Read A Place Where I Belong Page 7

  Chapter 7

  When she got back to the main house, she joined Madge in cleaning the oven and refrigerator. By the time they were finished with the kitchen, Madge laughed and said, “Now that it is all clean, it’s time to start making dinner and making more messes to clean up. What should we have tonight?” she asked aloud.

  Mandy said, “Do you like oriental stir fry dishes or macaroni and cheese? If you are tired of cooking, I could make something for you. I make a good chicken and dumplings dish or Polynesian beef and broccoli. I’m not a great cook like you, but I am willing to help when needed.”

  “That would be a real treat for me! I can’t remember the last time I ate someone else’s cooking. This family isn’t very picky. Any of those dishes would probably be great for them. Let’s see what we have on hand and what we can create with it,” Madge suggested.

  After searching the refrigerator and freezer, Mandy said, “You have everything I would need to make Polynesian beef. Do you have rice? It is best served over rice.”

  “We have rice. What can I do to help?” Madge asked.

  “Why don’t you just relax and visit with me while I work—or go take a nap before dinner,” Mandy said.

  “I never got in the habit of taking naps. I never had much time for napping. Mandy, did you and Buddy have a fight last night? I hate asking. I try not to interfere, but he seemed so tired and grumpy this morning,” Madge asked.

  Mandy shrugged her shoulders. “If we had a fight or a disagreement, he didn’t tell me about it. I thought maybe his staying up all night when I was sick might have finally caught up with him. We did meet someone that he didn’t like while we were out, but I thought he was okay by the time we left the restaurant. I guess everyone has the right to be tired and out of sorts sometimes. I hope he is feeling happier tonight.”

  “Good. I thought you two were getting along so well. He has been so happy since you arrived. He has always worked very hard to make the ranch profitable. We would be lost without his help,” Madge admitted.

  “I can see how proud he is of the ranch, so I don’t believe he thinks of it as hard work. He’s very nice and friendly, just like the rest of your family. Thanks for letting me stay here, but I do want to pay for my room and board,” Mandy added.

  “We’re just happy to have you here, besides you’ve pitched in and helped with the work. That is worth more than money to us. Just stay as long as you want.”

  When the men came in from work, Buddy sat next to his mother across from where Mandy was sitting. Mandy brought in a large covered skillet and a bowl of fried rice. “This is a dish that my family used to enjoy. I volunteered to spell Madge tonight and cook dinner. I hope you enjoy it. It’s called Polynesian beef. I learned to make if from a woman who grew up in Guam. The way we ate it was to put rice on the plate and then spoon the meat mixture over the rice. If you don’t like it, I guess I can make you a sandwich or warm up leftovers for you.”

  Robert served himself. He said, “This looks good, and it smells delicious. Wow! This is really tasty, Mandy. I think you should show Madge how to make this. I like the way the sauce makes the rice taste. Great job,” he said with a pleased smile.

  After that Madge, Melanie, and Buddy helped themselves. Melanie gave each of the kids some of the mixture to try. Soon everyone was busy eating the new food Mandy had prepared. When Mandy glanced around the table, she noticed most of the plates were empty.

  “Yummy!” Paul declared.

  Buddy looked up and smiled, “Would you mind if I had another helping? That really does taste good,” Buddy added.

  “There’s plenty for everyone. I’m glad you liked it,” Mandy answered with a pleased smile.

  A few minutes after dinner, Buddy excused himself and walked home. He stopped by the corral and gave a few treats to Buck and Thunder. Thunder whinnied and shook his head. It was almost like he was asking, “Where’s Mandy? I miss being petted by her.”

  Buddy kicked at a dirt clod and swore. “I know, Thunder, I wish she was here, too, but I promised to give her time and space. I didn’t know time could go so slow, or that I would miss her so much,” he muttered. He walked slowly back to his house and stomped inside. He turned on the radio and sank down in his recliner to read a magazine. He picked up the top magazine and began thumbing through it. Nothing caught his attention. He put it down and tried the next one. He was surprised to see a bright yellow slip of paper tucked into the magazine He pulled it out and read it. ‘True friends are the beautiful flowers in God’s garden of life.’ He didn’t recognize the handwriting, and he wondered where it had come from. He was still puzzling over the strange note, when he realized the song on the radio was “Behind Closed Doors.” He snapped it off angrily, closed his eyes, and groaned with frustration.

