Read Without Care Page 18


  Morning comes too quickly, as soon as my eyes open reality hits me straight away. I climb out of bed and walk into the living room. Ayden is already up and sat at the table going through some paper work. I take in his profile and my stomach flips. I begin to wonder what will happen after we accomplish our plan. The pain hurts too much to even consider never seeing him again.

  “Morning” he smiles, looking up from what he is doing. “I thought I would take you out for breakfast today.”

  “What about trying to talk to my father?”

  “We have plenty of time to do that” he adds.

  “Morning folks” Tucker greets us as he strolls into the living room dressed ready for work. “Did we all sleep well?” He heads over to the kitchen and begins to make himself a coffee. I begin to feel awkward standing so decide to sit at the table with Ayden.

  Its then I notice a picture of my aunt standing beside that Marco man. His arms are wrapped around her and she is smiling. I know that smile; I get the same smile when I am with Ayden.

  “You okay, Jen” Ayden asks, noticing my eyes are fixated on that one piece of paper. He quickly grabs it and flips it over. “Don’t worry, we will sort this out.”

  We sit in a little café just a few minutes from Ayden’s place. I look down at my waffles covered in syrup. I remember having this exact same breakfast when I was younger. It was a highlight of weekend. Every Saturday my father would take me out and I would drench my food in golden syrup and it always remained a secret just between him and me.

  I grab my fork and begin to push the food around my plate. It’s funny how a little memory can make you feel bad. I always enjoyed being a daddy’s girl. How your dreams and hope can be dashed so quickly. He is no longer that man I was brought up to believe he was. There was never anything decent about him, how could there be? He was good at lying just like my Aunty.

  How could she do this to my mother? How could she do this to me? She should be on our side not some low-life murderer. I really need to see my father and I really think it would be better if I did it alone. I know there is no way Ayden is going to allow that.

  I look up from my plate and over to him. He’s reading a newspaper while sipping his coffee. I take in his perfect face, dark eyes and focus on his lips. I remember how soft and how right they feel on mine.

  I bet he will be gone soon- Someone else who will leave me. My heart breaks a little at the thought of never seeing him again.

  He will have to go soon, won’t he? After all this his job and I doubt he would give it all up for me. In fact I wouldn’t want him to give it up for me.

  “What are you thinking about?” He asks, stopping my thoughts in their tracks.

  My cheeks flush as I realize I haven’t taken my eyes off him. Really, how can I? He’s perfect and I have deep feelings for him. I can’t have him, I will never have him. He’s too old for me, he deserves more than me.

  “My father” I lie, stabbing a waffle with my fork. “He would bring me to a place like this when I was younger.” He puts his coffee down and gives me all his attention. I carry on talking just so I no longer have to think about a life without Ayden. “We would order a big stack of waffles and drench them in syrup – Which my mum hated me to have.” I give a little laugh. “It was always our little secret, but I think she knew.”

  “Must be nice having nice memories?” His voice is off beat and he looks down at the table. “I don’t remember ever doing anything with my father. I had a grandmother, but after she died I was pretty much alone.”

  My hand instantly reaches out for his and with his free hand he places it over mine. My eyes look at our intertwined hands. I love the way it feels. He looks back at me and smiles. “We should really come up with a plan.”

  “I know” I say off key as that fear soars through my body. “I just don’t think I will be able to speak with him without getting angry.”

  “You need to block it out” he gives my hand a little squeeze. “It’s a basic lesson I had to learn through training.”

  “Have you ever had a young client before?”

  “Yes,” he stops what he is saying and swallows hard. His dark eyes look over at me, making me squirm in my seat. I feel the goose bumps popping up over my bare arms and my stomach flips over. “I’ve never gotten attached before.”

  Attached meaning joined, combined and together. We will never be together, will we? I blink back my tears. I need some space. I pull my hand out of his grip and stand up. “I need the bathroom” I lie, turning and walking through to the back.

  Once inside the small confinements of the toilet I take in deep breaths. My heart is pounding through my chest and my whole body is feeling on edge. I try to drag in another breath, but my chest hurts too much. I dash over to the sink and switch on the cold water. Quickly I splash the water over my face hoping for relief, but nothing happens.

  I close my eyes and concentrate on breathing. It slowly begins to work and my body begins to feel stable again.

  I have no idea what I am going to do. The more I think about everything, the more the doubts creep in. I feel betrayed by my whole entire family. My mother- for keeping this from me.

  My father- for destroying my childhood and Mel for stabbing my mother in the back.

  I quickly open my eyes as an idea creeps into my head. That’s it; I need to get my father away from Mel somehow. I need to rescue him. A plan comes together in my mind and a little smile hits my lips. Yes, that’s it.

  Although I can’t get Ayden involved, my father won’t speak if he knows all about Ayden. I have to do this alone and prove to everyone I’m no longer a stupid kid. I’m 18, an adult in the eyes of the law.

  I leave the bathroom, feeling more upbeat and positive about the whole situation. I look over at the table and see Ayden talking to some woman. I freeze on the spot and just watch the scene being played out before me. The woman is tall, thin and looks nothing but glamorous. Her skinny jeans and heels enhance her long legs. The silk cami top leaves nothing to the imagination and her long dark hair rests neatly on her over exposed chest.

  I watch as she freely touches Ayden’s arm and flutters her eyelashes at him. Ayden looks like he wants to run away, his arms are folded over his chest and sits away from her. I take another look at the woman. Oh my god, its Natalie, the woman from the party. He looks behind him and at me, his eyes pleading for help. What should I do? It has to be something bold, something that tells this woman he is off the market.

