Read Wrong All Along Page 5

  This was nothing new...but the difference tonight was they were both wearing swimsuits instead of being fully clothed.

  When Brady’s bare stomach and chest came into contact with Lorylyn’s own bare skin, she inhaled sharply. Brady’s hand moved up and down her back, and his fingers floated over the string that tied her bikini top. She felt little goosebumps and a sudden ache between her legs. She pressed her knees tightly together to make it go away, but it didn’t really work.

  Suddenly Brady rolled her onto her back, and then he was on top of her, kissing her forehead, her cheeks, then her neck....The ache was back, stronger than ever. This was the first time in almost six months Lorylyn had felt such a strong desire to take one of their make-out sessions farther. Both times, it had been the touch of his bare skin on hers that had gotten to her....She breathed faster as Brady’s hand stroked her bare inner thigh and his lips came back to hers.

  “I want you so bad, Lorylyn,” he whispered huskily, his mouth against hers.

  “Me too.”

  “You know, there’s other stuff we can besides having sex.” He was kissing her neck again, then her shoulder...

  “I know...” Lorylyn breathed, her eyes closed, concentrating on his touch.

  His fingers reached behind her neck and pulled on her bikini string. As Lorylyn felt the bow come loose, she breathed out slowly, her eyes still closed, her hands running up Brady’s smooth muscular back.

  Brady’s fingers came back around to the front of her neck and slowly trailed down, hesitating briefly between her breasts, then slowly poking underneath her loose swimsuit and tracing the curve along the bottom of her breast.

  Lorylyn shuddered. She felt the triangle of her swimsuit top falling away where Brady touched her, then suddenly it was gone and his thumb ran across her nipple.

  The ache between her legs suddenly began to throb, and she quickly pressed her legs together again. “Brady...” she whispered, and his lips found hers.

  His hand trailed up her inner thigh again, this time all the way to where her swimsuit met her skin. Then he lifted the swimsuit and she felt his fingers move underneath it. She bolted upright.

  “Brady, stop!”

  Brady pulled back, looking apologetic. “Sorry. Sorry. Damn it! I just wasn’t thinking. Sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” She saw Brady’s eyes on her chest and realized her swimsuit top was still hanging down. She quickly grabbed the strings and retied it, embarrassed.

  “Why’d you do that?” Brady asked.

  “I don’t know. I felt weird.” She giggled awkwardly.

  Brady grinned at her and reached out, pushing her back down and falling on top of her again. He planted a loud kiss on her lips. “You’re so funny, Lor. Don’t be embarrassed. I love looking at your body.”

  She smiled and blushed.

  “I do.” He kissed her again, more seriously this time.

  A minute later he rolled off and sprawled on his back beside her. “Damn, Lorylyn, I can’t make out with you like this when you don’t have anything on. It’s way too hard not to touch you. You need to put some clothes on!”

  “Oh,” Lorylyn said, partly relieved yet a little disappointed. She loved feeling his skin against hers...but he was made it extremely hard to stop.


  Outside, Hilton climbed out of the pool with her swimsuit back in place and led Landon back to the hot tub, strutting playfully as she walked in front of him.

  “So, when can I take it off?” Landon asked with a grin.

  Hilton grinned back, then lowered herself into the steaming water. This trip was turning out better than she’d imagined. She didn’t know why, but ever since they’d gotten out of the Jeep this morning and entered the park, she’d felt something different between her and Landon. A spark that hadn’t been there before. Their flirting throughout the day had been the same on the surface...the same types of comments and playful shoving or goofing around as usual. But there’d been more to it today, something underneath that they’d been waiting all day now to have the chance to explore in private. She’d felt it a little bit at his party last week too, but not as strongly as she did today.

  Hilton faced Landon and slowly approached him as he sat with his back against the side of the hot tub. She twirled in the water, teasing him, making him wait. She reached up and pulled out her ponytail, then ducked her head back into the water to slick down her long honey-colored hair.

  When she brought her head back up, she was face-to-face with Landon. He’d moved forward to meet her, and he grabbed her around the waist with a small grin, pulling her to him and kissing her hungrily.

