Read A Step Beyond Protection Page 6

  Chapter 6

  “Agent Somers, can you come in here for a moment, please?”

  Stretching as she stood, Raven walked into her boss’s office. “Yes, sir.”

  “Oh, I wanted to thank you for bringing the TS file I needed from below. Agent Smith said that he would just send it up with you after your meeting this morning.”

  Rick. He sure did have it all planned out, and no one had missed her.

  “No problem, sir.”

  “Well, Agent Somers, I think it is time for you to meet your little protectees. I’m sending you over with Agent Miller and he will show you exactly how to report through the house, and more importantly which correct corridors to use. One could really get lost in here. And when we move through we try to avoid the hallways that the press, dignitaries, law makers, pretty much all of the government officials, including the ones President Hawk uses. We try to be seen as little as possible so as not to disrupt their daily routines.”

  “Sure, that sounds fine.” Her heart thundered a little too noticeably at just hearing his name, however part of the burden that she had been feeling since this morning gratefully lifted. Thank you, Jesus. “I’ll go strap up, sir.” She was finally getting her routine.

  Many new areas seen, and trying to catalog them all in her mind, Raven smiled.

  “Tired of protecting the desk?” Eric laughed.

  “Yes. Thank you for showing me the ropes.”

  “No problem. Ready to meet them? They are just coming in from school, we’ll meet them in the back at the drop off point. As you know, unlike the other protectees we think it is best to always introduce them to the new agents, that way they know, or at least can recognize each of us.”

  “Sounds great.” Her gun suddenly seemed to be weighing her down, and she glared, trying to position it better on her waist. She never could seem to adjust it back to how it used to feel. It was a sharp, uncomfortable reminder for her to try even harder to move back into a field office. But for some reason, she just couldn’t seem to convince her bosses.

  A vehicle pulled up, and immediately black curly-q curls bouncing in time to a little girl skipping up and down melted Raven’s heart. Hair the exact color of her dad’s. Raven coughed, trying to regain her composure. She looked over in time to watch the little boy angrily getting out of the vehicle and stomping over to have a word or two with his driver. Standing with his hands on his hips, he was in no way intimidated by an armed agent who had spent weeks just learning how to drive properly. Raven contemplated, either this little boy was similar to some of the other past presidents on being super picky over their agent’s driving, or he just likes to argue. Raven shook her head when the latter proved true as she watched him swiftly walk away from the driver, and start another argument with another agent innocently standing by. The smile on the driver’s face said it all, though. They did enjoy this little guy. Her breath caught, as he turned towards her, he looked so much like his dad. There really was no mistaking who these children belonged to.

  A tugging on her suit jacket had her defensively stepping back, and looking down into wide chocolate brown eyes.

  “Hey. It’s you! Jake...,” Madeline ran over to her brother, grabbing him by his shirt and proceeded to energetically tell him something, all the while pointing back to Raven.

  Raven blankly stared after them.

  Eric laughed, “She must think you’re a model or something. You must have a familiar face to her. That’s funny. I mean you could have been, but...”

  Raven hit him in the arm, “I know what you mean, Eric.”

  “Hey, are you a United States Secret Service Special Agent?” Jake, Drake’s son, seemed to try and stand a little taller than he actually was. And again his hands were firmly on his hips while his little sister hid behind her hand whispering a mile a minute.

  She bit her lip to keep from laughing, “Yes, I am.”

  “It’s her, I tell you. It’s her! Wait until I tell Grandma, we finally found her!”

  Jake still didn’t seem quite convinced of what his sister was telling him. He walked straight up to Raven and motioned for her to bend down.

  Instinctively using her right arm to protect her weapon, Raven bent over and he stepped closer looking her squarely in the face.

  “Now, smile.” His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open.

  “I told you, so!” Madeline stepped up next to her and grabbed her hand until Raven had to bend over again. “Hi. My name is Madeline, I am six years old and I like you! I was hoping I would see you someday. You are so tall and pretty. But your eyes,” her little index finger very lightly traced over them, and her voice suddenly sounded serious, “they are so sad. They aren’t happy anymore. Why?”

  Raven straightened up as her heart dropped, and her jaw clenched. He had promised not to get involved. However, why would they want to tell their grandmother they had finally seen her? She had only known their dad for a few days. Shaking off the uncertainties, Raven forced a smile. It must be what Eric said, she just looked like someone they had seen before, that was all.

