Read A Step Beyond Protection Page 5

  Chapter 5

  She was definitely resigning. There was no way she could continue like this. Pulling her slightly damp hair up into a French twist, Raven walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. All she would have to do is print it out again because for some weird reason her printed out letter was no longer in her laptop bag. “Wait a minute. Where was it?” Panicking, Raven searched all over her laptop. It didn’t take long because, as in everything else, she always kept her laptop clean. Yesterday morning flashed in her mind.

  “Oh, no, no, no...they didn’t, they couldn’t have.” She vividly remembered the clacking of a keyboard while she was laying on the floor in their truck. “They deleted it! It had to be them. But how would they have known her password?” It wasn’t common, it wasn’t related to her in anyway, she used all of the talked about ‘necessary rules’ for creating one as a double precaution. “Oh boy, they are good. Too good. And that was a good resignation letter, too.”

  Glancing again at the time, she knew there was no way she would have enough time to write another one, so she would just have to do it later. Already a little late, Raven grabbed up her heavy black bag with renewed determination to leave work with enough time to go to Mr. Mayer’s office and turn it all in.

  A few seconds later, Raven stood frozen in shock. Sitting on the front passenger seat of her locked car was a bag from her favorite bagel shop, and resting in the cup holder was her favorite iced coffee. Quickly scanning the area, Raven saw nothing. She felt nothing. Her uncanny sense of warning was not detecting anything. And the unmistakable markings on that cup was exactly like she had always had when she had ordered it.

  She couldn’t help but smile, she had forgotten all about her favorite little bagel shop hidden from all of the tourist traps across the bridge, and there was only one other shop besides that one. The shop that had been near her field office in Maryland. Rounding her vehicle to get in, Raven’s mouth started watering, she was so thirsty for her all-time favorite drink. And she would also bet that in that little bag was also her favorite cinnamon and raisin bagel, toasted with lite cream cheese on both sides, smashed together. A closed sandwich ready to eat. She couldn’t prevent herself from giggling when she looked inside of the bag. It was!

  How they did it, she really had no idea, and she probably shouldn’t eat or drink it. Throwing both things out right in front of them when she knew they would be looking would be the thing to do, but then again, she really didn’t know where those elusive guys would ever be.

  Her first sip of her favorite coffee had her smiling with delight. She took her time driving in so that she could enjoy her breakfast. Thank you, Jesus!

  After signing in, Raven walked towards the elevators with a slight limp. Her ankle was already more sore than yesterday, and last night definitely had not helped it any. It had been one big mistake trying to ‘run back to her old life.’ Shifting her bag to her other hand, Raven pushed the button to go up.

  “Are you going somewhere for a while?”

  “Uh?” Turning, she smiled at Rick, and laughed, “Now, why would you ask that?”

  “Well, if I’m not mistaken, your assault bag is a little heavier than usual. That is of course unless you’re going on a trip. But I strongly doubt that. So, you want to talk about why you probably have all of your issued items in that bag?”

  “There isn’t anything to talk about.” Her eyes looked to the floor.

  “Right. Well, in that case you better use the other elevator because it looks like that one is stuck again.”

  “The other elevator?”

  “Yep.” He pointed to the other end of the hallway.

  She frowned.

  “Oh, come on. And give me the bag.”

  Letting him take it from her, she followed him, musing, “Now, let me ask you a question.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “What are you doing down here? Why aren’t you at the complex?”

  Lifting his shoulder, Rick smiled, “I get around. I like to make sure I know what’s going on since I’m having to train some of the new uniformed division guys as well.”

  “Sure, like I believe that. There must be another reason, like for instance maybe a woman?”

  Laughing, Rick stopped and waved to another uniformed officer behind another check-in desk. Pointing to himself and her with a thumbs up.

  “Yeah, go ahead in. Clearance granted.” The officer lifted up a white piece of paper with signatures on it, then buzzed them through.

  That’s strange. “Where are we? I have never been to this part, and they gave me a small tour of the area I would be mostly working in yesterday, and this was not it.”

  “Ah, just another part they probably forgot to show you. Now, what were you saying about a woman?”

  A slight uneasiness grabbed at her senses. “You know what, Rick? I’ll take my bag now.”

  “No, no. I’ll carry it.”

  Raven stepped in and tried to grab it, but he laughed and held it in his other hand while pulling off one of his sleek back-step maneuvers.

  “Come on, I’m not kidding, Rick.”

  His eyebrow lifted, “I said that I would carry it for you, and I am.”

  “Fine.” Her neck tensed, something was definitely not right. She quickly scanned the area and readily noticed that the area was pretty high tech and other regular protectors like Rick and herself were not around. “You know what, Rick. On second thought, just forget it, and you can keep the bag.” Turning on her heel, Raven bumped smack dab into another guy a little shorter than herself. “Sorry, I jus...”

  “Hi, Agent Somers. How are you doing today? Wow, I haven’t seen you in a while.” His blue eyes sparkled.

  The CAT mobile! He was the guy that had given her bag back to her. Her eyes narrowed, sensing a change in the atmosphere, she quickly turned back to Rick to see if he was still there. He was, along with six other CAT guys, in full dress black gear smiling, and waving. Turning back around, to make her escape, there were more. Just smiling and waving. Her breath rushed out and she rubbed her face. “What now?”

  “Hey, Agent Somers, we are going your way. You know what, we’ll help you, and even personally show you the way. Don’t worry, it’s easy to get lost around this big house. It happens all of the time. Come on, let’s go guys.”

  She rolled her eyes, and kept her feet firmly planted.

  “Raven, he just wants to see you. He did not like how you two parted ways this morning, and it won’t sit well with him for the rest of the day. Please, just give him that.” Agent Zeak whispered into her ear.

