Read Wrestling the Russian Page 8

  I looked at Yegor. “I’ve read this contract seven times. You can sign it,” he confirmed. We were good to go.

  P led us to one of the rear training rings. Two other male students practiced bumps furiously as we watched outside. The clash of the violent slams to the mat made me cringe a little.

  “Clear the ring boys,” P instructed to the two hopefuls. They stopped what they were doing and rolled out of the ring. P then called us to get in the ring as he followed.

  “Yiggy, I’ve seen your tapes. I know what you can do obviously. You’re in better shape than you were last time I saw you too. I’m more interested in seeing what the lady can do. Lock up with me.”

  I locked up with P, gripping his shoulders. He then threw me off the ropes, I ran back swiftly as I’d done thousands of times in Memphis. He hit me with a light clothesline to which I hit a hard bump on the map. P twisted his face up. He wasn’t sold.

  “Okay. That wasn’t bad. I want you to watch for today. Just get your mental reps in,” he said.

  The rest of the day I watched silently as Yegor and P practiced with the unknowns. It was clear as day that Yegor was on P’s level and head-and-shoulders above any of the unknowns. Afterwards we hit the hotel to retire for the night.

  “Don’t let them get to you,” Yegor said as I quietly sat on the bed watching television. He thumbed through a book as he spoke.

  “That’s how it starts. They try to break you down mentally first, then physically. Then you’re done. Only the strong survive in this company.”

  I shrugged as I exhaled.

  “I guess. What do you think is going to happen to me? I’m like the only girl down there, and everyone else is so good. They aren’t as good as you but they all are pretty impressive. If P doesn’t think I’m on their level, I’m nev—“

  He cut me off.

  “Don’t say you can’t do something. P isn’t that simple. This business is not like that. You cannot predict who’s going to make it. One day they could cut you just because they don’t like the way you shake their hand, or you could get called up because someone likes your look. There’s no way to call it.”

  I took that as a sign to let it go. He was right.


  The next day training began intense. We started off with heavy weight training. Since there wasn’t a gym at the WWW facility Yegor and I had to go to a local gym. Several of the hopefuls I saw from the previous day were in there early. Everyone was in a silent competition, lifting each rep harder than the previous. I did my best to keep up. It wasn’t even eight o’clock by the time we were finished and headed to the facility.

  Everyone separated to their assigned rings to get started the day. It was still a sight to see the actual size of the facility. I got goose bumps every time I laid eyes on the massive studio. As Yegor and I began to ascend on the ring we were assigned the previous day P called us to the side. Something wasn’t right. P’s mood was a bit down. He combed his fingers through his unkempt afro as he spoke.

  “I don’t know how to break this to you. So I’m just going to tell you,” he said, hesitating, “Yiggy, you don’t need to be down here. I got something for you to do.”

  Yegor and I quietly looked at each other as we processed what was happening.

  “I need you on the road as soon as possible Yiggy,” P said.

  “Congrats. You made it back to the big show. I never thought this would happen to be honest. You’re way too good to be wasted down here with the newbies.”

  Yegor nodded. His poker face didn’t tell if he was happy or not. He simply shook P’s hand and followed him out of the studio. I imagine they had a lot of paperwork to do as making it to the main show meant negotiating a brand new, lucrative, contract.

  Moments later P emerged alone. I warmed up in the ring with the two hopefuls from the previous day.

  “Brianna, I need to talk to you,” P called me out of the ring.

  “As you know you’re the only female here right now. That isn’t an issue but I want to make sure you understand everything properly. It’s a slightly different style we require from the Ladybirds.”

  The back door of the studio opened. A tiny figure peeked out and strolled towards us.

  “That’s why I called April down to work with you one-on-one,” he finished.

  It was April the Wonder, the petite Asian performer I’d watched for weeks on television. She was so short she almost looked like a child but she was a veteran of the industry. It was an honor to meet her.

