Read Witches Snared Page 12

Raj and Dan were transported back to Westtown; they regained their consciousness, as their eyes quickly grew accustomed to their new surroundings. Liz knocked on the apartment door using her familiar four taps; she would often wake the pair after her long late night shift. Dan recovered quickly and scurried to the door, he unlatched the door and welcomed his Mother, “Hi Mum, you caught us snoozing again - I think.”

  Liz peered around the door to see Raj still seated in his armchair, “Hi Liz, I’m sorry - I think I drifted off.”

  “Hi Raj, get some rest - I’m taking Dan home now, have a good night.”

  Dan had managed to hide the book, tucking it into his belt at the small of his back. He tugged at the ring that magically fit his finger - it had resized itself. He slipped it off and dropped it safely into his pants pocket. He grabbed at his baggy sweater and pulled it over the book, concealing it from view. Liz and Dan returned to their apartment to settle in for the evening.

  The night drifted by with Dan’s dreams filled with snarling devlins, huge crocodiles and fluttering colorful parrots. When Dan finally arrived at school the following day, he was dreading any conversation with Ally. His feelings towards her had changed dramatically and he now felt irritated by her very presence. Ally tried to act friendly but she would need to have been a blind fool not to notice the cool reception she received from Dan. Dan knew instinctively that his girlfriend had stolen the money needed for the Paris trip and it sickened him to see her acting so innocent. He liked her a lot but how could he trust her? How could he respect her?

  She tried to communicate with him grabbing him by the arm, “What’s up? Is there something wrong?” she inquired.

  Dan was too angry to respond, he simply pulled away and walked to his class leaving her in his wake. Dan tried to make it through the day without thinking about Ally. The odd time that his mind wandered to her he felt sickened and betrayed by her dishonesty. If she would lie about this then what else would she lie about? He hated himself when he thought about her, so out of spite; he would turn and stare at the vivacious Jen. He managed to avoid Ally throughout the morning break and at lunch - sneaking out of school at the end of the day to return home. On the short walk home he thought carefully about their relationship and decided he was going to end it - how could it continue? He kicked at an innocent pebble lying upon the sidewalk and felt sad that it needed to end. He liked Ally, maybe even loved her, but he had to end it. Her actions sickened him and he'd never get over it, never forgive her. He knew she was desperate but stealing from a friend was bad enough, the way she'd acted afterwards being innocent and irritable when asked about the money was deplorable and the last straw. He had to end it.

  As he passed Smith's drug store on Main Street he stopped dead in his tracks and chuckled to himself at the irony of his situation. In many ways he was like Ryan - the lovesick Elfen. They say that love is blind and now he understood the meaning behind this truism for he didn't want to believe that Ally was a thief. When you have strong feelings for a girl your judgment becomes clouded and you make irrational decisions. You use your heart and not your brain; logic is beaten down by emotions. He had decided - he was not going to be used; he was not going to act like a lovesick Elfen. Suddenly he heard Eian's voice rattling around in his head, 'You should never trust a women who has emotionally disarmed you' - that was it; he was going to end it.

  He tried to remain calm at dinner and act normal, Liz would be upset, as she knew how much Ally meant to him and she knew what a difference Ally had made to his confidence and general outlook on life when they first settled in Westtown. He couldn't stand the interrogation so he wanted to break it off first then there would be no going back. Liz was in a cheery mood - that afternoon with Brian, her new man, made all things right in the world. Who knows, maybe Jen, with her beautiful smile and consistently positive attitude would make him just as happy.

  Dinner was over quickly and a trip to Raj's place was in order. After the usual four knocks Raj answered the door, “I travel light but not at the same speed,” Liz and Dan looked at each other and smiled at the corny familiarity of his greeting. After the door opened and pleasantries had been exchanged Liz scurried down the stairs leaving Dan behind as she hurried to start her shift. She hoped Brian would dine at the restaurant tonight but she knew he must have been getting tired of Indian food.

  "What's the matter with you looking all glum tonight?" inquired Raj suspecting a trivial spat.

  "Women trouble," blurted out Dan.

  Raj almost laughed out loud but knowing that would be hurtful and disrespectful he swallowed his amusement, for a young man such as Dan had no appreciation of the joys and pain that women will bring to him over his hopefully long life. "I see, want to talk about it?"

  Dan paused, wondering if it was all worth it. He explained his situation to Raj who listened patiently, "So that's it. I'm afraid she's a lying manipulative thief who will turn over her friends to get what she wants and then she acts all innocent. I can't trust her and right now I can't bare to look at her."

  "Strong words indeed. I feel that cooler heads make better decisions. I would wait a few days to let your feelings percolate, I've had many women in my life but only a few have meant anything to me where it's developed into a relationship. In fact I've only married twice. Each time I've trusted my wife with my life - trust and deceit will always be mortal enemies. If you don't trust her then you must move on but please take my advice, this is a big decision and it should not be made in the heat of the moment."

  "Ok," said Dan, hoping to change the subject, delay the inevitable discussion with Ally and eager to start their next adventure. Dan had told Raj about the Crocodile Queen, but he never mentioned the book he'd hidden in his room sliding it under a pull out drawer where it would be safe. It was a leather bound book full of poems, chants and incantations. He was still unsure why she’d trusted this important artifact to him.

  Raj sensed Dan was trying to move off the subject, "OK, remember we're going to be travelling through the mystical forest. These trees are the some of the oldest in any realm, they're not just trees, they contain ancient spirits, now grab hold of the Cane and let's do this."



  * * * * *

  The Sixth Realm - Bardonia

  Chapter 9: The Tomb Effigy of Jean d'Alluye.

  The Kingdom of Belladonia, Bardonia

  “Absence is to love as wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small and kindles the great.”