  Looking over to her right, she saw it was the other agent in the car this morning.

  “I can’t.”

  His eyebrow raised, questioning. “Come, we don’t have much time.”

  She was moving forward without wanting to, a subtle pressurized move from behind and from all sides. From anyone else’s vision it probably just looked like a bunch of guys and a girl walking causally across the room. Well, that was far from it. Seeing quickly that firmly planting her feet on the floor was pointless, Raven tried to brace herself for the upcoming confrontation with him. Nudging the agent that had just talked to her, Raven desperately tried again, “I can’t. I’m already late for work. Please.”

  He immediately shook his head no. “Work has already been taken care of.”

  “How? Surely, you didn’t tell them...”

  He glanced back at her, “You will be briefed on the details when you need to be.”

  That was it? She would be briefed? How dare he? The nerve...her fists contracted and released. She was already again fighting for self-control, and was pretty sure that sooner or later it was going to be a losing battle. How they were strategically moving and hiding her at the same time had her wondering if it was for her benefit, or other people’s benefits. Well, then again, it could very well be for both reasons.

; Suddenly, her leg gave out and she fell forward, her hands instinctively grabbing a hold of the agent whom she had just been speaking with. She just barely controlled her surprised yelp. Her ankle stretched uncomfortably. Thankfully the group immediately stopped, protecting her ankle from further damage.

  “Are you alright, Raven? Is it your ankle again?”

  She couldn’t speak, her eyes closed tightly as her teeth gritted, fighting through the surprised pain. She tightened her grip even more on the man’s shirt and nodded her head at Agent Lawrence. She hadn’t even noticed that he was one of the guys in the group.

  “Okay, okay. Just listen to me. It is very crucial that you listen and do exactly what I say.” His voice whispered the command for her to lean slightly back and relax. As she obeyed, strong arms lifted her up slightly off the floor from both sides of her. “Good, good. Now lean your head back against my chest. Yep, just like that. Okay, just continue to relax. Now, let go of the death grip you have on Zeak, and grasp onto my arms for support.”

  “Okay.” His grip was firm, but surprisingly comfortable. It was amazing how they were able to carry her and keep her hidden at the same time. They were just too good at what they did.

  “You know, I probably can walk now.”

  “Nope, not taking a chance. Now keep your voice down, we are almost there.”

  Thankfully, she was being more or less protected from whom they might run into. That made her feel much better because she sure did not want anyone seeing her sneaking off to see the President. Oh, man, that just sounded so very wrong.

  By the looks of the white low ceiling above her she surmised that they had just entered into another room.

  “Okay, you sit right down here. And I’m going to have a look at that ankle.”

  “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”

  Ignoring her, Agent Lawrence lifted up her pant leg, and worked at taking off her boot.

  “I said don’t worry about it.”

  In answer, he simply lifted up his eyebrow, and continued on. Gritting her teeth, Raven held her breath.

  “It’s nothing, right?” Lawrence smirked.

  Without thinking she punched him in the arm.

  “Techy? Bring me the cold gel pack, please.” Stopping what he was doing, Lawrence looked her straight in the eyes with a seriousness she really did not want to deal with. “So your doctor gave you a full job clearance?”

  Her doctor’s concerned face flashed through her mind, and just as quickly she squashed it. Looking down at her hands, Raven responded, “Yes.”

  “Just as I thought. So what did you do to get it? Bake him cookies?”

  Her mouth dropped open, “No!”

  “Okay, so what were the conditions on the release?”

  Lifting her head higher, she glared at him, “What do you mean?”

  Grabbing the gel pack from Techy, Lawrence proceeded to carefully put a small towel around her ankle and then started to duct tape the gel pack to it. “Yep, just as I thought.”

  “Hey, what do you mean by that?”

  He just shrugged.

  “Hey, I passed the mile and half the other day. In fact you were one of the guys out there at the training complex, remember?”

  The side of his mouth lifted in a smirk, “Believe me, I am not likely to forget that evening anytime soon. Your screams were deafening.”

  Her face burned with embarrassment.

  “And the result of that running test most likely added to that little, uh...”

  “Lawrence. Stop.” The man Raven had just recently found out was Zeak, came to stand directly behind Lawrence.

  Shaking his head, Lawrence apologized, “Sorry, my mouth tends to get away from me sometimes.”

  “Yeah, I noticed.”

  “So, Raven,” Zeak stood with his arms crossed, his feet planted shoulder width apart. He sure meant business, no wonder Lawrence always immediately obeyed him. And that certainly didn’t seem to bode well for her.


  “Why is it that you aren’t wearing your gun?”

  “Why? Do you want me to shoot him when he comes in?” Her hand covered her mouth just as the last of her words flew out. And of course, at the exact same time she also felt a huge amount of eyes on her. “I didn’t mean...I-I just...,” growling, Raven added, “Lawrence! You are already rubbing off on me.”

  “Hey, don’t blame me for your little hiccup.” Laughing, he finished his taping job.

  “So, it’s like that, eh? Avoiding that question too?”

  “What are you talking about?” Raven turned on her full wattage smile.

  He tilted his head, “Right. Is that smile supposed to make me suddenly forget? Well...,” he pretended to think on it. “Nice smile, but it didn’t. I can still remember. So, why aren’t you wearing it?”

  She swallowed a little bit too noticeably. They never searched her, and if they tried, she just wouldn’t let them. Her arms crossed, “How do you know that I’m not?”

  His face looked comical, his voice squeaky, “A little birdy told me.”

  “Tweet. Tweet.” Lawrence smiled and stood, crossing his arms, too. “Come on, Raven, how come?”

