Read Without Care Page 8


  I look at my reflection in the mirror. The excitement I felt when I brought this dress has now gone far away. Even the idea of my first dance didn't bring me much joy. I would have to spend the whole evening watching Ayden dance with Becks. While a man, who I felt nothing for, held me. I blinked back my tears. My mother had spent time and effort getting my make-up perfect.

  Everything was perfect; my purple off the shoulder prom dress looked amazing. My blonde hair in soft waves, cascading down to my shoulders. The diamond pendant my mother insisted I wore, a present and the only thing here from my father.

  My stomach swirled with nausea as the doorbell rang, Chase was here. It was time, tonight after the dance I was breaking up with him. I had rehearsed the speech in my head for days.

  I grabbed my purple clutch bag and headed downstairs. Chase was standing in the hallway chatting to Ted. The guilt him me hard, he looked amazing in his black suit, white shirt and a tie that matched the colour of my dress.

  His blue eyes turned in my direction and he gave me his heart stopping smile. Although, now it didn't affect me. Not one tiny bit. “You look beautiful, Jen.” I stepped off the last step and walked towards him.

  “You too” I smiled, trying to keep myself together. “We should be going.”

  Chase took hold of my hand, and I instantly took my hand away. He looked confused, almost hurt. I couldn't bare him looking like that, so I reached out for his hand. I muttered sorry and he seemed to accept it.

  The school hall was decorated in the school colours, with balloons, banners and everyone had made a big effort in dressing up. A DJ was playing all the latest chart music, while students got their groove on. I couldn't enjoy myself. I found my eyes looking around searching for Ayden.

  I could tell Chase was beginning to get annoyed with me. Every now and again he would tut or let out a loud sigh. I actually didn't care when I finally saw Ayden.

  He looked different dressed in a suit, he looked older and his dark hair was gelled back enhancing his angular face. My head went light and I couldn't bring my eyes away from him. Chase looked at me and then followed my gaze.

  “I see” he spat and walked away from me. Even that didn't stop me from looking at Ayden. I know I should have followed Chase, but I didn't care where he went. In fact, I was almost relieved to be away from him.

  My feet began moving before I realize and it wasn't long before I had made my way over to Ayden. The second he saw me, he gave a smile which I returned.

  “Hey, Jen” he said, his attention turning away from Becks, who looked like she wanted to kill me. “Wow, you look” he shook his head. “Wow!”

  “And you clean up well” I joked, brushing a finger along the sleeve of his jacket.

  “Oh please,” I hear Becks groan, both our heads turn in her direction. Her face is all screwed up and her eyes are sending daggers my way. I have to admit she looks rather stunning in her black, classy gown. She suddenly begins to smile, not a nice smile, but that bitchy smug smile. “I see your date is dancing with Chrissy” she laughs and points a black painted nail in Chase's direction.

  “I don't think it actually bothers her” Ayden laughs, giving a little nudge.

  “Come” Becks orders, grabbing Ayden by the arm. “I didn't ask you here in order to stand around talking with the enemy.”

  I watched as she leads him away to the dance floor. My eyes look back at Chrissy, grinding herself against my date. Ayden was right, I don't care. In fact, I think she is doing me a favour. I wander over to an empty table and sit down.

  I laugh at the sight of Ayden dancing. He has no sense of rhythm and is keeping Becks at arms length. I wonder what it would have been like if I had asked him to the dance. I take in a deep breath as let I my mind drift off; the feeling of his body pressed up to mine. His strong arms gripping hold of me and his nose nuzzled in my hair. I get goose bumps just imagining.

  “Jen” I wake up from my day dreaming to see Ali and Travis now sat the table. Their hands locked together. “Why are you not dancing?”

  “I'm not in the mood” I lie, what I want to do is steal Becks date. However, I am not going to admit that information. “Are you having a good time?”

  “Yes,” Ali's eyes go dreamy and she looks over at Travis. Who also looks just as loved up as Ali? I am happy for her. Ali is such a nice person and she deserves someone who treats her right. “If you need anyone to dance with Travis is your man.”

  “I'm okay, really. You keep hold of him.”

  “I intend too” with that the pair up and leave.

  For the next half an hour I watch everyone else enjoying themselves. I'm got even that bummed that I have spent my first dance alone. I have enjoyed watching, although some of the dancing should have been classed as x-rated. The music comes to a halt and everyone is told to make their way to in front of the stage.

  As I walk over I pass Chase, he doesn't speak and turns his back on me. Another friend lost that’s two so far. I go and stand next to Ayden who is pleased to see me. Our headmaster gets up on stage and starts addressing everyone.

  “Now it's the time to crown our king and queen of the Summerton High Senior's backwards dance.” Everyone cheers, whistles and claps. “Our Queen is...”

  The lights cut out and everyone goes silent for a while. Then whispering begins as people start to feel uneasy in the dark. Without warning the lights go back on and suddenly a few people start screaming and pointing. I look in the direction, on the far side of the room are two men holding guns. My heart starts to race and the fear floods through me.

  “Listen!” Yells one of the gunmen. “No one is going to get hurt. We are looking for someone...”

  A hand grips hold of my wrist, I jump in shock to find Ayden standing right beside. “Follow me” he whispers. “Don't ask any questions and do as I say.” I nod, as we slowly back away from the crowd and to the nearest fire exit. The second we get outside, Ayden yells run and we do till we reach the truck.

  Once in the cabin, panic hits me. We have left everyone inside with those men, who have guns. I reach for the door handle. I need to go back, I need to make sure everyone is okay and to find out whom they were looking for.

  “No!” Ayden yells, pulling me back.

  “I need to go back, Ayden. My friends are in there.”

  “They will okay, those men won't hurt them” his voice has a cold edge to it. “They won't find what they’re looking for and will leave.”

  He drives out of the parking lot, not once looking in my direction. He takes one hand off the stirring wheel and reaches for his phone on the dashboard. With one hand, he dials a number and brings it up to his ear.

  “Yes… She’s safe with me. I'll call you.” He hangs up and throws the phone down.

  What was all that about? Seeing those men with guns didn't even bother him. He still looks calm and in control. My heart is still racing and the fear won't leave me. My hands shake and I can't do anything but burst into tears. Ali and Travis, are they okay?

  “Jen,” Ayden' hand rests on my leg. “It's okay.”

  “No, it’s not okay” I yell through my tears. “Those men have guns!”

  “I know. But you're safe and that is all that matters.”

  “What about Ali and Travis?”

  “Nothing will happen to them.”

  “How do you know that?” Then it clicks. “Do you know who those men were looking for?” He quickly glances at me and nods his head. “Who?”

  “You! They were looking for you.”

  I swear my heart just stop beating, I fall back into the seat as my mouth drops open. Me? Men with guns were looking for me? Why? I am now shaky uncontrollably, my mouth is dry and my head feels as if it is going to explode.

  The truck stops and I don't even attempt to move. I can't, my whole body is in shock. Ayden opens the passenger door and picks me up. I don't even notice where we are, nothing will register apart from people with guns want me. My head rests on his
shoulder and I begin to shiver. The crying is everlasting and I am scared beyond recognition.

  I feel Ayden lower me down on to something and a blanket is wrapped round me. I look up at his face. There isn't any sign of emotion. Why would he know who they were looking for? I want to ask, but I can't find the words.

  He sits down next to me and wraps an arm round my shoulders, pulling me closer towards him. I close my eyes and rest my head on his shoulder. “I know you must be in shock, Jennifer. You are safe with me.” Everything goes black, as my body finally gives up and shuts down.