.

  “I’m so ready,” said Dan beaming a broad smile.

  “Let’s have a chat first, - are you OK? I mean we saw some pretty horrible things.”

  “I’m trying to think of it like a movie, you know, not part of the real world that we live in. I know that’s not true but it helps me deal with it. We did see some pretty horrible things but we also survived the Karcon.”

  “True. Good - ‘cos I know this is a lot to take in. When the crimson butterfly arrived I looked for you under that large tree and you were gone.” Raj rubbed his chin, “I was a bit worried.”

  Dan smiled, “I know - but I couldn't wake you. I was led away by a parrot that took me to see Brazen. He was there in the forest; he used the owls to cross the tar pits somehow because I swear he was there in the forest. He told me that I would be taken to meet the Crocodile Queen. She wants to give me something and she’s agreed to meet me.”

  Raj listened to the boy intensely, he paused thinking studiously - “In Bardonia, over the years, I’ve heard many stories about the Crocodile Queen; I’ve seen paintings of her and heard Elfen songs sung in her honor. I’ve never seen her and I’ve often doubted her existence if I was totally honest with you. My Grandfather in India often spoke of her; he would refer to her as a pratibhasli - a very rare and special person. I’m surprised that she granted you an audience because she’s normally such a recluse; this must be important Dan. The legend I’ve heard tells of a small child abandoned in the snowy mountains of Haitden, deep within the Third Realm. A poor peasant family did not want another daughter, another mouth to feed, so they abandoned the helpless little girl in the hope that the monks in the Monastery of Light would take pity on her and find her another home. For some reason she stayed with the monks proving to be the most gifted student that they’ve ever educated. She excelled in their teachings, their ways, in spiritual worship, martial arts, meditation, inter-dimensional travel, and of course - fighting the powers of darkness. Some of the male monks resented her attendance and the fact that she was so gifted. She volunteered to leave the monastery and fight the encroaching powers of darkness that threatened Bardonia.

  My Grandfather said that he’d never met her, I have never met her, so we came to the conclusion that this was probably one of those interesting legends laced with life lessons and fabricated fables passed down through generations to teach us all.”

  Dan had been listening with interest, “So you decided that she’s not real.”

  “Sounds like you’re going to find out,” Raj smiled as he held the Dream Cane forward. Dan did not need to be told what to do; he scooted onto the floor to resume his usual position. Kneeling and facing Raj, he grabbed the Cane with both hands.



  * * * * *

  The Sixth Realm - Bardonia

  Chapter 7: The Crocodile Queen.

  The Kingdom of Belladonia, Bardonia

  “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”