Read Witches Snared Page 13

The swirl of light blinded them temporarily as the nausea and disorientation swept over them both. It soon passed and they came to their senses in the clearing surrounded by dead devlins and strange dirt mounds within the Belladonia forest. Dan was facing the two badgers trying to lead Eian and Raj on a path to safety. The badgers escorted the men through the forest for two days and nights leading them to water, fruit and shelter. Other animals tracked the group’s progress acting as advanced scouts alert to any danger of rampaging devlins. Darkness was moving in when they made camp for the night. In the morning when they would start their journey they would enter Ivany and be close to the Witches at Bellwood Snare. The devlins had taken an alternate route leading Ryan through the dangerous rocky crevices of Barden that led to Ivany. As the group settled in for the night Dan moved over to Raj who’d been unusually quiet, "You okay?"

  "Yes, I think so," said Raj rubbing his chin and letting the words hang, "I just hope we get there in time - ahead of Ryan.

  Dan had entertained similar thoughts and had questioned the wisdom of the badgers to let the darkness halt their impending advancement towards Ivany. A small rustling noise caught their attention to their left, Dan instinctively reached for his sword leaving it sheathed in his scabbard but gripping its handle just in case he needed it. As the ferns parted in front of them the familiar frame of a stocky badger emerged - it was Relte.

  "I suggest you both get some rest, we've surrounded the camp tonight and have lookouts in every tree branch, gulley and trail for miles."

  Dan seized his opportunity, "Why can't we go to Ivany now?"

  Relte shoved his furry behind into the ground propping himself up defiantly with his front paws, "The path into Ivany that leads to the Witches Snare will be treacherous, it is littered with devlins now and they are fierce night fighters. The Elfen and the other devlins will travel onwards tonight using the coolness of the evening air to aid their journey. They will arrive in Ivany at daybreak just as we'll be arriving. We’ll be well rested and they will be tired. At present we don't have sufficient numbers to defeat our enemy but reinforcements are streaming in as we speak from all over the forest and plain lands, but they too will travel through the night; bear, cougar, tiger, wolf, badger, ferret, stoat, stags, eagles, owls and any creature that can fight, on land or in the air; they will be here to help. The morning will bring bloodshed, many of us will die and the devlins will fight to the death and exact a large toll to get that boy into a position where he can awake the Witch. The devlins were bred for one single purpose - to fight to secure a way to get the dark Prince into this realm. The Witches are now powerful enough to cast a spell to open the door for the dark Prince, and we must all fight to stop them. Animals of the forest will put aside their deep rooted differences for one night, to fight shoulder to shoulder, for the preservation of our forest and our realm." Relte paused, letting the importance of his statement sink in, "Tomorrow will be an epic struggle and many of us will not be returning home - our goal is to keep you three safe, so you can stop the Elfen boy. Don't let us down."

  Dan turned and looked at Raj who simply nodded to acknowledge the challenge set out before them. Despite the rousing speech, Dan managed to sleep well - tired from the previous day's exertions. As the early rays of light crept through the darkness, an army that had travelled through the night joined the men. Relte had stirred the camp but was trying to hurry the men into leaving.

  Raj could smell the excitement in his nostrils, he knew his human life was nearing its end and the finality of death did not scare him. Existing in a younger man's body, full of strength and vitality excited him, and if he were to die fighting for a noble cause, he could not think of a more honorable way to leave this world. Eian was agitated and wanted to leave for Ivany but Relte pressed his stocky shaped furry body against him to block his impatience. Finally Relte's patience snapped, "You Ricar!" shouted Relte resonating with Raj’s head, "tell this Elfen to remain here now; tell him you’ll be back for him shortly," Relte looked annoyed and was circling with increased urgency.

  Raj nodded, "Eian, I want you to wait here for us - we have something we must do and it's important that you remain here - understand?"

  Eian was confused but nodded his head offering no resistance.

  Relte approached the Ricars, "You two follow me quickly,” he scurried away ignoring any response. Dan shot a worried glance at Raj as he lifted his body off the ground and followed recognizing the urgency. The two men trailed the badger around a large rock, across a stream and deeper into the forest. Shards of light from the rising Sun streaked around the thick tree trunks blinding the men as monkeys screeched loudly in the branches above when suddenly the badger stopped to face the men. "Here's where I stop, you have to trust the creatures of the forest, they're here to help and protect you. Do not harm any of them out of fear - they will help you. We are counting on you two to save our world, we know the prophecy and we know how important a role you both will play in saving our way of life. Don't let us down, we’ll never let you down - now go, lay down your arms and follow the monkeys above." Relte disappeared into the forest, swallowed by the green growth that covered the forest floor. One monkey was very vocal jumping up and down shaking his branch in an attempt to get the men's attention. The men decided to follow the animated primate.

