Read Wrestling the Russian Page 9

  “What’s up, what’s up?!” a confident slick voice I vaguely remembered said from behind us. I turned around to see P joining us in the box.

  He was dressed in a dark gray suit with no tie. The brunette finally perked up. P leaned in and kissed her right on the lips. He then turned to me.

  “This is the girl I was telling you about. This is Brianna,” he said to the brunette.

  “Brianna, this is Rachel,” P said.

  My stomach exploded. I instantly realized who the brunette was. She was P’s wife and one of the lead writers of the show. She was also Russian, or at least played one on television at one time from what I remembered.

  “Nice to meet you. I’m so sorry I didn’t introduce myself earlier. I was into the show,” I peeped out.

  Rachel could smell fear on your breath. She was the type of woman that could kill a man with a single glance. She held her head peculiarly as she pondered whether or not to fire me on the spot, at least in my mind. My stomach did back flips as I remained completely silent.

  “Your Yegor’s friend, right?” she asked.

  “Yes,” I said quietly.

  “Ok,” she dismissed me. I think I was safe for now.

  “Did I miss anything yet?” P interjected. Chad was still in the ring doing his new Chadwick Cambridge routine.

  “There are men in this building who are evil, men who I will not allow to dishonor the great fans of this company any longer. I am pure. I am here to restore faith, honor and dignity to those tortured souls. That is the reason I was knighted.”

  Chad stumbled on his words. He was unconvincing. The crowd could care less. It was obvious he was guessing how to speak as a convincing Brit instead of legitimately stepping into the role.

  P twitched his face. He wasn’t impressed either. Rachel looked on stone faced.

  The lights dimmed. Horns blared as another figure walked out to the ring. It was aother familiar face. It was Yegor. He said nothing as he assaulted Chad, using the fake Brit’s own scepter on him. Fans roared as Yegor rained boots down on Chad’s back. He then retrieved a large red white and blue American flag from nearby and waved it to the crowds delight.

  “U-S-A! U-S-A!” they chanted.

  Suddenly, the Russian threw down the stars and stripes in disgust. The crowd booed as he replaced it with a striped Russian flag and covered Chad’s comatose body. He made his stake. The Russian was here and he wasn’t here to be cheered.

  The blondes next to me looked on in bewilderment. Rachel nodded as she exchanged looks with P. He cracked a sly smile.

  “What did I tell you? That boy Yiggy is hungry. I’ve never seen him like this. If I knew he’d come back like this I wouldn’t have pushed to keep him last time. Maybe firing him was the best decision. I have no idea who this new guy is, but he is over.”

  I said nothing as I beamed with pride. It was a long road to get here but we made it.


  April and I trained together exclusively for the next three weeks. Every day was the same. We practiced move after move, each day getting progressively challenging. April was impressed with my development. Mark had trained me well so I was confident there was nothing I couldn’t handle as the WWW style was significantly slower paced.

  We were quickly approaching the end of the month. At the end of every month, there was a major pay-per-view event in a big city. I hadn’t been called up to the main show yet. I began to get nervous I’d have to move back to Memphis, or even worse Nashville, if things didn’t take off soon.

  I tracked Yegor’s progress on television from the lonely hotel room. He was becoming a major player really quickly. His character was easily the most believable on the entire show. He played Y.X., a power hungry despot from the USSR. His icy personality and controlled motives fueled the on-screen character. If I didn’t know better I wouldn’t believe he was acting.

  Chad’s character was trending in the other direction just as Yegor predicted. He couldn’t get the believability factor down. No one bought him as a British royalty. He routinely came out to the lowest crowd reactions.

  In that time Laura also maintained her perfect record, as I expected.

  April sacrificed three weeks of TV time to work with me. I was truly grateful but at the same time worried I was further away from my goal than I knew. That was until a fateful Friday.

  We were going through our usual routine. That day there was a small contingent of fans on hand in the studio. April and I had a match as they looked on.

