Read Witches Snared Page 7

The pair returned to Bardonia and immediately returned to their rooms. It was well after midnight and they’d already excused themselves for the evening. Dan was frustrated at their return for he wanted to find the flagon immediately. He was excited, motivated and stoked. Instead he would have to sleep trying to contain his enthusiasm until morning.

  As soon as the Sun’s rays breached the high walls of Cressmore, Dan sprang to his feet feeling the excitement of the day ahead. Raj was awake and dressed; he hadn’t slept much for he was thinking about the flagon, the forest, Ryan and Dan. He packed his bags and left his room - as he opened the door an Elfen guard greeted him. “I trust you are well rested?”

  Nodding his acknowledgement Raj barged his way past the startled Elfen and walked briskly towards the guard stationed outside of Dan’s room. Dan had already packed and was opening the room door to be greeted by the sight of an Elfen guard. Dan saw Raj approaching, “Let’s go,” he said to Dan summarily dismissing the guards. They both descended the stairs where Eian, the head of the Elfen Rangers, desperately tried to intercept them.

  “I’m glad to see that you both are eager to make an early start,” beamed Eian sarcastically with a broad smile.

  Raj was in no mood for pleasantries or games, “I take it you’ve recovered our flagon then?”

  The bluntness caught Eian unprepared, “Well, no, not yet. Ryan is our suspect; he was seen sneaking away from our guards under the cover of darkness. We wanted to wait until daylight before we launch a search party, and they will be leaving soon.”

  Raj seemed to grow a foot taller as he squared up to the smaller Elfen, “Get your men assembled now and get your supplies ready, we'll both be joining your search party and one other thing,” he said leaving an unbearably long pause.

  “Yes,” inquired Eian?

  Raj pushed his face close to Eian’s wide and worried eyes, “Hurry it up! We'll be leaving soon.” Eian assembled two of his finest Rangers, an assortment of weapons, food and water. Raj and Dan grabbed what they could carry and joined the men; “This is it?" inquired Raj.

  “We’re only tracking one man and we know he won’t get far. It’s better to have a smaller group when travelling through the forest. A larger group will attract unwanted attention; the devlins have a strong nose, they could pick up our scent and …”

  “Enough, we understand - let’s go. I’m anxious to catch this thief,” Raj barked out the orders so forcefully that the Elfen Rangers - trained hardened soldiers - recoiled.

  As the men set forth, crossing the tall opened gates to Cressmore, Dan smirked at the absence of either Chancellor Neves or Aderos. He knew they were still slumbering warmly in their beds with their heads still cloudy from the previous night’s frothy ale. Eian led the way as the Rangers covered the rear. The Rangers carried long bows, with swords attached to their belts and arrows protruding from quivers strapped to their backs. A well-worn pathway led into the forest as the trees, shrubs, and fern gradually enveloped the men. A guard stationed upon the ramparts watched the figures disappear into the forest.

  Raj reached for the edge of his belt to ensure the leather pouch of gold was firmly attached. They’d walked for most of the day stopping occasionally to eat, drink from a nearby stream and occasionally rest. His Ricar body was strong and flexible; he felt as if he could walk for hours. Dan had followed Raj along the trail winding through the woods. Occasionally the trail would fork and Eian would choose the direction. There was little conversation as the men walked silently lost in their own thoughts. The sight of a curious monkey, the screech of a startled parrot, the rustle of a fleeing animal moving through the underbrush was the only signs of life. As they walked, the forest seemed to close in upon them, as the path gradually became narrower and less worn. The Sun beat down upon the men until mid afternoon when a welcome breeze swept through the forest swaying the trees. It wasn't dark yet but the men soon reached a widening of the path as it rounded an unusual group of rounded boulders.

  Eian pointed to the rocks as his men let their bags drop to the ground, “Gifts from the gods,” he said smiling. Legend has it that monsters attacked the gods and in retaliation they removed their eyes throwing them into the vast beyond. They fell here where they will remain forever. We call them “The eyes of Rinii forest, and they mark the border of our lands. Tonight we will make camp here, the clearing is a safe place and the rocks will provide us some shelter and protection.”

  Eian’s men returned with wood to make a fire and large fern leaves to create a makeshift carpet. After the fern leaves were scattered the men expertly lit the fire using wooden pine needles, bark and dried weeds. They collected more wood for the evening’s supply and began to settle in as the darkness descended. The men lay in a circle around the fire absorbing its warmth as the cool night air encased the forest. As the light turned to darkness the forest sprung to life with howls, screeches, and a crescendo of noises. Dan would catch the fire’s light reflecting in an animals eyes watching from the safety of the darkened forest. Eian looked at the Ricars with suspicion coursing through his veins. The Ricars must be familiar with this popular trade route and main thoroughfare yet they act like they were seeing it for the first time. Ricars are notorious for their ability to travel and yet these two seemed unwise to the ways of the forest, its sights, sounds and smells.