  “You didn’t search me. So how would you know?”

  “Oh, come on, you insult me. It’s our job and you know it, too.”

  “Fine. Well, seeing how I have a new job, they apparently kept me protecting the desk yesterday. So, why would I need one for that? I mean what do I have to protect the desk from, paper capers?”

  “Ha ha ha. Good try at being funny. But really, is that all you have? We all know that protectors and fielders never go without it, hey all of us here was one at one time. And they especially pack when they are out and about, or going to and from work. So what gives?” Lawrence frowned.

  Zeak just continued to stare directly at her.

  Suddenly sweating, Raven tried to nonchalantly wipe her brow. “It’s in my bag.” Her voice sounded so weak even to her.

  Zeak took a step closer. “So, it’s been just over ten months since the incident. Right?”


  “Eh? Hardly. That was an incident.”

  “Accident!” Her eyes glared at him, her posture ridged. She would call it what she wanted to. Needed to.

  “Okay, fine, let’s play your way. But before I do, what happened that you would possibly call it an accident?”

  “Because I said it was!” Raven huffed and looked away.

  Knowing he was getting nowhere, Zeak tried a different approach. One that he figured would get to the bottom of why she was not packing heat. “Okay. So, have you shot your weapon since your accident?” Yep, she tensed. His phone went off, and after quickly looking down, Zeak motioned to Lawrence that Drake was on his way. Then he walked over to the door and waited for him, all the while keeping his eyes fixed on Raven’s suddenly relieved posture. Considering her incident, he had a strong feeling he knew what the problem was, and with his next phone call she would be experiencing more emotional pain. But it had to be done, it was the only way she would deal with it. If not, she would continue to run, and could possibly get really hurt in the process. Besides, they could not have an agent afraid of her own gun, or the shooting of someone else’s. He just was not sure which of those were true in this case, but he would bet it had to be one of them. But first, he would definitely have to run it by Drake. So while continuing to wait for his arrival, Zeak talked to Jesus about her, again.

  Good, he left. Raven breathed a sigh of relief. Her head started to hurt. Why was this week so full of emotions and dealing with this, or that? Why couldn’t she have been able to just get right back into her routine without a care in the world? That was all she really needed. To just get back into the routine, and to be left alone in peace. Leaning back, Raven rubbed her face, “Lawrence, do you have any Advil?” She knew he was still standing there.

“Sure. Let me get you some water to go with it.”

  She kept her eyes closed, waiting for him to return with the Advil and water. Raven really wished that this elusive group of men would have continued to stay elusive to her. Then she would only have to deal with one or two of them whenever she would do a site advance.

  “Here you go.”

  Opening her eyes, Raven sat up and reached up to take it from him when her eyes looked to the movement at the door. He was here. Her eyes locked with his, and her stomach dropped.

  “Raven? Take your Advil.” Lawrence waved it in front of her. “Hello, right here?”

  “What? Oh, thank you.” Quickly taking it from him, Raven took them and made sure she took enough water so she wouldn’t choke. She really didn’t need another issue on her hands. “I’m in big, big trouble. I’m going to get fired, and blacklisted by the government.”

  “Why?” Lawrence looked over his shoulder to Zeak who was in a heated conversation with Drake. And Drake was starting to look pretty mad and running his fingers through his hair. “Oh.” Taking the glass from her suddenly shaking hands, Lawrence smiled, “Don’t worry, I’m sure, no I’m positive he isn’t mad at you.”

  “What?” Leaning over to see again, Raven shook her head, “That’s not what I was talking about, but yeah, he does look mad. Good, maybe he’ll leave now.”

  “Wishful thinking, my dear, very, very wishful thinking.” Lawrence smiled knowingly, “You know, I had a very strong feeling you liked him.”

  “I don’t like him. He’s overbearing, obnoxious, too forward, and the list goes on. And that’s just what very, very little I know of him. And I really want to keep it that way! Should I go on? Or do you get the picture?”

  Smiling, Lawrence laughed, “No, I get the picture. And like I said, I knew it would work out, and that you really like him.” His eyes twinkled as he started humming the infamous wedding march song.

  “Stop it!” Raven growled out. Then without giving away any warning at all, she took her good foot and swiped it in just the right spot and down the big man fell with a resounding thump!

  Immediately standing, Raven grabbed up her shoe and started marching away. More like limp marching, but that didn’t stop her. She stopped just short of the man, Lawrence had called Techy. And there was no such thing as coincidence, he was the one that had given her bag back to her after he had deleted her letter. Placing her hand on her hip, she took the hand holding the shoe and placed it into his face, while she calmly, but vehemently stated, “I may not have my gun on me, but I sure do have this shoe and I’m not afraid to use it. So you had better get me out of this room, and well away from that POTUS man over there, or it will not be a pretty sight when I’m done.”

  He laughed, he actually laughed! Not just a laugh, but a belly holding, legs crumbling laugh!

  That was all it took, she had been pretty nice considering everything that they had been doing to her since she had reported back into work a few days ago. And why, she still didn’t know? Why her? Just because he wanted them to? It made no sense, why her? Was it punishment for having a meltdown at the training complex, when she hadn’t even known the President was watching? With what she had been through lately she couldn’t help the fact that she hadn’t recognized him! It wasn’t her fault, she had lived like a hermit these last ten months, and now she was on their ‘hit list?’ They had even managed to enlist the help of her best friend.

