Read Witches Snared Page 8

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  Ryan squinted as the Sun’s vibrant rays first pierced the forest’s darkness. He’d found a rock ledge that he’d used to build a makeshift bed offering protection during the night. His Ranger training had armed him with skills making him proficient at surviving within the forest. He suspected a search party was not too far behind him and he knew in his heart he must keep ahead of them by taking advantage of the daylight hours. He fuelled up on bread taken from the supplies in Cressmore to support his plan. Ryan raced through the forest passing monkeys, parrots and other animals that scurried away. He was determined to deliver upon his promise and free Wendy from her unjust incarceration. As Ryan pressed onwards he suddenly heard the sounds of a frenetic scuffle. Crouching behind the thick trunk of a large gum tree he armed his longbow with an arrow and peered into the clearing cautiously to see what was creating so much noise. Ahead of him was an injured devlin - his hind leg appeared to be painfully wedged into a deep sharp rock crevice. He was defending himself fiercely against five badgers closing in for the kill. The badgers had fought valiantly against the devlins attempted invasion of the forest. The badgers, stoats, weasels, foxes and owls had managed to contain the devlins, forcing them back and concentrating them within their stronghold - the rock caves of Barden. They would enter the forest to hunt, scavenge and replenish their food supplies. The devlins were a throwback to the darker times when the Witches who manipulated them to serve their bidding introduced them to this realm. They were survivors; many had tried to eradicate them but they seemed to find a way to prolong their meager existence.

  Ryan felt sorry for the stricken beast. It was clear that he was trapped in a hopeless situation and would certainly meet a painful death at the mercy of badgers who would inevitably for tear him to pieces. Ryan decided to do something out of character - something he’d never done before - he decided to save the stricken beast, or at the very least, give it a fighting chance and even the odds.

  It was still dusk and the Sun had not fully risen, the clearing was in full shade and the rocky cliff provided a long dark shadow. Ryan shot an arrow at a large tree next to the devlin. Its flight was accurate and true, piercing the hard bark with such a loud noise that it reverberated around the clearing. The fighting stopped in an instant as the badger’s attention was immediately drawn to the arrow. The badgers were always cautious around the Elfen especially ones armed with longbows, they preferred to head for the safety of their burrows. The head badger signaled a retreat and they scampered for the safety of the brush leaving the devlin to the Elfen. Ryan grabbed the flagon from his bag and held it high above his head. Most forest animals will naturally run from a bright light source afraid that it could be fire. Ryan held the glowing flagon aloft and ran screaming into the clearing. The stricken devlin remained still, silent, cowering and confused. As the badgers made their hasty retreat the head badger caught the scent of more devlin - he ran faster, as fast as he could, diving into the nearest tunnel for safety.

  His fellow badgers followed quickly, confused by the fast pace and direction set by their leader. Reming was the leader of this badger pack; he was an experienced, cunning and clever fighter. He liked battles he could win and always played a percentage game when it came to decisions involving life and death. He had no qualms about ordering a hasty retreat from a poor situation to live to fight another day.

  The clueless Elfen had been unwittingly useful today for the devlin had set a deliberate trap that looked like it was about to work - an ambush. The badgers had been lured into a clearing against a rock face with no easy escape route. The devlins were closing in behind them for the kill. The bait had been set and they’d all fallen for it. It would be the last time that Reming will fall for that cunning ploy, exposing the pack with no rear guard. Reming felt fortunate for today he was outwitted and that rarely happens. Today could have been his last but for an Elfen arrow. What motivation did the Elfen have? It was puzzling to Reming - perhaps they were trying to warn them? Yes that must have been the reason.

  Ryan approached the stricken devlin slowly all the while keeping strong eye contact with the large stricken beast. He walked cautiously to the tree and retrieved his arrow. Holding the glowing flagon aloft he approached the felled beast, “I've saved your life - if I let you go, you have to show me the same respect - you can't attack me, understand?" Ryan knew the beast could not understand his words but he hoped he would understand his actions. Ryan took his longbow from his body and laid it gently upon the hard ground. The next object to follow was his quiver, full of arrows followed by his sword. He did this slowly and deliberately; he kept strong deliberate eye contact with the beast to show him trust, he was now unarmed and vulnerable. Ryan set the heavy flagon down beside his bow; it illuminated the clearing like a lighthouse projects a golden beam through a foggy night. He approached the devlin with caution keeping his palms pointing towards the ground and asking the beast to remain calm. Ryan was focused on the devlin and the sharp claws contained within the beast’s front paws.