  Hilton kissed him back just as impatiently, running her hands through his wet blond hair and then cupping his face with both her hands. This was by far the best, most passionate kiss she’d ever had. It was thrilling and exhilarating and made her feel completely and totally alive.

  “So can I take it off now?” Landon asked again, laughing a little.

  Hilton opened her eyes and smiled into his, keeping her face just inches from his. “No.”


  “No, you can’t.” She slowly backed away, grinning as if to say, Yep, that’s right, I won. “You think I was gonna actually let you take my top off after you threatened to steal it from me? Please.”

  She was still grinning at him over her shoulder as she turned and made her way up the steps. She wiggled her butt as she stepped onto the cement. “Night, Landon.”

  She hurried away without looking back again, grinning to herself. Leave him wanting more...that was always the best thing to do. She could still taste his lips on hers, and she licked her swollen mouth gleefully as she pulled open the glass door leading into the hotel hallway. What a perfect night!


  Jill took one of her fastest showers ever, careful not to wash all the makeup off her face; she wanted to look good for Todd. She wished she looked as gorgeous without makeup as Hilton did. Hilton was just so naturally pretty.

  Oh well...whatever. Jill scrubbed at her hair, which felt thick and greasy after a long day in the sun, then hurried to wash her body. She had purposely brought along her favorite Bath and Body Works body gel and lotion, Sun-Ripened Raspberry. Hopefully Todd would notice.

  After climbing out of the shower, she quickly toweled off, applied her lotion, and threw on her pajamas. I do look cute tonight, she thought in satisfaction, giving herself a giddy grin in the mirror. Please let this go well...please...

  She quickly opened the door and went back into the room, planning to go up to Todd and playfully poke at him or punch him. But Todd was asleep.

  Jill’s mouth widened in surprise as the disappointment quickly sank in. No! This was the only night they had here...her only chance to make something happen with him! She hadn’t anticipated him being asleep. Dammit! She shouldn’t have taken a shower....She should’ve just gone and poked at him or punched him while she was still out here in her swimsuit....AGH! What had she been thinking?!

  She felt like crying and shooting herself at the same time. What should she do now? How could she have been so stupid? She wished she could go back just seven or eight minutes...just a few minutes!

  She sank down on the bed beside him and ruffled his hair. “Todd! Wake up!”

  “Huh? What’s up, Jilly?” He turned his head to look at her.

  “Don’t go to sleep! I’ll be bored!”

  “Well, there’s nothing else to do.”

  Um...yeah there is! Jill thought. But he didn’t seem to be thinking that way at all. Of course he wasn’t...she’d just gotten caught up in the moment again and gotten her hopes up, when he didn’t even think about her that way.

  “We can watch TV or something,” she said, just hoping to get him to stay awake.

  “I’m tired. It’s been a long day. Don’t you just wanna go to sleep?”

  “Um, yeah, I guess so.”

  Todd pushed himself to his knees and crawled across t
he bed, lying down on the far side with his head on the pillow. “Night, Jilly. Sweet dreams.”

  Yeah, whatever, Jill thought sourly, glaring at his closed eyes.

  Suddenly she thought of something. “Um, where do you think I should sleep? ‘Cause Hilton and Landon, you know...I think they were gonna hook up. So do you think they’ll wanna sleep together?”

  Todd opened his eyes and shrugged. “I dunno. You’re welcome to sleep with me if you want.” Then he grinned. “Anytime, Jilly.”

  Jill glared at him, but a small smile started to play at her lips. “Gee, thanks,” she said sarcastically.

  “Like I said, anytime.” Todd patted the empty bed next to him, and Jill, acting reluctant, slowly crawled up beside him.

  She wanted to lie facing him, because maybe something would happen, but she didn’t want to be too obvious. So she lay on her back and stared at the ceiling.

  Todd was silent. A moment later Jill snuck a look at him. His eyes were closed.

  “Todd!” she hissed. No answer.

  Jill sighed and rolled her eyes. So much for anything happening. Stupid Todd had to be tired. Great. She was always the only unlucky one with guys...good stuff always happened to all her friends, but never to her. To think Hillary probably wasn’t a virgin anymore, and Jill couldn’t even get the guy she liked to kiss her.

