Read A Step Beyond Protection Page 4

  Chapter 4

  Climbing into bed, Raven quickly pulled the covers over her head. She just could not stomach food right now, not when she couldn’t figure out what to do. Should she resign and leave? Yes. But a small part of her said no. Something inside of her was ignited today while protecting the desk and reading the monotonous manuals. It was the agents filtering in and out of the office all day that was such a welcoming sight and sound. So different from what she had experienced these past several months. She had never realized how much she had missed the mixture of the office sounds. Holsters being put into desk drawers, the duty desk reminding agents when to relieve each other, and the normal business sounds of the office, phones ringing, radios buzzing, key boards clacking, and the teletype beeping as it received updated sensitive information. She didn’t feel alone at the office. But back at home, well, she hadn’t disliked it. During her recuperating months, she had craved it. Pure solitude was exactly what she had needed then, but now...well now, she didn’t know what she needed.

  Lowering the covers and looking towards her ceiling, Raven sighed. A picture of her in shorts and a t-shirt running around the training complex under the dimly lit street lights smiling, ran through her thoughts. She had been so happy, so carefree, so secure back then. So alive.

  Before she could chicken out, Raven quickly dressed and put on her new ankle brace the doctor had encouraged her to wear when doing anything strenuous. She then grabbed a bottle of Gatorade and was out the door in record time. She was on a mission to find herself. She would be fine, even better then fine, she most definitely would be that happily running woman again!

  On her drive over to the complex, Raven delightfully remembered how much she had talked to Jesus back then, especially during her running. And how she had known things that she could never explain to others, but knew they could have only come from the Lord as she had fellowshipped with Him. She had always been so at peace during her runs, telling Him all about her current troubles, or issues that she was dealing with at work and her dad; and not to mention the occasional crushes she seemed to hold for a few men. But thankfully those crushes had fizzled out quickly when she had seen how they really were.

  Going through the gate had her smiling as she showed the guard her identification. She was already feeling that warm, familiar pull, and she was fully enjoying it. Finally!

  Stretching, Raven smiled towards the sky. I’m here, now! Giggling, she brought her knees towards her chest, while she watched the last of the days rays glisten across the clear darkening blue sky. Already darkening at this time of evening meant that fall was fast approaching. And with God’s help, her days would start getting better right now. Taking off, Raven ran. She felt like she was running for her sanity, for her future, and for her identity.

  A half hour later she was not any closer to her destination. The peace hadn’t come back, and the darkness outside just seemed to weigh her down even more. Exhausted, she plopped down on the curb by the mock town, right in front of one of the shootout buildings, and hung her head between her legs, closing her eyes. Her ankle throbbed. She groaned. That was all that she had accomplished on this run, more pain in her life. The woman she had once been had never had to run in pain, other than the occasional knit in her side, which was actually a welcoming relief when compared to the career threatening pain she was now feeling.

  Covering her face, Raven desperately and silently cried out to God. Why? Why did things have to change? Why do you not speak to me again? Why did you leave me? My dad always said that you promised in Your Holy Word to never leave us nor forsake us. If that is true, then why did you leave me when I needed you the most? Why don’t you speak to me now? What did I do that was so wrong? Her tears freely flowed, blanketing her face. And for the first time ever, she didn’t try to control them or stop them. She simply let them flow. It didn’t matter. No one cared about her. She was all alone in this huge world without anyone to check in with, and having no one to anchor her here. No one knew where she was, nor even cared to know.

  As if in a trance, Raven continued to quietly sit there on the curb in her own misery. The physical discomfort and pains suddenly didn’t seem to matter at all, all that mattered was letting her tears, quietly, but torrentially fall. Her tears glistened from the bright spot lights that were suddenly shining on her. Still she stared, unmoving except for the needed rise and fall of her chest. Hard, firm hands caressed her face, wiping at her tears, but more still came. Her blank stare continued to haunt the men above her.

  “Raven. Sweetheart, what are you doing here?”

  Swallowing hard, Raven blinked and looked up into his caring brown eyes. “It didn’t come back. He didn’t give it back to me.”

  “Honey, what? What didn’t you get back?”

  “Peace.” Her throat was suddenly clogged by her tears. She gasped for air as he quickly drew her into his sheltering arms, and lifted her up. Her hands laced around his neck, while she buried her face into his soft shirt, the tears still kept coming. “He didn’t give me back His peace.”

