Read Xavier Cold Page 20

  The two men stare each other down and the crowd goes electric. Lots of signs with Xavier’s stage name written all over them. There’s no question who the fans are backing tonight.

  Bright lights flicker overhead and a bell rings, signaling the beginning of the match. Xavier and Rex circle each other, and I grab the corner of the mat and shout encouragements to Xavier. My breath hitches the moment they lock up. Part of me doesn’t want to watch, but the other part of me wants to see Xavier unleash on Rex. Nervous energy passes through every inch of me because I have no idea what’s about to happen.

  I just pray Rex doesn’t do something stupid and say something that will get him killed. Xavier has promised to work on his temper, but I think at this point his intension to keep a calm head can only be tested so much before he loses his mind.

  Rex’s taunts earlier tonight didn’t help, but I have faith that somehow Xavier will dig deep inside himself and find a way to do this.

  Rex twists around and catches Xavier in a headlock, but Xavier quickly shoves him off and grabs his wrist and lands a kick to his side.

  This time it’s Xavier who wraps his arm around Rex’s neck and grunts as he pulls tight. Rex’s arms flail around wildly and then he elbows Xavier in the ribs, causing him to let go.

  Xavier doesn’t give up though, because he grabs Rex’s arms and flings him into the ropes and lands a clothesline, knocking his opponent to the mat so hard the ring shakes.

  Rex pushes himself up, and waves Xavier on. “Is that all you got?”

  “Spear! Spear! Spear!” The crowd chants over and over, egging Xavier on to use one of his finishing moves on Rex.

  Xavier bends at the waist and puts his hand on the mat in a football player three-point stance and then charges full speed at Rex. Cameras flash the moment Xavier makes contact and both men go flying.

  A collective, “Ohh,” echoes through the massive room as Xavier tackles Rex down to the mat and then punches him once in the face.

  Rex doesn’t make an attempt to get up, but Xavier isn’t finished with him yet. He crawls over to the corner of the ring and climbs up the turnbuckles until he’s balancing himself on the top rope. A six-foot-four man towering this high over the ring is really a sight to see. It’s spectacular.

  Xavier stretches his arms out and then sends his body toward Rex. An audible crack echoes around the room, and I gasp. I’ve been around wrestling enough lately to know that sound means real pain, and I pray Xavier is all right.

  I resist the urge to jump into the ring to check on him because doing that will stop the match, so I wait with baited breath to find out if Xavier is okay. I can barely watch to see what happens next.

  Chapter 32


  The minute my elbow makes contact with Rex’s chest, he grunts in pain. Granted we aren’t trained to actually land with that much force on our opponent, but this motherfucker deserves all the pain I can inflict on him.

  The lights overhead are nearly blinding when you stare up at them too long. The mats hard beneath me as I lay here attempting to catch my breath.

  I roll over and then push myself up to my feet. Pinning Rex so early wouldn’t be good business. The fans are expecting a show, and it’s my job to give it to him.

  I stumble over to Rex and grab his hair, forcing him to his feet. “On your feet, fucker.”

  “Kiss my ass. I won’t help you take my belt.”

  He grunts as I elbow him in the ribs. As much as I want to unleash my anger, I hold back and maintain perfect control of my temper. This asshole will not ruin this for me again no matter how much he tries to get to me.

  Rex shoves me back, and I stumble back to sell it to the crowd. We face each other, both of our chests heaving, waiting on the other to make the first move.

  “Come on!” Rex screams out of frustration as I rush at him.

  Our arms hook up in a test of strength, and he tries to push me back. I plant my feet and a cold smile crosses my face when he realizes that I’m not budging.

  His eyes widen as I slam a forearm across his chest. The wind gushes out of him as I pin him against the ropes and growl. “This is my house, motherfucker, and it’s time you respect that.”

  I hit him one more time and he wobbles on his feet. It’s clear he’s losing the will to fight. It’s time to finish this.