  Loosing what little string she still had wrapped around her anger, Raven attacked. “Why me? I don’t even like him! I’m not going down like this! Why am I on your guys’ hit list, just because I didn’t recognize him at the complex? He didn’t even look like a POTUS, he was wearing your CAT running gear. I can’t help it if I had a meltdown, why me? Do you have any idea how much trouble I am going to get into? And it’s all your fault, you guys keep setting me up! And I don’t know why! I’m the one that’s going to make the nightly news on being a groupie, and losing her career over it! I’m the one that will be on the chopping block with the directors and every other federal agency! I’m the one that’s going to look like she let her fellow agents down. And it’s all your guys’ faults, including Rick’s!” Raven started swinging the shoe as quickly and loudly as the words were leaving her mouth, and she managed to hit at least five of them before steel arms wrapped around her, squeezing her so tightly, she gasped for breath. At the same time, pressure was applied directly to her wrist in just the right spot that she lost her grip on her shoe.

  It didn’t calm her down one bit, all she was seeing in front of her was red, and she immediately retaliated by butting her head up against what she surmised was her attacker’s chest, considering the occasional grunts she heard. His hand let go of her wrist and his arm went around her, his hand spanning her forehead, trapping her head against his chest. It only took a few more tries for her to know that she was completely immobile. She kept her eyes closed as she now fought to calm her erratic breathing.

  “Better?” His husky breath tickled her ear, and his steel touch turned slightly to one of a caress as she immediately recognized his voice, just above her head.

  Tears pushed forward, threatening to form in her eyes. She had somehow managed to go from fighting for her freedom into further shaming herself. The Eagle, himself, the one that she had sworn to protect no matter what, was holding her now shaking body, immobile. Actually trying to protect himself and the other men from her. The strong fight within her had officially drained causing her to go completely limp. He picked her up and sat her back down onto the couch that she had been sitting on. He stood in front of her, then leaned forward, lifting her chin up.

  “Now, look at me.”

  A command. Her eyes slowly raised, her pulse trembled. Why did he have to be so handsome? He was just wearing a plain silky brown t-shirt, jeans and cowboy boots. Nothing of it spoke of him being a president. Why did the one man that seemed to be the only one to bring out all of these crazy emotions in her, have to be the one that she had sworn to protect?

  “You are to answer me yes, or no. No other way is permitted. Got it?”

  She nodded her head.

  “No, wrong. Only by yes or no?”

  She swallowed, “Yes.”

  “Okay. If I was a CAT guy, or another agent, or someone other than the President, would you be interested in me?”

  “No. You are way too pushy, arrogant, overbearing...”

  “Nope. I said you can only answer yes, or no.” His finger lightly rubbed under her chin.

  Her eyes briefly closed. “No.” Her eyes glared open when he chuckled.

  “Zeak, go get the polygraph.”

  “Yes, sir!”

  What!!? No way. She slapped his all too arrogant hand from under her chin. “Zeak don’t you dare!”

  Drake chuckled, “Too late. He’s already getting one. Why? Do you want to change your answer?”

  Icicles formed in her eyes, “No. Never. No way! In your dreams.” He was bluffing. He had to be. There was no way he would hook her up to one of those machines. It would have to be documented. They also need a preauthorization to use one.

  “Okay. Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance.” He smiled as he confidently walked over to a chair.

  He even sat down too arrogantly. Well, there was nothing keeping her here, so she stood up. She didn’t know where her boot was, but hey, she would manage.

  “Sit down.”

  “No.” Refusing to look at him, she looked over at the group of men, and would have laughed had she been in a better mood. They looked kind of funny nursing where she had hit them. “I take it none of you will help me out, right?”

  They all looked everywhere, but at her. “Okay, fine, I get the message loud and clear. See you all, never again.” She was officially going straight to Headquarters to resign, with or without all of her issued items. She had no other choice after this
latest disaster.

  “Take one more step towards that door and I will personally make you wish you hadn’t.”

  “Really? What could you possibly do? Write a new bill that will personally ruin me for life? Well, you know, I will probably be blacklisted from the government, and find a really hard time getting another job anyhow. But right now I’m just way too mad, and I really don’t care. So you do not scare me.” She went to take another step and immediately stopped as his words filtered through her mind.

  “Regardless of our current company, I will kiss you so passionately, and for so long that you will have a very difficult time recovering. Then I will have Techy take a picture of you with me, trying to recover from it, and put it right smack dab in the middle of my credenza under the window, directly behind my personal desk in the Oval Office. Our picture turned towards me, of course, and as people walk into my office, they will see it every time.” His voice was frightfully calm, and was laced with an unforgettable warning in it.

  She put her foot back down. The room was so deathly quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Okay, so she had not been even remotely expecting that answer.

  “Do you realize how many different people walk into my office, Raven?” His steely voice questioned her.

  Her face paled, and her fists balled up. Her name on his lips was like a caress and she didn’t want that! She didn’t. She really, really didn’t!

  A commotion of squeaky wheels had her looking to the door. Her heart dropped. No, they wouldn’t. She flashed around to look at him. He lazily stood up and pointed back to the couch for her to sit.

  “No, I won’t sit.”

  Running his fingers through his hair, Drake shrugged and looked at Zeak, “Did you bring the straps just in case?”

  “Yep, I thought ahead.” His enjoyment was making her nauseous.

  Straps? Frantically looking around him, she saw Zeak with straps dangling from his hands. Raven immediately started backing away until her legs rammed into the couch and she plopped down. They wouldn’t tie her to a chair. The squeaky cart kept coming towards her. They wouldn’t do this. Looking quickly from Zeak to everyone else in the room, her hope dwindled. They would. She wasn’t lying, she didn’t like him. How could she? Panic rose as he carefully, but firmly straightened out her right arm to be hooked up. Her arm tingled wherever he touched her, and it infuriatingly radiated up and down her arm. She was so, so doomed!