  But really, it had been a great day. And now that Todd was sleeping, she could roll closer to him and then pretend to have done it in her sleep if he woke up....She smiled to herself and rolled on her side facing Todd. He looked so peaceful, sleeping like that. Like an innocent little boy. His hair was damp and splayed across his face, and he was shirtless. His breathing was slow and even, and a happy feeling flowed through Jill as she watched him sleep. Perfect...

  chapter 3) the todd high

  When they got home from Cedar Point at 1:30 Friday morning, Jill crashed. It was a dreamless yet contented sleep, and she awoke feeling happy and excited with the endless possibilities of the summer stretched out in front of her.

  Friday afternoon, Lorylyn’s birthday, Hillary, Lorylyn, and Hilton came over to Jill’s to swim and hear the rest of Hillary’s story. All she’d been able to tell them in the bathroom at Cedar Point was that she and Dirk had showered together but hadn’t had sex.

  “Why not? What made you change your mind?” Lorylyn asked curiously.

  “I don’t know...I just got scared, I guess. I mean, I guess we kinda did it though.” Hillary giggled. “I mean, what do you think actually counts as sex? ‘Cause we started to...but then I told him to stop. I was just a little freaked out, I guess.”

  Jill couldn’t even imagine. She’d never even had a good, really passionate kiss, and Hillary had almost had sex! She was jealous, yet at the same time glad she hadn’t ever been as close as Hillary, because just the thought was terrifying. It was supposed to hurt, right? And she probably wouldn’t even know what to do...

  “So are you still planning on doing it?” Lorylyn asked.

  “Yeah. I’m ready now. It’ll happen soon. I don’t know what made me freak out the other night, but I’m totally ready now. I can’t wait!” She grinned.

  Jill looked around at Lorylyn and Hilton to see their reactions. Lorylyn looked a little intimidated at the thought, just as Jill felt. Hilton was smiling at Hillary.

  “Good, Hill, if you’re ready, then I’m happy for you,” Hilton said, sinking down in the water and soaking her hair. “But make sure you don’t rush into it.”

  “Oh, I won’t. Don’t worry. It’s fine. Oh my gosh, it’s gonna be so great! I hope it’s perfect. We’re going out tomorrow night, and he said he would plan something special.”

  “How are you going out since he can’t drive yet?” Lorylyn asked.

  Hillary shrugged. “I don’t know. He just said he’d figure out a way we could be alone and that he’d take care of it all.” She grinned. “I can’t wait!”

  “Are you nervous at all?” Jill asked, thinking that she herself would be petrified and knowing Lorylyn felt the same way.

  “No, not really.” Hillary shook her head thoughtfully. “I mean, we were already so close. I mean, we kinda did it already. Just not...all the way, you know. So I’m not nervous anymore, I just really wanna do it.”

  “Well, you better tell us all about it!” Hilton giggled. “We want details!”

  “Oh, don’t worry, I will!” Hillary said. “Let’s go swimming again on Sunday.”

  “Okay!” all the girls agreed.

  Jill couldn’t wait till Sunday now, to hear what sex was like. She felt like she had zero knowledge in that department, and now, if she ever got to the point where she was ready to do it, like probably in ten years on her wedding night, she’d have a little inside info to help her. It had always been this huge mystery for her, and now, finally, a clue would be revealed and a piece of the puzzle could be put into place.


  On Saturday afternoon Hilton called Jill.

  “Hey! Guess what?! Landon just called, and he wants me to come tubing with him at his lake cottage! He said his parents are up there for the weekend and his brother’s taking the boat out. And he said to invite you too...and...Todd’s gonna be there!”

  “What?! Are you serious?” Jill couldn’t believe it...this was almost too good to be true. Maybe their foursome from Cedar Point really would continue!

  “Yeah! Can you get a ride to my house?”

  “Sure, I’ll be there in like, half an hour! This is so awesome! I’m so pumped!”

  “I know! See you in a little bit, okay?”

  “Okay, bye!” Jill giggled and grinned as she tossed her portable phone on the bed. “Yay!” she squealed to herself, then ran to tell her mom.


