Read Zoctornyia's Training Grounds Page 1

Zoctornyia's Training Grounds

  Part 3

  By Beth Wright

  Copyright 2011 Beth Wright

  It was now night time in the small town known as Liliac. Tiffany and her five friends were throwing a party for her father's return home. Her house was packed with out of control party animals. She watched as three guys pushed another young man into the pool. She started to shake her head as he came up yelling and grabbing at the others to pull them down with him.

  "Wow, I think we went a little over board…don't you?" Violet asked as she helped Tiffany pick up a few of the empty cans.

  Tiffany laughed as she replied in a sarcastic manor, "Just a little." Her eyes adverted to her older brother Marcus as he crossed the lawn to them. "Why did you have to invite so many people?"

  "Well, we decided to make this moment memorable for our father…remember?" His sarcasm hit her like a brick wall.

  "Sure, but we did not say we were going to invite the whole freaking zoo to it!" She yelled back at him.

  "Come on, Sis." He started to walk down the stone path to their front door. "Dad will be here soon. I am sure he would rather see you smile then complain."

  She rushed around him. Stopping suddenly, she turned and pressed her palms firmly against his chest, "I agree, he would not want to see me upset. That is why they need to start leaving. Only close friends and family should be here for this moment…" She paused as she watched three of the girls ran up and started groping on one of the men by the pool. "This is just sick, wrong, and so not right in many way."

  He stared at her then turned and watched the display of groping females, "Ok… you’re right about that part. But…I want to have a wild party…not a little get together for the family." He grabbed her shoulders and started to move her out of his path. Without making a fuss she slowly removed herself.

  He turned back to face her, "Once it's all done I will help you clean up."

  "Sure you will." She turned and walked off towards the pool. "Just like you always do." She stated in a whisper, under her breath.

  Violet was now walking beside her. "I can't believe your father left him in charge of you." She stopped suddenly in front of Tiffany…which in turn, made Tiffany collide into her back.

  Rubbing her now sour forehead Tiffany finally asked, "Why did you stop all of a sudden?"

  Violet's silence brought chills to Tiffany. "Violet…what's wrong?" She looked around her and soon saw her father. Not just her father, but others as well. People she had never even meet. Beautiful women and very gorgeous men stood right behind her father. She soon felt as if her mind was being placed under a seductive trance by one of the female’s bright, out-of-this-world, glowing blue eyes. "Dad?" Her question came out in more of a whisper as the blue eyes kept her locked on to them.

  Violet snapped instantly out of her trance, just in time to notice, Tiffany was still dazed by her trance. She gently tapped her on the shoulder, "Your father is here," stating the obvious as if Tiffany hadn’t noticed him yet.

  Tiffany shook her head to clear her mind and brought herself out of her own trance. "I know…" her words came out in a whisper as she turned her eyes to her father's. “Dad, who are they?" As her question escaped her mouth her brother pushed past her.

  "Hey, Father…" he stopped as his full divided attention was drawn to his father's friends. “Wow…and you wanted just a close family get together." He sarcastically stated as he jabbed his elbow into Tiffany's arm.

  She jerked away from him, "Yeah, well, your friends are crazy." She solemnly said as Violet stepped in-between them.

  Violet gave Marcus a death look then turned to face his father, "I can't believe you left this jerk in charge of her." Marcus started to open his mouth, but Violet cut him off, "He is mean, violent, and self-centered." She turned back to Marcus just to see his angered expression. "You are…not once have you done anything to help your sister. You yell at her about everything. Come on…look at this place…men have been groping her left and right all night long and not once did you say anything to stop them."

  "What!" The three teenagers jumped as he approached them. Marcus started to back up as he noticed his father's mad expression was directed right at him. "You were supposed to be protecting your sister! I asked you to take care of her and the house. I never told you to let men grope your sister…I never will!" His anger was clear as he continued to yell at his son, "I do not want your friends here anymore!" He turned slightly and waved his hand in the direction of all of the wild guests, "Get them out of here…now!"

  Marcus started to speak but soon decided it would be best not to. He turned and started to walk away from his father towards his friends. Suddenly he stopped then turned his head slightly towards his father and said, "Sorry…I did not realize she was such a baby. How was I supposed to know she can’t handle telling men to leave her alone…she does it well with me." He jumped as he heard his father’s low growl, "I will go tell them to leave." He turned again and this time he ran off towards the party.

  Violet looked to her friend and smiled, "Well, that made him do something."

  Tiffany smiled back and giggled, "Yeah, Daddy has that effect on him." She slowly looked at her father as he gently wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  He sighed, "I am so sorry, Baby Girl, I did not realize your brother would treat you like this while I was gone." She welcomed his hug and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I will not leave you in his care again…until I know for a fact that he is grown up enough to protect you." Small tears glided down her cheeks as he strengthened the hug. "Don't cry. Daddy is here now." He softly whispered down into her ear.

  "Next time, Daniel, ask me to watch over her." He turned and saw his brother walking towards them. "He really did neglect her. I got phone calls…after phone calls…from the school and others…worried about how she had been acting."

  Daniel sighed then gently eased Tiffany back a little to look down at her face, "You got in trouble at school?"

  His brother jumped in right away as Tiffany started to shake her head no, "No, not trouble. She has been falling asleep in class, because he throws a party here every night." He sympathetically smiled down at Tiffany, "She has been taking care of everything on her own."

  Daniel frowned at his brother's words and then asked, "Is there more?"

  His brother paused as he looked back to all of the party guests-who were now leaving in small groups. "Yes, he spends the money on everything but stuff they need to survive." He looked at his brother with a deep sorrow filled expression, "She has gone days without supper…he refused to take her with him to the store. He buys what he wants to eat and does not get her anything. Once I found this out from Violet...I decided to come over every day to bring her supper or take her out to eat."

  Daniel pulled Tiffany back into his arms and gripped her tightly, as if this would be their last hug they ever would have. "I am so sorry, Baby Girl." His tears flowed down and landed on her hair as he continued to keep her in his grasp.

  Tiffany pulled back slightly to look up into her father's pain filled eyes, "It is ok, Dad, your back that's all that matters now." He closed his eyes and sighed deeply. She knows what that means, "Your leaving again…aren't you?" She whispered as he loosened his hold on her. "Why?" She shook her head gently, "It doesn't matter…I want to go with you from now on." His stunned expression kept her words flowing, "Please take me with you."

  He turned to his friends, they all smile and nodded their heads in approval. "Well, I guess you and your brother are coming with me this time." He finally stated as his face lit up with a big smile, "Maybe I should have a talk with Violet's guardian to see if she will give over her guardianship to me."
  Violet and Tiffany squealed with delight, Daniel opened his arms for Violet to join them in their family hug. She jumped and grabbed both of them as they all cheerfully laughed. She pulled back slightly and looked to her best friend, "Well, that means we are going to be sisters."

  Tiffany giggled, "Yup, always and forever." Leaving her father's arms, she turned to fully hug Violet, "Boy, won't Marcus be surprised." They both laughed together as her father walked back to his group of friends. They both stared at each other then back towards her father. "I wonder who they are."

  Violet shrugged her shoulders, "I wonder what they are."

  Tiffany stared at the others, and then she turned back to Violet, "I noticed the glowing, out-of-this-world eyes when they got here. But I never paid much attention to the other differences of them…till