  I nervously shook her hand and introduced myself. “You came down just to train me? I couldn’t ask for a better day,” I said.

  “We are actually doing the live show tonight from Tampa. You should ride with me! I need some company!” she remarked.

  P smiled and walked off to yell at someone in one of the other rings. He took the two students who previously had the ring with him, giving April and I our own ring to work.

  “So how long have you been in the business?” April asked as she warmed up, bouncing off the ropes.

  “Just a few months,” I said nervously. It was impossible to measure up.

  “That’s not bad. I saw your tape. You’re pretty good to be so green,” she replied. I remembered Yegor’s advice. I didn’t take the opportunity to brag or go into detail. I just laughed it off.

  That afternoon April and I went through the basics. She showed me how to do maneuvers with the camera angles in mind. It was a lot to take in. April was super peppy as she showed me different little secrets I’d never known. I was sure to take it all in and not step on any toes, figuratively or literally.

  “See when you come out of this corner, the camera is behind you,” she’d say, “but when you’re in the middle of the ring like this then the camera is in front of you.” I noted all of the angles as best I could.

  I wanted to ask her so much about her match with Laura that I’d seen weeks prior. It was truly an electric experience watching at home. I wanted to know an insider’s take on it so when we finally got to the end of the day’s work and she asked if I had any questions I let her have it.

  “I saw the match a few weeks back with you and Laura Grey. It was awesome. How did it feel?” I said. April gave me a big toothy smile. She was extremely proud of that match.

  “It felt great. I don’t know how to put it. There’s really nothing like going out there in front of thirty thousand people all cheering you on. Even when you know you’re going to lose, you get that feeling from the crowd that just maybe you’ll pull it off. That’s what makes it so special.”

  I wanted to take it a step further and ask about Laura directly but I decided not to press my luck.

  Afterwards April asked me again about attending the show with her that night. “So, you are coming with me to Tampa tonight right?” she said.

  “I have nothing better to do. I don’t even know what’s going on with my ride. I just got down here yesterday,” I replied.

  “Who’s your ride?” she asked.

  “Yegor.” I said. She cut her eyes away at the mention of his name.

  “He’s a unique character isn’t he?” she asked.

  “He’s cool. He’s not bad once you get to know him,” I replied. April shrugged.

  “Yiggy was never a people person. That’s cool that you know him. Anyways, I’ll drive you to your hotel then we’ll hit the road.”

  When I got to the hotel all of Yegor’s stuff was gone. He left in a hurry. A handwritten note was scribbled on the hotel paper:

  “Paid for the month.”



  The night’s live television event was being held in Tampa’s Times Forum arena. It was about an hour south from Orlando. April spilled her guts to me the entire ride down. She talked about everything from school, to her love for the business, to her past relationships. I just took it all in, careful not to say anything to rock the boat. I think she was taking a real liking to me.

; When we got to the arena it was nothing like I remembered. Thousands of fans mobbed around outside as they waited to get inside. We parked in a secure spot and entered the locker room. It was the first time I’d ever seen the backstage of a professional arena.

  There were several ladies warming up and chatting in the locker room. I followed April as she introduced me to everyone. And then we bumped into her, Laura Grey.

  Laura’s on-air demeanor was nothing compared to her real life arrogance. She had a vibe that said I’m way better than you and she had no problem letting anyone know it. April approached the 6’1 blonde Amazon quietly.


  Laura wasn’t trying to talk. She had her beats headphones on. She was in her own world as she unpacked her gear in one of the lockers. I almost fainted as she pulled out the bright pink Ladybird Championship belt from her bag. The light was nearly blinding as it reflected off the gold emblems. It was a sight to see. Laura finally noticed us; she slung her headphones off and around her neck.

  “What’s up?” she said calmly. April etched a big animated smile.

  “Laura! I want to introduce you to one of the new trainees. Laura, Brianna. Brianna, Laura.”

