Read Without Care Page 5


  Saturday arrives, and I am a bundle of nerves. I can't even manage to eat breakfast. My hands shake as I pack a bag ready for the beach. I look up at the clock and I have exactly five minutes before Chase picks me up.

  I adjust the straps on my yellow sundress and place a strand of hair behind my ears. Now I think maybe I should change into trousers. I shake my head, the reason I choose the dress was to wear my swimsuit underneath. That is still making me cringe. Chase is going to see me in a two piece. I know my body is okay, it’s just some times I wish I was little curvier like my mother.

  The doorbell rings and before I get a chance to get there I can hear my mothers voice. “Well, hello, Chase. Jen has told me so much about you.”

  I rush to the door and glare at her. Chase is stood smiling at my mother in his normal outstanding way. My mother is smiling back and fluttering her eyelashes. Gross! I push her out of the way. I quickly hurry my goodbyes and leave. I grab Chase's arm and pull him away from my mother.

  “Bye Honey” she calls behind me. What is with all this honey business?

  “She seems nice” he says as we walk towards his shiny silver convertible BMW. The car screams wealth and I take an instant dislike to it. “Is your mother always that friendly?” He asks as he opens the passenger door for me. Is he trying to be funny? I don't answer and get into the car. My whole body sinks into leather seat.

  Now we are alone in the car I once again feel nervous. I watch him climb in and start up the engine. My eyes take him in, his blonde hair isn't gelled today and he is dressed in shorts and a baggy T-shirt. Typical surfer, the white T-shirt brings out his golden sun kissed skin. I swallow hard as his eyes drift over to me.

  “You look pretty today, Jen.” His pushes that loose strand of hair behind my ear. My cheeks flush bright red and I squirm in the seat. How am I going to get through a whole day with him? I take in a deep breath and just smile.

  The beach is filled when we get there, a few faces I recognize from school. People sunbathing, some surfing, a group have got a barbeque going and I also notice most people have a drink in their hands. I get out of the car and follow Chase, when his friends see him they all cheer. However, their eyes look at me. I guess they’re probably trying to figure out what I am doing here.

  “Hey” it's Chrissy Cartwright that races to us. She is smiling at me and it looks guinine. I can't help but look at the tiny two pieces she is wearing. She looks amazing and now there is no way I am taking off my dress with her around.

  Without warning she pulls me into a hug and I am taken back. “I’m really glad Chase invited you.” she says as she pulls away. “He has been driving us nuts.”

  I look over at Chase and he’s flushed bright red. He grabs hold of my hand and pulls me away from the friendly Chrissy. I know I am smiling. He’s been driving his friend’s nuts...How? Does he talk about me? I feel the flutter of butterflies in the pit of my stomach. We come to a halt and Chase sits down pulling me with him.

  “I'm sorry about Chrissy” he smiles and his thumb brushes the palm of my hand. “She has been begging me to ask you out. She knows I really like you.”

  “Its okay” I smile, my voice is very breathy. He slowly turns to face me and my eyes lock on his lips. I quickly turn away, there is no way I am messing up this time. I have managed to of gotten a second chance and Chase likes me. Wow!

  “Jen,” his finger brushes along my cheek and my head turns in his direction. He is closer now, I can smell his scent and my heart beats fast. I swear if he doesn't kiss me now I am going to combust.

  “May I?” I nod, my breathing slowly getting heavier.

  He leans forward and softly brushes his lips against mine. I close my eyes and welcome the sensations. His lips are soft, his hand moves up in my hair and I swear I let out a little moan as he steals another kiss. Without warning he is gone and I want to grab him and pull him back. I slowly open my eyes and he is smiling back at me.

  “Wow” he lets out a little air from his mouth. “Amazing” he kisses me on the cheek and jumps up.

  “You wanna go for a swim?”

  Eugh! Just when everything was going well, he has to bring up the swimsuit subject. I look around the beach and it seems everyone is wearing swimsuits. No one else seems to care, so why do I?

  My eyes wonder a little more and then it feels like something has hit me hard in the chest.

