Read A Place Where I Belong Page 8

  Chapter 8

  After breakfast, the men headed out to do chores while the women began to make arrangements for the wedding. The first stop was at the church office. Mandy looked around at the simply decorated old fashioned white country church. It would be perfect for the kind of wedding she wanted. Pastor Martin ushered them into his office. He congratulated Mandy and rejoiced with Buddy’s family. He checked the church calendar and set the date for Friday, the fifteenth at 2:00 pm. He also agreed to perform the ceremony. Mandy was very happy because she had been impressed with the powerful way he had preached about salvation through Christ during the Sunday morning services she had attended with Buddy and his whole family. He also made an appointment for a time to meet to discuss marriage and family matters with Mandy and Buddy before the wedding date.

  Madge talked to Mrs. Ellison, head of the Ladies Aid Society. They scheduled a special meeting for Wednesday morning to discuss plans for the wedding. The news of Buddy’s upcoming wedding spread quickly around the church grapevine.

  After leaving the church, they drove twenty miles to a shopping center in Ventana. The first stop was at Belle’s Bridal Shop. Mandy knew she didn’t want a traditional long white wedding gown. She searched through the dresses and finally selected an ankle length pale blue satin dress with a double layer of soft chiffon. It had a heart shaped neckline with dainty seed pearls around the neck and thin shoulder straps. When Mandy tried it on, it looked simple and elegant. She modeled it for the Melanie and Madge, and they all agreed it was the perfect dress for her wedding. She also chose a dainty tiara with small seed pearls and a lace mantilla to go with it. Melanie and Madge found dresses for themselves. Next, they found outfits for each of the kids.

  “What should Buddy wear, and who’s going to get Buddy set up with suitable clothes?” Mandy asked.

  Melanie said, “We’ll tackle that problem. He hates wearing ties and suits. Do you have any idea what you want him to wear?”

  “No, I trust you to find something comfortable and appropriate for an informal country/western wedding,” Mandy said.

  While Madge and Melanie were getting out of their outfits, Mandy went to the cashier and paid for all the purchases. The women gathered up all the packages and put them in the trunk.

  Since it was nearly noon, they ate lunch at a small tea room. While eating their sandwiches, they talked happily about the wedding plans. The last stop was at a stationery store/ print shop. They looked through the catalogs and bought invitations, napkins, plates, and a wedding guest book. Mandy paid in advance for the order which would be ready for pick up in five days. Since most of the guests were local friends and neighbors or were members of the church, the short mailing time was not a big problem. By the time they got back to the ranch, Mandy’s head was spinning at the amount of details she had not considered.

  Once home, the purchases were stowed in the closets. Madge and Mandy hurried down to the kitchen and began getting the dinner ready for the men and children. Madge had left a pot roast cooking in the crock pot. The delicious aroma of hearty beef roast floated through the house. A few minutes later, they had peeled, cut, and put the fresh carrots, potatoes, onions and celery into the bubbling beef gravy.

  The kids came in and helped prepare a tossed green salad. Finally, slices of homemade bread were cut, buttered and placed on the griddle to toast. By the time the men arrived for dinner, everything was ready to serve. After they sat down, they joined hands, and Robert led them in a prayer of thanksgiving, “Thank you, Heavenly Father for this time of family, food, and fellowship. We lift up Buddy and Mandy and ask that you guide them now and all the days of their lives together. Bless all the hands that helped prepare this delicious meal. Help us all to be more loving and thankful. In Jesus’ name, Amen”

  Robert served everyone delicious slices of pot roast, vegetables, and rich gravy from the crock pot. Slices of toasted bread were passed around the table. Soon the sound of happy talking filled the room as they devoured the succulent meal.

  Mandy sighed happily. “This is the most wonderful pot roast I have ever eaten, Madge. I know how to cook a little, but I’ll never be as good as you,” she exclaimed.

  “We don’t eat like this all the time. Today we are celebrating your engagement and upcoming marriage. We are so happy and thankful that our family is growing. Soon, there will be another Mrs. Turner here on the Turner Ranch. Happy Engagement!” Madge said.

  “I hope you saved room for some of my famous fresh peach ice cream,” Buddy announced proudly. “It’s my treat for this special dinner. It should be ready in about twenty minutes.” After dinner, Buddy and Mandy wandered outside for a walk. He led Mandy up the steps into the back door of his house. The sun was just beginning to dip behind the foothills, casting a golden glow through the windows. Buddy led her over to the sofa and pulled her down to sit beside him.