  Laura gave me a head nod then extended her hand. I trembled inside. I knew handshakes were a funny thing in this company. I gave her a stiff handshake with a smile. I was meeting a living legend in my eyes. Her hands engulfed mine. She almost crushed me from the pressure of her grip. She had hands stronger than any man I knew. This was the most muscular woman I’d ever seen in my life. She was a real life gladiator.

  “Nice to meet you,” Laura said coldly as she released my hand. April smiled as she led me out of the female locker room to the main backstage area.

  “What do you think?” she said with the excitement of a four year old.

  “To be honest, I’m kind of nervous. You all are my idols. I’d never thought I’d meet a Ladybird nonetheless be in the locker room with you,” I said hesitantly.

  “Don’t sweat it,” April assured me.

  I panned around the backstage area. My dreams had come true. I was really here. At every turn I saw a familiar face from television. I couldn’t believe it.

  “Pretty crazy huh?” April said as she noticed the deer-in-headlights look on my face. “I was the same way when I first came up.”

  DARKNESS. I couldn’t see anything. Someone’s hands were over my eyes.

  “Guess who?” a familiar voice asked from behind. I couldn’t pin down who’s voice it was exactly. It certainly wasn’t Yegor. I turned around. I laughed as I realized it was my old blonde training buddy.

  I hugged Chad as he laughed. “I’m so happy you made it!” he said.

  “Not yet. I’m still in Orlando. I was hoping to see you there,” I had to correct him.

  “I’m just as surprised as you are,” Chad said with a bold smile.

  He was already in ring attire, shiny new purple trunks with matching knee pads and boots. He looked like he belonged amongst all of the veterans.

  “I’m going to get ready for my match I’ll talk to you later!” April said as she skipped off towards the female locker room. Chad glanced at her as she left.

  “How do you know April?” he asked.

  “I just met her today. She gave me some pointers and drove me up here. I think she’s going to be training with me in Orlando for a couple of days,” I said.

  “That’s good. For some reason none of the Ladybirds will talk to me,” Chad said quietly.

  I shrugged. I couldn’t help him. Chad looked around then grinned.

  “Guess what my gimmick is?” he asked.

  “I don’t know, surfer dude?” I guessed. Chad shook his head. Wrong.

  “I play an English guy. Sir Chadwick Cambridge,” he spoke really softly as he spilled the beans. I nodded slowly as I got it. He was essentially the new William Paddington.

  “That’s interesting. Have you talked to Yegor about this?” I said, matching his low voice.

  “What do we need to talk about?! I’m doing what he couldn’t. I’m going to take his fumble and go all the way with—“ Chad stopped in the middle of his sentence. His eyes lit up as if he’d just seen a ghost.

  Someone grasped my wrist tight and tugged it violently. I looked up. The bearded one stared me back in the eyes. He cut his eyes from Chad, totally dismissing his existence. We walked briskly together down one of the arena’s corridors to a secluded wing of the building.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked bluntly.

  “I’m just watching the show. April brought me,” I said.

  He looked right and then left to assure no prying ears were around. He quickly grabbed me by the ears, pulled me in for a prolonged kiss.

  “Wow. What was that for?” I said.

  “I couldn’t have made it back here without you. I got a new deal. Five hundred thousand dollars,” he replied.

  My eyes lit up. I jumped into his arms and hugged him harder than I’d hugged anyone ever in life. I was so proud of him. I felt like I was the one who made it. He wiped his face. He was beginning to tear up. I’d never saw him this emotional before.

  “You don’t understand. If I didn’t make it back this year I was going to kill myself. This is all I have. I owe you so much.”

  I held our embrace as he breathed a deep sigh of relief. I started to tremble and tear up as well. The emotion poured out of me but I tried to pull it together. I had to tell him about the news I just got.

  “Did you hear what Chad just told me?”

  Yegor scrunched up his face. He waited on me to continue.

  “He’s picking up the William Paddington gimmick. His name is Chadwick Cambridge.” I said.