  Dan flinched visibly as a spider monkey screamed his disapproval from high above, perched upon an overhanging branch. Eian noticed Dan’s temporary discomfort at a simple monkey scream, yet his men lay upon the ferns cradling their heads oblivious to the common noises around them. “Deceit is a callous act don't you agree my Ricar travellers?” said Eian crossing his legs and placing his hands behind his head.

  Dan looked at Raj as if they'd been busted, “Deceit you say,” inquired Raj.

  The fire’s warmth was seeping into the men’s bones making them sleepy and mellow. Raj knew he had to be alert, for Eian was fishing for something and he needed to be at his best.

  “Yes deceit. Deceit is the reason why we’re shivering around this fire instead of taking comfort from our familiar place of rest,” Eian paused for a reaction but none was forthcoming.

  “Ryan’s just a simple fool, he fell in love with a Witch, a very beautiful and cunning Witch. He’s a man possessed - he just doesn’t realize it. She flirted with him, captured his heart - enticing him into a promise to free her from her bondage. I’ve seen this firsthand and I can tell you she’s deceived him. We all know that he wants to use the Milkenweed to break the Laylilian spell. He’ll try to smear drops of Milkenweed upon her lips in an attempt to revive her from her slumber, and prove that she’s no Witch - fool.” Eian sat upright where he could see Raj and Dan. The fire’s glow danced across his face as he stoked the fire with a stick causing little embers to take flight into the dark night escaping like fireflies. “Deceit. I don't like it,” Eian stared into the flames and paused for thoughtful reflection. The silence and the accusatory nature of his comments made Dan nervous. “I guess there’s a lesson for us all here men. When you lose your heart, when you’re totally smitten - well, it seems that you lose your ability to reason, to be objective, and to make the right decision. Women have a way of complicating a man’s mind, making him blind to the obvious. My anger is not with Ryan but with the Witch, for she manipulated him - don't you see?"

  Raj rubbed his hands in front of the fire, “Yes, love is blind, and lovers cannot see what petty follies they themselves commit.”

  Dan smiled, and nodded his head in violent agreement with Raj’s comments - for who was he to disagree with William Shakespeare.

  “When you are so in love with a woman, truly besotted with her, she'll take advantage of you and you'll be too blind to see that. You can never trust your own judgment when you're so clouded by love.” Eian rested his head as he lay down upon the ferns. “Get some sleep men, we have a long day ahead of us if we're going to make progress towards Bellwood Snare tomorrow. Dan glanced at Raj who curled his body around the
gold filled pouch. Dan lay on his side pinning the map to the ground with his weight. Soon the men were asleep using the forest as their home. Later the Moon had risen to its high point in the sky, providing some additional illumination. Dan felt a small pull on the collar of his tunic. He flicked out a reactionary hand and curled up again to resume his slumber. He felt the tug again, this time it was harder which startled him, awaking him. He sat upright to see Raj also awake and sitting. Raj put his finger to his lip to indicate he wanted silence. Raj had noticed a small colorful parrot, similar to the embroidered bird on the Ranger’s tunics. The Kukumic parrot flitted its wings frantically in an attempt to capture their attention. A second parrot directed Dan in the same direction wary and fearful of the flames emanating from the fire below. The parrots flew beyond the boulders only to re-emerge on the path stomping their feet and flapping their wings.

  Dan whispered to his perplexed looking partner, “They want us to follow them - let’s go?”

  Raj simply nodded - fearful that words would wake the Elfen. The men rose slowly, cautious to ensure their stealthy exit - they followed the flapping Kukumic parrots past the boulders and along an overgrown path. Suddenly the scampering birds rose majestically flying in circles and gaining height before resting on a perch high above them in the branches of a tall tree. The men looked at each other clearly confused with the parrot’s intentions. A small figure approached from the darkness slinking its way slowly down the path as it approached the two men. Both struggled to define its form as the darkness provided a perfect veil. As the creature approached the shape became clear. It looked like a small thin dog, walking on all fours with large ears, glowing eyes and a large bushy tail.

  Raj rubbed his eyes, “a fox,” he whispered.

  The fox calmly approached to within a few feet, it stared at the Ricars standing before him. The fox stopped abruptly and in a gesture of immense respect bent its front limbs, lowered its snout to the ground and bowed before them. Dan looked inquisitively at Raj whose gaze never left the sight of the fox before him.

  The fox then sat on its haunches, its ears were pert, upright, and its eyes twinkled in the Moon's limited light. It was a beautiful creature with a strongly defined snout, large brown eyes, capped off with red tufts of fur, which resembled bushy eyebrows, and a slim body covered in a deep reddish brown fur. The fox had a black fur underbelly with black fur covering its front legs and paws. It also had black fur covering its rear legs but the paws were a brilliant white. He sat and stared the colorful Kukumic parrots that took flight overhead.

