Read Without Care Page 10


  “Over my dead body!” My mother screams, her fist slamming into the table. “No way in hell, Jennifer Hopkins. There is no way you are going to see that monster.”

  I let out a defeated sigh. “Please” I beg, I look over to Ayden for support but he decides to look the other way. “I need to do this. Nothing will happen to me, I'll have Ayden with me.”

  “What about school?”

  “I'll go to summer school if I don't graduate. Even Ayden thought this would help.” Everyone's eyes turn to Ayden whose eyes remain firmly in the other direction. “If I can persuade him to give himself up, then you're free. We all are.”

  “She has a point” Ted adds, suddenly I like Ted more. “If your ex gives himself in and confesses then you won't have to live in fear any longer.” His hand reaches for my mothers. “It’s worth a shot. And you can trust Ayden. He won't let anything happen to Jen.”

  “Come on, Mom” I smile. “Isn't it about time we settled down?”

  “Do you have anything to say Ayden?” My mother asks.

  “Nope” his tone is crisp. I kick him under the table, which makes him curse under his breath. His eyes turn to me and I raise an eyebrow. He should be fighting in my corner, instead of sitting there all moody and silent.

  He rolls his eyes and shrugs. “I agree with Ted. Your ex turning himself in would be a relief and you would be safe.” A big smile grows across my face. “And Jen will be safe with me. I am trained to deal with all situations. I know how to shot and fight. Plus, she won't be leaving my sight.”


  My mother runs her hands through her blonde hair and lets out a deep breath. “What am I meant to say?”

  Her hands run down her face, which actually is free from make-up. She looks tired. Her eyes are red and slightly puffy. For the first time I can actually see the real her, the woman I remember so clearly. She isn't putting on an act, she isn't faking this, and this is real. This is how I love her. My heart swells with love for her. She risked everything to keep me and Lacey safe.

  I now feel guilty for being selfish, I need to see my father and I believe I can put all this right. I know I'm not a super hero, I do feel like I could save the day. After all it’s worth a try, not for me or my mother, but for Lacey. She deserves to feel settled. She deserves at least an attempt at a real life.

  “Okay” she shrugs. “One week” she points at me and then Ayden. “If anything happens to my baby, I am holding you responsible.”

  “I wouldn't expect it any other way” Ayden confidently replies as he stands up from the table. “I'll be back in half an hour and we will go.” He doesn't even look at me as he leaves the kitchen.

  I close my eyes and let out a little sigh, in spite of what he said him still being my friend. It no longer feels that way to me. He is a stranger and now I have insisted on spending time alone with him for one whole week.

  I push the thought to the back of my mind, this isn't about me. This is for my father, to persuade him to do the right thing. I will just have to endure whatever is thrown at me and tough it out.

  I race to my room and begin to pack for my week away. I shouldn't feel this excited, but the thought of going home and seeing where I grew up is thrilling. I have made a mental list of where to look for my father. He will be there. I am not allowing any negativity get in my way. I am a girl on a mission.

  I grab my bag from my wardrobe and start throwing clothes in. I gather up my iPod, books and anything thing else that will keep my mind occupied during the long drive. Next thing is all my toiletries. There is a knock on my door and Ted strolls in. My mouth drops open, he never comes to talk to me. In fact, he has never even been in my room before.

  He places an envelope down on my bed and I frown at him. “Money” he nods and places his hands in his pockets. “I take it Ayden told you who I am.”

  “Yes,” I look at the envelope and then back at Ted, he seems to look awkward and twitchy. “I really don't need you to give me money, Ted.”

  “I insist” he smiles. “I plan on marrying your mother one day. So, I want to take care of what is hers.”

  I feel a little taken back. “You want to marry my mother?” Ted never speaks to me and now he is telling me his hidden secrets. I should be flattered that he wants to share. “What about your job? I thought you were here to protect her and Lacey.”

  Ted lets out a little sigh, takes a few steps and sits down on the edge of my bed. “At first, yes, it was about the job.” He looks down at his locked hands. “I just fell in love with your mother and vice versa.” He quickly looks up and locks eyes with me. I see it then, how much he does love my mother. “I will do anything for her, you and Lacey. I want to be part of this family, if you will allow me, Jen.”

  I open my mouth and quickly close it again. Has he just asked for my blessing? I think about what he has just said and it does sound like it. A massive smile grows on my face, I see his shoulders relax and he returns my smile. There is only one thing left to, I walk over and give him a hug.