  The monkey led the men deeper into the forest to a clearing where the trees thinned out revealing blue sky and a circular raised stone ledge. The monkey perched high in the tree and pointed to the ledge encouraging the men to step onto the stone platform. Raj glanced at Dan wondering if this was a wise thing to do. Raj stood frozen looking at the ledge knowing they would be exposed, Relte's voice entered his head, ‘You have to trust the creatures of the forest.’

  Without waiting any longer Raj led the way and moved forward onto the circular stone quickly followed by the apprehensive Dan.

  Black shadows moved in the underbrush surrounding them - shapes shifted and moved stealthily to surround their position. Had they been fooled? Had they been tricked into a simple ambush? Dan could hear his own heart beating loudly within his chest. Had they been stupid to trust Relte?

  Glowing bright yellow eyes emerged from the dark shadows graciously provided by the dense green ferns below the forest canopy. The sleek black bodies of large muscular cats slinked their way up onto the rock ledge effortlessly. At least six large male panthers surrounded the frightened defenseless Ricars - Raj snatched at Dan's sleeve, "Steady boy - be still."

  The panther's circled around the two men before turning their heads away from the men to form a protective guard. They sat in unison, the Sun's bright light glistening on their sleek black fur with their long tails flicking against the rough stone floor. Two of the panthers diverted their ears and attention to a noise emerging from the forest as a large sandy yellow figure emerged. It was a lion, a huge lion with a shaggy mane and large amber colored eyes. It moved towards the stone platform glancing from side to side inspecting the scene for imminent danger. It stopped short of joining the panthers and moved to one side. Following the lion was the hooded figure of a man, dressed in the plain brown robe of a monk. His face was concealed still deep within the dark confines of his hood. Dan could see the handle of his sword; it was shaped with the insignia of the crescent island of the Crocodile Queen. Was this one of her guards?

  The monk entered the stone platform; he turned to face away from the men concealing his face. The lion followed but he squared up to the men providing protection for the monk's back. The monk stared into the rising Sun his brown robe casting a long dark shadow across the stone. He exhaled loudly, "Tell me visitors, who are you and where do you come from? - For its clear to me you are definitely not Ricars."

  Dan shot a look of panic at Raj hoping he would take the lead on this one. The monk turned to listen to their answer keeping his head bowed and his face concealed within his hood. The lion opened his jaw in anticipation revealing large white teeth.

  "We're from Earth - the fifth r
ealm; we were sent here to help. Our quest is to retrieve a golden flagon stolen from us by a misguided Ranger who intends to revive a Witch. My name is Raj and my friend here is Dan - who are we speaking with?"

  The monk remained motionless and the lion remained ready to pounce, "Earth," he said letting the word hang in the air like the morning mist, "the prophecy states that we will receive two visitors to our realm from Earth disguised as Ricar. They will help us defeat evil and save our world." He paused again lowering a hand to his sword. In one swift movement he extracted his heavy sword and had it pointed at Raj's throat before either of them could move - his speed and accuracy were unparalleled. "You, boy," he said nodding at Dan, "have you ever been in a fight?" he inquired with some disdain. "That's a man's sword you carry - a very special sword that you are not yet worthy to wear. Tell me, where did you get it?"

  Dan had to think fast, he couldn't trust this monk and he was not going to reveal the existence of the Crocodile Queen, "I found it in the forest."

  The monk thrust the heavy blade forward into Raj's neck just stopping short of impaling him. The thrust was far enough to nick a small amount of blood, "Now tell me the truth - where did you get that sword."

  Dan had to keep his word - "As I said, I found it."

  The monk lowered his sword, "So you two are tasked with saving our world? How do I know you are capable? Devlin's are miserable creatures but they're dumb and easy to kill - you two don't look like fighters to me. I bet you've never seen a real dangerous beast," he scoffed. "Killing a Karcon, now that's much harder than fighting these dumb brutes," he laughed sarcastically. "You two wouldn't stand a chance against a Karcon, I would wager you've never even seen one!"

