Read Witches Snared Page 11

The swirl of light and the moment of nausea soon passed as Raj was returned to the large tree overhanging their selected camp within the Belladonia forest. Dan was returned to a clearing where Relte was about to lead him to the owl.

  Raj rested his head and tried to sleep, accompanied by the sight of a dancing, crackling fire, soothing his tired eyes. A group of spider monkeys slept in the branches high above with an ever-present Kukumic parrot keeping a trained eye on the sleeping pair. Raj glanced at Eian, relieved to be away from Noire and into more familiar surroundings. The stress of losing two of his closest friends had taken its toll through a couple of difficult days for he slept heavily.

  Dan followed Relte, as the purposeful badger scurried away on all fours. Occasionally he would arch his neck checking to see if the large Ricar was still following behind him. Relte led Dan along a small gulley, up to the banks of a small brook, past several hills and crevices until he encountered a pack of waiting badgers. They lined a narrow strip of grass that wound its way through the raised tree roots of gigantic oversized trees. The forest was unusually quiet amplifying the sound of the running water from the nearby brook. The badgers stepped aside allowing Relte and Dan to enter a small clearing shaped like a circle. It was covered in short green grass but in its center was the stump of a dead tree. Relte headed for the stump and sat expectantly. Dan followed waiting to see what the next part of the plan was.

  It was clear that Relte had specific instructions to deliver Dan to the tree stump; so they both waited. Dan could see the badgers poking their noses through the underbrush curious to see but reticent to enter the exposed clearing. Relte waited pushing his hindquarters onto the ground and straining his head and neck towards the sky.

  Relte’s sharp instincts caught the movement of the tree limb above and fled for the cover provided by the tightly packed ferns leaving Dan alone. Dan spun to see a very large bird swoop down into the clearing before perching upon a damaged limb of the dead tree stump. It was a White owl. This was the largest bird Dan had ever seen. The owl stared at Dan with large piercing round yellow eyes. Its talons were large, strong and fierce looking. The owl had two raised tufts of feathers on each side of its majestic head resembling ears. The owl swiveled its head to ensure their safety. After sizing up the Ricar that stood before him a strange voice boomed through Dan’s head.

  “Are you the chosen one?”

  Dan glanced from side to side expecting to see Brazen, the fox. He glanced at the intimidating owl that towered above him and responded, “Chosen for what?”

  “Chosen for an audience with the Crocodile Queen, chosen to fulfill our prophecy, and chosen to fight evil. Did you stop to consider that it was fate that sent you here to our world for a specific reason? I see Ricars every day and you’re not a Ricar; you might look and sound like one, but even the badgers know, they tell me you don't smell like a Ricar. You’re something different, something special, and we’re all glad you're here.”

  Dan felt the weight of responsibility perched heavily upon his shoulders, “So what do we do now?” he inquired impatiently.

  The owl slowly stretched out its massive feather covered wings displaying there impressive size, “Now - you have to trust me. Don’t move or struggle and I’ll deliver you safely to the Crocodile Queen. If you fight me or resist me - I might not be able to hold onto you and it could end badly. Stay perfectly still.” The owl flapped its mighty wings and swooped down towards Dan. He braced himself for the impact but followed his instructions and tried to stay still. The owl grabbed him with his powerful talons gripping his body tightly. He heard the sound of flapping wings and rushing air as the powerful bird lifted him high above the trees into the dark night sky. Fear gripped his senses and he tried to take it all in. ‘I can’t breathe,’ he thought, gasping for air. The powerful talons squeezed his chest tightly but it was fear that had washed over him. ‘Relax’ he told himself. Dan exhaled loudly finally allowing the crisp night air to fill his desperate lungs. He felt his body relax and started to look at the treetops moving quickly below him. He could feel the rhythmic movements of the owl’s strong body and wings as they soared high above the forest. The owl flew for a while until the shimmering sight of a large river came into view. It glowed like a silver snake winding its way through the trees below and shimmering as it reflected in the Moon’s light. As Dan relaxed he started to enjoy his journey trying to pick out landmarks and familiar shapes below him as the wind ruffled his clothing. Eventually the owl started to descend getting closer to the ground and skimming the water of a gently flowing river. Dan could see movement below the surface of the water at first he thought they were fish but quickly realized his mistake -the water was teaming with crocodiles.