  My jaw drops open and I can't stop blinking. What is he doing here? Becks is sat right beside him looking fab in her swimsuit. All of a sudden I feel competitive knowing I would look much better. As if he can sense me, he looks over and waves. He has that smug look on his face. I wave back and get to my feet. I don't what he is playing at, but if you can't beat them, join them.

  I take in a deep breath and pull my dress over my head revealing my black binki. I look over at Chase, his eyes are wide and he is just staring at me. He must like what he sees. I then turn and look at Ayden. He shrugs his shoulders and mouths, 'nice'. What an arrogant bastard! Becks rolls her eyes and lays back down.

  I bet no one even invited them here. I am not going to allow them to ruin my day or my date with Chase. I have dreamt about this for the last few months. I walk over to Chase and for some reason I wrap my arms around his neck. He instantly pulls me against his body and his lips find mine again.

  Right in the middle of the beach we start kissing. I can hear a few people cheering and then Chrissy yells “Finally!”

  As I pull away, I feel embarrassed but slightly proud of my bold move. Chase is grinning from ear to ear. He looks like he has won the lottery or something. I turn on my heel and walk towards the sea, my hips swaying from side to side. For some unknown reason I look over my shoulder and Ayden is staring at me. His eyes narrowed his mouth tight and all my insides melt. Was he the reason I just did that?

  After mine and Chase's swim we join his friends. He won't leave my side and his hand is permanently locked with mine. He keeps asking me if I am okay and running his hands through my hair. His friends are actually okay. Becks always made out they were a bunch of stuck up snobs, but they have been very welcoming to me.

  “So Jen,” Chrissy smiles sitting down next to me. She has now covered up her amazing body with a t-shirt and shorts. “Who are you taking to the dance?”

  The dance. I hadn't even thought about it. This is the first time I have spent time in one place long enough to actually go to a dance. Its girls ask boys dance. My eyes look over at Chase and he leans towards me.

  “Yes, I would love to go with you.”

  I swear my heart just slammed against my chest, I feel as if I am living in my own private movie. His lips brush against my cheek and without thinking my free hand moves up into his hair and it feels amazing. I am finally feeling and doing all the things I have read about in romance novels. We can't stop looking at one another. It’s as if we are trapped in a spell.

  “Alright, that's enough” says a voice. It’s Becks, standing over me with her hands on her hips and tapping her foot. “If you would excuse Jen, I want a word with my friend.” Before I can protest she is pulling me up and dragging me away from paradise.

  “What are you playing at?” She asks as we move further away from the group.

  “Excuse me?” I stop and pull my arm out of her grip. This is the first time we have spoken in a week.

  “You! Parading around in swimsuits and throwing yourself at Chase. This isn't you, Jen. You’re making yourself look easy. In fact, you’re reminding me of your mother.”

  “Becks!” I yell, looking mortified. I can't believe she just said that, I am nothing like my mother. I finally feel as if I fit in here and she has to destroy it with her bitter jealousy. She's always wanted to be one of Chase's group. That's it! That's why she said all that stuff to Chase. She was trying to make me look stupid.

  “I can't believe you just said that” I scowl. “You know how much I like Chase.”

  “I also know how much Ayden likes you!??

  “Ayden, what has he got to do with it?”

  She shakes her head and shrugs. “Forget I even mentioned him.”

  “No! Tell me what you meant.” I should have known Ayden had to be behind this. “What do you mean he likes me? You’re with him.”

  Becks laughs and begins to walk away. “You’re in denial, Jennifer. Open your eyes, take a look around.” She turns her back on me and walks back in Ayden's direction.

  Now I am seriously confused, what did any of that mean? Ayden likes me and I like Chase. Why would she been mean like that? I haven't done anything wrong and I don't think my behaviour was out of line. I’m just having fun. No, she is jealous. I have spent two years wanting to fit in somewhere, wanting a normal high school experience. I finally have that, my mother is settling down, my sister is happy and I have a life.

  She is just pissed that it isn't her, that's all. Well as far as I’m concerned, she and Ayden are welcomed to each other. I have to cut them out and stop being friends with them. There is only six months left of high school and I am going enjoy every moment of it. For the first time in my life and I am looking after number one and to hell with everyone else.