  He couldn't keep his cool any longer, Dan snapped, "That's not true - we've seen one and we've killed one." As soon as the words fell from his mouth he knew he'd made a mistake and shot a worried glance towards Raj. The look of disappointment was obvious on Raj's face.

  "That so," said the monk knowing he had them where he needed them, "next thing you're going to tell me your Barnes & Colder or something fanciful like that."

  Dan's heart was pounding, how could this guy know so much?

  "Stop teasing the boy," said Raj sternly.

  The monk flipped his hood back to reveal a familiar face.

  Raj laughed, "Master monk of the highest order, from the mountains of Haitden, and the majestic Monastery of Light, deep within the Third Realm - Kaan! It's good to see you again old friend!"

  Dan let out a sigh of relief - "Kaan," he screeched running towards him. The lion moved forwards and growled loudly crinkling his snout and baring his teeth.

  "Easy boy," said Kaan moving his heavy blade downwards, "these are friends of mine." The lion reluctantly backed down. The men hugged each other like long lost friends as the lion continued to watch them with suspicion. "Don't worry about him, he's a pussy cat once you get to know him. Actually he's the fiercest lion across all of the prides and he's here to protect me and get me to this point where I can tell you of our goal. I need you to listen very carefully because what I need to tell you will ultimately save this realm." Kaan shifted his gaze to the forest, "Let's get out of the clearing and find the safety of some cover, follow me." Kaan returned his hood, slid his crescent handled sword into his scabbard and led the way off the flat rock ledge. The panthers sprung into life leading the way as the lion stayed close to Kaan. The big cats escorted them to a felled tree where Kaan sat on its thick trunk surrounded by his feline guard. Raj and Dan sat on small boulders facing the tree.

  "This realm depends upon you, I can't tell you how important this is, the forest, the animals - all of these cats, birds, monkeys, everything will go. This world will be overrun with beasts, abhorrent creations from the underworld. Darkness will consume this realm and the darkest Prince of all will visit here and turn this world into pure evil. That can't happen." Kaan paused and looked away taking in the beauty of the panther's form as the Sun glistened upon their black fur. "Ok - we have to save this realm together but we’re only the facilitators for none of us can kill a Witch." Kaan watched Dan's face fill with disappointment, "we have to find the one man who can. This is a special man gifted with special powers.” Kaan’s gaze fell upon Dan’s hand, “I see you wear the ring of Salome," said Kaan his eyes widening at the dull metallic ring Dan was quickly trying to conceal. "Answer me honestly, did the Crocodile Queen give you this?"

  "Well, answer the man," said Raj giving Dan the direction he desperately needed.

  Dan's mouth felt dry but he managed to get the words out, "Yes, I met her."

  "Think carefully, what did she look like?" inquired Kaan.

  Dan thought hard trying to recreate her image in his mind, "She was a little girl with long dark flowing hair, held in place with a gold hair clasp. She wore a long gold colored shimmering dress with white lace cuffs. The largest crocodiles I’ve ever seen surrounded her, and she gave me this ring and this sword. The sword is light but extremely strong; she told me it was made from Byridium, a special kind of metal. The ring is also made of Byridium but she wouldn't tell me why I needed this ring only that I should keep it safe and its vitally important to saving this realm, she didn't mention anything about Saloma."

  Kaan smiled, "Salome,” he corrected, “you've done well my young warrior." A panther yawned behind him tiring in the heat of the rising Sun. "You’re in possession of a special ring, a sacred object and a powerful spiritual artifact that will save this realm. The ring you naively wear is an alloy ring made from a blend of two powerful metals, Byridium for strength - making this ring virtually indestructible, but the other metal is special, powerful and mystical. Silver is found within this ring, but not just any old silver. You are wearing a piece of the silver platter used to serve the severed head of John the Baptist at King Herod's birthday celebrations. Salome asked for his head on a platter and was granted her wish after she’d danced provocatively for the King. Legend says that a drop of John's blood is contained within this ring. Something born out of evil has emerged as a strong symbol of light, of good, and a weapon against the power of evil. The Salome ring will help us defeat these Witches so you must keep it very safe."

  Raj was curious, "Tell me Kaan, you described us as facilitators - what does that mean and why ask the boy to describe the Crocodile Queen?"