  “What? Are you nervous about taking this lie detector test, Raven? Why would you be? Unless of course you are lying. Do you want to change your answer then?”

  She glared at him and tried punching him with her left hand, but that was quickly seized by him.

  “Why? Why do you need to know the answer?”

  “So you and I can move forward. I’m not hiding what I feel, nor running from it. And you need to stop running, or hiding from what you feel.”

  Ignoring his last part, Raven smiled and glared, “Great. I’m so ready to move forward. The answer is no, no, no...NO!” She tried to jerk her arm free again, but Zeak just calmly started placing the cuff on her arm. “You know what, where is your signed preauthorization order? You cannot do this without one.”

  “Oh, Mr. President, sir. I have a freshly printed out order for you to sign.” Techy smiled and walked right up to Drake and gave him a printed out government document.

  “Why thank you, Agent.” Drake exaggeratingly looked it over, “Wow, what do you know? It’s a preauthorization order for a polygraph test. It even has your name on it Raven. Look!” He held it up to her face and just barely got it away from her as her hand snuck out to grab it. “You know what? I just remembered, I am authorized to sign one of these. Great, right on time, Techy. But might I borrow a pen to make it legal?”

  To her astonishment, every agent in the room produced one, and very dramatically held it up. Her face flamed, and his voice really grated on her nerves. If his voice got to her that much, then why did her blood have to rush and bring on the tingling sensation throughout her body every time he did talk? Man! Fighting for a lifeline, Raven quickly remembered the laws regarding the usage of one.

  “This is a direct violation of my Fifth Amendment right, and my Constitutional right to privacy.”

  “Well, that may have been true in some cases. However, according to our Federal regulations, I do believe that right tends to be null and void. Seeing as you single handedly, and with a boot, I might add, put every one of us, including the President’s protection in danger then, have no Fifth Amendment right to stand on.” Zeak looked at her as if he regretted to remind her of that very fact.

  Raven groaned, “I’m really, really, really in big trouble.”

  “Now, why would you be in trouble?” Zeak asked.

  Raven covered her mouth, as she scanned the room. All of their arms were crossed, with amused expressions on their faces, and a so very satisfied look on his face confirmed it. Her mouth had gotten away from her again.

  “Would you like to proceed? Or would you like to tell the truth?” Zeak looked at her.

  She looked right back at him, “I already told you the answer. I’m not changing it.”

  Zeak flipped on the machine, the needle moved. “Is your name Raven Somers?”

  Her jaw tightened. “Yes.”

  “Okay. Correct.”

  Raven looked above Zeak to him, who now stood over him like a ruling king. “Please leave the room, or I won’t continue.”

  Drake smiled the most enduring smile she had ever seen in her life. Her pulse skipped a few beats, her hand unconsciously shook.

  “Wow, what did you just do?” Zeak turned to Drake.

  “I simply smiled at her.” Drake tried to look and sound so innocent.

  “Well, wow. Don’t do it again because I’m afraid it might just break my machine, her blood pressure, and pulse rate just shot up there, along with some respiration issues.”

  Raven leaned forward to wipe her suddenly warm head onto her short-sleeved shirt.

  “Sweating, too? Oh boy, do you really want to proceed Raven, or just admit it?” Zeak smiled at her.

  “No, I don’t want to.”

  “Proceed? Or admit it?”

  “Both. Neither.”

  “She’s right. She didn’t lie. She doesn’t want to proceed, nor does she want to admit it.”

  Raven growled, then bit her lip as everyone in the room clapped and gave each other high-fives, again. He just stood there staring directly at her face, smiling and not saying a word.

  “Okay, Agent Somers. I’m going to ask you a question. The first response I want you to say no, and then the second time I ask it, I want you to say yes. Okay?”

  Raven bit her lip harder, she really just wanted to get this over with. She nodded.

  “Okay. If Drake, behind me, was a CAT guy, or another agent, or someone other than the President of the United States, would you be interested in him?”

  “That’s easy.” She wanted him to know without a doubt that she didn’t. So she looked him straight in the eyes, those chocolate, surprisingly endearing brown eyes. Flashbacks of the previous nights when he had shown up out of nowhere just as she had needed someone, raced through her mind. The strength and comfort of his arms holding her left her feeling so secure that she had fallen asleep both times. She couldn’t remember when she had slept so soundly since her accident. She cleared her throat and quickly looked away, “No.” She closed her eyes.

  “Now, remember this time you must answer with yes, even if it is lying.”

  She nodded.

  “If Drake, behind me, was a CAT guy, or another agent, or someone other than the President of the United States, would you be interested in him?”

  Nothing. She tightened her closed eyes. She couldn’t say it, she couldn’t. She gulped. The room waited. Everyone was so quiet. She felt a movement in front of her, a shifting of bodies. Had h
e left? Hope flickered to life. Peeking through her squinted eyes, Raven gasped. Drake’s face was so close, too close. A tear slowly rolled down her cheek. He wiped it. His concentration was completely on her. Her heart leapt.

  “Agent Somers please answer the question.”

  Another tear fell, he wiped it. She swallowed. Her breath caught as he leaned even closer. If she coughed, their noses would meet.

  “Agent Somers. The question. Please answer yes. If Drake, the man in front of you, was a CAT guy, or another agent, or someone other than the President of the United States, would you be interested in him?”

  Her head nodded, physically bumping into his. “Yes.” So quietly spoken.

  Drake immediately sat down and pulled her onto his lap, hiding her face against his chest. His hand spanned her neck, holding her tighter to him while he kissed her head. His lips moved to her ear, he whispered so only she could hear, “I’m sorry, please forgive me. I just had to hear it from you. I knew, but I was so frustrated with you running away. I just had to hear it from your lips. Please. Forgive me.”