  “Go get the car, fast. We’ve got to get her out of here.” Quickly walking towards the direction of the vehicle, Drake held onto her even tighter, praying all the while for wisdom. No words needed to be said, no words came to mind. Just the need to hold her, and to get her as far away from this place as he could. He didn’t want her staying any longer at a place where she had seemingly been let down. He never wanted to see her like that again: so lost and so dejected.

  In no time they were safely in the black SUV speeding out onto the highway. And for the first time ever, Drake satisfyingly sat in the backseat, resting his head against the soft leather headrest. He actually did not want to be anywhere else, but in this vehicle right now, with this one woman. Kissing her forehead, Drake’s left arm possessively secured her tightly to him, his right hand spanning the side of her neck, anchoring her. She may not know it now, but she was right where she belonged. His eyes openly caressed her soft, water stained cheek, and his smile grew. Her long lashes laid against her face in blissful sleep. Looking across to Agent Zeak lounging on the one side, while Agent Lawrence lounged on the other, Drake’s chuckles rumbled his chest, “And once again, she is sound asleep. Praise Jesus, this is truly amazing, I have waited so long to hold her in my arms. So long.”

  Raven was way too comfortable to get up, she felt so warm and cozy with a heat radiating from her blankets. Funny, she never remembered the blanket being a little heavy against her back. Well, she didn’t care to analyze it, she just wanted to keep on sleeping. Maybe it wasn’t morning. Oh what she wouldn’t give for it to be in the middle of the night still. Turning, she reached over to check her clock when her hand grazed against a warm, solid, male chest, at the same moment her chest butted up against a solid unmoving figure. Her eyes shot open and in a flash she was out of the bed. Wincing from the sudden pain radiating up her leg, she covered her face, and bit back a groan. No...oh no, oh no, oh no! Lounging with such a warm, lazy contended expression on his soundly sleeping face was the President of the United States (POTUS).

  Forcing her eyes open, and refusing to look over to the bed, Raven quickly scanned the strange room trying to get her bearings. She immediately felt some margin of relief when she quickly realized that in no way was she in the White House. It was morning, 7:04 a.m., to be exact, and it was confirmed by the small stream of light coming in from under the dark heavy drapes on the big window. Thankfully, she was right next to the bedroom door, and her shoes were right there on the side of the room where she was. She was so relieved that she would not have to go too near that bed, again. Very quietly, and quickly she put her shoes on and ran out of the bedroom.

  She slowed down when she saw that the hallway dumped out towards what appeared to be the living room. Raven stopped and re-fixed her ponytail. Well, at least she was still fully clothed in her running gear. And swallowing hard
, she cleaned her eyes, he was partially so. And that image would leave her head. It would, because she would make it!

  Agent Lawrence, Agent Rawlings, and two more she did not know were lounging around the living room, sound asleep. Glaring, Raven walked purposefully over to Agent Lawrence sleeping on one of the couches. Hands on hips, she raised her shoe clad foot and was about to place it exactly where someone else had done to her yesterday morning, but then stopped. She did not need a crude lesson on that counterattack move, not now. So thinking better of it, she instead leaned in and poked him in the arm, and then stepped back, just in case his instincts took over in his sleep, too. Hands swinging, a body as lithe as any with catlike reflexes he shot up before her, ready to go in for the kill. Oh, so thankful he was dressed too, well partially so. Driving her hands on her hips, she straightened, stretching as tall as she could to reach his face. Her glare seared him. “Take me home, now!” Her voice was low, demanding, and menacing. Her mind rejoiced at her ability to floor him, and her uncanny acting ability at projecting an intimidating female. Boy, had her love for acting come in handy in more times than she could count, through college and most definitely through her career as an agent.

  “Uh...uh,” visibly swallowing, he ran his shaking fingers through his hair. Oh man, this woman was mad! What to do, what to do? Scanning the room confirmed that his buddies had not encountered her yet. Grabbing up his t-shirt he jerked it on and turned back to her. Still standing there watching him, waiting. He would have to try a different approach. Smiling, concentrating on lightening his expression, he turned on the charm as he slyly kicked awake his reinforcement. “Well, good morning Special Agent Raven Somers. How are you, doing?” One smaller step to the right, nine inches to be exact, and he could reach Zeak. “Are you hungry? I’m sure you must be.” Wham! Zeak shot up.

  “What!?” He swung to the right, “Oh.”

  “Take me home, now.” Her glared intensified, searing both of them.

  “Not before breakfast.” Lawrence’s chuckle did not have the effect he wanted it to.