  Kaan smiled again removing his hood, and exposing his earnest face, "The Crocodile Queen is not who she seems, so I wanted, no - I needed, to be sure that you’d seen her. She only shows herself to the people who need to see her. Legends describe her as a tall warrior woman; some say she has a crocodile face! I know she’s a small child, a young girl. What you don't know is that she’s my friend, my very close friend. Her name is Rose and she was the most gifted monk we have ever seen, her powers as a young girl have never been repeated - stronger than the most gifted master. She could travel to any realm, fight evil and use her mystical forces. As she matured into a young woman her powers faded a little, but she was still the most gifted monk in the monastery. She exists in time, she can move forwards, backwards and between the spiritual realms and the physical realms. I trained with her; I am privileged to call her my friend. The dark forces would love to find her and kill her."

  Dan rested his chin upon his large hand, "Why did she take the form of a little girl?"

  Kaan straightened his legs and leaned inwards, "In this realm her powers are much stronger as a little girl. She has a unique gift - the gift of foresight. She has visions, clear insights into the future that she calls prophecies. She foretold the arrival of the fifth realm Ricars, she foretold of the lovesick Ranger and the beguiling Witch with the face of an angel. She knows how to defeat evil but she also knows what will happen to this land - and to her - if we fail. The crocodiles provide her safety on the crescent island, but she has sent word to other realms that the dark forces grow in power."

  "I’ve seen the tortured faces in the dark clouds moving in above the island," said Dan with a tou
ch of panic resonating through his voice. "They will kill her won't they? You have the crescent sword, you’re sworn to protect her - am I right?"

  "We are friends, I’ll do everything that I can to protect her. She’s a powerful force but she needs help and this is why we've been summoned."

  Raj interrupted, "Facilitators?"

  "Yes," said Kaan. "Once the beguiled Elfen releases the Witch with the Milkenweed, she will need to be killed. Eian, the brave Ranger back in the woods will not be capable of such a feat, neither will any of us I'm afraid. No animal in this realm is a match for her cunning, trickery and evil. We snared the Witches just as their power had started to grow, but they have continued to grow despite their incarceration. If unleashed they will kill us all by introducing the Prince of Darkness to this realm. No bear, lion, panther or tiger is strong enough to kill these Witches."

  "Then what are we to facilitate?" stuttered Raj impatiently.

  As Kaan was about to explain a small but distinguishable noise caught their attention to their left. The cats moved their ears and turned their heads in perfect unison. The lion stood and cautiously moved closer to Kaan. The lion flicked his furry mane covered head towards the noise as three panthers rose quickly slinking off to investigate.

  Kaan continued, "We were never meant to kill the Witch, but the three of us will help find the one man who can - our job is to find him and bring him here. We have to facilitate his safe passage. That is our destiny and our role as facilitators. The ring you wear is made partly of Byridium - it will help him travel to this realm. The silver and blood also contained in the ring will give him the power he needs to defeat this type of evil."

  "So we're not going to Ivany and the Witches Snare? I was told to find a Wood Sprite named Meswert. He would know what to do, it was part of the Crocodile Queen’s explicit instructions."

  "You're a good man Dan, a brave man for such a short number of years amassed in your life. Remember time is not linear in many realms - only in your world. There are many things you don't yet understand with many opportunities to learn new things and new lessons. One of the first things you will learn is to never, ever, trust your eyes. I'm looking at a muscular adult Ricar, but a human, a young boy, inhabits it. The last time I saw you - remember - well - you were a large strapping muscular man in a mining village."

  The panthers emerged with the source of the noise - Eian had grown impatient and set out to find the two Ricars. He was flanked by two large black cats with one pushing him forward with his nose, the other with his sword clasped within his mouth. "Sorry, I couldn't wait any longer. I wanted to avenge my friend's deaths and save our world." Eian saw the other large cats with a monk perched high upon the fallen tree trunk, and a ferocious lion flanking him. The lion snarled a warning as Raj shouted at him.

  "Stay still you fool - if you want to live."

  Eian complied reluctantly though he didn't fancy his odds in a fight surrounded by large wild cats. "Who's this guy?" inquired Eian in a shaky voice, "are they on our side?"

  "Yes," snapped Dan, "you'd be dead by now if they weren't."

  "Are you talking to these animals? I heard a man once, he said that Ricars can talk to animals, is this true?" inquired an expectant Eian.

  Raj took over, "Silence fool, this is our friend Kaan, he's here to help us but you're in deep, very deep. Eian you're a brave fool but you're way out of your depths, if you want to live to tell the tale of how you helped save your world then you better listen, learn and obey."

  Eian - surrounded by ferocious large cats just nodded without protest.