  He turned off the lights and walked upstairs. He went into the bathroom and washed his face and hands. When he grabbed the towel hanging on the towel rack, he saw a bright pink piece of paper fall down onto the floor. He bent down and picked it up. When he looked at it, he saw Song of Solomon 5:16 neatly printed on the other side. Buddy looked around wondering what it meant. He walked over to his bed and took his Bible off the nightstand. He turned to Song of Solomon 5:16 and read, “His mouth is sweetness itself; he is desirable in every way. Such, oh women of Jerusalem, is my lover, my friend.” Buddy quickly re-read it. Suddenly, he understood what it meant. He closed his eyes and pictured Mandy lips on his. A smile spread across his face as he thought about the kisses they had shared. He carefully stuck the message on the medicine cabinet mirror.

  “Mandy,” he murmured. “This must be from you. I want so much to feel the sweetness of your kiss.” Buddy crawled into bed with renewed hope.

  In the days that followed, Buddy purposefully did not sit beside Mandy. He was careful to keep away from her during work time. At the table during meals, he talked when spoken to, but did not go walking with her afterwards. It killed him being in the same room with her, but not beside her; but he knew he had to keep his promise to give her space and time to think so she could make up her mind without feeling pressure from him.

  Each day and night that passed this way was torture for Mandy. She felt lost and confused. His sudden change made her believe he had thought about her past and no longer wanted her. She searched her mind. “Did I say or do anything that would make him turn away so abruptly?”

  During the meals, Buddy purposefully did not sit next to her. He waited and deliberately chose chores she was not going to be doing. He kept at a distance trying to keep his promise to give her space so she could make up her mind without pressure from him. After dinner, he gave her a light kiss on the forehead or cheek at the kitchen door and hurriedly walked to his house.

  The rest of the week passed the same way. He made sure they didn’t have any time alone together. Mandy felt abandoned and hurt. She knew what her heart wanted and needed, but she understood why he had changed his mind. She wondered during the restless nights if she had said or done anything wrong, or had he just decided that she was not ‘good’ enough to marry? She remembered Jerry’s hateful words, “Who’d want you? You’re damaged goods--someone’s leftovers.” She was tortured by the sudden change in Buddy’s behavior. Her spirits sank, and she was filled with self-doubts. Mandy knew she loved Buddy, and she wondered how she would ever be able to live without him. Then she wondered if she would have the courage to stay and just be friends with him. Being around him like this was uncomfortable and lonely; the thought of not being near him at all was even worse.

  As each day passed, Buddy was getting more and more gloomy and withdrawn. The waiting was driving him crazy. He no longer joked around or tried to sit next to her at meals. He sadly went out to give treats to Buck and Thunder alone. Mandy watched him heading towards the corral and felt lost and forsaken. She ached to feel his arms around her and his lips on hers. At night, she had troub
le falling asleep. When she did sleep, dreams and memories tormented her.

  The others noticed the change in both of them, but they were hesitant to ask either one about it. Finally Melanie could stand it no longer. The next day she cornered Mandy in her room. “What’s happened between you and Buddy?” she asked. “He’s as grumpy as bear with a toothache. He isn’t smiling or joking around anymore. He hasn’t been following you around like a lost puppy. Did you two have a fight? Come clean, Mandy. I can’t stand seeing you both so unhappy?”

  “I don’t really know what changed. I can’t understand it, either. We didn’t have a fight—not that I know of anyway. He just stopped talking and pulled away,” Mandy answered sadly.

  “You two seemed to be getting along so well and were falling in love. I thought sure he wanted to marry you,” Melanie stated.

  “I thought so, too. I really shouldn’t say more; I don’t think he’d want anyone else to know,” Mandy said.

  ”Know what? I promise I won’t say a word to anyone. What happened?” Melanie asked again.

