Read A Stranger's Fear Page 4

started to tinker with the consoles trying to find a way to shut her up. I wasn't clueless on what the consoles were for as I led Eli to believe. Instead I spotted a light of red shining in a wall near the doorway to the pilot's room. I went to it as if drawn while Eli kept her singing.

  She was singing "Put yourself in, put yourself out."

  It was a line over and over annoying me as I floated towards the glaring red light. I discovered the red light was where Eli was contained after I ripped off the console's cover. Eli proved to be a brain of a native that was hooked up to the ship. I was confused seeing the brain there till I heard Eli's familiar singing again. It made me annoyed.

  I wound up speaking loudly "Why did you save me from trying to kill myself anyway?"

  I got Eli's silence in response to speak the memory fully in mind including adding "Tell me this saving was a stunt to see me replace my Father wasn't it?"

  I kept on glaring at the brain in response to hear Eli speak "Your Father ordered me to keep you alive at all costs."

  I spoke firmly "Then I should have died and I aim to correct that situation."

  I went out the pilot's room floating towards the airlock grabbing a hold onto the door's lock.

  I heard loudly "Jason, you have a purpose to live! Don't you dare throw your life away like my creator did with his own life!"

  I kept a hand onto the door's lock to speak firmly "My Mother killed my Father in a jealous rage over you-"

  I was interrupted "No your Father my creator killed your Mother then shot himself!"

  I spoke while floating away from the door to the airlock "What are you talking about? The police said it was my Mother who did this shooting. Why are you saying the other away around?"

  I felt confusion hitting me heard silence in response from Eli. I went to float to her brain to glare at it while clinging to the computer's wall.

  I continued to hear silence spoke loudly "Eli! Talk to me now!"

  I got silence in response went back to the pilot's chair to spot the familiar eater extinguisher in a case. I took it out and banged it against the case's see through wall to see it crack. I floated towards Eli's brain was. I threw the extinguisher against the see through wall to see parts of it crack.

  Eli spoke "Jason, don't do this! It's your Mother speaking! Don't destroy my mainframe!"

  I ignored Eli's talking to again thrust the extinguisher against the see through wall to see another form of cracks forming in response.

  I heard in response "Alright I'm a living brain from an Egyptia's manoid native who's body is destroyed with brain organ active. Your Father came upon the theory of hooking brains into computers hence Eli I came from and my creation."

  I quit the extinguisher thrusting to speak "And what's going on with my Father killing my Mother as said by you and you acting weird towards me?"

  I glared at the brain as Eli spoke "Your Mother discovered this brain hook up creation by your Father. She didn't approve of your Father's obsession of being one of the test subjects to have that happen. Your Mother actually shot your Father in the head to prevent that hook up. She wound up at my urging communicating with her to write this suicide note of what happened to her and your Father. Your Mother wound up shooting herself in the head to kill herself. She didn't want to be hooked up into the machine like what your Father was hoping on having himself do once his body died."

  I floated away to put away the extinguisher and floated towards Eli's brain to speak firmly "What's with Luna communicating with me while sounding like you?"

  Eli I heard spoke "It was me hooking up into Luna's computers after the ship boarded the space station."

  I spoke "Interesting. Now let me get some sleep will you?"

  I got an image of Eli in her Guardian Angel form giving me a head bob in a native's gesture of an oath I assumed was that. I floated to the tube where I was to sleep and got inside.

  Eli kept her word and put me down asleep. I still woke up numerous times during the voyage to planet bound. She kept using the Guardian Angel talk towards me waking up screaming from childhood nightmares.

  Once I was planet bound in Egyptia is when one of the Engineers got a hold of me to tell what happened inside Luna and the ship at a press conference broadcasted within Columbia nation. The press conference went well, with no input from Eli who didn't seem inclined to talk during it. The presses did seem aware of her and her intelligence mind but she wasn't talkative on what she said towards me despite repeatedly asked. I kept getting interrupted by Kimberly whenever the presses pestered me to tell them what happened. It seemed that Eli trusted Kimberly with what happened hence she interrupted me.