  Kaan resumed his instructions, "Never trust your eyes, our eyes are not as sharp as a cat's eyes," he said leaning down and pulling the ear of the reluctant lion. "Our vision is not as wide as other creatures, we can only see the things our eyes allow us to, yet other animals can see in the dark or from miles away. Some creatures depend upon this extra sight or lack of sight for their very survival. They blend in and confuse the mind of the hunter into seeing what they want you to see. This Meswert that you seek, he's a Wood Sprite. They are one of the oldest and wisest creatures in the old forest. Wood Sprites have lived for thousands of years cleverly avoiding detection and living harmoniously within the forest and its creatures within. The old trees protect them and they earn this protection by maintaining the forest, making it healthy and keeping it in balance. They will divert streams to provide water, plant flowers for the bees and trim the invasive weeds that choke out the forest floor. They will rid the trees of vines that kill their hosts. You will never find Meswert unless he wants you to find him. I know Meswert, he’s been travelling with me the whole time."

  The fallen tree's rough bark started to move, a section of bark peeled away as the outline of a figure stretched his arms and rose upon two legs that resembled thick twisted twigs. The cats never flinched as if they'd known he was there the whole time.

  Eian, Dan and Raj all jumped backwards startled at how close this creature had been to them yet remaining undetectable. "Never trust your eyes," repeated Kaan. "Wood Sprites never talk - they communicate using a form of language that sounds like high pitched clicks, like branches and twigs moving in the wind."

  "But I can talk to you, travellers of the Fifth Realm."

  Dan looked at Raj whose face erupted with a large grin. "Did you hear that?" inquired Raj.

  "Yes," said Dan excitedly.

  "Here what?" said the hapless Eian.

  Raj responded to Eian curtly, "We can communicate with him, stay silent and stay patient, we'll explain everything to you when the time is right."

  "Tell them what they need to know, I think they're ready," said Kaan leaning his hand on the heavy crescent shaped handle of his sword.

  Meswert sat on the trunk of the tree his legs blending into the patterned bark, "The Crocodile Queen is indeed a talented monk and she will save our realm for it is her destiny but she can't do it alone. She will fight the gathering forces of evil as the storm clouds gather over Crescent Island. The Prince of Darkness would arrive through a gateway on the island; she will do everything in her considerable power to prevent the gateway to the dark world being opened. She will be attacked by hoards of devlins - the owls; Ricars and the crocodiles will fight to their death to protect her. Eventually she will succumb, the gateway will be opened and he will arrive. She needs to stay on the island, which means someone else will need to kill the Witch and prevent this from happening. Her vision shows the foolish Elfen will awaken the pretty Witch. Only one man has enough power to kill a Witch in our realm and he has been placed under a spell in another realm. A powerful Witch found him, knocked him out with a potion then turned him into stone - so we will need to release him."

  "Which realm is he in?" inquired Dan impatiently.

  Raj slapped Dan's arm in annoyance, "Shut up and listen - this is important!" snapped Raj, eager not to miss a single detail.

  Meswert resumed, "The Crocodile Queen has travelled to many realms and has fought valiantly but on one fateful mission she met a handsome knight, a brave crusader. They fell in love and their bond has transcended time, distance, realms, battles and worlds. His name is Jean d’Alluye; he’s a brave French crusader. Rose and Jean are very much in love but as darkness knows love can be a weakness to exploit and it provides a way to get to Rose. Jean was asked to fight evil in the fifth realm - in your realm, Earth. He needed to kill a Witch back in your 13th century. The Witch had taken residence in a secluded wood in the French countryside. Jean had fought evil across numerous crusades and was a sacred knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece - a secretive society that still exists on Earth today. In 1248 Jean was armed with a mystical sword made of pure Byridium and presented to him by Rose herself. She'd originally made the sword for an oriental emperor who was fighting demons in China. The emperor had been overpowered before the sword could be delivered. Jean d'Alluye tracked the Witch to a wood outside of Tours, in France. The sword was strange looking for that time with a very un-Europ
ean blade and an Asian flowering handle. Jean traced the Witch to a cabin and pierced the strong blade deep into her heart. Billowing winds and white-hot flames shot from her body, as her screams seemed to heat the blade. Insects and snakes spewed from her body securing his feet to the ground and rendering him motionless. His chainmail armor protected his feet and legs. Her screams confirmed she was a Witch but he’d miscalculated for at the back of the cabin was another Witch - an identical twin.