  Eric thankfully jumped in. “Jake, Madeline, this is Special Agent Raven Somers she is now assigned to your detail.”

  “Hi.” Bending down, Raven instinctively tried to make each one of them feel comfortable. She always did have a special soft spot for kids. She shook hands with each one, “It is very nice to meet you, Mr. Jake. And you, too, Miss Madeline. Did you both have a good day at school?”

  Madeline leaned over and placed her arm on Raven’s shoulder. “It was okay. But I’m too tired to talk about first grade. Now, let’s talk about you.” She leaned her head on Raven’s shoulder, “Why are your eyes so sad now?”

  Raven was so shocked, how could this little sprite of a girl be able to see that? Raven adjusted Madeline and quickly stood up. “So how was your day, Jake? You are probably in what? Fourth grade? Did you have any tests today?”

  “She won’t tell us Maddie. She changes the subject quickly, just like Dad does when he doesn’t want to answer one of your questions.” Jake stood there with his arms crossed, continuing to stare into her eyes. His face started to look a little sad.

  Thankfully Eric was over talking with a few of the other detail members because she was really bombing this first meeting.

  Madeline softly rubbed Raven’s arm, “That’s alright, Raven. My Daddy can help you feel better, he’ll make your eyes smile again. I’m so glad you’re finally here.”

  The very same thing that she had always boldly claimed about her dad. Raven suddenly felt dizzy. “Nice to meet you both, I’ve got to go. You two have a great night, okay?” Raven started walking over to Eric.

  “Okay, bye-bye, Raven!” Madeline’s smiling voice followed in her wake as her brother and she ran into the house ready to eat their favorite snacks, and to call Grandma.

  Sweat beaded on her brow, and Raven angrily swiped at it. She rested her head against the back of her seat, and began taking deep breaths in order to get it under control. Her ankle ached from that sprint down the big hill. And it most certainly didn’t help when she had turned it a little while jumping off the curb to run down the small hill just to the side of the parking garage. She hadn’t even paid for her parking pass yet, frustration seeped out of every pore of her being. Ever since Madeline’s comment about her dad, Raven had a strong desire to visit her own father’s grave.

  Raven banged her hand against her steering wheel, she had specifically called to make sure there wasn’t a funeral planned. She needed to see her father’s grave, she needed to be near him. Her heart ached. She needed her dad! He was always that voice of wisdom and encouragement whenever she had faced uncertainties. He always knew exactly what to say to help her through bad times. Tears rolled down her cheeks. He had always told her the truth, God’s Truth, not what she wanted to hear, but what God wanted her to hear. And every time she thanked him, he would alw
ays say, ‘Don’t thank me Ravie, thank the Holy Spirit. It is He who guides my words and knows you better than I could ever know you. You know, Jesus loves you more than I ever could. Cling to Him, Ravie, He’ll talk to you and tell you. He wants you to be able to hear Him for yourself.’

  If that is true, then why can’t I hear you, Jesus? Covering her face, Raven leaned against her steering wheel. If only she could talk to her dad just one more time. She had desperately needed to speak with him after the accident. She had tried countless times from the hospital and then from home, but she had never been able to get through because the bombings in Syria had knocked out all communications where he was stationed. The service’s psychologists had checked in on her after her accident, but she had told them her father would help her through it. However, two weeks later the black unmarked government car had shown up in her driveway, and her world had went into a downward spiral fast. She had no one to talk to, and no one to help her out.

  Wiping her tears, Raven looked out her car windshield. Her life would have been so different had she heard his voice over the phone instead of seeing that black car.

  Her phone started ringing taking her away from her reverie. Looking down, she picked it up and read her text. Immediately responding with a no, Raven stopped. Maybe that was what she needed, a bunch of agents out for the night, enjoying themselves. ‘Sure, see ya soon.’ She quickly pressed send before she thought too much about it. Frowning, Raven put in her small spongy earplugs and got out of her car to walk over to the paying machine. Pushing the button to start, she slid her parking ticket into the required slot and then took out her credit card. She rushed back to her car, and was able to make it just in time before the infamous beginning of Arlington Cemetery’s twenty-one gun salute started.