  As we went through our routine I worked on slowing my movements as I hit the tiny girl with kicks and knees. The crowd slowly reacted as I threw April off the ropes and attempted to slam her. She reversed it into a flying body press and almost pinned me. I quickly pulled off of her and sprung to my feet.

  I landed my dropkick to a few oohs and awes before the fan favorite caught me in with her finishing move, a running slam called a bulldog. She pinned me and finished the match.

  P pulled us to the side shortly after the fans left the studio. He had something on his mind. I could tell as he always stared directly at you before he delivered news. He glanced at some notes he had scribbled on a piece of paper before he spoke to April and I.

  “As you know, this Sunday is the pay-per-view. I think it’s time to do something with you. I want you there. It’s time Brianna. You’re going to the main stage.”

  I covered my mouth. I wanted to shout. Tears flowed down my face. I couldn’t believe it. I made it. April grabbed me and jumped up and down.

  “You did it!” she said.

  P let me get a minute to myself before I met him to sign my new contract.

  “Do you realize what is happening?!” April continued. I didn’t. There was too much going on in my brain to process. I was relieved, excited, and exhausted at the same time.

  “Girl, you’re debuting at a pay-per-view!” April said.

  “Thank you. Thank you so much,” was all I could manage to reply with.

  The deal was for $90k a year. I couldn’t believe it. All of that work, all of that pain and uncertainty finally paid off. I was living the dream. All I could think of was how I owed everyone who believed in me so much.

  Before I walked out of the studio’s office P stopped me.

  “Brianna. Do you know where the pay-per-view is at?” I stopped. I had no clue.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t look yet,” I said.

  “It’s in Oakland. I’m guessing I need to make flight arrangements for you,” P said calmly.

  “Yes. I’m sorry,” I said.

  “Stop apologizing. You aren’t expected to know this yet. It’s uncommon to debut a student like this. I think you’re different so I’m taking a chance. I think the people are really going to love you.”

  “Thank you for everything,” I said.

  “Hold up. One more thing. We’re adjusting your character a little…”



  I waited patiently next to the hotel phone. I had to tell someone. She answered.

  “Hello?” my sister picked up.

  “NIKKI! I MADE IT!” I blurted out.

  “No way, no way!” she screamed back. She was as geeked as I was.

  “That’s crazy! I’m so proud of you Bri!” We hadn’t spoken since I left for Orlando. She had no idea how I was doing.

  “Did you call Tony?” she asked.

  “I didn’t call him yet. You’re the first person I called! I can’t believe this!” I said.

  “I can imagine dad’s reaction when I tell him you actually made it. What about when he sees you walk out?” my sister continued.

  “What about mom?” I said. We shared a good laugh. My mother was going to freak out when she saw me getting beat up on television.

  “Tell Alicia I said I love her. I’m going to call dad,” I finished.

  My parents took the news just as I expected. My father was swollen with pride while my mother wasn’t
sure how to take the news. She was actually quite fearful.

  “Keep climbing Bri. Keep climbing.” my daddy simply proclaimed to me.


  Within hours it was time for the big day, the Oakland show. As April and I walked through the airport I grew more and more anxious. I knew what I was here for but it never really processed. Walking those steps through the airport I suddenly realized I was walking with a purpose. Here I was walking side-by-side with one of my idols as peers on our way to the biggest show of my life.

  We took a rental over to the Oracle Arena. My neck and thighs were damp with perspiration. I’d never been this nervous for anything in my entire life.

  My thoughts played out like a movie as I made my way through the arena to the female locker room. April calmly picked out a locker and set up her things as she’d probably done a thousand times before. I trembled as I sat in a distant locker and tried to slow my thoughts to no avail.

  BOOM! The door slammed with force as the champion herself walked in. Laura’s blonde mane accentuated her broad, defined shoulders and black spandex top. She quietly unpacked her things- including the coveted championship belt.

  “You’re back,” Laura said with a matter-of-fact tone.

  “Good to see you,” I greeted her and forced a smile.