  She touches him again which surges jealously through me. I don’t like other women touching him. I smile back at him; I know exactly what I am going to do. The one thing I have wanted to do since we’ve met and now I have the perfect reason.

  He raises an eyebrow as if to say ‘help me, now!’ I smile back, pull back my shoulders and take in a deep breath. With confidence I strut towards him. I can’t believe I am about to do this, but it will be fun to see the look on her face afterwards.

  I stop when I reach Ayden; his dark eyes look up at me. Completely ignoring that we are in a room full of people, I straddled his lap and sit down. My arms creep up his chest and wrap round his neck. One hand buries it’s self into his hair and the other cups his face. I lean forward, pressing my body against his.

  “I missed you” I say, my voice breathy and needy. He doesn’t say anything as his own arms lock around my waist. I place my lips on his, at first he freezes and I feel his fingers dig into my hips. I kiss him again, slowly tracing his bottom lip with my tongue. His mouth opens and his own tongue touches mine.

  Without even thinking I fall into his kiss. My fingers tug in his hair and I hear a raspy groan escape his mouth. I kiss him with need; everything I want to say to him is in that kiss. He kisses back with force and as just much need. We completely get lost in one another; the whole world is blocked out. He pushes me closer to him until there is no space.

  “Um... Hmmm” Someone coughs.

  The spell is broken and my e
yelids flicker open. I slowly pull away much to my disappointed. Ayden opens his eyes and looks up at me, a wicked grin plastered over his face. The whole room erupts into cheering and clapping. ‘I what a side order of that’ – One person yells. My cheeks flush bright red and I have to hold in a giggle. I slowly look up at Natalie, who is scowling and doesn’t look too pleased.

  “Hey,” I smile sweetly.

  “Natalie,” Ayden says, looking up at Natalie too. “You remember my girlfriend, don’t you?”

  She narrows her eyes at me and then looks back at Ayden as if butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.

  “Of course I do. Jen” she hisses my name. “It’s nice to see you again.” I roll my eyes at her falseness, nothing will bring me down. My lips still tingle from his kiss and its taking all my strength not to do it again.

  “You too” I smile back.

  “Well, Natalie” Ayden begins, he moves his leg and I take that as my cue to get back up. His arms grip hold of me and I remain where I am... this I could get use to. Without even thinking I lean over and kiss his cheek. A smile forms on his wonderful mouth and his eyes shine a little. “You must have things to do and we have breakfast to finish.”

  “Yes... I’ll see you both around.”

  “Not if we see you first” I say without batting an eyelash. She gives me another dirty, turns on her heel and struts out of the restaurant.

  “I should be thanking you” Ayden says; bring my attention back to him. He is smiling, a beautiful smile that enhances his beautiful face. I can’t help but smile back as my fingertips play in his hair. How many times have I wished to do this? His hair is really soft and glides through my fingertips.

  “You’re welcome” I grin down at him.

  He looks around and I copy, a few people are looking at us. I guess they’re wondering if there will be getting a repeat performance. I really hope so, not even my first kiss can live up to that.

  Poor Chase. I wonder how he’s doing. I’m not even mad that he’s told a pack of lies to everyone. I think I deserve it. Maybe after everything is sorted out, I will sit down and have a good chat with him.

  Ayden places a strand of loose hair behind my ear. “Are you going to finish your breakfast?”

  “No,” I sigh slowly getting to my feet. Reality has hit me again and I now need to focus on making my plan work. Somehow I need to get to my fathers without Ayden. “I’m not hungry anymore.”

  “You haven’t really eaten anything since we left Summerton. Your mother is going to kill me if you waste away.”

  “I won’t tell if you don’t?”

  “Deal?” he smiles also standing up. “I’ll get the check. Stay here.” He firmly orders as he points to the table. I watch as he heads towards the counter. This is my chance and my only chance. I grab my bag off the table and quickly look over at Ayden. He is still waiting to be served with his back towards me.

  I only have one minute to get away from him. I race through the door which is opened to my relief and run as fast as I can down a busy high street, weaving in and out the crowds. I keep running and running. My father’s house isn’t that fair away and I know a few shortcuts. Once I feel there is no way Ayden will catch up I slow down to a walk.

  I begin to feel bad that I have been forced to do this. Ayden has been amazing in all of this and I can’t thank him enough for being here with me. This is something I must do alone, after all this is my family. I’ll have it out with my dad and make him see sense. Then we can both go to the police and tell them all about Mel.

  I begin to think about the kiss with Ayden. How come I am now realizing that maybe it was a goodbye kiss. After today we may never see each other again. This makes me sad, but I know this is just a job to him.

  I turn down alley way that will lead towards my dad’s house. The adrenaline is now pumping through my veins and I have no doubts that this won’t work. Out of nowhere I feel a pair of hands grab my shoulders. I scream but it’s muffled when a hand is placed across my mouth. I try to free myself, but who ever is holding me is too strong.

  “Blind fold her” says a voice behind me. I try to move again, but there is no way I can. Something black covers my eyes, I am lifted off my feet and carried to the unknown.

  What have I done and where am I going? I ask myself as I am plonked down somewhere cold and hard. Something slams and then slams again, before long I can feel myself moving. The tears begin to pour and fear spreads through. Am I going to die? God no, I don’t want to die. I should have never left Ayden. Why did I think I could do this alone? I want to go home; I wish I had never come here.

  The thought of never seeing my mum or Lacey again makes my sobs harder. My whole body is shaking and I want to be sick. I am stupid- just a stupid kid who should of kept my nose out. Why did I think I could play the superhero and fix everything? I know I am going to die. This is it; this is my fate…Goodbye world.