Read Within the Brass Web. Page 26

  Chapter 22: July tenth

  Lukas had spent the day packing the last of their apartment and having it sent to a warehouse over in Norwich Connecticut. It would be safely out of the way and harder to find under his Eisenberg name. Regardless of what Helena thought, having two legal names had many advantages. It wasn’t that he was afraid they would loose, but having worked with Lord Nemesis for so many years, and his father before him, you learned that having only one back up plan is not enough. Besides with a child coming, he thought it time to purchase a new home. He had been looking into that new development just west of the ports. The city planners decided to keep the zoning for families only, no businesses. The thought was to encourage wealthier families to build larger estates near the city. With the waterway between them and the downtown area it should be a peaceful place to raise a family.

  Lukas found himself pacing back and forth with nervous energy. It had been a long time since he experienced anything like this. The little skirmishes with the Kings were nothing compared to what was going to happen tomorrow. This was an all out battle and the part that irritated him was that he didn’t really know who or what they were fighting against. True they had seen some of their powers, but had they seen them all? Were there still only the five of them or had they found more, which were willing to fight for their “justice”? Lukas called down for a car to be brought around. It wouldn’t do any good being here like a bird in a cage.

  For lack of a better idea he had his driver drop him off at The Liberty. He bought his ticket and entered the building. He smiled at the young girl behind the candy counter and headed up to the private box. He didn’t remember what was on the screen, he sat lost in his own thoughts, battle plans and troop movements, company bids and meeting payrolls, a beautiful wife and his first child; all these thoughts swirled around in his head. He had to wonder if all of this bogged his mind down, how much more must move through Lord Nemesis’ mind. How could one man think in so many directions, connect so many things and not go insane. Perhaps he was an insane old man and he was just realizing it.

  “You know Mr. Reese, this is the third showing that you’ve sat through. Honestly the movie isn’t that good. Life is a funny thing.” George said sitting next to him, and Lukas hadn’t seen him come in.

  “How so George?”

  “People think to much from time to time. We get so caught up in thinking about this or that, that we miss what our eyes are seeing right in front of us.”

  “What is it our eyes are seeing then?”

  “They’re seeing a really bad movie and they’re wondering what they did wrong to deserve such a punishment to have to sit through it three times.”

  Lukas had to laugh, “I must admit that I do have a headache. So that’s my eye’s doing?”

  George smiled, “Indeed it is Mr. Reese. So where is the lovely Mrs. Reese? If you don’t mind my asking that is.”

  “She’s off visiting friends.”

  George shook his head knowingly. “Well then, I will suggest Johnny’s two blocks over. He serves an amazing pot roast on Sundays.”

  “That does sound good, thank you George.” Lukas stood and put his coat on and followed George down the private steps. He stopped George at the bottom. “George, you’ve been a good friend and a loyal supporter of Southern United. I can’t tell you why, just make sure you and your family and employees find other places to be tomorrow morning, if you get what I mean.” George locked eyes with Lukas for the first time he could remember.

  “You know Mr. Reese, running a movie theater is a little like running a bar. You can’t help but hear things... some good, some bad, some made up… you and your company have been good to me and this community. A lot of us owe you our lives, quite literally sometimes.” Both men smiled at the reference. “We can do a lot worse, if you get what I mean. Take care of yourself.” Lukas shook George’s outstretched hand and bid him farewell. He turned left and decided to walk down to Johnny’s.