  They approached a crude stone arch spanning the narrow part of the river; he could see large crocodiles basking in the moonlight as they lay upon the muddy banks. They flew over the arch and veered to the right where the river widened considerably. A vast lake lay before them but he could see land and small shards of light piercing the dark center of the lake. It was an island, a crescent shaped island, with buildings and light emanating from the flames of burning torches. The owl headed for a flat section of the riverbank where the river gently lapped the shoreline. Crocodiles lined their approach as the owl swooped precariously preparing to land upon a small clearing marked with six flaming torches at the side of the river. Dan was surprised as the owl hovered above the ground gently releasing him from his grip. He landed on his feet but was alarmed when the owl pumped its magnificent wings rising high into the air leaving him alone in the center of the torched area.

  When Dan steadied his balance he saw two large Ricars standing guard on the banks of the river. They were muscular, battle trained and wearing the plain brown robes of a monk but leaning on large heavy metal swords glinting in the light from the flaming torches. The swords were impressively sized with heavy sturdy handles and a handgrip topped with a metal crescent shape - the shape of the island. Dan could see a small wooden box placed upon the ground next to one of the monk’s swords. The monks turned to their side allowing Dan a clearer view of the river.

  Dan could see the movement of crocodiles, these were considerably larger than the ones he’d seen earlier upstream; they were moving towards him from all sides. A surge of crocodiles cruised along the river undulating like the rolling of a carpet as they approached. These were the largest crocodiles Dan had ever seen and he started to weigh up his options; should he run?

  The crocodiles gathered together and then peeled away the closer they got to the shoreline. Dan froze in fear - rooted to the spot and unable to move his heavy limbs. All Dan could do was watch, fascinated and mesmerized by the falling, rolling, twisting pile of large crocodiles as they came within reach. What happened next amazed him in a way that he would surely never forget. Emerging from a pile scales, tails, amber colored eyes, sharp teeth, and rounded snouts came forth an incredible sight. Rising like a Phoenix from the ashes a petite figure ascended from the mass of writhing crocodiles. She rose majestically, weightless, as if suspended by circus wires. Dan blinked his eyes as the golden glow supplied by the torch flames illuminated a young, exceptionally pretty girl with jet-black hair swept backwards and held in place by a headband made of crafted gold twine. She wore an ornate oriental style dress cinched at the waist with flowing pleats that shimmered down to her feet. Her ornate gold colored dress was delicately embroidered with the pattern of intertwined flowers and leaves, decorated in shimmering gold thread. Her wrists were adorned with flared cuffs revealing long white lacy sleeves that almost covered her small alabaster like hands. She held her hands down at her side to steady her balance as she rode in on the largest crocodile’s back. The Crocodile Queen was indeed real but she wasn't what Dan was expecting for she was a small human girl! Her brown eyes came to rest upon Dan as she studied the anxious Ricar that stood before her. The large crocodile placed its front feet onto the flattened bank of the river and supported the Queen’s weight, “Wh
at’s your name Ricar?” she inquired politely.

  Dan’s heart was beating wildly, “Dan,” he replied honestly.

  The Queen stepped off the obedient crocodile and walked between the two large Ricar monks. She carried a slender sword different from the large heavy and unwieldy swords they held. The Crocodile Queen’s sword had a thin blade with an ornate handle that resembled a flower design. Dan thought the sword looked Chinese similar to the ones he’d seen in the movies.

  “Leave us,” she said waving in the monk’s direction. For a moment they hesitated unwilling to leave her unprotected, but she waved her hand again to press the point home. The monks walked away following a path along the bank of the river leaving a small box behind. She walked a little closer to get a good look at the nervous Ricar that stood before her. The large crocodile snapped its jaws and slithered backwards disappearing into the watery depths, “You’re from the fifth realm?”

  Dan shuffled nervously, “Yes.”

  "And you’re a mere boy," she smiled. "Don't be afraid, no harm will come to you tonight. Listen carefully to me for I don't have much time and you'll need to return before daybreak. Look behind me Dan, look above the island - what do you see?" She waited a few seconds only, "Can you see the dark storm clouds forming; can you see them?”

