Read Wrong All Along Page 21

  Then, suddenly, he started to breathe slowly and evenly. He was asleep.

  Noooo! she screamed silently. No, no, no! He couldn’t be asleep! This couldn’t be over! The Todd high she’d been on all night was immediately crushed, and she just wanted to cry. This was awful! How had it turned out this way?

  You should’ve known it would, Jill, she told herself bitterly. Nothing ever works out for you with him! How could you have actually thought tonight would be any different?


  Hilton lay in bed with Landon’s arm tightly around her, smiling gleefully into the pillow. They hadn’t done too much, but it had been so fun, and she was relieved but not surprised to find he was a hundred times better than Reed.

  What an awesome night, she thought happily. Landon’s my boyfriend, and I know I’m ready for that now, plus he’s really good at...stuff....She grinned again, replaying it in her mind. She couldn’t wait to tell Jill about it and hear what had happened with Todd. It had been so cute when Todd had gotten in the recliner with Jill, and they looked so adorable together, cuddling like that.

  When she’d been talking to Landon about getting Todd to ask Jill to the dance, Landon had said, “Oh, he will, he wants her.”

  “Did he tell you that?” Hilton had asked.

  “No, but it’s obvious. He definitely wants her. Trust me.”

  Hilton hoped Landon was right, and she thought Landon might have said something to Todd tonight too. She hoped so. It had been the best time of her life, but she wanted it to be the best time of Jill’s life too, or the night would be partly ruined.

  chapter 4) landon’s… halloween

  Halloween was the following Saturday, and Landon had a party again, just as he had last year. Jill actually had a great week at school. When she’d woken up and gone home on Sunday morning, everything had seemed better. So she hadn’t messed around with Todd, but it had still probably been the best time of her life, just like Hilton had said. And that last dance...that had been amazing. So had waking up next to him on the couch, his leg casually over hers and his arm still around her waist.

  Her high lasted all week, and nothing was different between her and Todd at school. She’d been afraid the almost-kiss would make it awkward, but he was completely normal, joking around and flirting with her. And on Monday, when yearbooks were distributed, he wrote a message in hers that made her whole week.


  Well it has been quite a year huh? We have had a lot of good times together, like California, hanging out in class, partying over the summer, Homecoming, etc, etc. Oh and of course the pantry and that bathroom stall last year. Wink, wink. Anyway, I wouldn’t change any of it, and you really are one of my best friends, and definitely my best “girl friend.” Thanks for always being there to listen and talk to me. Don’t go and abandon me or something. Haha.


  She started to doubt that he’d been about to kiss her at all. She’d probably just imagined it. After all, her eyes had been closed. But it didn’t matter, because she still had plenty of chances to make something happen with him. Like Landon’s party this weekend. And on Wednesday at lunch when everyone was talking about their costumes, Todd said, “Hey, Jill, you wanna be Ross and Rachel again?”

  So she got to go to the party dressed in a matching costume with him again, sort of like they were a couple. And this year Bennett couldn’t ruin it by asking her out, because he was going to the party with Kelsey.

  She and Todd both wore the same outfits they’d worn last year, Jill in a tight white V-neck shirt and short black skirt with a little apron, and Todd in khakis and the FRANKIE SAY RELAX T-shirt Jill had made him last year.

  “That is so cute,” Kelsey said to them on the way to the party in Todd’s truck. “I love it. I love Friends.”

  “Somebody should’ve been Monica and Chandler,” Jill said. “Since they’re together now.”

  “Oooh, Lorylyn would make a cute Monica,” Kelsey said.

  “Yeah, but can you see Brady as Chandler?”

  Both girls laughed.

  “I should really start watching the show,” Todd said. “I’m Ross and I don’t even know anything about him.”

  “Thursdays at eight,” Jill said. “You should come over and watch it with me. Ross likes dinosaurs. And he and Rachel were not on a break. Well, not enough that he should’ve cheated on her. So he’s pretty much an asshole.” She looked at Kelsey, and they both giggled, knowing Todd had no clue what Jill was talking about.

  “Wow, he sounds awesome,” Todd said. “Sweet. I’m so glad I’m him. So him and Rachel aren’t even together?”