  “Last week before we went out for dinner, Buddy told me he wanted to marry me. I told him we were moving too fast. I just came out of a terrible relationship. A few days before that, I had told him all the ugly details. His proposal came so suddenly, I thought he was feeling sorry for me, and wanted to build me up and make me feel better. I was caught off guard and didn’t know what to say. He asked me to promise to stay around until I decided if I loved him the same way. He promised to give me time and space to make up my mind. Since the night we went out, he’s changed completely, and I am so confused. I realized after we went out that night that I do love him, and I do want to marry him. I tried to tell him that, but each time I tried to talk to him about it, he interrupted me and told me not to say anything more. I think he thought about my past and decided he doesn’t want to marry me anymore, but he doesn’t know how to tell me he’s changed his mind. Melanie, I love him so much. I ache at night thinking about him. I love him. I love all of you. If he doesn’t want me, now that he knows more about me, then there is no hope left for me here. The thought of leaving here and going away is terrible, but I don’t know if I can stay here seeing him, and knowing he doesn’t love me. Either way, I will lose all that has become important to me.”

  “Mandy, I don’t know what you told him about your past. You seem so sweet! What could you have done in the past that would change his feelings?” Melanie asked softly.

  Mandy said, “It’s a long sad story. It isn’t so much what I did. It just might have been too much for him to forget.” Mandy sat down on the bed and told Melanie about her life with Jerry. “The day I arrived here, I was carrying all those bitter memories. I’m sure that’s why I reacted so violently when Buddy made me feel unwanted and unwelcome at the card game. I’d been travelling about three months and hadn’t found any place where I felt peace and safety. I had begun to believe I would never find a caring place again. That’s why I was so impressed with your caring attitude and felt so comfortable and accepted here at the ranch. You and your parents gave me hope and a sense of belonging, but all the painful memories were still trapped inside.”

  “I wondered why you were so upset at the card game. They must have treated you very badly to have hurt you so much,” Melanie said.

  “I didn’t realize how deeply it had wounded me until the day after I was sick and I went riding with Buddy. Something broke inside of me. All the terrible memories and emotions I had dammed up inside me broke loose. The dam collapsed, and all the pain and guilt I had carried with me from Montana came gushing out. Buddy was amazing, so gentle, sweet and caring. He let me talk. He held me while I cried. I can still feel his arms around me, comforting me. After I finished telling him what I just told you, he held me on his lap and rocked me gently like a hurt child until I had no tears left. I never felt so loved and cherished. I will never forget his incredible tenderness. I really think I fell in love with him that day. Every day that I have been with him since then, I have grown to love him more and more. Do you remember when we first met, I told you I was looking for a place to belong, and to feel safe? Melanie, I found all of that here on this ranch and more. I found everything I needed in Buddy’s arms and in the welcoming warmth and acceptance of your family. I found a love so sweet and pure and strong in Buddy’s embrace and such incredible joy in his kisses. I love him with all my heart and soul,” Mandy confessed finally.

  “There has to be some misunderstanding, Mandy. I don’t believe anything in your past would keep Buddy from loving you. I think it would only make him love you and want to protect you even more.” Melanie asked, “Mandy, if Buddy asked you to marry him again, what would you tell him now?”

  “That’s easy! I’d say yes, of course. I know I found everything I ever dreamed about in my whole life in his arms. Now, I’m so confused; I don’t know what to do,” Mandy cried.

  “What a confused mess! No wonder you are both looking so miserable!” exclaimed Melanie. “Mandy, you have to tell Buddy how you feel about him. I know my brother, and his heart is true and belongs only to you.”

  “I’m afraid to tell him. I don’t know if I could recover if he rejected me now. Maybe it would be better for me to leave here and try to forget everything that happened between Buddy and me,” Mandy said hopelessly.

  Melanie said, “Don’t do anything rash like leaving here. Pray and put your trust in God.” She gave Mandy a long hug and left her in her bedroom.

  After Melanie walked inside her house, she pulled out her cell phone and called Buddy. “Buddy, can you come to my house for a few minutes right now? I know it’s late, but I need to talk to you tonight. It is very important”

  “Sure, Sis, I’ll be over in a few minutes,” Buddy answered. He pulled his boots back on and walked over to Melanie’s house. “What’s the problem?” he asked when he walked inside.