  The fox continued to stare at them, studying every detail presented to him. His snout and mouth remained closed but strangely a voice seemed to register within their heads, “Let me introduce myself, I’m Brazen, leader of all foxes within Rinii forest - I'm at your service. My nose is as sensitive as any creature in this forest and, no offense, but I can smell an approaching Ricar from far away, often my life will depend upon it. Forgive me - for you two are not Ricar. The creatures of this forest were left a prophecy by the Crocodile Queen; we've passed it down from generation to generation. Each night the Kukumic parrots stand on guard and track the Elfen who enter the forest at night. The parrots are attracted to the smell of Milkenweed and are afraid of it. If they ever see an Elfen carrying Milkenweed they're instructed to alert the foxes. This highly unusual, almost impossible occurrence, would signal the start of the prophecy.”

  The fox lifted his hind end effortlessly and walked forward three deliberate paces while sniffing the air, “Your hands and clothes smell of Milkenweed, but you don't have any with you. Our prophecy came from the Crocodile Queen, a visitor from the stars - she has the same scent as you - it’s an unfamiliar scent, not from this forest or Bardonia. The prophecy states that one day an Elfen Ranger will enter our forest carrying a flagon of Milkenweed. His intentions are foolish, as he tries to wake a Witch. If he isn’t stopped our world, our forest, everything we know will return to the dark times. Our home will rot; nothing will grow and we’ll all starve to death. Many will die and darkness will cross our land spreading disease and death. We’ve been told that two star men will be sent to assist us in our fight. Our prophecy tells of every creature helping to stop this misguided Elfen - one of you will stop this act, we can only assist you.”

  Raj took a step forward, lowering his voice to a whisper, “How do you know that we are the star men you mentioned in your prophecy?”

  The fox shook his snout from side to side, “You can hear my thoughts - can't you? No other species can understand our thoughts - only the visitors from the stars. You must never mention this ability to anyone for it will place you in real danger. Listen carefully to me, the Elfen that you seek is about a half a day ahead of you and he’s carrying the Milkenweed. I’m assuming it was yours and you seek to retrieve it? We’ll track the Elfen’s every move and let you know where he is. The parrots and the monkeys are following his every step but there is a strong possibility that the devlin will find him. They can smell Milkenweed too, and they’ll protect him, help him, and we can’t let that happen. I will have to stay out of site but you will be escorted on your quest, look for the parrots to guide you, the foxes, badgers and stoats will try to ensure your safe passage to Ivany. Word of your imminent arrival is spreading and the forest will soon become your protector, but you will have to leave the forest to get to Ivany and Bellwood Snare. There will be many dangers so we’ve asked the owls to help also. They will fly through the night and inform the creatures ahead of you. The owls will stand guard tonight; they’ll protect you when the forest becomes dark. No creature can see better in the dark than the owls - go now, and return to your group, we’ll guide you in the morning.”

  “Thank you Brazen, it’s good to have your support, we have not introduced ourselves properly, I’m Raj and this is Dan. We promise you - we’ll not let you down,” said Raj bowing his head in a mark of respect. Dan wished he possessed Raj’s refinement when it came to these situations. Raj was smooth, experienced, and polished. Dan realized - he still had a lot to learn. Dan awkwardly bowed his head just in time to see the fox scamper away into the underbrush covering the forest floor. The two men returned to their fireside positions as quietly as they could. They settled in gingerly trying not to wake the slumbering Elfen. Thoughts swirled around Dan’s head as he pretended to be asleep. He’d seen the blockbuster cinema movies featuring the talking animals but this was definitely weird. A fox was actually talking to him in his head. Then he suddenly realized that he inhabited a tall muscular blue and green skinned creature from another realm - everything was weird.

  Raj had been right all along - the Dream Cane offered a lot, too much to take in all at once. How do you describe this bizarre experience to a total stranger? Would they even believe you? Perhaps he’d been too hard on Raj. It was that moment he decided to apologize to Raj first thing in the morning. He squeezed his eyes closed and wrapped his arms around his muscular body; his back faced the fire which warmed his spine. The noises of the forest filled his head but soon they faded into the distance as he fell into a deep sleep. Morning came quickly with the men stirring around him and Raj shaking his elbow, “Wake up, we’re going to be leaving soon.” The men had refueled the fire with fresh wood and the welcome smell of breakfast entered his nostrils. A small pot was perched on top of the burning logs, which contained a blend of fruits and grains heated into a breakfast stew. The men handed out small portions of the hot pungent smelling meal. Dan tucked into the sweet, thick substance - it was remarkably good, like oatmeal fused with hot jam. After they’d finished eating the Elfen Ranger’s began to pack up the camp and extinguished the fire. Dan exchanged glances with Raj who occasionally stared into the forest to see if he could see any owls, foxes, or parrots.