Read Zoctornyia's Training Grounds Page 2


  "I did not realize this was a costume party." Her uncle cheerfully stated as he eyed the new females. "If we need to pick a winner…" He paused as he continued to scan the whole group. "I say the tall warrior women should win."

  Tiffany giggled as she lightly smacked her uncle on the arm, "It is not a costume party, Uncle Dustin." Her eyes journeyed back to find those same seductive ones staring directly at her." She started to wonder if the female ever took her eyes off of her. Uncle Dustin started tapping Tiffany on the back, she turned to find him giving her a dirty grin as if saying-I know what you’re looking at-but clearly he would never have guessed his niece was eyeing another female. She jolted backwards stiffly as the realization of the matter hit her. Now her mind was going into so many different directions she didn’t know where to start or stop.

  "So…which guy is it?" He finally whispered down to her. "I see that expression…you find something appealing to your little eyes." He chuckled lightly as he continued his teasing words, "Come on…tell Uncle Dustin. I won't tell your father…I promise." His grin turned to a full blown smile as he watched her face blossom with a blush.

  She shrugged and turned slowly around, so that the new guests could not see her blush. "It's nothing." She heard him laugh softly under his breath. "Ok, I will talk." Looking up into her uncle's eyes she finally said, "I wasn't eyeing a man…I was staring at one of the females eyes." She diverted her eyes downward waited for him to tease her more.

  He laughed softly then coughed slightly before he said, "Oh, really? Well, they do have some amazing eyes. Did you not notice the males all have the same color of eyes?"

  Startled by his words she looked suddenly at the guests. They all did have the same out-of-this-world, blue, glowing eyes. As she scanned the group of men and women she came to find the same female still staring at her.

  "It seems to me…" He paused then continued to whisper, "She might have an interest in you as well."

  Tiffany gasped at her uncle’s statement then turned to face him. "You hush. Maybe she likes my eyes too." She solemnly stated as he started to chuckle lightly. “Well,” she grumbled under her breathe. “It could be true.”

  His laughter subsided as her father returned to them. “What did I miss?” She huffed as she gave her uncle a warning gaze. Daniel caught the look, he started to whisper, “So, Dustin, what did you do?”

  Dustin laughed then softly replied, “Nothing.” He looked down to Tiffany then back at her father, “Your daughter seems to have a female problem.”

  Tiffany gasped, “I do not…” Her father was now laughing with him. “You two are horrible,” she finally stated as her and Violet turned and raced off towards the house. Grumbling under her breath as she ran, “I can’t believe those two.”

  Violet beat her to the door…she turned and blocked Tiffany’s way. “What did your Uncle say?” Seeing tears start to form at the corner of Tiffany’s eyes-she solemnly steps aside-following her up to her room. Once inside she shut the door and locked it. Tiffany was now laid out across her bed crying softly into her pillow. Violet sat on the edge of the bed and softly rubbed her friend’s back, “What happened?”

  Tiffany said something, but it turned out too muffled to hear. Then she shot up into a sitting position, nearly knocking Violet off the bed. “He was laughing at me.” Seeing the confusion in Violet’s eyes she continued to whisper, “I think I may be gay.”

  Violet jumped off the bed and stood tall as she shouted, “No…you’re not!” She turned and raced to the bedroom door. “I am going to kick your Uncle’s butt for telling you that.”

  Tiffany pushed the door closed as Violet started to open it. “He did not say I was gay.”

  “Then why would you think that?” She leaned her back against the door waiting for a reply.

  “One of the females in the group keeps staring at me.” Violet started to giggle. “That is not why I think I may be gay.” She leaned against the door as well. “I can’t keep my eyes off of her.” Violet’s giggles increased; she was now holding her hand over her mouth to try to keep some kind of control over herself. “Oh yeah, laugh it up. That’s why he was laughing too.”

  Violet stopped giggling and calmly stated, “That doesn’t mean you’re gay.” She pondered on the situation. After a few silent seconds she finally said, “Was it because she is beautiful? Maybe you look up to her? They are all beautiful and tall.” Pushing herself away from the door she added, “They are not human…so maybe…she had a spell placed on you?”

