Read Xavier Cold Page 19

  “So you back for good?” Brian asks.

  “Not yet. The suspension is lifted, but I’m not allowed to have any matches.”

  Brian squints a bit as his mouth twists. “Don’t get me wrong when I ask this, because I’m happy as hell to have you back around, but why are you back then?”

  As if on clockwork, I spot Corey coming around the corner, brightly displaying the backstage pass Freddy game him yesterday.

  I nod behind Brian. “I found a kid I think would be a good fit for the Tension Training Program. I met him back at my old gym in Detroit. The kid’s fast, has flare, and that ‘it’ thing that makes a good wrestler.”

  “So, Silverman lifted the suspension because you brought the kid?”

  “No. Chip took care of it, but he couldn’t do anything about the matches.”

  “That’s a damn shame. I hated handing my belt over to Rex. It should’ve been you.”

  I sigh. “Maybe I can change that soon.”

  “Wow,” Corey says as he steps up next to me with wide eyes. “You’re Brian ‘Razor’ Rollins.”

  “I am,” Brian confirms. “You must be the kid X was telling me about. He says you’re good.”

  A question lingers in Anna’s eyes, so I fill in the gap for her. “Anna, this is Corey, the kid I’ve been training. Corey, this is my beautiful Anna.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Corey reaches out and shakes her hand. “X, here, has been showing me some of his moves.”

  “That’s awesome.” Anna snuggles into my side. “I’m proud of you for helping others.”

  I shrug. “It’s not a big deal. Besides, bringing the kid here is the reason Tension took me back.”

  “You’re not back, yet. The kid still needs to prove he’s worth the shot he’s been given.” Mr. Silverman’s voice cuts between all of us.

  The appearance of our boss causes all of us to stiffen a bit.

  I haven’t spoken to him since the night he got me out of jail and he told me to stay away from this place for three months. He’s probably not too happy about me defying that demand and weaseling my way back here much sooner.

  The boss’ grey eyes flick to me. “I’ll be expecting a demonstration of these skills after the show tonight.” Corey’s grin widens, but I can tell by the tone in his voice there’s a huge catch coming. “If he doesn’t impress me tonight, you are to leave the building immediately and I don’t want to hear another peep from you over the next two months while you finish out the remainder of your suspension in Detroit.”

  That’s a steep penalty, but I’m willing to take that risk, because I know what Corey can do. “And when he impresses you, I want to be fully reinstated and I want to move my match up with Rex to the next live Tension event.”

  He narrows his eyes into tiny slits. “Done.”

  I fight back the smile that’s threatening to expose how happy I am because I know after tonight, Rex’s ass is mine.

  The arena is eerily quiet as I step into the ring with Corey. The only people in the huge room are the two of us, with Mr. Silverman and Chip Seabourne sitting in the stands, waiting to judge Corey’s talent level.

  “All right,” Mr. Silverman calls out. “Impress me.”

  “You heard him, kid. Make me look good and help us both out.” I shake my shoulders loose and rock my neck a few times. “Now, come at me exactly how we practiced at Tough’s.”

  Corey nods, and just like every other time we’ve ever stepped inside the ring, the playful demeanor he typically sports is long gone and is now replaced with an expression of pure determination.

  We both are on our toes, anticipating the other’s first move, when Corey strikes first. He slams into me, attempting to twist me around and get me in a simple neck hold, but I get out of it easily before shoving him away. “You got to do better than that. He wants to be impressed, remember?”

  Corey gives me a slow nod, and then comes back at me with three times as much force. It’s like a fire has been lit under him because the way he’s moving shows hunger and the need to prove himself.

  I give in this time and let him get a few holds on me, not because I’m giving it to him, but because he’s putting on a hell of a show and deserves for me to help make him look good.

  Corey grabs my arm and tosses me into the rope rings, where I bounce off of them and then run straight into his clothesline. His forearm collides with my chest and an audible crack echoes around the arena, and I have to admit it stung like a million bees shoving their stinger in my skin at once.