  Dan turned his head skywards towards the island, he could see fast moving grey shapes filling the sky. The clouds billowed in the swirling wind but occasionally he thought he could see sinister looking faces with ominous eyes looking down upon the island. “I can see them,” he said nodding his head.

  “We have our sign - evil is coming. That foolish love struck Elfen will try to release the object of his misguided affections. The Witch will try to release her family from the binding spell that keeps them harmless. If she’s successful, this land will return to its dark ways; there will be blood spilled to allow the emergence of a dark Prince. We’ve fought these battles once before, but I’m not sure we have the will to fight them again.” The Crocodile Queen looked serious, her pretty face strained with concern, “I know what’ll happen, and don't let your eyes deceive you for I am no more an innocent little girl than you are a Ricar. In this realm, I chose to take this form for it suits me.” Her voice became soft and low where Dan had to strain to hear her. “I’m a master monk of the highest order from the third realm and I’m here of my own free will to help this realm - to protect it. We’ve spilt too much blood for all of that progress to be wiped away by a well-meaning foolish Elfen boy and his quest to free his heart’s true love. His misguided actions will plunge this realm back into the hands of the Witches and plunge this realm into darkness forever. The devlins are gathering right now as the night falls, they'll assist the boy providing him with safe passage through Ivany to Bellwood Snare.”

  She turned and brushed a strand of thick black hair behind her small ear, “We can’t let this happen. I’ve lived with a strong vision, where two visitors from the fifth realm arrive to help our realm. You were sent here to stop him but you’ll undoubtedly fail without my help. The Witches and their evil allies know their time is near,” she said nodding at the angry sky above. Dark clouds had almost blotted out the Moon’s light as tortured contorted faces appeared more frequently in the billowing clouds gathered above the island. “On this island is a monastery, it’s a sacred place, a holy place and it’s my home. This special island sits on a core of Byridium - a special kind of metallic ore. You must never mention this place to anyone for it will put me and this realm in great danger.”

  Dan nodded his agreement, “I will never talk about it.”

  “I knew you were not a Ricar from the first time I saw you; but I can sense your ability to travel between realms. I have the same ability; I can travel between realms, dimensions and layers of time and consciousness. I've been trained in the deeper arts of meditation, to change my body's vibrations and the island's Byridium core seems to resonate with my body allowing me to move across realms. This necklace is made from Byridium; it allows me to return to this realm. You’re not the first realm traveller to visit me, and with my utmost gratitude, I suspect that you’ll not be the last. I need you to listen to me very carefully now for the future of our realm really does lie within your hands. There is a small wooden box at your side; it contains a precious cargo that you’ll need to transport with you. The box contains a metal ring made from the purest Byridium. Your job is to guard this ring, don't lose it, for there will come a time when you’ll need it to save our world. Wear it but never take it off, soon you’ll enter the oldest part of any forest within this realm where strong magical forces await you. You’ll need to find Meswert, he’s a Wood Sprite, and he’ll help you get to Belwood Snare. Meswert will know what to do. Do you understand my instructions, for the future of our realm depends upon you?

  Dan was suddenly concerned, “I’ve never met a Wood Sprite before; I don't even know what one looks like.”

  “And you never will unless they want you to see them. Just go to Bellwood Snare and Meswert will find you on your journey. Remember the creatures of the forest know you’re here, they'll help you for they know what’s at stake.”

  Dan nodded, “OK - I can do this, Meswert will tell me what to do and don't lose this ring,” he mumbled nervously under his breath.

  The Crocodile Queen smiled at Dan directing a wayward glance over her shoulder at the ominous clouds forming over her island. Dan walked towards the small box and slipped the ring onto his large finger. It was surprisingly light and slate grey colored, "You’ll need to fight, and I know you have good fighting skills, unfortunately your sword skills are modest.” Dan looked at her with a puzzled expression. “I’m more gifted and experienced than you can ever imagine,” she explained. “Show me your sword,” she demanded.

  Dan reached to the side of his tunic and withdrew his sword; as he did a large crocodile bolted from the water landing upon the shore snapping its jaws to relay a timely warning.