  She nodded, sniffling.

  Zeak turned off the machine, and started unhooking her. “Of course you probably all know, but I will announce the findings. The yes answer had the very same results as her name.” He looked to Drake and smiled, “Now get into the room, the ice in her coffee is melting. And you’ve only lost a few minutes, we aren’t that far off schedule.”

  Smiling, Drake stood with his girl finally in his arms again. “Good.”

  “Stop it. What are you doing? Put me down.” Raven tried wiggling out of his arms.

  “And she’s back with claws drawn.” Chuckling, Drake shook his head, this one would always keep him on his toes, he was sure of it. And he would enjoy every day of it. “You know, sweetheart, I have been carrying you ever since I had the pleasure of officially meeting you, so please don’t forsake me the pleasure now.”

  “Why you!” Raven hit his chest, she wished she would have hit harder, then maybe he wouldn’t have been able to laugh.

  “We are going into another room, and you can’t very well walk on the gel pack strapped to your ankle. You could try, as you did a few minutes ago, but then you could also injure it again because you will be off balance. Now, put your good foot down and stand right in front of me.”

  “Why?” Putting down her foot, Raven turned facing a metal door she hadn’t even noticed earlier.

  “Okay, now put your left hand on top of mine. Make sure your fingers fall directly in between mine. Your thumb needs to fall between my thumb and index finger.”

  “No.” She just did not trust him.

  “Trust me.”


  “Okay, humor me then.”

  “No. Come on, just let me get back to work.”

  “You’re not missed. Don’t worry, it’s all taken care of.” Drake chuckled.

  Her mouth opened and he closed it for her. “And no, we aren’t wasting tax payer dollars. If you know anything about my background you will know I am not hurting for money, and I can pay my own way. And I do whenever it comes down to a personal issue with me.”

  Her cheeks flamed. Personal issue!!?

  “Sweetheart, come on. There is nothing to be afraid of, we are just going in there so we can talk alone. Spend some time together, nothing more.”

  She glared at him. “I most certainly will not. And furthermore, I am not your sweetheart! You know what, just because you and every one of these guys now know that yes, I would have maybe, probably, a little bit, have been interested in you had you not been who you really are. However, seeing as you are still who you are...hello, not interested!”

  “What are you afraid of?” His chuckling was really annoying.

  Straightening, Raven put her iced foot down so she would have better balance and not need him holding her up. She looked only straight ahead at the silver metal door in front of her, and calmly placed her hand where he had told her to. Her palm grew warm against the back of his hand, and her stomach flipped. The door easily and quickly slid open, and she jerked her hand away. He then quickly grabbed her up and placed her very gently onto a soft, comfortable couch. Her eyes immediately took in the whole room.

  The small room was gorgeous. There was a small square glass-top table with two white leather club chairs at each end, matching the couch set she was sitting on perfectly. Her eyes were quickly drawn to the gorgeous fresh white roses, with one single red rose standing taller and prouder in the middle. They were all together bunched in a beautiful multi-colored glass mosaic vase in the center of the table. The thick, dark burgundy carpet was so soft it begged to be touched. And she couldn’t help but graze her hand across it while he walked over to get their drinks. What a beautiful contrast to the beautiful colorful reddish bricks that the walls were covered in. Her eyes looked all around her, normally she would have thought that a small room like this with brick walls would be confining and cold, but this room was so cozy. Her eyes stopped the moment she took in the beautiful small fireplace, her mouth slightly fell open. How could it have taken her this long to see it? Unlike the brick walls, these bricks were of a different color family. Gorgeous creams, and light browns that seemed to accentuate the white couch and chairs. This room couldn’t be called a “girl’s room,” nor a “man cave.” This room was altogether a perfect combination of both, so simply decorated it had something that would attract both sexes.

  “I take it, you like our room.”

  Her guard unconsciously down, Raven sighed. “Who wouldn’t?” Taking her coffee, she leaned back and took a sip. “Thank you.” She could live in this little room.

  “You’re welcome. And, yes, that’s how I feel. I’m so glad you like it, too. My favorite is the big cross behind you.”

  Immediately looking behind her, Raven smiled. “That is so beautiful.” Her fingertips lifted to trace the beautiful glass squares, the exact same multi-colored ones as the vase on the table. The squares molded together made up a beautiful display of a huge old world style cross. “I’m sure this sends a beautiful decoration of light around this whole room when the lights are off and the fireplace is on.”

  “Yes.” His finger lightly brushed hers, his hand slowly spanned over her smaller one. “It is very beautiful. We will have to make sure we do that on our next date, when we have more time. His cross should always be a focal point in every environment, or room, in a person’s journey, and especially in...a couple’s relationship.”

  She visibly swallowed, and looked over to him. Her heart stopped. His eyes mesmerized her as he took her hand and rested it onto his lap.

  “Hi. My name is Drake. I know your name is Raven. It is such a pleasure to finally meet you.” Lifting up her hand he kissed it. His smile really did make her muscles turn to jelly, she couldn’t even think to struggle, nor to take her hand back. “Okay, I know what your favorite coffee drink is. What is your favorite food?”

  “Bar-B-Q ribs.”

  “Really? You like those messy foods, eh?” He kissed her hand again, “I do, too. Do you eat your veggies?”

  She couldn’t help but giggle, “Yes. Do you?”

  “Oh most definitely.” He winked. “But the best part, what is your favorite dessert?”

  “Chocolate mousse. And yours?”

  “You guess.”

  “Um...let’s see,” she casually rested the side of her head against the back of the couch. “Ice cream.”

  “I like ice cream, but no not my favorite.”