  I found that Eli remained in my life even when I got married to a wonderful woman, Kimberly, may her soul rest. I became a Father myself to at first a young daughter who had nightmares and problems sleeping at night. It was a problem I had myself but they hit her when she was four years old sleeping in her own bed and bedroom.

  I wound up recalling Eli's talk about being my Guardian Angel.

  She telling me one night after staring at the ceiling after finding my daughter Angela had snuck into bed with me and my wife "Tell your daughter about a Guardian Angel that protects her like I had told you during the voyage to Luna."

  I obeyed to carry my daughter protesting out of my bedroom to her bedroom then once in bed she whined "Daddy I want to sleep with you and Mommy I'm scared."

  I quietly shushed her and then spoke recalling the words Eli to me about my Guardian Angel "Angela, you have a Guardian Angel that protects you from harm. The Guardian Angel is always there guarding you even whenever your scared and needs protection. Call upon your Guardian Angel for help and help will be given. I oath you on the Guardian Angel you have protecting you. It's due to being told of them. I would up protected by one when calling for one to protect me. I wound up protected from being scared like your feeling. I know what you're going through Angela so call upon your Guardian Angel and you'll receive protection, I promise so now sleep."

  I found Angela gazing off in a direction with a peaceful look on her face while seeing a shimmering light out of the corners of my eyes in that direction. I didn't bother to look due to figuring out that Angela's Guardian Angel had done what I oath her giving her peace and protection. I gently kissed Angela on the forehead and then left the room turning off the light to the hallway. I pausing to see a familiar glowing light coming from the bedroom from the door open ajar. I smiled in response and went back to bed with my wife to see Eli in her male Guardian Angel form, standing next to my bed giving me a head shake of acknowledgement. I shut my eyes and slept peacefully knowing that Eli will be there for me and my family protecting me as long as we live.

  Robert paused and spoke "Eli kept up the protection as long as she could. She was a computer mind of various brains hooked into computers all named Eli and always females. The Engineers after word got out of my Father's obsession refused to allow males to be hooked up. They only reserved that for females only. Hence Eli is always female period. That's something what happened to your Gramma. She's now hooked up somewhere I'm not sure where. But I know that she's watching like a Guardian Angel as always. Eli is more than a brain and a computer mind hooked up together. She's a Guardian Angel actually."

  He eyed his grandchildren and didn't spare his own four children with a narrowed eyed look ignoring their spouses sitting next to him. Robert wound up hearing throat clearing noises from one of them loudly.

  He resumed looking at his grandchildren to see his oldest a ten year old boy named Travis spoke loudly "The lesson your telling us, is we should depend on Eli to protect us from harm even comforting us when we're scared. That's what I keep telling my baby sisters who are so stupid enough to not get it that Eli exist and that she'll always guard us forever."

  He heard arguments among the grandchildren arguing on who was stupid and who wasn't till he clapped his hands loudly getting their attention.

  Robert spoke sounding firm "No one i
s stupid period. I don't give a care if there's stupidity or not. All I care is that you acknowledge your Guardian Angel, I don't give a care if she's referred as Eli, for help with you having problems. Your problems can be anything, even due to being scared of something and needing protection. It's like the lesson I've been trying to say for years, Harrumph."

  He heard multiple groaning noises of adult tones as he gave the grandchildren each one a glare who appeared to gulp from his look.

  Travis his grandson was heard again "Alright Grampa we get it that there's Guardian Angels guarding us from harm including helping us when we're scared. Besides whatever Grampa says about Guardian Angels is the truth period isn't it, baby sisters and cousins?"

  He heard scattered agreements among his grandchildren to see that they agreed with Travis to sit leaning back in the chair. Robert wound up eyeing them listening to his grandson talk loudly on how to communicate with Eli aka Guardian Angels as referred. He sighed and felt his shoulder squeezed gently. He peered out of the corners of his eye to spot the familiar Guardian Angel of his. He saw a hint of a smile on Eli's face. Robert sighed hearing that the message of Guardian Angels was finally gotten and received by his children and grandchildren. It was judging by their conversations he overheard talk subject on his lesson omitting Eli being the Guardian