  “I want your ideas about the house,” Buddy said. “In a few more days, this will be your home. I want you to make a list of the things you want changed, and I’ll start working on them. I want you to feel comfortable here in our house. I’ve never fixed it up much. I usually didn’t spend much time here by myself. I ate dinner at Mom’s house and stayed around there talking until it was almost time to come here and sleep. Once we are married, I know I will want to spend more time here alone with you, my beautiful wife.”

  Mandy slowly looked around the room. “When I was helping Madge and Melanie clean the ranch houses, I got a good look around your house. I really can’t think of anything I’d want to change now, Buddy. Buildings and fancy furniture and decorations don’t mean much to me. If you are living here with me, this house will be wonderful. All I need is you and your love, and this place will be like Heaven to me. Someday we may need to make some changes. If God blesses us with children, we may need to add more room. Right now, don’t change anything for me,” Mandy said quietly.

  “That reminds me. There is something I want to show you and talk to you about,” Buddy said helping her to her feet. “Come with me,” he said. He took her hand and led her up the stairs into his bedroom.

  Mandy glanced nervously around her. “Buddy,” she began quietly, “I know you’ve waited all your life, do you think this is...,” she stammered unable to voice her desire to wait until they were married.

  Buddy hugged her and said, “No. Although I want you so much, we won’t be sharing a bed until we are married. I wanted to ask you about some mysterious notes I’ve found. He walked into his bathroom and pointed to the mirror. Mandy saw a handful of her Post It notes lined up around the edge of the mirror.

  “What do you know about these?” he asked.

  “I hid them in your house when I cleaned it last week. Remember I said I was going to find a better way to say thanks for taking care of me when I was sick. This was my way of trying to help you understand how much I appreciated all you had done for me.” Mandy admitted. “I guess it must seem silly or childish to you. My mom used to leave notes like these for me. They made me feel very special and loved. That’s how I wanted you to feel. After you started avoiding me, I was worried by the change I saw in you. I wanted to give you these words of encouragement and hope and my thanks, but I didn’t know how to say it since we weren’t really talking anymore.”

  “I don’t think it is silly or childish, honey. I loved finding these. It gave me great joy, and it helped me continue to hope and pray that you would one day love me. Now I can thank you properly. I was afraid to mention them to you when I first started finding them. I wasn’t sure if it was your way of telling me something I wanted so much to hear, but I wasn’t sure if that was what they really meant.” I was afraid it was your way of saying goodbye,” Buddy apologized.

  “I wondered if you had found any of the notes. I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you. I was always thinking about you, Buddy. I hope you enjoy them, because there are
a lot more hidden around your house. If you want, I’ll try to find them and dispose of them for you,” she said.

  “Don’t you dare! I want the fun of finding them and reading each one. It made me feel very loved knowing how much time and effort went into them. I love you, Mandy,” Buddy said as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her happily.

  “Since you liked them so much, here’s one I was going to slip in your pocket or hide in your house the next time you were out,” Mandy giggled.

  Buddy took it and read it. “Read Psalms 37:3-4. I guess I’m going to do more Bible reading than usual.” Buddy picked up his Bible and quickly turned to Psalms 37:3-4. He read it aloud. “Trust in the Lord and do good, then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.” Buddy winked and said, “Since you agreed to marry me, God has already granted my deepest desire.”

  “Mine, too! I love you, and I’m thrilled to become your wife,” Mandy sighed.

  They snuggled close together while the sun dipped lower and the house grew darker. A sense of peace surrounded them and they shared kisses filled with promises of future bliss. Finally Buddy retrieved the ice cream maker, and they returned to the main house for dessert.

  On Wednesday morning, Madge, Melanie, and Mandy met the women of the Ladies Aid Society at the church. They were all in a festive mood. Everyone hugged and congratulated Mandy and Madge. The women already had committees formed to take care of the wedding details.

  “We love planning and holding weddings for our young people,” Mrs. Ellison said enthusiastically. “We consider that a special ministry that we love to do. Let’s see what you have planned already.”

  The first committee showed decorations that they had stored away from previous weddings. They explained that these were available, if Mandy wanted to use them. They explained what the layout would be like. In the Sanctuary, they explained that a white archway would be placed in front of the altar and would be decorated with flowers to make a frame for the wedding party. They also usually used white wicker baskets that were about three feet tall on either side of the altar archway and sat below the stained glass windows along each side wall. The ladies suggested using bouquets of fresh wildflowers, unless Mandy had other flowers in mind. Mandy agreed that wildflowers would be perfect. The women on the committee discussed briefly where they would get them and who would arrange them on the day of the wedding.