  “Okay, how about,” she laughed, “cake or cupcakes.”


  “Is it chocolate?”

  He bunched up his mouth, thinking, “It can be.”

  “What do you mean ‘it can be’?”

  He chuckled, “I mean, my favorite dessert can come in that flavor.”

  “I give up. There is way too many differen
t desserts out there.”

  “You give up too easily. Nope try again.” He brought her hand back up to his lips, kissing it. “Should I give you a hint?”

  She desperately needed to get her hand back from him, this was way too much. “Yes.” Her voice squeaked out. Clearing her throat she blushed.

  He smiled wider, his eyes sparkling, “It comes in a can.”


  “My favorite dessert comes in a can.”

  “Whipped cream?”


  “That’s not a dessert.”

  “Yes it is.”

  “No it isn’t, it’s a...a condiment, or decoration that goes on top of one.”

  “Not necessarily. Not when you spray it right from the can and you are completely satisfied with just eating that and nothing else.” He slowly turned her hand over, his lips lowered, lingering directly over her pulse. “Plus it goes great with your dessert. In fact it tops it off quite nicely.” He closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of her soft, strong hand. “The two together, are perfect.” His eyes quickly held hers, daring her to try to defy his statement. His left hand snuck out, lifting her chin up. “Just as we are perfect together.” His voice was so quiet, at first she wondered if she really heard him right. A slight dizziness assailed her as he leaned in, her breath stopped, her heartbeat became erratic, and she gasped. His lips softly grazed her cheek, his nose then rubbed against where he had kissed her, breathing her in. He lifted his head, his nostrils flared. He then turned and leaned back on the couch, lifting up his legs and resting them on the round glass-top coffee table in front of them.

  “Don’t do that you’ll scratch it.”

  “No, I won’t. I specifically ordered this type of glass, knowing we like to wear boots.”


  He smiled and while continuing to hold her hand in his lap, he lifted her chin with his other one making sure she looked him directly in the eyes. “Yes. We.”

  “Right. You want me to believe that you just put this room together that quickly from a few days ago when you first saw me?”

  “No. I’m not trying to make you believe anything. I’m just stating a fact.”

  Shaking her head, Raven frowned, “You confuse me. How did you order all of this and put up that gorgeous fireplace in just these last two days.”

  “I’m not trying to confuse you. And I didn’t say that I did do all of this in the last few days. I’ve been working on this room for a while.”

  “Okay, fine, whatever. Has this room always been here? I mean when the other presidents were in office?”

  “Yep. Well, at least the ones in the twenty-first century that I know of. But it was basically a supply closet during those times.”

  “So you are the one that changed all of this?” Her hand waved around the room.

  “Yes. Like I told you.”

  “But you also said that you ordered this glass specifically for us.”

  “I did. And that glass, and that chair, that fireplace, this couch, and...”

  “Aahhh!” Covering her face, Raven started shaking her head.

  Tenderly laughing, Drake leaned in near her face. “What’s wrong now?”

  “You are so frustrating.”


  “Because...” Her breath caught in her throat when her eyes looked up into his serious ones. His warm hand snuck around her neck, pulling her closer yet. His lips caressed hers once, then stopped. Then again. She grasped onto his t-shirt to stop her hands from shaking. It only took a slight maneuvering on his part and she was sitting right up against him. He leaned back slightly and simply looked at her. His smile was breathtaking, it seemed to caress her. Her eyes fluttered shut.

  “Open your eyes.”

  She did.

  He leaned in.

  Her eyes fluttered shut.

  “No. Keep them open. Look at me.”

  Slowly she raised her eyelids. Their eyes met. His gaze was so intense that it seemed to physically hold her eyes open. She couldn’t close them even if she wanted to.

  His lips lightly caressed hers, then lifted.

  Her breath came faster, and in that one second that was all she ever wanted...him, closer. She didn’t know what she begged for, she just begged.

  Her fingers tightened their grip, pulling him closer. “Drake.” Her voice deeply pleading.

  His eyes brightened, the corner of his mouth lifted slightly, and then all she saw was his eyes. But wow, did she feel. His hand aggressively, but so very carefully held her neck, keeping her anchored close. She felt so secure, so wonderful. She never wanted it to stop. Never had she felt this...cherished.

  In the distant background, Raven became gradually aware of an alarm pealing.

  Drake groaned and grudgingly ended the kiss. Why had he even set the alarm?

  Raven didn’t move, so stunned by his kiss, she let her eyes drift shut.

  “Sweetheart, I have to go. We have to go.” His finger lightly traced her neckline.

  Her eyes shot open. His words dawning on her like a full bucket of ice. “Yes. Oh, uh, my shoe.” How could she have been so stupid? She had sat there letting him kiss her, she had remained there even wanting him to continue. How stupid, stupid, stupid! Jerking around, she was frantically searching for her shoe when he strongly grabbed her.

  “Hey. It’s alright. Stop. I’m not late yet, and you aren’t either. We just have to end our date that’s all.” His lips briefly touched hers, “Until later.”

  She pushed out of his arms and stood. “I’m okay. I’m just searching for my shoe. I need my shoe.”

  Playfully, he leaned towards her, “If I make sure you get it back, will you promise not to use it as a weapon again?”

  “No, I won’t.” She walked over to the door that they had entered through and pushed on it, but it wouldn’t open. She frantically put her hand all around the outside of it, but still nothing.

  “Hey.” Her breath caught, her hand froze against the door jamb as he stood directly behind her. Her neck tingled when his head tilted and his lips grazed her neck.

  Visibly flinching, Raven moved her head away, but his right hand grabbed her neck back and tilted her head, at the same time his left hand wrapped around her, endearingly trapping her arms. His lips teased her neck and moved to her ear, “Don’t.”

