Read Within the Brass Web. Page 25

  Chapter 21: July ninth

  Coming clean on his real name and the reason for the secrecy was barely enough to keep him in her good graces. Helena made it clear that she wasn’t changing her last name to Eisenberg. Since Lukas had been living without his real name all of these years when around her, then he could just give it up. Lukas did finally convince her to do a little bit of traveling for a little while. His concern for her and their unborn child was becoming a distraction. What finally won her over on this idea was his explaining to her that Lukas Eisenberg owned a small estate in Atlanta, Georgia with nothing in it but an occasional servant to keep it clean and in good order. What completed the deal was he gave her free reign and a sizeable budget to decorate their summer home. Helena hesitated to say good bye to her husband but even more so to her great uncle. He was the only family she had known for most of her life. Both men sent her off with smiles on their faces and Helena knew they hadn’t told her the entire truth, but she would find that out after she came back home.

  “You followed my lead very well in this matter, I am impressed.” Lord Nemesis said as he engaged his leg braces and headed for the elevator. “Did I ever tell you why I made you my general?” He asked without looking over his shoulder.

  “Aside from the fact you and my father were friends? I figured it was my handsome looks and rapier wit.” Lord Nemesis chuckled.

  “I can honestly say your looks had nothing to do with my decision.”

  Lukas smiled and replied, “That’s good, I would feel a bit uncomfortable if it had been otherwise.”

  They waited for the elevator doors to close before Lord Nemesis continued. “No my young friend, I could tell right away you were a man of discretion. Have you ever told anyone about the time you had to rescue your friend from that brothel for non payment?” Lord Nemesis chuckled to see Lukas’ startled reaction, “I see you have not broken your promise to him.” The old man held up his hand to forestall any questions or comments on the matter. “I appreciate that you know how to keep your word, you may question the way an order is executed but never the order itself. You never ask about things that don’t concern you, and yet you are far from being a lap dog. Also your ability to think, adapt and anticipate makes you a valuable commander. I know I can count on you to do anything I command of you.”

  “Thank you sir, that is high praise indeed. I’m just honored to be of service to you and your vision of a perfect world. A world I hope my children will see some day.” Lukas then cleared his throat not entirely comfortable with this praise.

  They entered the now packed workshop. Scientist busied themselves repairing problems and making adjustments to units of their mechanical army. They joined a group of men standing around a cluster of work tables now shoved to one side. On the table a detailed map of Paragon City was spread out.

  “So gentlemen, what do you think of our chances against these five?” Lord Nemesis asked but didn’t expect an answer. “Are there any questions?” Colonel Tomain looked to Lukas and then to Lord Nemesis.

  “Sir, the battle plans itself I understand, but what I still don’t see is how we are going to get them to attack us? We could be waiting for them all day looking like a parade that has no where to go.”

  Lord Nemesis gave the Colonel a stern look, but then yielded to the thought of divulging this bit of information. “We know where St. John-Smythe and his Vambrace creation are kept. We will make a not so discrete daylight attack on his lab at the University. If we are successful then we will be down one “hero” right then and there. Odds are we will not be, so do not count on it. The commotion will bring them running. Our squads will take up position at the Center Square between Freedom and Victory Drives. They will be hard to miss from that point. Once we have them drawn them in, then we will close in on their flanks. Are the Warhulks in position?”

  “All but two my lord, the map shows a siding rail off of twenty-seventh avenue, but they were pulled last year when we started the Macy’s building. So I need to know just where to place them.” Captain Jensen answered while pointing to the location of where they were supposed to go. The Macy’s building was one of the ones with a modified sub basement to store the jaegers and troops in. They would need a set of rails close enough to that point if the Warhulks are to be with their squad fast enough to command them.

  “General, have those two cars hooked up to the morning commuter trams. When they make their stop here along twenty-eighth avenue. Just disconnect them and leave them sit at the station. I doubt any of that rabble will actually notice that they aren’t moving.”

  “Yes Lord Nemesis.” Lukas said making a mental note to get with Captain Jensen after the meeting.

  “Colonel Tomain, I trust all of your sniper groups are now in place and are keeping themselves hidden?”

  “Yes sir, I found myself with an extra squad after taking care of the placements you requested. So I added more snipers here… here… and here.” He said pointing out of various buildings with the best chance to a line of fire.

  “Very good, Colonel. So now gentlemen, if there is nothing else, I really need to complete something else. General, please make sure I am not disturbed.”

  “Yes sir.” Lukas walked a few paces with Lord Nemesis out of earshot of the others. “Sir, do we tell the Southern United employees not to come to work on Monday?”

  “No, if this goes well, they will be witness to the glory of our army… but if not, then they will be nothing more than what they are now… employees that don’t know anything.”