  She pulled out of the parking garage and headed home, not quite sure if she really wanted to meet Eric and his friends at the restaurant.

  A little over an hour later, Raven pulled into a parking spot, and turned off her truck. She sat there a moment, taking another deep breath. She never really did feel comfortable hanging out in crowds, she didn’t know why but she always got a little intimidated, especially when she didn’t know all of them. But it was good for her to do this, especially since they were her new coworkers, along with some of the other agents from the local field office. Raven climbed out and walked into the quaint restaurant in Alexandria, Virginia still so unsure.

  She never should have come. Pushing her plate away, Raven tried to smile and join in the conversations, but she really just wanted to go back home.

  “Are you sure you don’t want a drink, Raven?”

  “No, thank you. Um...I don’t drink.”

  “How come?” A handsome, chestnut colored haired field agent smiled. Why couldn’t she fall for someone like him? But there again there was no sparks, and nothing there between them.

  Raven looked over at him, and shook her head, shrugging. Should she really say why? A chuckle rumbled in her throat just picturing his face if she popped out with, ‘Well, it’s like this. I’m always waiting for the Lord to come, and not knowing when that will happen, I sure wouldn’t want to be drunk when it did happen. That would be like being found with no clothes on in front of a group of people.’ Her dad, again.

  Blinking back sudden tears, Raven took another drink of her iced tea.

  “Hey, it really doesn’t matter, I’m cool with you not drinking. And so, Raven, what do you like to do for fun?” He smiled, and leaned into her.

  Oh, what was his name?

  “Hey, Dave I need to hear this one, since I’m taking her out first.” Eric smiled and also leaned in jokingly.

  “She likes to spend all of her time with her man. Hi sweetie, how are you doing, eh? Wow, you are looking beautiful as always. Your light blonde hair softly flowing down your back, your blue colorful blouse matching your eyes, and those jeans your man loves. Not to mention your infamous cowboy boots that always seem to match his.”

  Zeak!!? Hands shaking, Raven blushed and quickly picked up her drink, pretending there was something really important inside of it.

  He leaned in towards Dave. “And let me tell you, you would not want to mess with her man. Would he, Lawrence?”

  Raven choked. Lawrence? Quickly she looked around and four of the CAT guys from earlier were descending upon their group. Another one was coming around the table to stand directly behind Dave, right next to where Lawrence stood. He leaned over on the table, giving him all of his intimidating attention. In no time their whole table was tactfully surrounded by them. And each of their attentions were directly focused on Eric, Dave and her.

  Lawrence sharply patted her on the back trying to help her recover. “Oh man, no he would not. It may be hard to believe, but her man took four of us on single handedly, and won! He’s like batman!”

  Raven started choking more.

  Undeterred, Dave shrugged, “Yeah right. Is he another CAT guy? Or another federal agent?”

  “Well he is one of us, but he’s known as our Comman...” Lawrence chuckled as Raven’s choking became louder.

  Techy calmly bent down and coached her on relaxing and taking deep breaths. “Sorry, she just keeps choking on these iced teas. He is always trying to tell her to say no.” Smiling, he turned to Dave and Eric.

  Raven’s throat hurt, the iced tea had truly gone down the wrong pipe that last time. Shoving her drink away, she just sat there trying to breathe.

  “He’s not your SAIC is he?” Dave visibly shuddered.

  “Oh, no, no, no...SAIC is cattin’ someone else. He is just one of our super um...” Techy leaned in, his eyes quickly darting to and from, “if we explained his position to you, we would have to kill you.” He shrugged, “You know, homeland security and all that.”

  Zeak leaned over and continued, “But, may I speak for um batman, and thank all of you for keeping his sweetheart company. Goodnight, now, we must really go.” He dropped a few big bills on the table and smiled. “That should be more than enough to cover her tab, he always does like to provide for his girl.”

  Raven was smoothly helped out of her seat and found herself being in the center of another detail march.

  Lawrence was, again, behind her. “Oh, and keep the change guys. Bye-Bye!”

  Her elbow went square into his gut. She had a marginal enjoyment of hearing the air whoosh out of him.

  “Hey, what was that for, Raven?”

  She shot him a glare. The moment they stepped out of the restaurant, Raven filled her lungs with the fresh night air.