  At his back a dozen or more devlins had approached silently through the underbrush now surrounding the clearing. The light from the flagon allowed the devlins to see the unarmed Elfen helping the trapped devlin. The largest devlin was a mean spirited beast with a piece of its right ear missing - a wound received from a particularly nasty fight with a large brave badger. He held the pack back curious to see what the Elfen would do; the pack would not attack without him leading the charge. Ryan cautiously approached the trapped beast, “Stay calm and don't swipe those claws at me.” Ryan’s heart was thumping; he knew the devlin could inflict fatal damage at this range. The devlin lay motionless watching the foolish Elfen with his large yellow eyes. He snorted loudly but rested his snout upon the ground. The devlin stared beyond the naïve Elfen watching his pack gathering behind him. Ryan gripped the hind leg of the trapped devlin with both hands as he kneeled cautiously. He lifted the beast’s limb so it could escape the rock’s grasp with ease. He was instantly surprised for it was not wedged, trapped or jammed in tight; there was no blood and no apparent injury to his leg. Ryan thought it odd that the beast could not simply escape and defend itself.

  The freed devlin remained crouched upon the floor - its only action was to flick its ears in gratitude. Slowly retreating Ryan headed for the center of the clearing keeping his eyes firmly locked upon the stationary devlin. Ryan retrieved his longbow, quiver, sword and the flagon. If the beast charged now Ryan would have time to launch one arrow. He would have to use his sword to finish the wounded beast. Still perplexed he tried to rationalize what he had seen - perhaps the leg was broken? Perhaps it was badly bruised and that was why he remained motionless lying on the ground?

  Staring at the beast Ryan noticed the grounded devlin was not looking directly at him anymore. His gaze was focused upon an object located behind him. It was then that his heart skipped a beat and panic swelled up forcefully within his small frame. He stood anchored to the ground as he identified several noises closing in behind him. The devlin raised his body slowly, propping his weight onto his strong front legs. Ryan turned his head slowly, letting his mouth open in shock. He wanted to scream but no sound would emanate from his body. It was a futile situation for he couldn't win this fight with arrows and he would lose a sword fight. The largest devlin he’d ever seen approached him slowly, backed by a snarling pack of devlins - too many for him to count. He remained still hoping that they would show pity and compassion as he had done.

  The large devlin walked around his shaking body and planted his rear end sitting like a large dog would do. The devlin thrust its head forward and sniffed Ryan’s face. Its eyes were drawn to the glowing liquid contained within the flagon. Ryan extended his right hand carefully allowing the beast to inspect the glowing liquid. The devlin sniffed the flagon again and licked his nose to accentuate the scent. The devlin hoard knew of the power of Milkenweed recognizing its rareness. If this Elfen was sympathetic to a devlin then perhaps he was sympathetic
to their cause of releasing the Witches whom they were sworn to protect. If the boy were transporting this flagon to the Witches then the devlins would help him, escort him, and encourage him. The devlins knew of Bellwood Snare and its location. The devlins alone would not be able to revive the Witches but an Elfen with armed with a flagon of Milkenweed could. The losses that they would incur trying to penetrate this heavily guarded section of Ivany would suddenly be worth it. With a sympathetic Elfen carrying a large quantity of Milkenweed the largest meanest devlin, was quickly reconsidering his options.

  The once injured devlin laying stricken in front of a rocky cliff rose slowly and circled the frightened Elfen joining his pack unharmed. The larger devlin was expecting a badger ambush but this was far better, he gently pushed Ryan with his scarred snout towards the direction of the trees. Ryan knew the devlin pack could have killed him but for some reason they had shown mercy. The devlin leaned his considerable frame into Ryan pushing him in the direction of the trees. The pack had split leaving a path through them expecting him to walk into the gap created. Ryan looked at the large devlin who flicked his large yellow eyes in the direction he expected Ryan to take. What choice did he have? Ryan calculated his options - go with the devlin pack or be killed now.