  Swallowing, Raven sniffed, “Don’t what? Search for my shoe? Sorry, but I need it. I mean I can’t walk to work with this gel pack on my foot, I have to...”

  “Don’t. Meaning, don’t leave like this. I want to properly say goodbye to you, so that I will be able to handle being away from you until I can be with you again.” Drake also wanted her to be so vitally aware of him, that she would not be able to forget him either.

  He knew the Lord had specifically blessed them, and was encouraging this relationship. A picture of her in a blue sundress that made her eyes look even bluer, with her long, sun kissed blonde hair flowing, and a beautiful happy smile lighting up her face danced across his mind. Her hands were up as she was trying to playfully shield herself from the picture. He could just imagine what her laugh had sounded like on that day. His mouth embraced her soft neck. He had waited so long to finally have her in his arms, and he praised and thanked the Lord for putting her there. He would cherish his precious gift.

  She took a deep breath. What had she done, what had she allowed herself to get into? How had she let him kiss her? How was she letting him continue? And why was she leaning in towards him with her hand reaching over, grasping his neck?

  His phone rang again, and Drake rumbled deep in his throat, “Next time, my phone is not coming. But I do have to go. I’m leaving for the Pentagon in an hour and I have to change.”

  Another cold bucket of ice. She stiffened. “Yes, of course.”

  “Raven.” His voice warned her to not emotionally pull away from him, again.

bsp; “What? You’re right, I have to get back to work, too. Well, I mean, I have to start work, today.”

  He was out of time, and he couldn’t push her anymore today. He thanked the Lord again for his gift that was finally in his arms, as he tightened them around her. He quickly ignored the doubt that tried to surface because he refused to question his confidence in the Lord. It would work out, and they would work out. Raising his hand, Drake smiled, “Oh, look over there.”

  Raven turned to look in the direction he pointed, but saw only the fireplace. “What?”

  The sound of the door sliding open had her turning back.

  “Oh, nothing. Let’s go.”

  “Wait!” She turned to confront him. “How did you open the door?”

  He lifted his eyebrow, and just smiled. He grabbed her hand, “Oh, look here comes your shoe that you were so concerned about.”

  “That’s it, keep dodging the question! You don’t fool me.” Taking her hand back, Raven walked over to the couch and proceeded to take off her gel pack. She refused to look around the room anymore then she had to, making sure she did all she could do to just concentrate on putting on her boot. However, she couldn’t help but be aware of Zeak and him in another heated conversation.

  “Okay then. Do it, Zeak. Just make sure that you are there ready for it and you notify me immediately. Please.” Running his fingers through his hair, Drake walked over to Raven who was very quickly walking to the door. “Hey. Where do you think you are going without saying goodbye to me, again?”

  She stopped dead in her tracks. Please not in front of these men, please. She turned and pasted a smile to her face, “Goodbye, Mr. President. I sincerely hope you have a wonderful day today. And week, for that matter. Actually, for your complete term, and four more years should you win again. Goodbye.”

  His hand snuck out and grabbed hers, turning her so forcefully around she lost her balance and slammed against his chest. She opened her mouth to yell, but her words were instantly swallowed up by him. All ten of his fingers forced their way up her scalp, weaving themselves in her hair, gripping tightly. Her body turned to jelly under the passionate, fierceness of his. Seconds turned to minutes until she found herself gasping for breath against his throat, her nose greedily filling itself with his cologne, her head resting against his face. His chest violently rose and fell, as if he too was having difficulty recovering.

  “Don’t.” Trying to catch his breath, Drake held her tightly. Finally realizing that they did have an audience, his lips went directly to her ear so that only she could hear what he would say. “Don’t you ever, ever, do that again. Or call me that, again. Do you hear me?” His fingers desperately tightened their grip against her head, at the same time he forced himself to quiet down his strength so as not to hurt her. “Eh?” He lightly shook her.

  She nodded.

  “I’m Drake. Or any other type of endearment you choose to call me, I will gladly hear it.” His fingers’ grip turned into a caress. “Understood?”

  She nodded while her fingers unconsciously held tightly to his shirt.

  He chuckled. “Now say it.”

  She shook her head no.

  “Say it.”

  She shook her head no, again.

  “Okay then I will take advantage of this delightful, wonderful, amazing situation and have that picture taken that I so very much want.

  “Say what?” Her voice rushed out.

  He laughed. “My name.”

  “Mr...” He fiercely moaned, and she hesitantly smiled, “Drake.”

  His hands dropped and he leaned back, tipping up her chin. His eyes embraced hers. “Again, please, but louder.”

  Her eyes dropped, “Drake.”

  “Perfect. Well, I prefer ‘my Drake,’ but we’ll get to that later.” He briefly kissed her. “I’ve got to go, okay? Now, I hope you have a wonderful day and after I change into my suit, I will stop by my children’s rooms and make sure they know to behave and not to give you and the other agents in their detail any trouble.” His finger tapped her on the nose.

  She panicked. “No, don’t. Please, don’t get involved with my work. Please. Just leave it alone. You can’t get involved in my job. Please.”

  His expression softened, as he rubbed her cheek, “I won’t.” He shrugged, “I always tell them to behave for their detail.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “Don’t worry about it. It will all work out, just have faith.” Leaning down, Drake kissed her so softly. “I’ll talk to you later, sweetheart.”

  And he was gone.

  Agent Zeak came over, “Okay, step into...”

  “I know what to do. Let’s just go.” Raven bent down to pick up her hairclip and remade her French Twist. Then she quietly moved to stand right in the middle of the group, and solemnly followed the detail.