  “No, not anymore.”


  Jill looked at Kelsey and giggled again. “Seriously, Todd. You should start coming over to watch it.”

  “All right, maybe I will.”

  “Yeah right, whatever.”

  “You’ll see.”

  “Okay, I guess I will.”


  Jill giggled, thrilled. He really sounded like he might come over and watch it.

  When they got to the party, Hilton and Landon were down by the stone wall with Lindy and Andy.

  “Aww, what a cute COUPLE,” Landon said loudly as Jill, Todd, Bennett, and Kelsey joined them. Then he smiled.

  “Who are you talking about?” Bennett asked, looking over at Todd. Bennett’s and Kelsey’s costumes didn’t match; he was a prisoner and she was a flight attendant.

  “Well, probably you and Kelsey, since you’re the only couple there.” Landon motioned to the four of them.

  “Oh, shut up, dude,” Todd said, laughing at Landon.

  Jill looked from Todd to Landon to Hilton. What the hell was that all about?

  Hilton shrugged and rolled her eyes. “Jill, come get a drink with me,” she said, jumping down from the wall. “He thinks Todd likes you and is too pussy to do anything about it,” Hilton explained as they walked away.

  “Oh!” Jill looked back at Todd, her heart racing. “Do you think he does?”

  “I think so. I think he’s just shy. ‘Cause I can’t imagine any guy spending so much time with a girl who’s just his ‘friend,’ and who nothing’s ever gonna happen with. Guys don’t work like that.”

  Jill felt hopeful. “Really? I mean, maybe he just doesn’t like anybody, and he doesn’t have anyone else to hang out with.”

  “Jill, he’s been hanging around you for over a year now without dating anybody else. If he just liked you as a friend, don’t you think he’d have looked to get some ass somewhere else by now?”

  Jill shrugged. Was it really that big of a deal to guys to get some ass? Probably, if Hilton thought so. She knew way more about guys than Jill did.

  “Then why won’t he just do something?!” Jill cried in exasperation. “Why does he have to be so confusing?!”

  Hilton shook her head. “I really think he’s just shy, but he needs to get over that, before you move on. Like to Detter,” she added with a wicked grin, and Jill grinned back.

  “Come on, let’s get a drink,” Hilton said, grabbing two beers from a cooler and handing one to Jill. She popped the cap off hers and tossed it in the trash can, then put her arm around Jill as they walked back. “Just try not to worry about it tonight, and have fun. What happens happens. You guys are cute, by the way. You look hot.” She grinned.

  “Thanks. You too.” Hilton was dressed as a pro tennis player. She was wearing tennis shoes and a tiny white cotton V-neck dress that didn’t even come down to mid-thigh and wasn’t even really a tennis dress. It was more like a swimsuit cover-up. She had on a baseball cap, and her hair was in a long braid. “You’re a slutty tennis player,” Jill added.

  Hilton curtsied, lifting her skirt even higher. “Thanks, I try. Just call me Brooke.” Then she giggled. “Oops, slip of the tongue. She doesn’t play tennis, does she? Didn’t mean that.”


  “Hey, you weren’t online at all in SRT this week.”
r />   Brooke turned from the freezer in surprise. Brady was behind her, grabbing another bag of chips out of the pantry. She turned back quickly and grabbed some ice cubes for her glass. “Yeah, I had a lot of homework,” she said dismissively.

  She closed the freezer and opened the fridge, grabbing one of her and Lindy’s two-liters of Coke and their handle of Captain.

  “How come you didn’t call on Wednesday night?”

  “My parents didn’t go out for dinner this week,” Brooke lied.

  “Oh. Well how about next week?” Brady pinched her ass and Brooke jumped away, irritated.

  “Stop it, Brady! Okay, look...I wasn’t online and I didn’t call ‘cause Matt and I had sex last weekend, okay? So I don’t really...need this anymore.” She gestured back and forth between the two of them.

  “Oh,” Brady said, surprised. “So you don’t wanna do this anymore, since you and Matt are having sex now?”

  “Yeah,” Brooke said, looking at the floor, then taking a long drink from her glass. “I mean, there’s really no point for me anymore.”