  Moments later I was changed and ready for whatever they were going to throw at me. It was now or never. April and I walked to the common backstage area to find P.

  SOMEONE tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around. It was the man who ran the show. P was decked out in another dark suit without a tie. It was his go-to authoritative look.

  “Brianna, April! Glad you made it. As you know tonight is the pay-per-view so we are going to do a few things a bit different.”

  April glanced at me and smiled. She never got nervous, nor was she ever unhappy. She loved every second of this crazy business.

  “Brianna you’re going to be Brianna Brazil. Just be you, the confident rookie. Nothing special. You’re going to start as a face so play to the crowd. You know what to do,” P continued. April rubbed my shoulders in encouragement.

  “Your opponent tonight is Laura Grey,” he finished. My chest imploded. My knees buckled. I felt myself getting dizzy.

  “Brianna!” the voice I couldn’t wait to hear clamored at me. I looked up. It was him. Yegor swooped me into his arm.

  “I made it!” I said. He smirked.

  “I know,” he said as he pulled his other arm from behind his back. It was a single red rose. “This is for you.”

  I blushed. The mix of emotions had me completely sprung.

  “Welcome to the show. Welcome to Oakland,” he kissed me on the forehead.

  “Yiggy to the curtain!” P yelled from somewhere I could not see. The backstage area was a complete zoo of TV people, wrestlers, and random staff.

  “Wait for me,” Yegor said as he took off through the maze of people. I totally forgot April was still there.

  “Just a cool friend?” she teased.

  “Really cool,” I smiled.


  Before I knew it the time for my match versus Laura had come. I was still worried how’d I do but Laura was a total professional and went over every little detail with me. She made it clear that she did not accept anything less than my best effort. In her words she was not here to make mistakes, she was here to make history.

  Laura slung her belt over her shoulder and hit the curtain. It was go time. I could feel the floor shake as she passed through the curtain. The crowd was near deafening. April rubbed my shoulders as I paced about.

  “You got this girl.”

  I could hear Laura grab the microphone as she went into her regular spiel.

  “Week after week I come out here and demolish these little girls you call wrestlers. There is no female in the back, there is no female on this planet that can defeat me!”

  Took a deep breath and ran through the curtain as my theme music played. The sped up pop song almost deafened my ears. The ring announcer introduced me as I slapped hands with fans along the way to the ring.

  “And her opponent, from Memphis Tennessee, BRIANNAAAAAAAAAA BRAZILLLLL!”

  I rolled into the ring and stepped face to face with the Barbie bodybuilder. It was on.

  DING! DING! The bell sounded. My heart raced. It was the moment I’d waited for my entire life.

  We locked up. Laura’s strength in person was impossible to prepare for. She pushed me around the ring with ease. It took everything I had to push back with anything near equal force. She pushed me off the ropes; I came back at her with all I had. SLAM! She caught me into a body slam. My back felt like it shattered from the velocity. Laura was no joke, but I knew that.

  The crowd of 20,000 plus reacted at the sound my body made when it hit the mat. Laura was not done. She picked me up and put me in a headlock. Her steel biceps felt like a vice grip around my head. I was slowly losing control of the match.

  Suddenly, I got a burst of energy. It was time for the comeback. I threw everything I had behind elbow shots to her stomach. She unlocked the hold. I was free. I ran off the ropes and hit her with my running dropkick. The move knocked Laura off her feet, through the ropes, and all the way down to the floor. It was the first time Laura had ever been knocked down like that.

  The crowd roared. It looked like the undefeated Ladybird had finally met her match.

  Laura slapped the floor mat in frustration. She wasn’t expecting to have any trouble putting away a rookie in her first match. She quickly rolled back into the ring. I ran to hit her with a clothesline. Big mistake. The prime athlete ducked under it and speared me out of mid air.

  The crowd roared again with oohs and awes. The thunderous slam my body made was brutal.

  “Brianna Brazil is in the fight of her life!”

