Read Without Care Page 4


  After spending the whole of Sunday reliving my hour or so with Ayden, it’s finally Monday. My mother is still acting weird. Today she insisted on taking Lacey too school with Ted. Of course Lacey jumped at the chance of riding in a police cruiser. I on the other hand declined, I couldn't think of anything more embarrassing.

  Ayden was waiting for me as I walked on to the school grounds. He was leaning against his truck, hands in his jean pockets and looking like your typical bad boy. I swallowed hard to compose myself before walking in his direction. He smiled at me, and I had to look away, well to see if anyone was watching.

  When I say anyone, I actually mean Chase. I couldn't see him anywhere and to my surprise no one was staring, pointing or laughing at me.

  “Jen” he politely greets me, with a curtious nod. “And how are you feeling?”

  “Good” I nod back. “And you?”

  We both slowly walk towards the school's entrance. “Good. What did you do yesterday?”

  I give him the brief highlights, homework, teaching my mother to use the washing machine. Saving Ted from Lacey and red lipstick, then a short shift at the Diner. Before I realize we are standing outside our maths classroom. The dread floods through my body as I remember who I sit next beside. I’m not ready to talk to him or listen to any apology or lame excuse he has for rejecting me.

  “Do you mind if I sit next to you?” I ask Ayden.

  “Of course you can” he smiles down at me and walks into the classroom with me following behind.

  I don't look at Chase and walk right to the back. As I sit down, I make the mistake of looking at him. His eyes are narrowed and his eyebrow arched. He's eyes move from me to Ayden and his expression is confused. I give a little smile which he doesn't return. He turns back around and doesn't bother looking at me again. Maybe he is just pissed that he has to do the work himself today.

  I pull out my books, and the lesson begins. I get lost in school, just following my time table and not really bothering talking to anyone. I have managed to avoid Becks, I know lunch is now upon me, and I will have no choice but to talk to her.

  So far no one has mentioned my actions at the party. I guess Chase hasn't said anything. Which is making me feel rather guilty for refusing to sit next to him at maths? I make my way to the cafeteria and look around the room. To my surprise Ayden is sat with Becks and Ali, they are both laughing at something he is saying.

  I slowly walk over, and he turns to look at me, I raise an eyebrow and he shrugs at my unspoken question. I pull out a chair and sit down, Becks is doing her flirting smile and look. Her big eyes focused on Ayden as her target. I have this wave of jealously hit me and then anger as I remember that she has been telling my secrets.

  “Where did you get to Saturday?” Ali asks her voice full of concern.

  My eyes abruptly turn to face her, but out of the corner of my eye I am still watching Becks. I know how full on she can be, and it seems that Ayden is falling for her charm. My stomach swirls, and I want to grab him and march him away from her. He hasn't even said anything to me, was I just a way of him getting close to Becks? Most probably, look at her. Any man would prefer her over me. I finally let out a deflated sigh, if he wants her what can I do?

  “I went home” I finally answer Ali's question. “I was feeling ill...”

  “Jen,” a voice says behind me.

  Ali's eyes shoot up, and a big goofy smile spreads across her face. Even Ayden and Becks flirting has come to a halt. I turn in my chair to see who has muted the table. Chase is standing behind me; his blonde floppy, dressed in baggy jeans and the school's football t-shirt. His blue eyes sparkling at me, I catch my breath and any anguish I felt about Becks hitting on Ayden is gone.

  “Yes,” I cough.

  “I was wondering if you would join me for lunch” he hand gestures to a free table. My first reaction is to look over at Ayden. He just shrugs and turns his attention back to Becks. Guess that's my answer.

  “Okay” I weakly smile getting up from my chair and following him over to the table. I can feel eyes burning into me. This is a weird occurrence in the cafeteria. People don't normal sit with others outside their groups. I almost want to shout, “Its just lunch!” but I remain quiet. High school sometimes feels like an alternate universe.

  I sit down, and Chase takes a seat next to me. Without warning his hand grabs mine and once again I feel that heat I felt on Saturday. Now I am too scared to even look or talk to him.

  “I just wanted to explain about Saturday night” his eyes are locked on our intertwined hands. “I did want to kiss you badly, but I just want to do this right. I don't want to be forceful or look like a complete dick!”

  His choice of words makes me laughs, I am now relaxing in his presence, and my eyes look up at his face. He is slightly blushing, and all my insides melt. His blue eyes lock with mine and he gives a breath taking smile.

  “Can we try again?” I nod. “Good. A group of us are heading to the beach on Saturday, and I want you to come. Will you?”

  “The beach?” I play with the word. The idea of going to a beach fills me with dread. The beach involves swimwear, which means HE will see me in swimwear. Seriously, I can't refuse. I take in a deep breathe. “Yes.”

  A massive smile grows across his face and his hand tightens on mine. “Great, I promise you will love it, Jen.” He quickly looks around, then leans over and kisses me sweetly on the cheek. “I'll talk to you later.” He kisses my cheek again, gets up and walks off towards the exit door. I can't stop my eyes from following, before he leaves he turns and waves.