  “Raven, you had better get ready to turn on the charm because I have never seen him this mad. Believe me, it’s not a sight I would like to see again. And I am not exaggerating. It took all of us to keep him from marching right into that restaurant. In fact, he is actually locked inside the vehicle right now.” Zeak puffed out a breath.

  Raven’s heart dropped, she paled. Her feet immediately stopped and Lawrence bumped into her.

  “We passed my truck. I’m going home.”

  “Oh no you’re not. Rawlings is driving that home for you. The only way that will keep Drake from going into there and attacking those two agents flirting with you, is for him to see you. So get to stepping.” Zeak frowned at her.


  “Suit yourself.”

  Raven was so stunned by what happened next that she didn’t gather her wits about her until it was too late. She landed in a heap in one of the backseats of their black SUV. Trying to straighten herself, Raven put her legs down just as she heard a very low, husky, commanding voice, right in front of her, “Get me to the gym, now.”

  Her blood irritatingly raced, her eyes shot to the direction she heard his voice. In the reflection from the passing streetlights, Raven saw him. He was so very different from earlier. His eyes stared straight ahead, his lips were tightened into a straight line, his jaw locked and twitching, and his nost
rils flared. Raven held her breath, the silence in the vehicle was so pronounced.

  Thirty minutes later, the vehicle stopped. Zeak leaned into her from behind, “Everyone out.”

  Raven rolled her eyes. Like she would really choose to stay in this vehicle with him like that.

  Stepping out of the SUV, Raven was shocked to see that they weren’t at the training complex. There were no street lights, but from the faint glow of light from the open vehicle, she could see an abandoned brick building in the middle of the woods. “Where are we?”

  Her hand was suddenly grabbed by Drake’s warm, strong, hand of steel, and she was jerked forward towards the building.

  Zeak sighed, “Nowhere you need to know.”

  “Classified, eh?”

  Drake allowed no resistance from her, and she had to jog a little to keep up with his long strides. She should have fought for her hand, and she should have ordered them to take her home, but why bother? There was no way they would do that, and she sure did not want to push him anymore tonight. He stopped right up against the building and Raven plowed right into him. Her free hand grabbed his upper arm for support and she bit back her gasp. Every muscle was bunched tight and ready to strike. The realization of her situation hit her like a ton of bricks. Oh boy, what had she done that was so wrong? She had just met some coworkers for dinner. She couldn’t help it if a few of them were jokingly flirting with her. She never took it seriously, so why would he? He pulled her into the building and as soon as the loud, heavy metal door clanged shut, lights immediately blazed on. She briefly shielded her eyes from the brightness of the room. And what a room it was, it was a tactical trainer guru’s dream place. It had a really high utility style ceiling and black mats everywhere. There was even a mock rooftop in the far section of the gym. Her moment of awe was instantly robbed when her hand was quickly dropped and without warning Drake lunged towards Zeak.

  “You dared to lock me in that car!”

  Her mouth dropped open as she shockingly watched him overpower Zeak in an instant. Zeak fought back, but he proved to be no match for him. Had she not been the problem here, she might have laughed at the irony of the situation. A rustling sounded behind her and in the blink of an eye, three more CAT guys were involved in the fight. Her hand covered her mouth, as a wave of nausea hit her. This was just way too much. Raven couldn’t watch, they sounded like a bunch of big jungle cat males going at it. She turned and made a beeline for the door. Lawrence and Techy blocked her way.

  “Not so fast, missy.” Lawrence held her back.

  Her stomach rebelled, “I have to go, I don’t feel so well.” Her face paled as someone’s grunt exploded in the air.

  “Well, if you don’t like it, then stop it.”

  “What? How?”

  “Well, for starters take this shirt and change.” A soft gray t-shirt was pushed into her arms. “Then throw the blue top you have on in the trashcan so he won’t be able to see it again.”


  “Stop asking questions and just do it because the four men being attacked by him have to report to work tomorrow and I really don’t think that you want them calling SAIC about why they can’t report. And they don’t lie so he will know exactly what happened here. Now, go right over there to the first door. It’s a bathroom and you can change in there. Remember, make sure you throw the one you have on in the trash.” Lawrence pointed to the door, daring her to disobey him.

  Holding onto the shirt a little too tightly, Raven walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

  “Do you think it will work?”