  I could hear the television announcers excitedly calling every move of the match as I rolled around the ring ducking for cover. Laura Grey was no joke. She put every inch and every pound of her 6’1 frame into each blow. The crowd roared as I took jab after jab to the face.

  Laura’s large hands clasped the sides of my head. POW! She flung me back to the mat with no regard. I blacked out for a moment. I thought I was having a concussion, my eyes burned but it was just the sweat beading in my eyes. As I looked up everything was fuzzy. Slowly the picture came into focus. She was coming at me full force. The crowd yelled as my face met the side of her stiff boots.

  WHACK! My neck snapped back as I rolled over from the force of the kick.

  I got dizzier and dizzier. My knees bobbled. My back was on fire. I was in so much pain I didn’t think I could even lift my arms over my head. There was no way I could defend myself.

  I had no idea what had I gotten myself into.

  This girl was going to kill me if I didn’t do something.

  I imagined Yegor looking on along the outside of the ring as he’d done many times in training. I could see his polished black eyes cheering me on. I had to do something.

  “Brianna! Get up!”I could hear him command from behind his thick black beard.

  I couldn’t let him down. Not him of all people. He meant everything to me. My heart ached, my feel wobbled, my arms burned. I climbed back to my feet. I came back at Laura with a thunderous connection of punches and kicks but it wasn’t enough. She floored me again with a haymaker, and then set me up for the power bomb.

  SLAM! I hit the mat with a force that could one be described as death.

  One… two… I kicked out! Laura slapped the canvas again. She couldn’t believe it. The crowd was on the edge of their seats. Could the rookie pull it off?

  She set me up for another power bomb, but it wasn’t going to happen tonight. I rolled through and rolled her into an unsuspecting pin. The crowd went crazy, this could be it! One.. two…

  …she kicked out at 2.9 seconds. I was an eyelash away from beating the undefeated. We hopped back up to our feet.

-BEAT-YOU!” the crowd chanted in unison. On the inside, I was smiling harder than I had ever before in life. The feeling was intoxicating.

  Laura wildly charged at me. BAM! I hit her with another one of my dropkicks. Laura was knocked back outside the ring. She had enough. The champion grabbed her belt and rolled back into the ring.

  POW! She banged me square in the face the with the championship belt. My forehead bounced off the belt’s gold plate. The crowd booed her loudly as the referee called for the bell. Laura was disqualified. The undefeated Ladybird had to cheat because the rookie gave her all she could handle.

  And like that, Laura Grey’s first ever loss came at the hands of Brianna Brazil via disqualification.

  I’d made history.


  I was totally drenched with sweat as I passed through the curtain back to the backstage area. Everyone stopped as I slowly trotted through the sea of people. They all started clapping. The entire company gave me a standing ovation.

  “That’s right Bri!” I heard April shout out from the crowd.

  P pulled me to the side.

  “That was amazing. We have a lot of faith in you. Keep proving us right.”

  He shook my hands then disappeared to yell at someone. I felt someone tap me on the back sternly. It was Laura. She too was spent as she lugged around her belt.

  “Good stuff,” she said as she gave me a quick handshake and hug before she hit the locker room. I slowly made my way through the sea of people to follow. I couldn’t wait to sit down.

  Someone tugged me on the shoulder. I was too tired to shake anymore hands but I perked up and turned around. It was Yegor. An elderly white lady in some sort of nun outfit was with him. I thought to myself she must be part of some new gimmick.

  “Brianna I want to introduce you to someone,” he started. The lady looked at me with a wide genuine smile underneath her wrinkled cracked skin.

  “This is Sister Elena. She’s one of the ones who raised me. This is one of my mothers.”

  That’s when it all made sense. Yegor wasn’t the son of secret spies or anything, he was an orphan raised by nuns. His mother left him on the church steps. There was nothing more to the story. Everything he read on Russia, including teaching himself the language was a way to create an identity. The cold exterior was a defense mechanism. His lack of close relationships was because of the fact he simply did not know how.