Read A Stranger's Fear Page 3


  I got drunk one night that the bar kicked me out for inappropriate behavior towards patrons involving sexual behaviors.

  I weaved walked towards a busy road where traffic was roaring by in both directions in a fast move due to thinking to myself "Life isn't worth living. I have no purpose to do anything but drink. I might as well throw myself towards traffic and hope a car hit me enough to kill me to death."

  A young female around my age seemingly familiar came into my eyesight and blocked my way repeatedly. She wound up including forcing me to turn around in the direction of the college where I was staying in a dorm room by myself. I was giving up resistance towards her blockade and was still trying to go towards the road. The young female I didn't realize at first was Eli acting as my Guardian Angel in some projection form.

  I figured out later who she was, said to me "Don't throw your life away for nothing. You have a purpose to live whether you're aware of it or not so turn around and go to your room now."

  I at first refused to listen to Eli till she added "Don't make the same mistake my creator made himself with throwing away his own life. It's due to not recognizing that he had a purpose to live. A mistake you're appearing to try I don't want you or whoever to copy period."

  I wound up saying despite losing some drunken status "Who are you anyway and why are you telling me this joke?"

  Eli glowed of a sunlight in response showing white wings on her back and folded her arms sobering me up instantly. She changed into a male form showing herself as a projection form. I wound up to recognize him as my Guardian Angel due to finding him familiar from the looks of him. He jabbed a finger in the direction of where my dorm room lay opposite from the heavy traffic road. I wound up obeying to continue on walking in the direction he pointed to find he always behind me whenever I looked still glowing away. He not indicating on walking behind me just standing with arms folded each time I glanced in his direction. I got to my room fine and fell into bed and woke up the next morning.

  I spoke out loud "Must be a dream due to my drunken status thought it up. I don't have a Guardian Angel anyway."

  I wound up proven wrong by my Guardian Angel appearing in my room glowing away with wings seen. He while giving me a glare on his face despite having arms folded.

  I heard from him "You were saying about Guardian Angels hmm?"

  I clamped my mouth shut in response. I felt the urge to waste my time drinking gone from me. I wound up focusing onto my studies in college like mad despite still glimpsing my Guardian Angel from time to time. He mostly blocking my way of going to bars for drinks due to urges hitting.

  He always telling me the same old comment "Don't waste your life drinking. You have a purpose to live whether you recognize it or not. I aim to see that you live to recognize that purpose period."

  I didn't have a choice in the matter forced myself to listen to my Guardian Angel's firm wording towards me. I avoided hanging out with people who habitually had drinking parties on the weekends along with throwing myself into my studies. I wound up recalling wanting to transfer to a major university to learn to be a scientist. I kept that goal in mind firmly. I managed to graduate from that college in three years' time. I transferred to another college where I threw myself into my studies hard as I could. I wound up seeing my Guardian Angel giving me glares showing himself to me whenever I had temptations to drink alcohol and him shaking his head in some no gesture. I forced myself to not drink period. I managed to graduate and got my degree.

  I met Kimberly signing up for the astronaut program. She and I didn't have anyone to pair up with. The program had insisted on a pair for travel to Luna in a sleeping status. We wound up pairing up and decided to go together.

  Robert was interrupted by the grandchildren again pestering him with questions. He again clapped his hands and gave each grandchild a glare in response. Silence was his answer as he continued talking.

  I wound up having memories of my Guardian Angel fully in my mind. I discovered the image of the Guardian Angel I saw in my mind's memories was actually Eli the ship's computer herself. She was appearing to be manipulating my life again.

  I woke up from one of my sleeping statuses to speak loudly "Engineers why are you manipulating me to get aboard this ship?"

  I heard in response "It's not the Engineers but actually me the ship's computer. You dub me as Eli as said by my creator."

  I spoke in response "Eli?"

  I heard loudly as a laser like red light flashed into my eyes blinding me "Eli recognizes Jason Jones, son of creator Travis Jones. You have permission by me to board Luna who is communicating to me for this to happen."