  To this day the Crocodile Queen blames herself and will not forgive her error in judgment, as she did not see a different Witch in her visions. The second Witch cast a spell over the defenseless Jean d'Alluye freezing his muscles and turning him into a more rigid version of himself like a man becomes rigid after death.

  Infuriated by her sister’s death she wheeled him out to the yard placed him upon a stone slab and arranged his body into a death pose with his sword and shield. She bent his arms at the elbow and folded his hands across his chest praying in piety. She placed a small lion cub at his feet - a symbol of courage in those days and turned him, the lion and the pillow his head rested upon into stone. The result was a block of carved stone that looked like a tomb effigy. The Witch found a young man picking berries in the forest and exacted her revenge. She killed the young man, boiled his bones and put them in a stone casket sealed with the effigy. She arranged for the stone tomb to be shipped to the Abbey of La Clarte-Dieu near Tours. There he lay as a hero presumably killed in battle on the crusades, one of their own, a fallen son and knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece.

  We don't know where he is today but that's why we need you to find him. His hands are placed in the praying position, that's how the Witch posed him so the locals would think he's simply a carved stone effigy consistent with the 13th century. But that would be her mistake - that ring can be slipped onto the tip of one of those fingers and the curse will be instantly broken. All you have to do is find him."

  "All we have to do is find him," repeated Dan.

  "You can do this," said Kaan reassuringly, "you have to, we're all depending on you."

  "So let me get this straight, you're asking us to find a stone statue from 1247," said Raj.

  "1248," corrected Dan.

  "1248 then; if this statue is even still in existence. What if his nose has been broken off or he's missing and arm or his fingers?" asked Raj.

  Meswert stomped his foot, "The Crocodile Queen can feel him, he's alive and in one piece - you have to hurry but you can break this spell and save him. Just slip that ring on one of his fingers".

  Raj shifted his weight, "And if we do this - then what?"

  Meswert fumed with irritancy, "Jean d'Alluye is a knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece. He carries a mystical sword required for killing Witches and he will wear a ring hand crafted from the blood of John the Baptist. That ring will transport him here, back to our realm, his skills and that sword will do the rest - but none of this will happen if you can't find him and release him."

  Raj stood, "It's a long shot, our realm is massive, he could be anywhere - France, in a private collection, buried underground, in pieces, in a church, another country, who knows. It could take us years to find him if we ever do."

  "You will never find him," said Meswert, "if you don't try. We are all trying to fight evil, it often seems an impossible task but if you were harmed in any way, wouldn't you like to think that help was on its way?"

  The lion roared at Kaan, "My friend senses your time here is drawing to a close - don't let us down. The Crocodile Queen is much smarter and more powerful than any of us can imagine, there’s a reason she's picked you, now go and find Jean d'Alluye for he alone can save this realm."

  A crimson butterfly fluttered past the nose of an alert panther that swatted at him using his large black paw. The spinning of their heads followed a flash of brilliant blinding light, as they were transported back to earth and the fifth realm.

  It was Dan who moved to the door the quickest, "Hi Mum," he said opening it.

  "Hi love, Hi Raj, I trust he was no bother?" asked Liz as she always did.

  Raj waved at Liz while clutching onto his cane, "No bother at all Liz, you know how much I like his company."

  Dan was a clever kid and he recovered quickly to seize the moment brushing away the swirling crimson fog dissipating within his brain, "Mum, tomorrow's Saturday and Raj has offered to help me with my school project - I have to write a paper about another country in another time. What better way to write about India in the 1940's with Raj as my source, he actually lived there, so if its ok I'll pop round to see him at ten tomorrow morning while you go out on your date with Brian - ok Mum?"

  Liz wasn't expecting this, "Err it's ok with me but what about you Raj, just say if he's wearing you out and over staying his welcome - we won't be offended at all."

  "Nonsense. I'd love to go on about the old days and if it helps young Dan get through his school paper then I'm happy to help. I'd only be walking around the park on my own."

  Dan winked at Raj with his head turned away from his Mother's face, "Ok it's settled then, see you tomorrow at ten Raj, I'll bring my laptop - I should still be in range of my router from here and be able to surf."

  "Sure," said Raj not understanding a word Dan had just said.

  * * * * *

  The Fifth Realm - Earth

  Chapter 10: The Power of Google.

  Westtown, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

  “Finding a needle in a haystack is easy with the right tools - just bring a magnet.”