  Tiffany’s eyes grew wider as her friends words finally sunk in. “That has to be it…no matter what…I kept going back to her eyes,” she sighed slightly as they walked back over to her bed. “What am I going to do?” Seeing Violet’s eyes question her she continued, “If it is a spell, how can I break it? We are going with them back to their place…remember.”

  Violet slumped down unto the bed beside her friend. She grumbled something under her breath then finally said, “Maybe you should talk to your Dad about it.”

  “If you haven’t noticed yet, he is their friend. Knowing Dad he will most likely tell me that I’m imagining things.” She lets out a loud sigh then covered her face with her pillow. “What am I going to do?” She finally let out a moan of defeat.

  A sudden soft knock at her door jolted the two girls to a sitting position.

  Another soft knock, this time it was shortly followed by a very enchanting feminine voice, “May I enter?”

  Both girls let out a sharp gasp. It had to be one of the females from the group, everyone else had already left. Tiffany started to panic as she grabbed Violet’s arm and shook her head, no. Violet smiled back and shook her head, yes. Both of them continued this display as they heard another soft knock. The female’s voice softly flowed into the quite room, “I mean you no harm.” They heard her softly let out a sigh. This time when she spoke it much softer than before, “We need to talk, Tiffany, I believe you have misunderstood my intentions.”

  Their mouths both dropped as they finally came to realize-this was the female that they had been talking about. Violet giggled slightly as Tiffany tried to cover her mouth. Her words came out finally, “A misunderstanding…what would that be?” Tiffany smacked her best friend across the back while swearing under her breath.

  The soft voice from behind the door soon replied, “I am not a female.”

  Both girls stopped their movements and stared at each other in shock. Tiffany’s question escaped while her thoughts lingered on it, “You are not a female?” Violet giggled as she watched her friends face bloom with a blush.

  He finally replied, “No…we may look female to you humans, but we are not.” She heard him sigh softly before he continued, “Some of us are both male and female.”

  Violet rushed to throw her question in as she watched Tiffany’s mouth start to drop, “So which one are you…male or both male and female?” Tiffany shot her friend with a dirty look. The kind that said…why did ask that question.

  Another sigh came from behind the door before he finally stated, “I am both.”

  Both of the girl’s eyes widened as they heard his words. Violet jumped to her feet, “Well, I guess I need to go home to grab my things.” Tiffany grabbed at her arm while mouthing the words-please don’t go. “I will be right back.” She opened the door slowly giving Tiffany enough time to drop her arm, “You two can talk alone.” She winked at Tiffany then giggled as she passed the beautiful one in the doorway. “I won’t be long!” she yelled over her shoulder as she ran down the hallway.

  Tiffany stood very still as their eyes meet. With a drawn out sigh she finally stated, “Who needs enemies when you have friends.”

  He laughed softly before finally saying, “She is not trying to hurt you. We do need to talk.” Walking as slow as possible to not frighten her, he entered her room. “I need to tell you some things before we leave for Zoctornyia’s Training Grounds.” Her eyes stared up into his as he continued, “It will be
a very different way of life for you there.” He heard her heart race as he took her hand into his. They both stared at each other for a few seconds before he finally said, “I will help you learn all you need to know. If you ever need me…” he stopped as his eyes noted her knees growing weaker before him. Gently placing his arm around her waist he helped her sit down on her bed. “All you need to do is call my name, Zelectra.” Kneeling in front of her he noted her body was starting to cry out to his. The pull of their bond was making it harder for him to think. Just as he started to stand a knock came to the open door. Turning slightly he found her father standing in the doorway with a smile upon his face.

  Tiffany shook her head slightly as she turned to look at her father. “Daddy, you knew?”

  He laughed a little before answering her, “I saw the way you two looked at each other. It was obvious that you two are soul mates.” Seeing his daughters eyes widen he continued, “Once we get to Zoctornyia’s Training Grounds, you will come to notice a lot of different species live there.” He approached them and kneeled down in front of his daughter then continued, “I will do the best I can at keeping you happy and safe.” Turning slightly he looked over to Zelectra then continued, “So will all of your mates.” He turned back to her and noted her surprised expression. “Yes,