  I lay there on the mat, and Corey bends down to grab me by the hair of the hair and pull me back up to my feet.

  He draws back as if to punch me, but my boss orders, “Enough!”

  Corey releases me and we both stand there in the middle of the ring with our hands by our side while Chip and my boss whisper amongst themselves.

  “What do you think they’re saying?” Corey asks in a hushed tone.

  I shrug. “Beats me. I gave up trying to figure out how these upper level think a long time ago.”

  Finally Chip nods as if he’s in agreement and then both men face toward us again.

  The owner of the company pushes himself up from the seat. “You’re in, kid. Be over at the training facility in Dallas next Monday morning.”

  My heart pounds in my chest. “Does that mean I’m back?”

  Chip glances over to Mr. Silverman who nods. “The ratings have been down since you’ve been gone and our social media has been blasted by the fans for suspending you. The people have dubbed you their real champion and they refuse to get behind Rex, so we need to get him out of the spotlight before he ruins my company.”

  Corey pumps his fist and lets out a yell that people in the next state probably heard. “Hell yeah!”

  “And, X?” Mr. Silverman adds. “You got your match against Rex. It will be right here in Portland, Tuesday night.”

  This time it’s me that feels like yelling, but I manage to keep myself restrained and simply nod to the man as he makes his way out.

  I hope Rex is ready, because I’m coming for him sooner rather than later.

  Sitting in a conference room is a new experience for going over the script with the writers. Most of the time we sit in whatever room the writers are thrown in as we bounce from arena to arena.

  Rex stares at the belt sitting on the table in front of him with both Vicky and Deena flanking his side.

  I reach under the table and thread my fingers through Anna’s. It feels pretty fucking sweet to have her by my side right about now. It’s a great way to show Rex that no matter how hard he tried, he didn’t break us.

  The room is eerily quiet while we wait on the boss to show up.

  Mr. Silverman steps into the room, and I straighten in the chair. He never attends these meetings. This is serious shit.

  He takes a seat at the head of the table and straightens his tie. “Let’s get down to business. Vicky take us through the play-by-play.”

  She adjusts the glasses sitting on the tip of her nose. “To close the storyline up with Anna and Rex, she’ll need to accompany him out to open the show while he calls X out, and then we’ll have to have Rex accuse her of conspiring with X and kick her out of the ring.”

  “I don’t like that idea,” Rex interjects. “I think Anna being on my side will keep the fans in my corner.”

  “Agreed,” Deena adds. “If it helps I can be in X’s corner.”

  Anna squeezes my hand under the table and I’m sure she’s hating their ideas just as much as I do.

  “No.” the boss interjects. “No more games. Anna belongs to X and we are going with that. X gets the belt tonight.”

  “That’s not fair! I just got it. You can’t take it away from me,” Rex argues with a whine in his voice.

  The boss slams his fist on the table. “You had your shot and now it’s up and if you don’t like the way we’re doing things don’t let the door hit you in the ass.”

  This time it’s me
who smirks. It’s about time Rex gets put in his place by this company. They’ve let him get away with far too much for far too long. Things are finally going to be the way they are supposed to be.

  Chapter 30


  Anna comes from the female dressing room wearing the tight stage outfit I’ve seen her in as of late. I’ve never seen it up close, but I appreciate the way it hugs every curve of her body, and the way that cupcake is sparkling under the word sweets has me thinking what I would like to do to that sweet body of hers.

  I wrap my arms around her. “Damn, beautiful. You’re smoking hot. I’d like a little taste of your cupcakes.”

  She giggles as I kiss her lips. “You are so bad.”

  “Cut the shit,” Rex snaps. “It’s time to head out to the ring.”

  I lift my chin and force myself to bite my tongue. I’m so close to getting everything I want. I will not allow this shit-stain to push my buttons.

  Rex tosses the belt over his shoulder as he stares me down. “Come on, Anna. Let’s give the fans a show.”