  Next the reception committee reported their ideas for Mandy’s approval. The women would fix a meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, three kinds of salads, hot dinner rolls, and mixed vegetables. It would be served after the ceremony in the church social hall by the youth group. Wild flower arrangements would also be placed on each table and around the room. There would be mixed nuts and mints at each table. A fruit punch, coffee, and iced tea would be provided for beverages at the lunch, unless Mandy wanted alcoholic beverages.

  Mandy said, “All of that sounds wonderful! I don’t want any alcoholic drinks served. I don’t think alcohol belongs here in a church building. Besides, we don’t drink alcohol at home. Those drinks are fine with us.”

  “Thank you, Mandy. We don’t serve alcoholic beverages unless the wedding party insists. Most of us don’t drink it, either,” Mrs. Ellison explained.

  “You don’t really know me, but Buddy and I are both committed followers of Jesus Christ, and Christ will be at the center of our marriage. We both want our life and marriage to bring honor and glory to God. I can’t begin to tell you how much we appreciate all you are doing for us—and in such a short time, too. Please tell me what I can do to help you with it,” Mandy said.

  “Don’t worry about anything here at the church. This is our favorite thing to do. It is part of our ministry to our church family and friends. It is our joy to be of service this way to you and God. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your special day,” Mrs. Ellison replied.

  Although there were many small details to be done, Mandy felt remarkably unstressed. Her days were filled with the usual chores around the ranch and getting things ready for the wedding. Mandy drove to Ventana again to pick up the print order. She also went shopping to buy some new clothes to wear on her honeymoon trip. She didn’t know exactly what she would need since Buddy was keeping the location a secret. She bought a dressy outfit, but mainly she purchased items for swimming and other casual activities. One thing she did choose was a delicate negligee with a matching dressing gown in lavender silk with white lace trim. Thinking about what Buddy’s reaction at his first sight of her in would be brought a rosy tint to her cheeks.

  Time hung heavy for both of them. As each day passed, the excitement and anticipation grew stronger inside them. They kept busy, but every evening they stole a few minutes alone together after feeding treats to their horses.

  “In just two days, we won’t have to say good night and go home alone. Mandy, you have no idea how my body longs for your loving touch,” Buddy sighed after kissing her good night.

  “Buddy, I understand, because I long to be held in your arms and feel you make love to me. It will be so amazing when we finally come together. You’ve waited this long, just keep dreaming. Soon all your dreams will come true,” Mandy purred.

  The day of the wedding finally arrived. It was a clear, cloudless day. Birds were singing in the trees outside the main house where Mandy waited in her bedroom for the men to head out to the range to feed the calves. Because it was a tradition that the groom should not see the bride until they were at the altar, Mandy did not come down for breakfast until Buddy had ridden off. Nervously, she ate a light breakfast. Melanie, Madge, Lisa, and Mandy left early to go to the beauty shop to get their hair and nails done. Arriving home before noon, they went upstairs to begin getting dressed in their wedding clothes in order to be at the church by 1:30 pm.

  Madge and Melanie showered and dressed first. Next they began getting Paul and Chris into their suits and ties. Their shoes had been polished the night before and were the last thing they would put on before leaving. Lisa wiggled with excitement as they put her long slip on her freshly scrubbed body. Next, she slipped on her new “fancy dress” as she called it. It was a rosy pink color with tiny ruffles around the neck and sleeves. She twirled excitedly, like a ballerina. She looked at herself in the floor length mirror and grinned happily. While Melanie brushed Lisa’s hair and pinned it up on top of her head, she made some long ringlets that draped gracefully down her back. She applied a tiny bit of rose colored lip gloss and a spray of perfume.

  Melanie looked at her and smiled proudly. “You smell and look like a fairy tale princess ready to go to your first ball. I am so proud of you, Lisa. You are becoming a beautiful young lady. I am depending on you to help Chris walk down the aisle tossing out the rose petals. Do you think you can do it?”

  “Yes, mama, we are going to be the best flower tosser’s ever for Uncle Buddy and Aunt Mandy’s wedding,” she said seriously. Melanie gave her a big hug and kissed her on the cheek. They hurried over to the main house to help Mandy get ready,

  By the time they arrived, Madge had already helped Mandy slip into her gown. Melanie took over, fastening the tiara and lace mantilla carefully in Mandy’s hair. “It wouldn’t be good to have this fall off while you are walking down the aisle to get married,” Melanie giggled.