  “Easy,” she said, reassuring her diligent protector. She waved her hand downwards and backwards silently instructing the beast to retreat back into the water. He obeyed without objection. “Hold the blade of your sword out to the side for me.”

  Dan raised his arm slowly raising his blade, in a flash the Crocodile Queen had spun, raised her flimsy blade and brought it down with such force that it crashed upon the thick metal of Dan’s blade. The ornate Chinese sword sliced through the metal like it was cutting through fine soft cheese. The severed blade fell to the ground making an odd thudding sound. Dan was left holding a heavy handle of a useless sword. “This sword was hand crafted for a very special monk, I had the pleasure of studying the techniques outlined in the Repostes Scroll with him at the Monastery of Light. I feel honored to call him my closest friend. The reason I asked you to come here was because I knew you were a realm traveler and that you’ve fought side by side with my friend in another realm. His name is Kaan and he was with you when you killed the Karcon.”

  Dan nodded excitedly, “Yes Kaan, the monk - I do know him?”

  “Kaan has been in many fights and many battles. He knew from the very start that it was not his destiny to kill the Karcon, but he made sure that he could lead the right person to kill the Karcon and in turn release their own demons. After his mission was complete he returned to his realm where he lives to fight on. This sword was made right here on Crescent Island from Byridium ore. It’s stronger than any other metal and is extremely light - this was Kaan’s. He used it in many crusades. We replaced Kaan’s sword with a larger, longer version of this, so he left this sword with me - and now it’s time to give it to you. You’ll need this for your journey ahead. The first time that you wield this sword in battle you’ll inherit swordsmanship skills that’ll make you difficult to defeat.” The Crocodile Queen pushed the sword into its protective scabbard, unbelted it from her slender figure and offered it to Dan. Dan loosened his scabbard letting it fall to the ground. He dropped the damaged remnants of his shattered sword and
graciously accepted the new superior sword. It was indeed light and looked fragile but he’d witnessed how it sliced through his large, heavy, sturdy blade with ease.

  “Thank you,” he said, bowing his head in gratitude.

  “I have one more very important gift for you Dan.” She reached into her golden gown and pulled out a small leather bound book. It was worn and tattered showing obvious signs of age. She presented the book to Dan who seemed puzzled by her gift. As he looked at the book it had an intricate design carved into the thick leather cover. The design centered upon a heart shape pierced by two swords. One of the swords was identical in design to swords carried by the Ricar monks displaying a crescent shaped hilt. The other sword was identical to his recent gift - a Chinese sword with a flower shaped design upon its hilt.

  The sound of lapping water caught their attention as a large crocodile flanked by two smaller ones emerged from the water, “That means it's time for me to go, keep that book safe, it’s more important than you can understand for now; you will need to keep it safe within your own realm - that’s very important - your own realm. All will become clearer to you later,” she said. “It’s not safe for me to spend too much time away from the island. It was a great pleasure to meet you traveller of the fifth realm. It’s not often that I get a chance to talk with a fellow realm traveller, and a person lucky enough to have fought alongside the great Kaan, my dearest friend. We will meet again my friend, our paths are now entwined, and destiny will continue to bind our journeys. Stay safe and deliver the ring to Meswert, good luck, and may you be showered with light.”

  She walked briskly onto the back of the large crocodile and disappeared into a pile of bodies, scales, heads and limbs. The collection of crocodiles made an impressive barge as she returned downstream to her island sanctuary. He would never forget the little girl who wielded so much power.

  Dan heard a small sound behind him as he spun to confront the intruder. The owl had landed silently, gracefully, and with deadly stealth. He could have attacked Dan if he’d wanted too and seemed to be proving a point. Dan made sure the ring was firmly attached to his finger and the sword was secured around his waist. He touched the sword to ensure its safety and walked towards the owl before being scooped up grabbed by his large powerful talons and carried away.

  Dan was returned by the owl to the clearing in the woods where Relte was waiting impatiently, “Come on, hurry,” said the concerned badger nervously. Dan followed Relte along the stream’s path and back to his original sleeping location. He crept back into the camp and nestled in quietly. Dan managed to conceal his absence but was exhausted from his extended day; he soon fell asleep as the creatures of the forest took their turn to keep a watchful eye upon the three weary travellers resigned to saving their realm. The three men woke to the sound of birds singing as the forest sprang to life with the Sun’s early morning warmth.