  The pack surrounded Ryan and led him out of the forest towards the rocky border of Barden. The beasts panted loudly as the Sun continued to rise; he was slowing them down, they would be cooling off in the comfort of their caves by now. They carefully shepherded him towards a rocky path that ascended the cliff towards their lair. What could he expect? Was he simply walking to his inevitable end?

  A Kukumic parrot flew into a tall Rake tree situated on the very edge of Rinii forest. He landed gracefully and peered down upon the entourage below. He counted thirteen devlins and a large alpha that he recognized. It was unusual to see them retreating from the forest in daylight but the reason was obvious. In the center of the pack was the unusual sight of an Elfen boy with a longbow slung over his shoulder. This had to be the Elfen they were asked to locate. The Kukumic decided to hide, stay but his colorful wings attracted Ryan’s inquisitive gaze. He smiled, for he’d only seen this elusive parrot a few times since he’d lost Wendy that fateful day. It was the Kukumic that had led him to discover Wendy deep in the forest many years ago. He’d never seen a Kukumic during the daylight hours and he took this as a good sign, a good omen.

  Once they’d reached the stony path the Kukumic parrot turned and flew away deep into the forest. The parrot's instructions were clear, locate the Elfen and report back to the large den, home of Brazen, the head fox. The parrot dutifully relayed the message that Ryan had unwittingly aligned with some powerful allies that would assist him in his quest.

  On the top of the stony ridge the devlins snaked their way deeper into a system of interlocking caves. Other devlins appeared from the shade, eager to investigate what their noses were telling them. They soon backed away when they saw a vulnerable Elfen had an escort comprising of the largest alpha devlin. A few devlins peeled away retreating into their own caves to escape the heat of the rising Sun. The larger devlin stopped, grunted loudly and flicked his snout in the direction of a large wall made from smooth dark slate. Ryan walked towards the wall to inspect it more closely. Many years ago the Ricar settlement living deep within the caves had etched a design into the dark slate, the design had faded but was still visible today. The devlins had forced the Ricar to retreat and had claimed the caves as their own but the wisdom contained in the carvings remained. Ryan ran his hands over the etched grooves trying to read the weathered wall. It was a map! The map showed Rinii forest, Barden, Ivany, the coastline and ocean of Laylilia.

  Ryan studied the map tracing the trade routes with his fingers. Upon closer inspection the designs etched into the wall showed Ivany and a thick band of rocky cliffs outlining the passages through Barden. Etchings showed the location of the Belladonia Forests, and the tar pits of Noire. A large hole chiseled from the rock was placed where Caister would be located. Other chiseled holes showed Cressmore, Elfenden and settlements that Ryan was not familiar with.

  The large devlin approached the wall his snout dripping with saliva, a result from the rising heat of the mid morning Sun. Panting, he licked his lips and pushed his front paws onto the dark slate wall supporting his weight by using his muscular rear legs. He placed his two front paws upon the map before falling back onto all fours. Ryan looked at the map again, “Yes,” he said, nodding his head. Ryan picked up a small stone from the rocky path. He tossed the pebble towards the same location on the map watching it bounce off the hard, darkened wall. The devlin snorted his approval licking his lips in anticipation.

  The pebble left a small scratch upon the weathered wall in the location where he believed he would find Wendy - Bellwood Snare. Ryan nodded his appreciation - now he understood - the devlin had shown him the way to find Wendy. He turned and started to walk away but the devlin intercepted him placing his large furry body across his path and blocking his progress. The devlin pressed his snout against Ryan’s stomach and pushed him, guiding him towards the coolness of a nearby cave. Ryan obliged and stepped out of the Sun. Ryan sat while the large devlin lay across the entrance of the cave relaxing in the cool shade. “OK,” said Ryan mumbling, “we’ll wait until its cooler, and we’ll travel together - I understand now.” Ryan did not fully trust his newly found comrades. His intentions were clear, he wanted to release Wendy from her incarceration. She was wrongly convicted of being a Witch but the devlins would expect him to release the three remaining Witches. He had no intention of doing that so he would need to devise an alternate plan. If they arrived at Bellwood Snare why wouldn’t the devlins just kill him once he was of no further use? How could he and Wendy escape from the devlins, keep the witches snared, and secure the Milkenweed? Ryan lay quietly in the shade of the cave plotting his approach and his joyous reunion with Wendy.