  Yegor pulled back at the news. I could tell he still had a soft spot for that character.

  “It doesn’t matter,” he said, “he’s not going to last.”

  “Yiggy?!!” someone called from the other end of the corridor. It was almost bell time.

  “I think you need to get out of here,” Yegor said to me. I hugged him again and found my way to the arena’s skybox. April allocated her friends and family access to me so I was able to watch in the lush comfort of the box.

  There was like no one there. Apparently no one in the company had friends and family in central Florida. I noticed two blonde women and a darker brunette off to the side as I sipped on my complementary drink. They were tuned into the action.

  “Hey there!” the younger blonde said to me.

  “Come sit with us. You must be new to this thing.”

  I moved to the padded vacant seat next to her. “I’m Amanda. Brian is my husband,” she said as she extended her hand. I had no idea who Brian was but I smiled and shook her hand anyway. I wasn’t keen to everyone’s real names yet. The other blonde extended her hand across the younger’s.

  “I’m Macy. Laura is my sister.” she said. My heart dropped. My mind went totally blank for a minute before I snapped out of it and shook her hand.

  “I’m Brianna.” I said back.

  “Who are you here with? Are you with one of the guys?” Amanda asked. She had on an elegant dress with matching jewels and a designer clutch. Her husband was making bank, whoever he was.

  As badly as I wanted to say I was with one of the wrestlers I knew better and played it cool.

  “No. April is training me. I’m her guest.”

  “Oh, April! I love her! She’s really nice.” Laura’s sister interjected.

  I smiled as I went with the flow. The brunette said nothing. She calmly looked on. Her vibe was chilling and confrontational. The blondes did not acknowledge her for some odd reason.

  We watched on as the evening’s matches started. It was truly a sight to see the roar of the crowd from high above. It was nothing like the little 200 member crowds I’d seen in Memphis. Every time the music and lights hit the crowd stood on their feet and went nuts.

  One of the first matches was a Lady
birds match. It was a rematch between Laura and April. The blondes looked on with big smiles. Laura came to the ring and did her usual routine. People booed endlessly as Laura boasted on the microphone how great she was. After seeing her in person I wasn’t sure if it wasn’t true that she indeed was the greatest female athlete of all time.

  April’s music hit and she came out to a nice cheer. She was clearly a fan favorite. I studied every move as the tiny competitor made her way to the ring.

  Even the Ladybird’s ring gear was more amazing in person. April wore a two piece bedazzled blue outfit with silver trim and black boots. Laura’s muscles hugged a sparkly pair of pink tights and black spandex tank top. They looked like the mega stars they were.

  The referee held up the big pink championship belt. It was time. We all looked on silently as the ladies did their thing. I noticed the brunette hadn’t moved a muscle as she silently stared on.

  The ladies put on an awesome match. They were again perfectly in sync with one another. Every move was done textbook style with no hiccups. I was in awe how well they worked together. It was so good they could probably do the match with their eyes closed.

  Again, April made a thunderous comeback to the fans delight. The place was electric as they believed the Amazon would meet her first defeat in the ring. Laura’s sister leaned over to me.

  “I have to tell you April is pretty awesome. You’re in good hands.”

  BOOM! In a moment, Laura hit her power bomb and the match was over. One… two… three. Laura’s undefeated record remained intact. The blondes looked on with a sense of pride and joy. The crowd booed Laura as she slung her belt over her shoulder and celebrated.

  I forced a smile as Laura basked in the glory.

  In my mind I was drawing up my game plan.

  I had to be the one.

  I had to defeat her.


  The following segment was something I never thought I’d see. “Ladies and gentlemen will you please welcome all the way from Wales, Chadwick Cambridge!” the arena announcer belted through the speakers.

  Out ran my former training buddy. Chad was decked out in his purple tights and a royal purple robe complete with some sort of scepter. The crowd hesitated to submit a large ovation to him. It was going to be his job to get over.