  Raj looked at Dan inquisitively, Dan nodded and continued to pack his bags, “I’ll tell you everything when I can,” he whispered. Raj smiled and nodded. The three men readied themselves determined to journey through the forest. Dan led the way searching for guidance in the high branches of the dense forest. He caught his first glimpse of a parrot that fluttered from tree to tree helping the men navigate through the thick foliage. Other parrots would join in and take their turn to relieve the tired bird. Eian had noticed the colorful birds but he never suspected they were guiding the Ricar. They walked most of the morning stopping occasionally to feast on fruits and berries offered by the forest. Dan managed to tell Raj about the Crocodile Queen but neglected to mention the book.

  After resting for a while the parrots seemed to flock to the safety of a large tree. Dan sensed this was as far as they were willing going to go. A well-worn path led the way forward but an eerie silence had descended upon the forest. All morning they’d heard the screeching parrots overhead but now they fell silent and still. The men pressed onwards entering an area of the forest that immediately felt and smelled different. The air was cooler and the silence became deafening. They walked cautiously along the path with Dan leading the way, Raj following, and Eian bringing up the rear. A cold foggy mist had started to blanket the forest floor adding to the discomfort the men felt. As they walked, the path was lined with stone graves marking the lives of fallen soldiers. The fog thickened as their footsteps caused the mist to swirl in circles around their feet. The path had disappeared, obscured by the swirling mist; the trail was made visible only by the stone tomb markers, “What is this place?” whispered Eian to Raj as he walked behind him.

  “This is Seinguard, a sacred Ricar burial place, great warriors and heroes of battle line this path, a symbol to all that approach Ivany that Ricars are a formidable force.

  “Why here and not in Ivany itself?” Eian’s voice was low and crackled with fear.

  “We’re crossing the site of a great battle, many died here protecting our realm; the battle of Crompton was our finest hour. Just keep walking, we don't want to offend the spirits that live here.”

  Raj turned his head forwards and continued to walk along the tomb-lined path. Dan heard whispers and turned his head sharply to the left, “Keep going,” said Raj trying to assure him, “this place plays tricks with your mind, don't let the fog distract you; keep walking.” Dan complied and forged forward with more pace and determination. The fog started to dissipate after a while and the forest surroundings changed again. The trees looked different, larger - menacing and dark. The familiar noises started to return with birds, monkeys, and various creatures curious to watch the travelling men below. Dan stopped abruptly with his hand raised ensuring the men behind him stopped in their tracks. Dan reached for his long bow and slowly loaded the stretched twine with an arrow from his quiver.

  Raj had sensed the danger - loading his bow he looked for a cause of his concern. Eian withdrew his sword and waited for the all clear. Dan’s keen senses were drawn to the dense scrub ahead of them. His suspicions were soon confirmed as three large snarling devlins burst from the brush intent on killing. As they emerged from the foliage two additional devlins appeared upon their left flank in a pincer movement that caught them off guard. Dan’s arrow left his bow straight and true piercing the eye of the charging devlin. He grunted loudly in pain as he dropped to the floor in a crumpled heap. Dan reached for his sword as the charging devlins surrounded them. Raj had fired an arrow at a devlin approaching from their left, the arrow's tip had grazed the beast’s shoulder and still he approached. Dan rushed towards the nasty scar-faced beast with his new sword raised. It looked flimsy compared to the devlin's tough leathery skin, large head and ferocious teeth.

  The sword was light and nimble it allowed Dan to quickly spin his body to one side while wounding the thick snout of a snapping devlin with ease. The sword passed through skin, bone and muscle as the injured devlin dropped instantly. Raj was facing another devlin fighting to keep him at bay. Eian distracted the second devlin by waving his sword frantically as Dan rounded the carcass of the downed devlin; he ran onto its ample body and launched himself through the air towards the last advancing devlin. He lifted his sword with ease and drove it downwards with considerable force. Dan aimed the tip of the sword towards the beast’s thick skull; it pierced the head easily, bringing the beast’s desperate charge to an instant stop. He let out his last gasp of air before falling to the ground motionless.

