Read Zombie Outbreak Survival: The Definitive Test Page 8

  Alcohol poisoning is also deadly. As the blood stream becomes saturated with alcohol, the blood loses the ability to push oxygen and nutrients through the body. This might work to cause an adverse reaction in the body where the body naturally attempts to purge the alcohol from the body (vomiting, sweating, going into a coma), but as I said, this is also a very deadly game to play. Plus, my guess is alcohol will become a very valuable asset in the apocalypse and so there won’t be a whole lot of it sitting around for people to drown their sorrows in if they get bit. Also, do you really expect you’ll have the time to babysit drunk overdosed people in the apocalypse? So, this option is really just a self-medication tactic if you get bit, you happen to have lots of booze with you, and you are in a safe place to stumble around drunk without getting bitten again.

  Water Intoxication

  Alcohol Poisoning

  An often forgotten thing you can do to be better prepared for a zombie apocalypse is to get in shape. Take a personal fitness inventory. Are you out of shape? You need a high cardio routine and a routine with weights. I’ve checked a few “boot camp” style workouts at the gyms and I approve of these for getting into zombie outbreak survival shape. The best boot camp workouts are the ones that are outside regardless of weather.

  When was the last time you walked or ran for any great distance in the pouring rain or the scouring heat? Can you run across open terrain, through trails, over, under, and around obstacles? Can you do all that while carrying a rifle and/or a large backpack? Can you ride a bike? Can you swim across a river? Can you climb up a wall or over a fence or pull yourself up through a window? Can you carry heavy loads? Can you pull someone heavier than yourself to safety? Can you survive for weeks eating only dried meats, bread, grains, bugs, small rodents, snakes, and only drinking water? Can you brave an extended stay and/or a long trek through your city’s underground sewer system?

  Take a first aid class; although, I’m not a fan of CPR during a zombie outbreak, but still take a CPR class if you can. Inventory your personal health and work on getting healthier. Unhealthy out of shape people have very low survivability in any pandemic event and an extremely low survival rate in a zombie apocalypse.

  The types of zombies depend on the stage of the Z-virus.

  Typical Zombies: work to spread the Z-virus – 95% of all zombies

  Stage 1 Z-virus: Not contagious – partially genetic and hereditary – if the carrier dies with an intact brain and body, stage 1 Z-virus will mutate into stage 2 Z-virus.

  Stage 2 Z-virus: Contagious – transmitted typically through bites and contact with infected body fluids – produces stumbling bumbling zombies that are easy to kill – will mutate into stage 3 Z-virus after several successive stage 2 transmissions.

  Atypical Zombies: work to create zombie hives – 5% of all human zombies – 100% of all non-human zombies (zombie cats, rats, dogs, and other mammals). This is an important stage because any z-virus vaccines developed for lower stages will not work on this level or higher. Any z-virus vaccine developed for this level or higher will kill anyone infected with the lower Z-virus or likely turn them into a mutant zombie. It’s very important to know this.

  Stage 3 Z-virus: Highly contagious – produces stage 3 Z-virus zombies that are better at running and attacking and some can crudely use simple weapons like clubs, or can throw things toward a target – perhaps dog-like intelligence – mutates into stage 4 Z-virus.

  Stage 4 Z-virus: Highly Contagious with almost no immunities possible even with vaccination – 1 in 50 million people are immune to Stage 4 Z-virus – zombies show ape-like intelligence with the ability to problem-solve, work together, and strategize subliminally and hyper-consciously – zombies show some ability to control or influence lower stage zombies – working collectively, these zombies can outsmart the average Joe – successive transmissions cause the Z-virus to mutate to stage 5.