  “Oh.” Brady hesitated. “Okay, then, I guess. Congratulations.” He turned and left the kitchen.

  Brooke sank back against the counter. He’d sounded shocked, but she’d hoped he would beg her to keep hooking up. ‘Cause he’d still want sex, right? Oh no! she thought suddenly. What if he finds someone else?!

  She couldn’t let that happen. She was the one he cheated on Lorylyn with; if he found someone to replace her, it would diminish what they’d had together. She wanted to believe that he slept with her because there was actually something between them, not just because she was someone to sleep with. And she couldn’t stand the thought of some other girl being his “other girl.” That was her little thing with him, and nobody else could follow her! Why hadn’t she thought this through better? What the hell was she going to do now?


  “Brady’s wasted tonight,” Lorylyn said later as she sat in the spin the bottle circle next to Jill. “I haven’t seen him get this drunk in a long time.” She giggled. “He’s so cute and funny when he’s drunk. I love it.”

  Jill grinned. “Yeah, Todd’s really drunk tonight too,” she said. “I love it too. He’s even more flirty than normal. Oh, look! Somebody just spun him.” She looked around to see. “Ahh! It was Bennett!” She hadn’t really been paying much attention to the game.

  “Aahh!” Lorylyn squealed.

  Todd and Bennett met in the middle of the circle and smacked chests.

  “I love you, dude,” Todd said loudly, wrapping his arms around Bennett and slapping him on the back.

  “Love you too, man.”

  “Kiss, kiss!” everyone chanted.

  “I don’t love him that much,” Todd said, bending over to spin the bottle. “Sorry to disappoint.” It landed between Jill and Lorylyn.

  “Go!” Lorylyn whispered, shoving Jill.

  “Rachel!” Todd called. “Rachel, come to Ross!” He held out his arms.

  When Jill reached him he grabbed her around the waist and dipped her, lifting one of her legs.

  “Todd!” Jill shrieked, trying to lower her leg. Everyone could probably see up her skirt! Good thing it was dark.

  Then Todd leaned down to kiss her. He smelled like beer. Just as his lips touched hers, Jill lost her balance and they both tumbled to the ground.

  Everyone started whistling and clapping, and Todd and Jill burst out laughing.

  “You’re such an idiot!” Jill said as she managed to climb back to her feet. She smoothed her skirt down, embarrassed but thrilled. One of her heels had fallen off, and she searched for it with her foot. “Typical Ross.”

  Todd reached out for Jill to pull him up, and she grabbed both his hands.

  “Uh, I can’t do it!” Todd said, not even trying.

  “Come on!” Jill pulled as hard as she could.

  Todd sprang off the ground, sending Jill flying backwards. Just before she fell, he caught her around the waist and pulled her up against him, balancing her. They both stumbled a little.

  “I saved you,” Todd said.

  “Yeah right, it was your fault!” Jill cried, but she was laughing.

  “Best kiss of the night!” someone yelled as Jill disentangled herself from Todd and smoothed down her skirt again.

  She flashed an ironic smile in the direction of the voice and returned to her seat, being careful not to step in any holes in the ground and roll her ankle or something.

  Lorylyn hit Jill’s arm as Jill sat down. “That was hilarious!”

  Jill smiled. “I am gonna kill him!”


  “Lor, let’s go inside,” Brady said when spin the bottle was over.

  “Okay!” Lorylyn said excitedly. She’d been hoping she and Brady would get a chance to fool around tonight. It’d be the second weekend in a row they’d had a private bedroom. Ever since school started, they didn’t have that much time to hook up anymore since she was cheerleading. He came over during the week sometimes, or she went to his house, but their parents were always home, so it was usually just a stolen moment here or there, and it always just left her wanting more. Last weekend had been so much fun after the dance; they’d gone all the way to third base and spent a lot of time there. Lorylyn had loved it, and she was hoping they could do it again tonight.

  Brady didn’t waste any time once they were in the bedroom. He peeled off his costume and hers too. She’d worn the same hula dancer outfit from last year, so it didn’t take long. It gave her chills to go so fast; last weekend he’d been slow and gentle. That was good too, but this way was more exciting. It was probably because he was drunk, but she didn’t care. She was feeling a little bit of a buzz too.