  “Thanks for making me laugh, Mel. I’m not nervous about becoming Buddy’s wife, but I feel flustered being the center of all this attention,” Mandy confessed.

  Buddy and his Best Man, Sam Johnson, left at one o’clock and drove to the church to wait for the ceremony to start. Buddy was so nervous he couldn’t sit still so he paced slowly back and forth in the little side room off the front of the church sanctuary.

  “Are you sure you are ready to do this, Buddy? You seem very nervous. You haven’t known her very long. Do you really want to go through with th
is?” Sam asked seriously.

  “Sure! I am nervous, but not about marrying Mandy. I know I love her, and she loves me. I just dread the ceremony part. I’m afraid I’ll get tongue-tied and mess up on my vows. You know how easy it is for me to put my foot in my mouth! I just want all the ceremony and fuss to be over. The ceremony scares me, but marrying Mandy thrills me,” Buddy admitted.

  “Relax, Buddy. You’ll do fine! I was just as nervous when I married Teresa. I’ll tell you what my dad told me. He said, ‘Just focus on her face as she walks down the aisle to take your hand. Keep focusing on her, and that will make you forget everyone and everything else. All the rest of your nerves will disappear like magic.’ I didn’t believe him then, but it really worked. I’m so happy for you, Buddy; she seems like a wonderful person.”

  Thanks, Sam, she is an amazing woman! I know I am the luckiest man in the world. I know God brought us together. I am confident of our love and devotion. I just wish we were already married!” Buddy added quickly.

  At one o’clock, Robert walked up the stairs and entered Mandy’s room. He whistled and winked at Mandy standing before him in her wedding dress.

  “Buddy may faint when he sees this gorgeous woman walking towards him. You look almost as lovely as my Madge looked on our wedding day. I thank God you and Buddy fell in love. Madge and I love you like a daughter already. Buddy is a very special man. I’m thrilled that he found a beautiful, special Christian woman to share his life with from this day forward. Are you ready to go to the church, ladies and grandchildren?” he asked gallantly.

  Standing just outside the door to the church sanctuary, Robert held Mandy’s arm. “Are you nervous, Mandy? Marriage is a serious commitment,” he asked quietly.

  “I have never been more sure of anything in my life. I believe God did bring us together, that He has been leading and guiding us toward this moment. I know, with God’s help, we will have a wonderful marriage. If our marriage can be half as loving and long lasting as yours and Madge’s, it will be incredible. I love Buddy and all of you, too. This is more than I ever dreamed I would find in my life. I am so thrilled to be part of your family,” Mandy said quietly.

  The first chords from the church’s organ sounded. When the pastor opened the side door, Buddy, Sam, and the minister walked up to the altar. The back door of the sanctuary opened and Lisa walked in holding Chris’ hand. Then they began tossing rose petals while they walked slowly down the while carpet runner in the center aisle. After they had reached the front, Paul entered in his new white sport coat and dark navy dress pants. His shirt was dark blue like the one his Uncle Buddy was wearing. He walked slowly down the aisle carefully carrying the white pillow that held the wedding rings.

  Melanie entered next in her flowing gown of deep rose silk. In her hand was a small bouquet of white roses and mixed pink and blue wildflowers. Her hair fell to her shoulders in wavy curls. She looked at Buddy and flashed him a happy smile.

  Mandy’s eyes quickly took in the beauty of the decorations adorning the sanctuary. The room was filled with the fragrance of bouquets of colorful wildflowers. She noticed the delicate pink rose petals scattered on the long white carpet runner that ran the length of the aisle. As soon as she stepped on the runner, her attention turned to Buddy. She saw him standing tall and straight under the flowered archway. Mandy’s heart skipped a beat when she saw him standing there. He looked amazing! He was wearing a white sport jacket, dark navy dress slacks, a dark blue western shirt, and a silver and turquoise bolo tie. She watched as his eyes first glimpsed, then locked on hers. His nervous smile changed to one of awe and amazement. Then, it spread into one of total adoration. Mandy returned his gaze, smiled at him, and walked confidently down the aisle.

  As they walked slowly down the aisle, Robert’s hand gently held Mandy’s arm as he guided her towards the front. When Mandy reached the place where Madge stood alone, she stepped over to her. She kissed Madge on the cheek and whispered, ”Thanks for raising such a wonderful Christian son.” She stepped back, took Robert’s arm, and they walked the rest of the way to the altar.