  Her hand struck out and grabbed his shirt. “Not so fast. I know what you’re doing. Trying to wake each one up. What’s wrong can’t handle me? Well, there isn’t anything to handle, just take me home now. Please!”

  “I-I don’t know.”

  Desperation kicked in and overtook her, her eyes pleaded with him, “I’ve got to get back. Listen, I’m already going to be late for work this morning. Come on... I can’t be here with him. It’s not right that I’m here with him.”

  “Take her home.”

  Sudden chills ran up her spine, his deep and graveling, sleep filled voice slammed against her. Her mind helplessly recalled last night. He had been so caring, his arms had comforted her in a way that she craved. Her arm dropped and she purposefully walked over to the door, unlocking it. Refusing to look in his direction, she just stood there knowing they would of course, obey him without question.

  “Yes, sir.”

  The sound of keys being picked up echoed through the room, and she still did not breathe. She stepped out into the outside foyer and waited. Agent Lawrence stepped in front of her putting on his jacket to cover up his side holster and she gladly followed him. Someone walked behind her. She refused to look, but somehow she knew it wasn’t him. She couldn’t speak, she just continued to follow Lawrence to his government SUV. She climbed in, and leaned back, her mind blank as the various CAT agents checked-in for the day over the radio transmitter.

  “Agents, be advised that Eagle is still asleep in residence. Stand down for more info. CAT duty desk out.”

  Her face flamed with shame, Raven continued to look out her window, crossing her arms with force. She was half tempted to lean into the front seat, get on the radio, and ask him to double check that information because whoever he got it from, was completely wrong.

  “Wow, amazing, he moves fast. Uh, I think he missed his calling, he should have been one of us. I think he puts our Spiderman tendencies to shame, though. He’s more like Batman with his late night escapades of late.” Lawrence shrugged.

  The other agent started having a coughing fit. She turned and glared right into Lawrence’s rearview mirror. His sparkling eyes met hers, then he suddenly frowned. “Uh, sorry, too soon, right?”

  Glaring even harder, Raven gripped her seatbelt until her nails were biting into the palms of her hands. Muttering, she forced out a breath, “I can’t believe this. You know, I think I am losing my mind. I really am, this is just way too surreal.”

  Lawrence immediately opened his mouth to object, but Zeak quickly recovered from his coughing fit and growled out something low to Lawrence, stopping him.

  She would have loved to hear what he said because Lawrence, thankfully, did not udder one peep the rest of the way.

  “So long, Agent Somers, see you at the White House later,” smiling, Lawrence waved a hearty goodbye.

  Zeak punched him in the arm, “Quit it.”

  Laughing, Lawrence watched her storm into her condo, and he waited for the door to fully close before backing away. “Man, she scares me. Whew...I hope Big Eagle knows what he’s doing. It’s a good thing he’s a black belt, he just may need it with her. You know, we’re going to have to teach him some holds that no ‘protectors’ or ‘fielders’ are aware of. I know a few that I’m sure that spitfire couldn’t even begin to think out the counter moves on.”

  “Yeah. We better suggest it. So, do you think she will go to work, or try to resign again?”

  Rubbing his stubbly chin, Lawrence shrugged, “You know, it beats me. I would quickly say resign, but then again, I don’t know, she just... She seems to go against what I would think would be normal instincts. She definitely didn’t do what I was so sure she would do last night. She didn’t eat, nor go to bed, she left. And where we found her,” shaking his head, concern crossed his face. “I don’t know, she is one big puzzle to me. But, man, I pray the Lord heals her soon.”

  “Yeah, He is. As Drake said, part of the path is part of the healing. Even though we aren’t aware of it, it is happening.” Taking a deep breath, Zeak grabbed his private communications radio, “We better have both plans in play, just in case.”

  “Yeah, definitely.”

  “Hey, do you think she’ll find the phone this time?”

  Raising his eyebrows, Lawrence chuckled, “If not, I’m sure that the phone will find her.”

  “Okay, what did Techy do?”

  “Well, after he deleted all of the miss calls and texts, he changed a few things. Let’s just say that the ringtone volume is now on high, and won’t stop at all until it is answered. And the ringtone is one that is really hard to miss.”

  “What is it?”

  “Well, he put the theme song to...oh, no, oh my goodness!” Lawrence laughed so hard he had to pull over for a few minutes to even gather his composure to finish driving the last mile, and was still unable to tell him.