  “Buddy, I usually try to stay out of other people's business, but I’m really worried about you. You seem so sad, anxious, and angry. You’re just not yourself. What’s bothering you? Does this have anything to do with Mandy?” she asked finally.

  “Mandy? What do you mean? I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Buddy blustered.

  “Buddy, I’ve known you since I was born. I can see how miserable you are. I love you so much, and I know you love Mandy. Why don’t you tell her how you feel? Don’t be shy and let her get away. She is definitely a keeper! Besides she loves you. Are you just going to sit around moping and let her leave this ranch?” Melanie scolded.

  “What makes you think she loves me?” Buddy asked quickly.

  “She just told me that she loves you with all her heart. She told me she found everything she ever wanted in your arms and kisses,” Melanie replied.

  “She said that to you?” he asked incredulously.

  “That’s word for word what she said. What are you going to do about it?”

  “I don’t understand! Why did she tell you that instead of me?” he asked.

  “Because you keep avoiding her and interrupting her whenever she tries to talk to you! Now she’s afraid you’ve reconsidered and don’t love her anymore. She is afraid you thought about her past and have changed your mind about her. She’s waiting for you to ask her again. This time you need to do a better job than the last time. I’m sorry to interfere, but she was crying and feeling hopeless. She told me you proposed a few days ago, but she said she wasn’t sure how she felt.. Now she is sure, but she’s too afraid of being rejected to tell you. She’s afraid you don’t want her anymore.”

  “That’s crazy, Melanie. I have never loved or wanted anyone this much in my life. I feel like I’ll go crazy or die if she won’t stay here and marry me,” Buddy admitted.

  “Well, she needs you to tell her that again! I just thought of an idea you might like. Remember that first day at the café when you gave her roses,
got down on your knee, and ‘proposed’ to her? It worked that time. She said yes! Why not repeat that move only this time for real. Pick a safe place, with a small audience, kneel down, give her roses, and ask her to marry you? Only this time, give her a ring to seal the deal,” Melanie suggested.

  “That’s a great idea. Thanks, Sis. I think I’ll finish my chores early tomorrow and go shopping. Want to come along? You introduced us and helped bring us together. I could use some advice about a special piece of jewelry for her. Then tomorrow night, when everyone is at the table, I could spring it on her. Are you sure she told you she wanted to marry me?” Buddy asked. again.

  “Cross my heart, Buddy; I’m telling you the whole truth,” Melanie swore.

  Early the next morning, Mandy walked into the dining room. Things seemed the same: Buddy was still ignoring her. Buddy volunteered to clean the stalls and feed the horses. After the men left, Melanie asked Mandy if she could watch her kids for a couple of hours. She said she had an appointment in town and didn’t want to bother Madge.

  “Sure,” Mandy agreed. “I like spending time with them. They are such great kids, and I don’t have any other plans,” she added sadly.”

  About ten o’clock, Melanie hurried outside and met Buddy by the barn. They climbed into Buddy’s truck and drove away. Mandy watched them leave, wishing that she was the one riding beside Buddy. She turned her attention to the children, and went for a long walk with them.

  Melanie confided, “I did a little snooping this morning. While I was in her room, I discovered that Mandy wears the same size ring that I do. That solves one problem in finding the right wedding ring for her.”

  “I didn’t even think about her ring size. You are a genius! Thanks for helping me with this. I don’t know anything about stuff like this,” Buddy admitted.

  At the jewelry store, Buddy looked at several rings, hoping to find the perfect rings for Mandy. He thought about Mandy’s sweet personality. He finally chose a simple marquise cut diamond engagement and wedding ring set that interlocked into one ring. “It is simple, classy, and beautiful, like Mandy,” Buddy said when he picked it up.

  The next stop was at the florist’s shop. He chose a bouquet of deep red roses and white carnations. At the next stop, he got a haircut and a shave. Finally Melanie helped him choose a new blue and green pullover sweater that accentuated his broad shoulders and strong arms.