  “Most definitely. Did you see that every time Drake got a little weary from an attack, he would glance back at her, see her top and explode like a madman? He takes one look at that shirt and probably only sees the man who dared to lean in and talk to his woman. Beautiful top and looks delicious on her, but not anymore. Plus, wait until you see the t-shirt she is putting on.” Lawrence chuckled.

  Raven quickly took off her top and slipped on the t-shirt only looking at it so far as to tell where the inside tag was. Throwing one of her favorite tops away really didn’t upset her, she just wanted out of here quickly. Refusing to look at her reflection in the mirror, Raven opened the door and stepped out. There were men falling everywhere. Her eyes quickly searched for him. Her breath caught, he was hard to miss. His shirt had been ripped, and he weaved slightly, but his face still held that look of steel etched across it.

  “I don’t think she looked in the mirror.” Techy chuckled, “If she had, there is no way she would have stepped out wearing that.”

  “I know, isn’t it great? That should doer!” Giving her a stern expression, Lawrence stiffened his arm and pointed directly to where Drake was in the middle of the fracas.

  She briefly nodded, and started walking.

  “She looks like a lamb going to the slaughter.”

  “Yep. Can’t wait to see this unfold. Oh, boy.” Lawrence smiled.

  She was almost there. Briefly closing her eyes, she prayed for confidence. What was she supposed to say? How was she supposed to stop this madness?

  One of the bigger agents whom she didn’t know by name stepped shy of hitting her. He violently turned to her, then his mouth dropped open and he just stood there staring at her. Raven snorted, hadn’t he ever seen a woman walk into the middle of one of their crazy brawls? Probably not. Drake’s back was to her, his black hair soaking wet from his physical exertion. Small curls started forming at his nape. She swallowed, and briefly wondered why three of the men had already stopped fighting and were just strangely staring at her. That thought, however left, when Drake seemed to sway on his feet. She pushed up her hand laying it against his hot, sweaty back to keep him from falling on her. He stopped, and she heard him take a shallow breath. Without thinking, her hands moved under his arms, and around his waist towards his front. Raven gasped when her hands met drenched skin, his muscles bunching under her palms and fingers. Her nose rested against his soaking shirt.

  “Please stop. Please.” Raven pleaded with him, while her hands unconsciously caressed his abdomen.

  Drake panted for breath, and dangerously wobbled. Immediately Zeak stepped up steadying him.

  “Come on, man, turn to her.”

  The rumble started low in his throat and grew in strength. Drake violently shook his head no. If it wasn’t for Zeak, Raven knew he would have collapsed. She paled as a wave of nausea threatened her again, and although she was so concerned for him, her hands shook as she let him go and stepped back. Her heart sank to the floor, he didn’t want anything to do with her. She just brokenly stared at the back of his head, and was suddenly more lost now than ever before.

  Zeak saw her expression and gritted his teeth, he would not let him lose her now, “She is nothing like her. Turn to Raven, trust me.”

  Drake shook his head again, “I know. But I’m ashamed.” His words were so low, only Zeak could hear him.

  “No, man. It will be fine, turn to her now, you’ll see.”

  “I c-can’t.” He wobbled again.

  Zeak chuckled, “Oh yes you can.” Grabbing him by the shoulders, Zeak unceremoniously turned Drake around to face Raven.

  Raven frowned, his head hung down and his arms rose to try and steady himself. Blood trickled down the front of his chest, and sweat flowed down his gorgeous face, gathering on what was left of his black shirt. Gone was the stern expression and in its place was an exhausted man. Her heart unexpectedly skipped a beat, a unique boldness grew in her and she stepped back up to him and put her finger under his chin lifting his face so she could see his eyes.

  His eyes lifted, but stopped at her midsection. A deep, slow, possessive smile crossed his face.

  Quickly she looked down to her t-shirt to see what he was staring at and was flabbergasted. It had Property of the President of the United States emblazoned across the top above the official Presidential
seal. “Lawrence!” She turned to chase him down, but amazingly Drake found enough strength to jerk her back to him. Anchoring his hands in her hair, he proceeded to engrave himself upon her senses, again. It was a passionate onslaught that put the one earlier to shame. She only briefly was aware of wobbling, and Zeak telling him to steady himself or he would hurt her. But after that, she found herself totally enraptured in Drake.