  Dan withdrew his sword and turned his attentions to the remaining devlins who were now circling. One seemed to be getting the upper hand overpowering Eian and forcing him to retreat. Eian flailed his sword in a defensive pattern. Raj was an experienced swordsman but he couldn't get close enough to finish his attacker off. Dan ran to assist Eian; the beast turned and snapped at him, Dan waved his thin strong blade in front of the beast taunting him. As the beast lunged forward - Dan struck quickly and without mercy. Dan sliced at the beast’s snout causing it to recoil in pain, followed by a loud chilling howl. Wounded and bleeding, Dan took advantage of the
devlin’s stricken situation by lunging his blade forward. It penetrated the devlin’s thick protective hide and delivered a fatal blow. The devlin rolled away - its lifeless body falling into the underbrush.

  Raj was starting to gain the upper hand finally forcing the stubborn beast to go on the defensive. His heavy sword caught his adversary upon his shoulder causing him to recoil and hunker down. He snapped and growled trying to intimidate Raj when an arrow flew through the air plunging into the neck of the frightened beast. It was over when Raj delivered the final blow with his heavy sword.

  The three men looked at each other relieved they'd survived the devlin’s ambush. Eian had seen Dan in a different light for he was a supreme fighter and wielded his sword with the most deadly precision. Eian knew that Ricars were impressive in battle but with all of his training he still felt humbled. More snorting sounds wiped the relief from their faces as they turned to see eight more devlins lined up preparing to charge. They were looking at the carcasses that lay before them when they heard more noises coming from either flank as the ferns, weeds, and brush started to shake.

  Dan liked his new fighting skills, he loved the power of his new sword, but surely this was it, there were too many devlin to defeat in this battle. They needed a plan and he didn't have one. He could charge at the devlins lined up in front of him, but that would result in leaving Raj and Eian to fight alone. If he stayed with them they could protect each other but they would be surrounded from all flanks. The bushes continued to shake with the advancing devlins causing Raj’s heart to pound. The three men backed closer to each other, pointing their swords outwards, their backs touching, closing their circle like wildebeests would gather and point their horns outwards in a form of defense.

  As the bushes shook their fear turned to astonishment as streams of badgers emerged from each side forming a protective guard around the men. The badgers were much smaller than the devlins who were arranged and ready for battle. The devlins seemed worried by the noise and started to snarl, growl and grunt at the badgers preparing for the fight. The devlins were outnumbered but they fancied their chances against the badgers and would not back down.

  The badgers huddled together closing the distance between their bodies and bracing themselves for a charge. The ground suddenly started to shake and clouds of dust emerged from the dark thick soil. Bursting from beneath the ground like demonic snakes brown tree roots slithered their way towards the confused devlins. Behind their formidable line formation an assortment of tree roots were now grabbing at their feet, legs and bodies. The roots quickly anchored the great beasts securing them to the ground in an inescapable restraint. They struggled, ran, and jumped to evade the encroaching roots but it was of no use. The beasts had been snared, bound by the forest and the trees strong roots that had emerged beneath them.

  Raj had seen this before, “The forest is on our side, as we get closer to Ivany we start to travel into the oldest part of the forest, the mystical forest. These, my friends, are slippery Elm; and you don't threaten the existence of slippery Elm!”

  Loud creaking sounds ripped through the air as the terrified devlins were dragged downwards into the dirt fighting and struggling. Small mounds of dirt were the only remaining signs as the forest consumed their bodies. The badgers waited as the final devlin disappeared; a large owl swooped down and landed on a newly formed dirt drumlin. Eian was still nervous, “So much death because of a stupid lovesick boy. You should never trust a woman that has emotionally disarmed you.” The badgers streamed away leaving behind two large badgers to guide the men forward upon their journey.

  Dan lowered his sword and gawped at a crimson butterfly casually fluttering by, “No,” he muttered - grabbing his bag and holding onto the book the Crocodile Queen had given him, still unclear as to why he needed to keep it safe, before his head spun out of control.

  * * * * *

  The Fifth Realm - Earth

  Chapter 8: Trust and Deceit: Mortal Enemies.

  Westtown, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

  “There comes a time when deceit and defiance must be seen for what they are.”