  Anna’s muscles tense as I still hold her in my arms like she’s unsure of what’s about to happen. I don’t want her stressed, so I have to show her that I’m cool.

  I pat her butt. “Go ahead. It’s time to put an end to the time he’s had you by his side.”

  “Okay,” she whispers and then gives me a quick kiss.

  Anna leaves us, and Rex smirks at me one last time before he takes off after her.

  Never in a million fucking years did I ever think I would be stuck backstage, sitting sideline, while my woman is made to parade around on national television with another fucking man. My nostrils flare as Rex escorts Anna out to the ring with Deena on his other side. The cocky grin on the bastard’s face tells me how much enjoyment he’s getting out of this moment, knowing I’m sitting back here seething.

  Rex sits on the ropes, allowing the girls to slip inside.

  He smirks as he leans against the ropes casually and stares into the camera. “Well, all you people here in Portland tonight are in for a treat. Phenomenal X is back in the building, and I’ve decided I’m ready for that rematch tonight.”

  The crowd goes nuts, and begins shouting my name over and over, “X! X! X! X . . .”

  Those cheering for me remind me that even though I don’t have the belt, I’m the people’s champion. I have to find ways to curve my rage and earn the championship to make them proud.

  “Shut up! All of you! X isn’t here. I’m here! I’m the one who matters!” Rex shouts at the crowd.

  The fans continue to support me, and Rex’s expression turns dark. It’s not hard to tell it’s pissing him off that the fans aren’t behind him.

  Without warning he grabs Anna, dips her back and presses his lips to hers. I growl and instinctually curl my fists as I jump up to my feet. “I’m going to kill that fucker.”

  Anna pounds her fists into his chest until he finally releases her. Her eyes narrow and she pulls her hand back and smacks the shit out of Rex’s face. His head snaps sideways and he rubs his cheek as Anna slides out of the ring.

  A collective sound of “oohs” come from the crowd and then they immediately launch into chanting ‘Anna’ but she doesn’t seem to notice because she’s so focused on getting backstage.

  Brian shakes his head as he stands next to me. “What a dick. He loves getting under your skin.”

  “I’m convinced he has a death wish,” Freddy chimes in.

  I stand near the curtain, and when Anna pushes through them, her face is red.

  I reach for her, but she shakes her head. “I need a minute. I have to find something to bleach slime ball off my lips.”

  I hold my hands up, knowing what it’s like to need a moment of privacy when something pisses me off. “I’ll wait for you right here.”

  Deena’s throaty laugh floats through the curtain just before her and Rex waltz through it. The moment they make eye contact with me, they both smirk.

  My instinct is to launch into Rex and tear him a new asshole, but I promised Anna I would learn to control my temper, and I’m going to do my best to keep that promise.

  I roll my eyes. “You two are pathetic.”

  Rex touches his bottom lip gingerly. “Her lips were so soft. No wonder that pussy of hers had you ready to throw away your career. I bet it’s just as smooth and silky.”

  I lunge forward, but Freddy grabs me from behind. “Don’t, X. He’s baiting you, trying to get you to fuck up again.”

  My jaw muscle flexes as my mind runs through how this scenario played out last time and I was the loser in the situation. I won’t allow him to fuck this up for me.

  Rex smirks and adjusts the belt on his shoulders. “See you in the ring, asshole.”

  “Count on it, motherfucker.” My nostrils flare and I take a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself down.

  This learning to control my temper thing is a lot of fucking work. It’s way harder than simply punching the object of your rage square in the motherfucking face.

  A sarcastic laugh bubbles out of Rex as he turns and walks away from me.

  Once he’s out of sight, Freddy slowly releases me. “When is that asshole going to learn to stop poking the bear? One of these days I won’t be around to save his ungrateful ass.”

  “He needs to back the fuck off me.” I smooth my hair back out of my face. “I’m really trying to turn things around and keep my shit in check.”