  I blinked my eyes of the light's glare to hear "This is Travis Jones speaking. I have managed to create an Engineered Life Intelligence aka Eli a female computer."

  I was shocked to hear my Father's voice as I heard again "I have manipulated Eli to only let my son Jason have permission to board Luna. I voice ordered Eli to cause sabotage onto pairs' ships sent to Luna until Jason my son himself is aboard such ship."

  Needless to say I wasn't happy hearing that from my Father's recorded voice speaking. Eli put me down asleep in response to that talk before I could say a word.

  When the ship dubbed Titan One reached the moon, Luna's capability of being a space station accepting ships inside it was revealed. It was by technology on the space station getting a hold of the ship via some kind of laser like lights. Luna wound up guiding the ship inside some opening and later docking the ship. That including inside Luna, she a computer mind also another Eli wound up setting ship life's functions for myself and Kimberly to survive in the space station. I and Kimberly on arrival to the space station as it was realized what it was, as said by Eli, woke up from sleep. We were permitted by Luna's assumed computer's control mind another version of Eli to explore the space station's contents. We found the space station could sustain life in space including gravity but would needed to be supplied with items such as nourishments and water from Egyptia due to indicating it didn't have either one of that.

  As for leaving Luna it was Luna's Eli who told me just before I left to the ship "Come again next time, Jason."

  I was shocked to hear my name spoken by Eli sounding of the space station to me. I tried to ask Luna's Eli various questions of her creation.

  She put me off by saying "Go to Egyptia. Your answers are there actually. I'm not programmed to answer your questions."

  I was forced to agree by Kimberly getting a hold of my arm and pulling me into the ship.

  Kimberly once we were inside Titan One told me "Harrumph appears that your Mother shot your Father over his obsession like love towards Eli he created."

  I stared at Kimberly in shock who added noticing me staring open mouthed "The ship's Eli talked on who created her when I asked. It turns out to be your Father himself. I heard about the deaths of your parents. It was in the news along with various rumors said why it happened. A popular rumor was that your Father was in love with someone else and wanted to marry her. Your Mother didn't take the news of divorce well including this marriage bit either. Hence police saying what happened to your parents. I put two to two together and figured everything out including that shooting bit."

  I didn't say a word in response as I heard blared "Shouldn't you both be sleeping for the return trip to planet bound?"

  I saw Kimberly roll her eyes in response as I went to my sleeping chamber. I got inside the horizontal tube and slid the wall off my left shut. I waited with eyes' shut for Eli to put me down asleep.

  I heard her saying "Kimberly is down asleep so now we're alone enough to talk."

  I frowned hearing Eli's voice sounded sultry in some sexy voice tone to me. It rather annoyed me but I kept my mouth shut in response.

  Eli added "Ooh ya, ya."

  She was singing her words in her sultry voice tone making me further annoyed with her.

  I spoke loudly "Eli! Just put me down asleep now! I don't care
to hear your singing!"

  I got in response light flashing outside my tube and familiar rumbling noises of thunder and lightening to me. I yanked the tube's wall open to find Eli in her projection form in her Guardian Angel female form giving me a pleading look on her face.

  I glared at the projection and spoke "I'm tired. I need to sleep so let me sleep okay?"

  I resumed shutting the tube's wall and laid down staring at the ceiling. I wound up finding instead of smoke fogging up the tube but images on the ceiling. Some of those images weren't appropriate which I'm not going to say what they are.

  Robert got from the grandchildren again pestering him with questions.

  He heard one named Travis loudly speaking "Grampa what happened after that?"

  He spoke in answer to the question after clapping his hands again.

  Eli kept me awake instead of sleeping as Luna freed the ship from the space station. I wound up forced to float out of my tube due to no gravity. Eli was still using that awful voice tone. This included using that Guardian Angel form with pleading on her face. This time she included crying tears rolling down her face. I got annoyed with her keeping me up awake went to the ship's control room to sit in a pilot's empty chair with arms folded. Scenes of inappropriate images flashed on computer screens including Eli kept on her singing over and over. It annoyed me further that I