  She felt suddenly nervous when she realized he was completely naked. This was the first time they’d both been naked together. Last weekend she had been, but he hadn’t. As Brady lay on top of her kissing her, he rubbed against her a little.

  “Don’t you want to, Lorylyn?” he asked huskily.

  She did. She hadn’t thought she would, but at that moment, she really did. But no, it was too soon. She wasn’t ready. She pushed him away a little. “Can I try giving you a blow job?” she asked. Last weekend she’d just given him a hand job by reaching under his boxers.

  Brady rolled off of her. “Okay,” he said. He seemed a little disappointed, but as soon as she started, his moans and jerky breathing told her it was fine.

  She wondered how long this would take. It tasted kind of weird, and she liked what he’d done to her last week a lot better. Oh well, she thought. She wanted to experience everything, and he deserved something in return for what he’d done for her. And maybe they could do that again, after this. It wasn’t so bad, if she knew that was coming next. She moved her mouth faster, wanting to finish as quickly as possible.

  chapter 5) sweet 16

  “I can’t believe you can’t go to Chicago this year,” Jill said. “It’s gonna be so lonely, and I won’t even be with my friends on my sixteenth birthday!” Her birthday was the Sunday of Thanksgiving break, a week from today. Last year Hilton had gone with Jill’s family to Schaumburg to spend Thanksgiving with Jill’s grandparents, but this year Hilton’s parents were making her stay home.

  “I know! It totally sucks,” Hilton said. “But at least we get to go to dinner tonight.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” They were on their way to Logan in Hilton’s Sunfire. “I mean, I’m really glad I get to go out with you, but it’s just gonna be so lonely at my grandma’s all weekend. Everybody else is gonna be here hanging out together, and I have to miss it.” She was thinking of fall break a couple weeks ago, when school had let out early on Wednesday, and she, Hilton, Hillary, Lorylyn, Landon, Brady, Dirk, Todd, Bennett, Kelsey, Doug, and Rachel had gone to Pizza Hut together, just like a big group of them had last year. Then they’d hung out Friday night of fall break at Bennett’s. Everybody would probably hang out all of Thanksgiving break too, and she’d have to m
iss it…

  “You should’ve asked Todd to go with you. He knows your grandparents. Maybe you could still ask him.”

  “No, I can’t. I mean, I don’t even know what his family does for Thanksgiving. And that’s so couple-y. I’d feel stupid.”


  When they entered Don Pablo’s, Hilton walked up to the hostess stand. “I have a reservation for Joliet.”

  The hostess smiled at her. “Right this way, please.” She led them up the stairs.

  “Ooh, upstairs,” Jill said. “I’ve never been upstairs before.”

  They reached the top of the steps and walked into a big open room. There were booths around the edges and lots of square tables in the middle. The room was empty except for a large group in the middle that had several tables pushed together.


  Jill’s head whipped around and she looked at the large group of people for the first time. “Oh my gosh!” she cried, her mouth hanging open. She turned and hugged Hilton. “Aww, thanks, Hilton! Oh my gosh, you guys!” She rushed over to the table to hug everybody. Everyone was here she would’ve invited if she were hosting her own birthday party: Lorylyn, Brady, Hillary, Dirk, Landon, Todd, Bennett, and Kelsey…the exact same group from fall break minus Doug and Rachel.

  “Jilly, we saved a seat for you here,” Todd said, pointing to the head of the table. He was on one side of her, and Hilton took the seat on the other side.

  “This is so exciting!” Jill said, clapping her hands. She looked at Hilton. “Did my parents know?”

  “Yeah. And I’m going to Chicago with you too.” Hilton grinned. “I just had to have an excuse to get you here.”

  “Yay!” Jill hugged Hilton again. “That’s awesome! I can’t believe this!”

  “Let’s do presents!” Lorylyn said, pointing. “Open mine first!”

  Jill noticed there was a whole pile of presents in the middle of the table. “Aww, you guys didn’t have to get me presents!”