  “I would love you to join our family, Ted” I sing, I pull away and see his face alight with happiness. “You make my mother happy and I wouldn't want anyone else to take care of her.”

  “What is going on here?” My mother is stood in the doorway.

  “Me and Ted were just talking about you” I wink at Ted and turn my attention back to my mother. I am itching to tell her, but I don't want to spoil the surprise. I feel at ease knowing that while I'm away my mother and Lacey will be taken care of.

  “I see” a little smirk hits her lips, I bet she was stood at the door listening. “Ayden is downstairs waiting for you.” She winces and strolls over to me, her hands gripping my shoulders. “You will be careful, won't you?”

  “Of course.”

  “And you stay with Ayden” she orders. “It’s a shame you won't be here to celebrate your birthday. I have waited forever for you to reach eighteen.”

  “Mom,” I smile, pulling her into my arms. “We can celebrate when I get home. In fact, we will have tons of reasons to celebrate.”

  “I hope so” she sighs, pulling away from me. “You better get going. I'll miss you, Jen.”

  “I'll only be gone a week” I laugh, grabbing my bag and heading out of my room. Just like my mother said, Ayden is waiting down in the hall. The minute I see him I freeze on the spot.

  Wow, he looks completely different. He's dressed in a shirt and jeans, his hair is styled to perfection He no longer looks like that dark and moody teenager. Every inch of him sings confidence, control and not to be mess with. He turns to look at me and gives a little smile as if he can read my mind.

  I like this Ayden more. At least he still has those dark mesmerizing eyes, there was no way he could fake them.

  “Are you ready?” He raises an eyebrow and my mouth has gone dry. I just nod and walk towards him. “We are doing the silent, nodding thing again?” Once again I just nod. He gives a little laugh and takes my bag from me. “This way” and walks out the front door.

  Without thinking I follow him outside and stare at his car. Yes, a car and not his blue truck. The black SUV matches the new Ayden. I watch as he throws my bag in the back and walks around to the passengers’ side. I am overcome with nerves, it’s not because I am going to see my Dad. I have to spend a long time driving with a compete stranger.

  “Jen,” Ayden sighs, rolling his eyes. “I am still me.” I raise an eyebrow at him. “Will you just get in the car or shall we forget the whole thing?”

  “No!” I yell back. I take in a deep breath, he's right, he's still Ayden. Just without the ripped jeans, urban T-shirts and roughed up hair. I swallow the lump in my throat, walk over and get in the car. It doesn't smell like the truck. There isn't that stale tobacco smell, unless this is a rental.

  Ayden gets into the drivers seat and turns to look at me. I feel little under his glare; at least some things haven't changed. My body still reacts the same towards him. His h
and lands on my leg and I stiffen under his touch.

  “You need to relax” he huskily says. “I want you to be comfortable around me. Nothing has changed just because you know I'm a SWAT officer.” I nod in reply and shuffle in my seat. He tuts and takes his hand off me. My leg now wanting his touch back. “Music?”

  I listen to that low depressing voice and try to gather my wits. I concentrate on the voice singing about 'using somebody'. I know it’s going to take us at least two days to drive to Seattle and I can't remain silent the whole way there. I need to get over my nerves. Why am I acting this way in his presence?

  Maybe it’s because deep down I feel betrayed – that has to be it. He has spent weeks following me around, making out we were friends, listening to my problems. While all a long the whole time he was being paid to do it.

  Our friendship wasn't real! It was his access to me. Although to start with he was really rude to me. I replay when I met him in Howard’s store, that cold person, who refused to acknowledge my existence. I have to admit if he wasn't a SWAT officer, he would make a great Actor. The thought makes me laugh out loud.

  “What's funny?” He asks, as he starts up the car and drives away from my house.


  “Why am I funny?” His eyes are focused on the road.

  “Ever been to acting school?” I watch as he frowns. “Its just you had me very convinced that you were a teenager. If I recall, you were actually quiet cold towards me.”

  “Well,” he shrugs. “You know the saying. Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen.”

  I can't help laughing at him and he laughs with me. I suddenly feel at ease with him. I relax back in my seat and watch the sleepy town of Summerton go by. I know I should be nervous, but I can't wait to see my dad. I know he will be pleased to see me and I know he will listen to me. I am finally I am getting away from Summerton and stepping out into the real world. I close my eyes and listen to the music. This trip seems to be fun and I can't wait to get home.