  Stage 5 Z-virus: Produces zombies that are aggressive and difficult to kill and contain – smarter than most people – learn, act, and think within a massive collective intelligence – show visually obvious mutations like extra limbs, greater size, speed and strength – these hive controlled zombies work to build and protect hives and work to create higher stage zombies that can be human and non-human – these zombies can infect people and animals creating more stage 5 zombies, but they only do this when they see an advantage in doing it – there is no known immunity in any living creatures to stage 5 Z-virus – successive transmissions create higher stage Z-virus zombies. There are human test subjects in the Texas A&M labs that are zombie-human hybrids that show an ability remain mentally human and can control zombies. These volunteer zombie fighters were created as a potential solution to an uncontained z-virus pandemic event. They have never been deployed by US teams. We saw one of these in the Panama incident.

  Stage 6 Z-virus and higher: Produced by a hive and creates a wide range of zombies and zombified creatures (not just mammals) that form a zombie society or a new xenomorphic bio-order – does not always need host subjects to create zombie creatures.

  Stage 7 – 10 Z-virus: Infinitely worse than Stage 6 – imagine an entire world filled with mutated zombie life-forms controlled by a singular massive hive network.

  The DNA sequences of Z-virus are different than the DNA sequences of all known life-forms on this planet. Unlike all other viruses, Z-virus is programmed to break into other DNA codes and rewrite them with zombie code. The ultimate threat is a completely zombified world. When I imagine this, I imagine a world filled with grotesque, shifting, masses of living polymorphs connected to a singular zombie hive collective. It’s a world where every life-form, all plants, animals, sea creatures, and even microorganisms, become twisted versions of life similar to the creatures from John Carpenter’s The Thing movie. All life on our world would essentially become assimilated into one amorphous life-form, one massive unnatural creature.

  Is it at all possible for a zombie to produce an offspring, a child?

  It’s funny you should ask that question and a little disturbing. Let’s look at the answer from two points of view.

  First, as I said before, kids are especially vulnerable to a pandemic outbreak. Most kids will die-off because of the global pandemic flu. They just don’t have the immunities built up in their systems to be able to fight off the most advanced viruses. I said before that kids are vulnerable. They don’t wash their hands, they put strange things in their mouths, they’re always touching stuff. Kids are like germ and virus magnets. Kids will be hit hard by any pandemic outbreak.

  While the number of children surviving the pandemic outbreak will be low, you should still expect some number of children and even babies to be bitten by zombies in the apocalypse. As horrible as that seems, it is what it is. There will be fewer kids and those that survive the pandemic flu will only be even more vulnerable to the Z-virus outbreak that follows.

  We know kids or young zombies move faster than older or senior citizen zombies. We know this. The good news is that most of the youngest kids will be wiped out by the pandemic flu. Trust me. This is good news. You don’t want to see a wild raging horde of children zombies coming at you fast and agile. But if you did see such a thing, at least it would be over for you very quickly. So there’s your consolation.

  Next, because a zombie is essentially dead in the brain, but continues to “live” and move and spread the Z-virus, there is some reproductive potential remaining in a reanimated corpse, but not much. In the zombie labs at Texas A&M and Harvard, scientists experimented with zombie procreation after acquiring the research from the Germans in World War I. German experiments focused on creating zombified super soldiers. US experiments focused on producing people who were immune to the Z-virus. What they both found is very alarming.

  If a pregnant woman is attacked by a zombie, the potential that she will become a zombie is much higher than non-pregnant people. Pregnancy is a major immune system risk. So this makes sense. But what happens to her unborn child?<
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  Researchers found that reanimated pregnant zombies can still give birth. Not always, but sometimes, and always in a lab. This has almost no potential to happen outside of a controlled environment. Medical science shows that capturing a pregnant zombie is of great importance. Should the unborn child remain intact and unharmed, then this child can be extracted from the zombie. Such a child is a goldmine of riches during a pandemic zombie outbreak.

  The child will likely have 100% immunity to the Z-virus. This is because the human body is not without its defenses against the Z-virus. The human body fights back. One way it fights back is that progeny born after a pandemic event will have higher immunities to the pandemic threat. This sort of answers the question of why it’s been a such a long time since we’ve seen a pandemic flu outbreak. Immediately after the outbreak, children will have high spikes of immunity to the threat. This natural reproductive immunity usually wears down and wears off after about 50 years, or two or three generations.