  When they got back to the ranch, Buddy hid everything in his house. He hurried out and finished cleaning the stalls and fed the calves. He returned to his house earlier than usual. Feeling nervous and excited, he polished his boots until they shone. He took a long, leisurely shower, washed his hair, and cleaned his fingernails. He took his time and carefully combed his hair. He looked himself over and hoped Mandy would approve of his changed appearance. He watched out the window and waited until Melanie, her kids, Mandy, and his parents were all in the dining room. He slipped the ring box into his pants pocket, hid the bouquet behind his back, and walked nervously over to his parents’ house. He walked up the steps, took a deep breath, and walked through the doorway. Everyone turned when he entered. They watched him walk purposefully over to the table where Mandy was sitting. Without a word to anyone, he knelt down by her chair. He took her hand in his and handed her the bouquet of flowers. He looked into her eyes and said, “Mandy, you know that I love you with all my heart. Will you please marry me and be my wife and best friend forever?”

  Mandy looked deep into his eyes and saw the depth of love shining there. Tears slid down her cheeks. “Yes, Buddy, I would love to marry you. I love you so much.”

  Buddy pulled the ring box out of his pocket, opened it, and slipped the ring on her trembling finger. She leaned over and kissed him eagerly. He stood up and pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply.

  All the others stood up and began cheering and shouting their approval. They all gathered around the happy couple and hugged and kissed them joyfully. Paul, Lisa, and Chris were shouting wildly and jumping up and down.

  “I told you so!” Melanie crowed. “I knew the flowers would do the trick. After all they worked the first day! You better remember to bring her flowers frequently.”

  “Sorry, Melanie,” Mandy said with a laugh. “It’s not the flowers; it’s his strong arms and handsome face that I love, but the flowers are nice, too!”

  After dinner, Mandy and Buddy wandered outside together. Arm in arm, they walked together in silence. They went to the corral and gave apple and carrot pieces to Thunder and Buck. Thunder stuck his neck over the railing and playfully nudged Mandy against Buddy. “I still think you trained him to do that,” Mandy laughed.

  Buddy wrapped his arms possessively around Mandy and pulled her tight against him. He bent his head down and captured the sweetness of her mouth. They stayed there locked in an embrace feeling a love that they knew would never die.

  “I’ve missed you so much. Buddy. It was torture seeing you from a distance and not being beside you. I was so afraid you had changed your mind,” Mandy cried. “Buddy, before we go back inside, I need to talk to you about something important that is on my mind.” Can we sit and talk for a while?”

  “You can talk to me about anything, my love.” Buddy replied, taking her hands in his. They walked over and sat down on a bench in the shadow of the barn.

  Mandy began in a quiet voice, “I know you love me, but we need to be sure there are no regrets later. I don’t ever want to see disappointment or regret in your eyes when you look at me. I know I already told you about my life with Jerry, but something has been bothering me. I know you have waited all your life to give yourself only to your wife. I wish with all my heart that I could say I have done the same thing. There is no way I can come into your arms with the same purity that you are bringing to me. I want you to really understand that. Jerry was the only man who ever touched me, and that was only after we were married. I know that no matter how much I wish it, nothing can change the fact that I am not a virgin. I am tainted, damaged goods. Do you really understand and accept that?” Mandy solemnly asked.

  “Mandy, you are the sweetest, purest, most loving woman I have ever known. I wish for many reasons that you had never been married to that devil, but that is because he was a monster and he hurt you. You married him believing and trusting that he was going to be your only husband. It is because of his sins, not yours, that he treated you with such vileness. I did think about that, too, after you told me all that had happened to you. That night, after you had sobbed in my arms, I prayed about it, and God led me to a story in Joshua in the Bible. Do you remember the story of Rahab and the Hebrew spies? As I read about her, God brought a sense of peace into my heart. Rahab was a woman of the streets, a prostitute, who had obviously been with many men in her life. She believed in Jehovah, and she hid and saved the Hebrew spies. After the fall of Jericho, she was rescued by Joshua’s orders and taken into their camp where she lived the rest of her life as an honored hero. God forgave her sinful past life and loved her so much that she became a valued part of the family line of Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten son. I realized that if God could clean and restore a woman with such a dark past, he would definitely clean and restore a woman who was an innocent victim, like you.” Buddy said.

  At these words, Mandy began to cry softly. Buddy took her into his arms and whispered, “I see you, now and always, through the eyes of the God who loved and forgave us both of all our sins and guilt and washed us clean. Mandy, my sweet love, I believe God brought us together and has blessed our love. He has wiped away the past and has given us a new beginning. It is with great pride and joy that I feel honored to become your husband. You have nothing to regret or worry about.”