  From the moment Mandy entered the room, Buddy’s eyes had never left her face. He gasped in awe at the beautiful, elegant woman who was walking towards him. His eyes feasted on her loveliness, and, as if by magic, the rest of the church and the crowd of people faded from his sight. The only thing he saw or remembered was the gorgeous woman that he loved and wanted to be with forever. Mandy met his gaze and their eyes locked. She smiled happily when she saw his reaction to her appearance.

  Robert took Mandy’s hand and placed it in Buddy’s outstretched hand. He walked back to sit beside Madge, the love of his life. Madge was beaming at Buddy and Mandy, although a few tears slid down her cheeks. Robert tenderly held her hand and kissed her on the cheek.

  Pastor Martin began speaking to the congregation. “We are gathered here today in the sight of God and these witnesses to join this couple in Holy Matrimony which was ordained by God. Buddy and Mandy, both believers and children of God, have come here today to exchange their vows and to pledge their love to each other.”

  In turn, the Pastor led them in reciting the vows to love, honor, cherish, and obey each other in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer until death parted them. Then, they took the rings from Paul’s white pillow. They exchanged the rings to symbolize the eternal, unending nature of their love and marriage.

  After all the vows had been repeated, Pastor Martin looked at the congregation and announced, “With the authority of God and according to the laws of this state, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  Buddy drew her into his arms and kissed her tenderly. Mandy held him in her arms and welcomed his kiss. He slowly released her.

  “Let me now present Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee Turner,” Pastor Martin announced..

  The audience stood and clapped while Mandy and Buddy walked down the aisle and out the door. They turned to the right and walked into the reception room and kissed again.

  “Who did I just marry?” Mandy asked with a twinkle in her eyes. “Can you believe this? I didn’t even know what your real name was until we were standing in the church getting married. I wonder what else I don’t know about this mysterious stranger,” she giggled.

  “Mandy, can you still love me, even if my name is Donald, not Buddy?” he asked with a grin.

  “I’ll think about it. I wonder how well Donald can kiss?” she laughed, kissing him again. “Yes, I can definitely get used to your name, Donald. I promise to love you no matter what you call yourself. All I really want to call you is ‘Mine,’ my husband.”

  “You’ve already got that, Mandy. I’m yours—only yours-- now and forever,” he said giving her a deep kiss.

  As the guests began entering the social hall, Buddy and Mandy went to stand in the reception line with Madge and Robert. For Mandy and Buddy, the reception was a blur of people and activities. They stood side-by-side shaking hands with person after person. When all the guests had been greeted, Buddy and Mandy moved over to the head table and sat down. Madge, Robert, Melanie and the kids were seated at a table next to them. The rest of the guests took their places at the other tables.

  The ladies of the church and the youth helped serve the delicious dinner of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, pasta salad, coleslaw, fruit salad, mixed vegetables, hot rolls, iced tea, coffee, and punch. Mandy and Buddy talked quietly while they ate their dinner. The ladies of the church had done an amazing job.

  After eating the meal, the Best Man and Matron of Honor proposed toasts to the happy couple. Buddy and Mandy each thanked everyone for coming. They expressed their appreciation to all the ladies of the church who had prepared the food, furnished and arranged the flowers and decorations, and to Mrs. Ellison who had made the four tier wedding cake. Mandy thanked Robert, Maude, Melanie, Paul, Lisa, Chris and Sam for being in
the wedding party and for their love and support.

  Mandy and Buddy finally walked over to the gorgeous wedding cake. It had four tiers covered in white fondant. Beautiful buttercream flowers seemed to float along the surface of the cake. Mandy took the silver cake knife and cut the first piece. Buddy cut the next one. Mandy carefully fed Buddy his first taste of the cake. Then, Buddy fed Mandy her piece. After that, some of the church women came to finish cutting the cake and served it to the guests. Two tiers were chocolate with raspberry cream filling between the layers. The other layers were white cake with chocolate and raspberry filling.

  After the cake had been served, many of the guests began leaving the reception. Mandy and Buddy circulated around the room talking to the people. About three o’clock, Mandy changed into a blue silk dress and got ready to leave the reception. Many of the guests had gone outside to wait for the newlyweds to leave the church. Buddy and Mandy said goodbye to Robert, Madge, Melanie, Sam, and the kids, and walked outside.