  I feel giddy and so happy. After spending all that time thinking he would tell everyone and cause me harm, I now know he isn't like that. A huge weight has left my shoulders, and I can't stop smiling. Saturday at the beach with him is sounding better by the second, even if it does involve me wearing a swim suit.

  School is over for the day, and I make my way home. I still haven't spoken to Becks, even though it has all worked in my favour. I'm still angry that she thinks she has the right to tell everyone my secrets.

  “Jen,” I look up and see Ayden leaning against his truck. Oh, now he finally talks to me! I'm surprise Becks isn't following him like a stray dog. My legs defy me and I end up walking in his direction. I let out a groan of annoyance as I watch the smug expression swipe across his face.

  “What?” I mutter, by fingers playing with the strap of my rucksack. He refuses to answer and I stare blankly at him. I am beginning to get annoyed. “What do you want, Ayden?”

  He stands up straight and towers over me. “I thought you could help me with the maths homework.”

  “And why would I do that?”

  “Because we're friends and that's what friends do.”

  “I'm pretty sure Becks would be more than willing to help you with homework.” My voice hisses her name, she is meant to be my friend or vice versa, I'm not sure. It’s just since lunch time I can't bare to look or speak to her. That's really bad, considering how nice she has been to me since I moved here. At first I thought I was mad because she told my secrets but now... I don't know.

  He snorts. “Becks and maths?” He tilts his head to the side and rolls his eyes. “Seriously? Come, we will go to your place.”

  “Can I refuse?” I dryly reply, waking round to the other side of the truck.

  “No!” He smiles and gets in - Looks like we’re doing homework at my house. Great, he is going to meet my mother. Oh lords have mercy on my soul!

  We are lost in our maths homework. He doesn't need my help which I knew all along. Maybe he didn't want to go home and be lonely. My mother is playing her favourite role at the moment, bringing us cookies and soda. She keeps lingering much longer than she should and she is putting me on edge.

  At least she is covered up today and she keeps calling me 'honey'. She never calls me honey. Seriously, this woman is beginning to make me dizzy with all these mood changes. I know it’s all an act, why can't she
just be herself. Maybe I should do some research, maybe she has a personality disorder.

  “Are you Jen's boyfriend?” Lacey is now sat at the table.

  “Lacey!” My face is bright red and my jaw almost hits the table. I can't believe how embarrassing my little sister is. Okay, it was funny when she did it to my mother, but not to me. Why has she got this fascination with boyfriends all of a sudden?

  “Jen, relax” Ayden laughs, he turns all his attention to Lacey. “Yes, Lacey, I am Jen's boyfriend. I am a boy and she is my friend.”

  “Dur!” Lacey rolls her eyes. “I know what boyfriend means.” She sits back in her chair and crosses her arms. “My friend Sally says her big sister has a boyfriend and they kiss a lot.”

  “We don't kiss” I quickly add. “That's a different sort of boyfriend.”

  “Yeah, Jen saves that for Chase.”

  “You kissed Chase?” It’s now my mother's voice talking and she sounds too happy. I glare over at Ayden, who is suddenly absorbed in his homework.

  “No, mother, I didn't” I forcefully say. Great, now I can't concentrate on my homework. I let out a deflated sigh and I notice Ayden trying to hide a smile. He's laughing at me and I have a great idea on how to wipe that smile off his face.

  “Although,” I begin. “I might kiss him this Saturday at the beach.” My mother starts jumping on the spot in with excitement. Ayden has dropped his pen, eyes wide and mouth open. Lacey is pretending to be sick. I stand up in triumph. “Oh well, looks like homework can wait. I have work!”

  The next few hours are spent at the Diner I actually have a spring in my step. The vision of Ayden's shocked face is something I can't stop laughing at. I sing along to the juke box as I collect baskets and glasses. I help Carl clean up and then its time to head home.

  I know my mother is going to go crazy with excitement the minute I walk through the door. No doubt she is going to insist helping me out with bathing suits and tips on kissing boys. I have this weird feeling she has waited my whole life for this. She will probably see it as passing on her wisdom.

  “So, the beach this Saturday with Chase.” I look up and Ayden is sitting on our porch step.

  “Yep” I smile. “What are you still doing here?”

  He shrugs and gets to his feet. “Your mother insisted I had dinner with her and Ted.” He stands right in front of me, his eyes not looking anywhere but at me. I feel slightly small as he towers over me, my heart races and his scent invades my senses. Our eyes are locked and unintentionally I feel myself licking my bottom lip. What? Now I want him to kiss me? I close my eyes and break that connection. Just like I told Lacey, we are friends that don't kiss. Besides, he has a thing for Becks.

  “I'll see you at school tomorrow” my eyes fling open and now he is next to his truck. I am still panting, what is wrong with me? I give a little wave and race into my house. I must never respond to him like that again. It was a stupid thought, but why did my body act that way? Why do I get jealous when I think of him with Becks? Maybe I have inherited my mother’s crazy gene after all.