  In AMC’s TV show, The Walking Dead, Rick’s newborn daughter, Judith, is such a child. She will be shown to be immune to the Z-virus. Like other children born in the apocalypse, she may also have the ability to walk among the dead unmolested, and may have the ability to psychically control zombies. For some of these children, zombies will not attack them and may actually follow them around, treating them as their leader.

  Still, this is risky. In some rare test subjects, the unborn baby became zombified and then ripped and clawed its way out of the pregnant mother. In some very rare cases the pregnant mother gave birth to a zombified baby. In some very rare cases the pregnant mother gave birth to a living breathing zombified child that could grow and learn and think and eventually grow up and talk.

  This research and the experiments with unborn Z-virus exposure led to advancements in producing zombie super soldiers. Texas A&M researchers created a serum that like the anthrax inoculation series, works over time to turn a regular soldier into a zombie apocalypse super soldier. There are a large number of such soldiers currently training to fight during the impending zombie apocalypse. These zombie fighters train at secret facilities located at Camp Pendleton and Fort Hood. I encountered one of these zombie fighters, a Chinese created soldier during our Panama ZORT incident in 1989. It’s worth noting that the US isn’t the only country conducting such experiments. In fact, there aren’t very many advanced countries NOT conducting such experiments.

  Zombie super soldiers are a little bit bigger, stronger, faster, and smarter than regular humans, and they are immune to the Z-virus, and they can control zombies. Although, controlling zombies is not quite accurate. They can influence zombies. They can lead a zombie horde away from a location. They can walk among the living dead unmolested. They can get a horde of zombies to attack a certain location. An undead horde is like an army of followers to them. This is in contrast to how some number of regular people are naturally immune to the Z-virus, are ignored by zombies, and can in limited situations control zombies. In The Walking Dead, Michonne is such a person, although she theorizes that the dead ignore her because she is a monster just like them.

  Is it possible to have sex with a zombie and either get the zombie pregnant or become pregnant?

  No, not by having sex with a zombie. Government protocols during a zombie apocalypse will require a number of women to volunteer for pregnancy applications. We’re not leaving this to chance. A large number of women will be evacuated to government shelters and there they will participate in testing to produce the next generation of super immune survivors and super soldiers.

  There are very rare cases of pregnancies initiated very close to the time of Z-virus exposure. Such pregnancies are risky and usually result in death for both the mother and the unborn child. In some very rare cases the Z-virus was transmitted by sexual contact. Keep in mind there will be non-carrier people who are immune to the Z-virus, and there will be carriers who are immune to the Z-virus. Having unprotected sex with a Z-virus carrier will very likely cause contamination and infection in a non-immune person. This newly infected person will become sick with the worst flu they could ever imagine, die after about 2-3 days of violent sickness, and then reanimate as a zombie 1-2 hours after dying; although, a certain insignificant number of such idiots will survive as is likely with all viral exposures.

  Why has it been so long since the last pandemic event?

  The most recent global pandemic killer was the Spanish Flu of 1918 where possibly five million people died worldwide. It’s been a long time because we have better medicine and science today. We all know how viruses are transmitted. We have global outbreak protocols. We all know the connection between proper nutrition and disease.

  Also, we are much more disconnected physically than we were 25 years ago. Look at how many companies allow teleworking. The US government promotes telework as part of the global plan to prevent pandemic viral outbreaks. Today we all know you should stay away from sick people. We’re much more careful about body fluids and germs. Almost every public place has hand sanitizer and sanitary wipes. With enough people getting annual flu shots worldwide, we are battling a pandemic zombie outbreak with our two biggest weapons, knowledge and prevention.

  The schools in my city offer FREE flu shots. This is an important component for prevention success because we all expect the next pandemic viral outbreak to start in our schools. Schools require their teachers to be vaccinated for flu and other pandemic potentials. Hospitals require their employees, nurses, and doctors to be vaccinated. Public services require employee vaccinations for fire, police, and other public response agencies. Federal and state employees are required to be vaccinated.