  I rush back against the ropes and bounce off of them with momentum that could rival a freight train. Rex braces for impact as I launch myself at him, spearing him to the mat with enough force to shake the whole ring.

  The crowd chants my name, “X! X! X!”

  He moans as he lies next to me, and I know he can’t take much more punishment.

  Energy surges through me, and I seize the moment to hook my elbow around his leg, effectively pinning him to the mat.

  The referee falls to the mat and smacking it hard as he counts out loud.

  “One!” the crowd chants along with the referee.



  I lay there stunned. I’ve finally done it. I’m finally the champion.

  The referee hands me the belt and then helps me onto my feet. The gold on the belt glistens beneath the lights above the stage as I hold it out in front of me. I’ve worked so hard in my career, punishing my body to nearly its breaking point, all for this moment—the chance to hold this championship belt in my hands. I’ve earned this. I’ve went through hell for this belt and I finally feel like I deserve to happy.

  “Your new Heavy-Weight Champion, PHENOMENAL X!” The announcer shouts over the crowd and my name echoes around the room.

  Rex slams his fist into the ground like a spoiled child throwing a fit, but him being pissed over the situation isn’t my problem. This is how things were always meant to be.

  I stare up at the crowd and every single person in the place is on their feet, cheering and chanting my name. It’s a fucking rush. I raise my hand in victory while I clutch the belt against my chest as I walk over to the corner of the ring. I extend my hand out to Anna. “Come on, beautiful. Share this moment with me.”

  She takes my hand and I pull her up onto the ring.

  She wraps her arms around me and I bury my face into her hair so I can say, “We did it.”

  Anna pulls back and then shakes her head. “No. You did it.”

  There’s no way I could’ve done this without her, and it’s high time she knew just how much she means to me.

  I turn to the referee. “Get me a mic.”

  Within seconds of my request, a microphone is shoved into my hand so I can address the crowd. “Last time I was in this ring, I left in handcuffs. This time I walk out of here as the champ.” The fans get so loud, I swear the roof of this place is about to blow. After a couple of minutes, they quiet down enough for me to continue. “Assassin tried to take away everything that was important to me, but that dumb ass couldn’t figure out you can’t mess with fate. I’ve got my belt, and I’ve got my woman.”

  Anna stares up at me with a wide grin and mouths the words ‘I love you’ to me.

  I gaze into her eyes, knowing this woman is my soul mate—the one I can’t live without—and it’s time to make this shit permanent for real. “This woman has brought me out of the depths of my darkness. She’s my light—my everything—and it’s high time the world knows she’s mine.” I drop down to one knee in front of a sold-out crowd and millions of people watching at home. “Anna . . . will you marry me?”

  Her hands cover her face in shock. She wasn’t prepared for this moment, but she should know by now I never do what’s expected. Tears flow from her eyes as she smiles and nods, repeating the word yes over and over.

  I hop to my feet and cradle her face in my hands. “I love you, Anna. Always have and always will.”

  I thread my fingers into her hair, and crash my lips into hers and get lost in the moment.

  Anna curls her fingers into my shirt and yanks me into the elevator with her. We’ve been celebrating my vi
ctory all evening, and it looks like the party is continuing in her room.

  As soon as the doors close, I pick her up and crush my mouth into hers.

  She wraps her legs around my waist and grips handfuls of my hair. “I want you.”

  Fuck. I nearly come apart every time she says that to me.

  This woman is fucking perfection. Everything she does turns me on like a fucking light switch and I can’t wait until I get her sexy ass in bed.

  I glance up at the elevator numbers and realize we’re stopping on her floor and excitement for what I know is going to be amazing sex builds inside me. “Patience, baby. We’re almost there.”

  The doors open and I carry her with ease down the hall. Her lips are still connected with mine when we arrive at her door.

  I pull back. “Room key?”

  She reaches into her back pocket and then slips it into the slot on the door. It opens on the first try, and we push inside.

  The lights remain off as I walk over to the bed and toss Anna on it.