  Buddy wrapped his arms around Mandy and kissed away her tears. “I love you, and I always will. I was so afraid you would not be able to trust me, not after the terror you went through with Jerry. I want
to hold you, kiss you, and love you forever. Soon!” Buddy groaned, “Soon! I want to marry you as soon as possible. I ache from wanting to make love to you and feel you sleeping in my arms.”

  “It can’t be soon enough for me, either. I don’t want a long engagement. I want to be with you, too,” Mandy answered eagerly. She snuggled closer to Buddy and melted into his embrace. They kissed deeply until they were both breathless. Reluctantly they separated and walked back into the ranch house. Everyone was still seated around the table when they returned.

  “Well, when are you two going to tie the knot? It doesn’t make much sense to have a long engagement. We already know you are deeply in love and made for each other,” Madge asked.

  “As soon as it can be arranged!” Buddy said. Mandy smiled and nodded her agreement.

  “Well, I think within two weeks we can get everything ready. Just promise me that you won’t run off and get married. I want to see my only son get married in our church. We can have a small church wedding, if that’s what you want. I think Pastor Martin will marry you. Let’s find out if the church is free either the fifteenth or sixteenth. That’s about ten days away,” Madge announced. “Maybe we can have the wedding then, if you want to.”

  “That sounds wonderful to us!” Buddy and Mandy said together.

  Mandy spoke softly, “I agree with Madge. Eloping isn’t the way to honor your family or show your respect for a marriage, but I want to keep it simple and homey. I don’t have any family or friends around here that I’d want to invite, except all of you. I want all of you there to share that day with us. Melanie, we owe you so much for all you did to bring us together. Would you stand up with me as my Matron of Honor?”

  Melanie hugged her excitedly, “I’d be thrilled to be your Matron of Honor.”

  Mandy looked at Robert and asked, “As you know my father died several years ago. Would you consider walking me down the aisle to give me to Buddy in marriage?”

  “I’d be honored to give you away, especially to my son Buddy. I’m so happy you are going to be a permanent member of the Turner family,” Robert said. He hugged her and kissed her softly on the cheek.

  “Melanie,” Mandy asked, “I would like to have Paul, Lisa, and Chris be in the wedding, too. Is that okay with all of you?”

  The kids jumped up and down, “Please, Mom, please,” they begged.

  “Of course! We’d all love to be in your wedding,” Melanie agreed quickly.

  “There is one other thing I need you to understand,” Mandy said seriously. “Traditionally, the bride’s family pays for the wedding. I am going to pay for all the costs of this wedding. That is the bride’s responsibility. I have enough money set aside to take care of all the expenses. I need your promise that you’ll let me pay for everything, or we may just have to elope.” Mandy threatened with a grin.

  “Mandy, we’d love to give this wedding for you. It would be our pleasure to do it, but if you really want to pay for the wedding, of course, we agree. We can discuss the details about the wedding later”, Madge agreed with a hug.

  “Thanks, that’s what I want to do. I also want to thank you all for making me feel so welcome here in your family. I promise that I will do everything in my power to be a loving, faithful wife for Buddy and to do all I can to live up to your trust in me. I love you all, and I’m so happy to be a part of your family,” Mandy added softly.

  Robert said, “Mandy, we’re the lucky ones. Madge and I believe you are the person we have been praying for to be Buddy’s wife ever since Buddy was a little boy. I think we realized that you were the one, even before either of you did. We love you already. Much as we love all of you, it is getting very late, and we still have a ranch to run.

  “and ‘The chores don’t wait for anyone,’” the kids said at the same time as Robert.

  Everyone laughed happily, and then they all headed off to bed. Mandy followed Buddy outside for a long lingering kiss good night before going upstairs to bed. Mandy was nervous and excited and filled with thoughts of love and marriage, but she slept more soundly than she had since the first night Buddy had proposed. Now that her doubts and fears had been displaced by love and peace, she drifted into a deep sleep. Mandy awoke early wondering if had all been a dream. For once, reality was much better than any of her dreams.