  We’ve got 24-hour news accessible on our cellphones. If there’s an outbreak somewhere, we’ll all know very soon and then that gives us the chance to start doing something. Everyone reads my books and watches zombie and outbreak TV shows and movies. This helps. None of these preventive measures were in place back in 1918.

  While this is great news, outbreak models created and tested at Harvard’s Z-virus lab suggest that the next pandemic outbreak could be much worse because we’ve gone so long without one. Remember what I just said. Any pandemic outbreak will naturally produce children who are much more resistant than their parents were. Also, the natural immunities wear off after a few generations if there are no more pandemic outbreaks. In some cases, we are better. In some cases we are all weaker. The final conclusion is that we are overdue for another pandemic outbreak and unless we get all our outbreak response protocol right, the next outbreak will be a bigger killer than anything we’ve ever seen before on this planet.

  Why don’t zombies attack sick people as shown in the movie World War Z?

  The truth is that zombies bite a lot of things, even other zombies. Biting is their natural action. So even when you can walk amongst the dead, there is a good chance one of them will take a bite out of you. So walking amongst a horde of zombies is always a pretty fucking stupid idea. What you see on AMC’s The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead is pure bullshit.

  As I said before, beginning about 10-15 years ago, I leaked zombie research from Texas A&M that reported how zombies “ignore” the sick, infected, and the dying. So the movie World War Z expanded on my reporting.

  Zombies don't attack very sick people. Zombies don’t attacked dead people. Zombies stop attacking people who are about to die, unlike what they show in movies and TV shows. Zombies don’t eat people alive. They consume flesh to spread the infection and to fuel their undead metabolism. Zombies don’t attack people who are infected with the Z-virus. While this is primarily true the more precise fact is that zombies won’t “aggressively” attack somebody that they can sense is already infected. Zombies will bite sick people and sometimes infected people because they are attracted to movement and sound and smells. As I said, zombies sometimes bite each other and also a zombie will sometimes by itself. Biting is a natural physical action for zombies.

  Zombies will bite
trees. Zombies will bite lamp posts. Zombies will bite cars. They just bite things mostly with an aim to bite living things so they can spread the Z-virus. They won't generally attack and try to bite somebody who's already infected. There would be no point in a zombie biting somebody who is already infected.

  Again, the Z-virus isn't 100% infective. It has an infection rate of about 70% to those who are exposed to it. Now that's a pretty high rate but it also shows that not everyone who gets bit will become infected. Compare this to the flu virus. Influenza occurs globally with an annual attack rate estimated at 5%–10% in adults and 20%–30% in children. Illnesses can result in hospitalization and death mainly among high-risk groups (the very young, elderly or chronically ill). Worldwide, these annual epidemics are estimated to result in about 3 to 5 million cases of severe illness, and about 250,000 to 500,000 deaths globally each year. Google these numbers at the CDC and the WHO. Half a million people die annually from the flu!

  Another factor is that some people have a natural immunity to the Z-virus. Think of the Z-virus as a type of human rabies. A person can get bitten by a dog or a bat with rabies and it doesn't necessarily mean that in every case a person bitten by a dog or a bat with rabies will contract rabies. This is similar to how you can find people who have had sex with an HIV positive person and they didn't get infected.

  Even with direct contact infection is not 100% guaranteed. Obviously people who have compromised immune systems such as diabetics or people with HIV or other illnesses, even people who are battling anything like the flu or high blood pressure, or starvation or dehydration or some other illness or disease are much more susceptible to becoming infected. People who have compromised immune systems are much more likely to become infected if they come in contact with the Z-virus. Old people and young children are especially vulnerable to the Z-virus. For them the infection rate maybe as high as 85%-90%.

  Zombies will rip into you and bite into you and otherwise try to cause as much damage to you as possible without rendering you completely useless for becoming an undead walking infectious zombie to continue transmitting the Z-virus. What they intend to do when they bite and rip into you is to make it much more likely that you will become infected with the Z-virus.