  She scoots to the middle, her eyes trained on me while her hair is wild from our elevator make-out.

  I crawl toward her like a predator. “Ever been fucked by a champion?”

  She bites her lip. “No . . . but I have the feeling that I’m about to be.”

  With a firm hand, I push her down onto the bed and then slide her tank top up. I kiss the warm flesh of her stomach and stare up at her through hooded eyes. “Did I mention how fucking sexy you looked tonight? You have no idea how tempted I was to drag you to a dark corner somewhere and have my way with you”

  A blush immediately creeps into her cheeks. “I would’ve liked that.”

  My tongue darts out and I lick around her naval. “Don’t tempt me, beautiful, or next time when I have the urge to take you, I’ll just do it and not give a fuck where we are or who can hear you scream out my name when I make you come.”

  I crawl up next to her and then prop my head up with my left hand. I trace the smooth skin on her exposed shoulder before I lean in and nip it, causing her to giggle. I hook my finger around the hem of her shirt and lift the fabric higher, exposing the white lacey bra that covers her breast. I run my index finger along the curve of her breast, enjoying the feel of its silky-softness.

  My cock jerks inside my jeans, begging for her attention.

  Anna kisses my lips and then knots her fingers back into my hair. Taking things slow has never been on our sexual menu. It’s like the moment we start . . . we can’t get enough of each other.

  She touches my cheek and I kiss her wrist, inhaling the sweet scent of her soap and perfume. “I love you, Xavier.”

  “I love you, too.” It’s surprising how saying this to her now comes with such ease.

  Before her I was lost in the darkness, battling demons all alone. I’m nowhere near healed, but with her light, I know I’ll be able to find my way out of my own self-destructive path. She is my angel and she’s giving me something I never thought I would have—a family.

  “You okay?” she whispers as she gazes into my eyes.

  I press my lips to hers. “Never better.”

  “I’m sure that’s not totally true,” she taunts. “I can think of something else that will make you a whole lot better.”

  I grin wickedly, loving how dirty her mind has become. “I see my naughty Anna has come out to play.”

  “What can I say? You make me horny.” The blush on her face deepens. “I can’t believe I just said that to you.”

  I push her hair back off her shoulder. “Honesty, always, right? Isn’t that our new rule?”

  She nods. “It is.”

  “Then you should never be afraid or embarrassed to tell me how you feel. How will I ever know what you want from me otherwise?”

  She swallows hard. “Make love to me, Xavier.”

  I grin. “I will happily grant that request.”

  I roll over and pin her to the bed. “Ready to go one-on-one with the champ?”

  She giggles. “Absolutely.”

  Anna pushes my shoulder, rolling me over onto my back. “How’d you like that reversal?”

  “Impressive.” I grab her hips as she straddles me. “Got any other moves?”

  She bends down and presses her lips to mine, before she begins her slow, delicious tease of kissing a path across my face. “A few.”

  I lick my lips. “Show me.”

  She leans back and shoves my shirt up before running her hands down my torso. The button of my jeans pop open with ease and she snakes her hand inside in order to grab my cock.

  “Jesus,” I hiss, not used to her taking such control, but loving that she’s asserting herself with me.

  I sit up and wrap her in my arms, crushing my lips to hers before I plunge my tongue inside her mouth. She rotates her hips and a soft moan emits from her throat. My cock strains against my jeans, missing the warmth of her hand and needing her touch again.

  Her dark hair floats around us as she throws her head back, giving me better access to drag my lips down her throat. “I need you.”

  Her plea for me to take her is heard loud and clear. I rip her top the rest of the way off and shove her bra down so hard a distinct tearing sound can’t be missed. Anna works quickly pulling my shirt over my head. It’s like she can’t get her skin against mr fast enough and I fucking love knowing how bad she wants me.

  “Pants,” I mutter, needing them off before I lose my fucking mind.

  She crawls to her knees and yanks the rest of her clothes off as I remove my own. We watch each other with lust-filled eyes get naked, and it’s like we’re waiting for the bell to go off for a round so we can attack one another.