  “That’s good because you’re about to be champ—the rightful one. Don’t fuck shit up again and allow him to come between you and that belt. It’s yours for the taking. All you have to do is keep your head in the game and your ass out of trouble.”

  “I’m working on it, Freddy. Believe me.”

  The last thing I want to do is fuck up my livelihood again, especially now with a baby on the way.

  I will be the champ.

  I will make my dream come true.

  Tonight I will remain in control.


  Chapter 31


  Xavier’s head hangs down, his long hair falling around his face like a curtain as he stares absently at his hands. He flexes his fingers in and out causing the toned muscle of his arms to work beneath his tattooed skin.

  This match is the biggest of his life, both in the professional career and his personal struggle to reinvent himself by controlling his temper.

  He walked away from Rex’s taunts, which was a huge deal for him. Xavier has never been known for turning the other cheek when he’s angry.

  The biggest question on his mind has to be whether he will be able to continue to harness that anger he feels and still be able to pull this match off.

  The last thing he needs right now is for a repeat of what went on in Atlanta. If he loses it, it will probably be the end of his wrestling career with the largest company in the world. This job means a lot to him, and now with a baby on the way, he feels even more pressure to keep it.

  I sit beside him and then lean my chin on his shoulder. The scent of soap and something distinctly Xavier wraps around me as I quietly sit with him, wanting him to know just like always I’m here for him.

  Xavier blows a rush of air out of his nose and then whispers, “What if I fuck up again? What happens to us?”

  “Nothing,” I say and he turns to look at me with those crystal blue eyes of his and I repeat. “Nothing, because you will be in control this time.”

  “What if I don’t?” The question he’s really asking is if he doesn’t change will I leave him.

  I need to keep reassuring him. It’s the small part I need to play in his role to Xavier being in a better mental health state and knowing he doesn’t have to lash out to express his fears—that talking to me is always a better choice.

  “I believe in you.” I touch his cheek with the tips of my fingers. “I love you, Xavier. Nothing is going to tear us apart. You’re well on your way to showing the rest of the world the good man
you’ve kept locked up all these years, that I knew was in there all along.”

  He cradles my face in his hands. “I love you, beautiful. Thank you for being my angel in the dark.”

  He presses his lips to mine, but before our kiss gets too heated, Al’s voice cuts into the empty room. “X, you’re up.”

  Xavier pulls back and stares into my eyes. “I want you in my corner. You belong there.”

  I smile. “Then lead the way.”

  Pandemonium erupts as Xavier’s entrance music starts. The fans have been waiting anxiously for his return and now they are about to get what they want. Tonight’s sold-out crowd is insane, faces are everywhere I look as I stand back and watch Xavier do his thing. My eyes rake over him as he stands there staring out at the crowd, his chiseled arms are on full display, and the fabric of the black tank top he’s wearing straining against his toned chest.

  His face shows no emotion, and it’s intimidating. Rex better be on his A-game because Xavier is all business.

  Xavier crouches down, and then jumps up in perfect time as fireworks shoot up from the stage. He throws his shoulders and head back as his signature howl erupts from his throat.

  My God. This gets me every time.

  My heart flutters at the sight of my powerful man.

  He grabs my hand and then struts down the ramp like a warrior entering battle.

  “The following match is scheduled for one fall,” the man in the ring announces. “Making his way to the ring, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing two hundred and sixty-five pounds, he is . . . Phenomenal X!”

  “Stay right here.” Xavier kisses my cheek and then climbs into the ring and continues putting on a show for the crowd by running from corner to corner throwing a victorious fist in the air.

  The announcer introduces Xavier’s opponent. “Making his way to the ring, from Hollywood, California, weighing two hundred and thirty pounds, your Tension champion, he is . . . Rex ‘Assassin’ Risen!”

  Rex and Deena take their time making their way to the ring. Deena glares at me from the opposite corner as Rex steps inside the ring and holds the belt in the air.