  “Hold on, Jilly, hold on!” Hilton shouted with a wild laugh as they were whipped across the sparkling blue lake behind Landon’s boat.

  Jill held on for dear life, her legs bouncing and repeatedly smacking against the sturdy black tube. She closed her eyes against the stinging mist and prayed she wouldn’t fall off right away. It was her first time tubing, and she didn’t want to look stupid.

  All of a sudden she felt her legs flying up, and her whole body flipped. The next thing she knew, she felt the slap of water, then she was submerged, her life jacket making her feel heavy and bloated.

  She quickly surfaced and looked for the boat. It was several yards ahead, whirling in a circle to come back for her. As it made its turn, Hilton went flying into the air and then disappeared into the lake with a huge splash.

  Jill giggled. That had been such a rush! She’d been a little scared at first, but she loved it. She couldn’t wait to get back on and try again. This time she was sure she’d do better.

  The boat circled up to Hilton and she climbed back onboard, then it made its way over to Jill.

  Todd leaned over and offered her a hand as she climbed up on deck. “Nice, Jilly, I think you lasted a whole five seconds,” he teased.

  “Shut up! It was my first time!” she laughed, lunging at him and threatening to get him wet.

  “Hey, that doesn’t matter,” he said. “I’m going in anyway! Come on, Kessler!”

  Todd and Landon quickly strapped on life jackets and dove over the side of the boat.

  “That was so fun!” Hilton said. She had taken off her life jacket and was sitting on the cushioned bench that ran along the side of the boat, her arms spread across the thin railing to soak up the sun.

  Jill followed suit and took off her life jacket, joining Hilton on the bench. “I know! This is awesome! I’m so glad they called you.”

  Hilton grinned and lowered her voice so Corey, Landon’s brother, couldn’t hear. “Yeah, I knew he’d want more after Cedar Point.” She winked at Jill.

  Jill grinned back. “I’m so jealous! I wish that was me and Todd.”

  “Oh, it will be.”

  “Do you think?”

  “I bet by the end of the summer something’ll happen betw
een you guys. You should make it your goal.”

  “Oh, trust me, it already is.”

  Hilton grinned, then turned to look at the boys. They were situated on the tubes, and Landon’s brother sped off.

  “Don’t they look good?” Hilton asked.

  “Yeah, they do.” Both boys were tan with light-colored hair and lean, muscular bodies. Water sparkled in their hair as the sun shone down on them. Landon was bigger and more muscular than Todd, obviously older, but they still made a striking pair, flying through the water together. Jill thought how good she and Hilton would look with both of them, and she smiled happily.


  Later, after everybody had taken a few more turns tubing and felt exhausted, Landon wakeboarded. Jill had never seen anybody wakeboard before, and she was amazed. Landon rose out of the water like some kind of Greek god, blond and strong and tan. And he didn’t just ride behind the boat; he moved back and forth from side to side, and he could do jumps too. He was showy and didn’t even look like he was trying very hard. Jill got the impression this was a walk in the park and he could really do way harder stuff. He finally fell when he tried a flip.

  “Fuck you!” he yelled to Corey when he surfaced, but he was laughing. “Fuckin’ speeding up the boat when I land.” He boosted himself onto the back of the boat and sat unfastening his board, then he jumped into the main part of the boat and acted like he was going to punch Corey. Corey laughed and moved the boat a little, knocking Landon off balance.

  “Who else wants to try?” Corey asked the rest of them.

  Jill hoped Todd would because she thought he’d look so hot, plus it’d be funny and cute if he was really bad. But nobody else felt up to it; they were all tired and kind of sore from tubing.

  So Landon took over at the wheel, and Corey went. He was even better than Landon, or at least he did more tricks than Landon had. He seemed a lot more serious and like he was trying harder. Landon had just seemed like he was goofing off.

  “Hilton, come pick a new CD,” Landon called over his shoulder as he whipped the boat across the lake, cutting the water and pulling Corey behind.

  Hilton bounced up from the bench and went over to Landon. He motioned to where his CD case lay, and Hilton opened it and flipped through it. She selected one and held it out to him.