  When everything is gone, I flip her on her back and spread her legs out wide before me. I slip a digit between her folds, feeling her swollen clit against it. “Damn, beautiful. Always so wet and ready for me.”

  She stares up at me. “Because my body always craves you.”

  I kiss her again. Taught nipples rub against my chest as I press my body to hers.

  This woman is fucking perfect and all fucking mine.

  I finger fuck her pussy until she’s writhing beneath me. “You ready, baby?”

  “Yes,” she hisses. “Please, God, yesss.”

  I bring my fingers up to my mouth and taste the sweet juices of her arousal. “Tastes so fucking good—sweet, like you.” I lean and whisper. “Mine. You’re all mine, Anna, now and forever.”

  I swivel my hips, coating myself with her wetness, and then I enter her in one quick thrust. “Fuck me. Being inside you never gets old. It feels so fucking good.”

  I pull out and then pump back inside again and again until I’m pounding into her so hard the sound of our skin slamming together fills the room.

  Anna reaches up and curls her fingers around my forearms. “Oh, God. Oh, God. Xavier . . . ohhhh”

  I stare into her eyes as she falls apart. Her mouth drifts open and she digs her nails into my skin as she cries out, “Xavier!”

  Warmth spreads over my body. I’m nowhere near for this to be over, but there’s no way I can fight it knowing I’m deep inside the most beautiful fucking woman in the world while she’s panting from coming around my cock.

  My entire body shutters and I slip into sweet ecstasy and fill her full. This woman is my destiny and I will never allow anything else to ever come between us.

  Chapter 33


  It’s odd sitting in the back of Mother and Father’s minivan with Xavier. It shocked the hell out of me when Father sent a text this morning asking if they could drive us to the airport.

  The clicking sound is the only thing to be heard inside the cab. None of us have made the first move to say anything and the ride is the most awkward experience of my life.

  Father pulls up to the passenger loading area. “I’ll get the bags.”

  “I’ll help him,” Xavier says before jumping out to assist.

  Mother turns around in her seat. ??
?Anna, I know this is hard for you. It’s hard for your father too. But give him a chance. You might be surprised by what you hear.”

  I nod and take a deep breath in an attempt to calm my pounding heart.

  I make it to the back of the vehicle and my eyes land on Father shaking Xavier’s hand. “You take care of my little girl. I’m trusting you to protect her with your life.”

  Xavier gives him a half smile. “She’s in good hands, sir. Nothing will happen to her on my watch.”

  He seems to accept that because he nods curtly and as he releases Xavier’s hand, his eyes fall on me. “I’ve missed you.”

  My lips twist as I stare at the man who I believed hates me. “You have?”

  “Of course I have. You’re my daughter. I care deeply about you and your future, which is why I got so crazy before you left home. I thought you were heading down the wrong path because it wasn’t one I laid out for you, but I’ve done a lot of praying and talking with my pastor since the day you left.” He bats away a tear from the corner of his eye. “I’ve come to see that what I was doing was wrong—that I shouldn’t try to control you. No one should. You should always be your own person and find your own happiness, even if I don’t like how you find it. I’m sorry, Anna. Can you ever forgive me?”

  Tears roll down my cheeks and I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Aunt Dee told me that this may happen, but I never expected an actual apology from my father. He’s not the type of man who usually admits when he’s wrong, so I know this is very hard for him to do and he wouldn’t do it unless he means it.

  I rush over to Father and he wraps his arms around me. “I forgive you.”

  We stay wrapped up like that, crying together for a long time, and finally everything feels complete again.

  Flying back to Detroit in first class, sitting next to Xavier, I’m on cloud nine. There’s no doubt we went through some hell to get here, but we made it—together.

  It’s like we’ve been given a second chance—one in which both Xavier and I are honest with one another—no more secrets.

  Quinn was right about one thing without trust, a relationship will never survive.