Read About Dafne Page 3

  Speaking of the man of the dreams

  Paradox of the paradoxes, the relationship between Dafne and his/her parents one day began to graze the normalcy; for the precision when, to twenty, the young woman went away of house.

  For the first two years it divided the apartment with two girls, a timid university student abundantly subsidized by his/her parents and a cubist that it maintained him the studies dancing in the disco. The two girls in matter were presences to a little irrelevant dir in the life of Dafne. They remained in his/her vanished memoirs as the tizies with which it halved the first lease.

  Ended the high school, Dafne thought more times to frequent the academy of art but the all it hardly diminished not immediately realized the number of years, increased by the cost of the straight lines and the material. It didn't even consider a second the idea to ask money to his/her/their parents, and also wanting, their point of view was spontaneously manifested after the examination of maturity:

  «If you will now decide yourself to make a serious faculty, then we can consider the idea to turn up us the sleeves and to pay you the university, but if you think about some other school from dead of hunger, not to count on us, this time seriously!»

  Dafne had withstood the years of the high school, over you/he/she would not have been possible. You/he/she had chosen the liberty; liberty from the senses of guilt, from the quarrels, from every sermon free borne. What during the adolescence had hurt her star more than every other thing, it was the total absence of" because"; if you/they had sometimes asked him him, Dafne you/he/she would have found that dialogue for a long time looked for, succeeding in explaining how come so much was hocked to be so different from them. You/he/she was embittered by the fact to have to discard pre-emptive the academy, but at least you/he/she would not have felt recriminations or threats anymore: you/he/she had chosen to begin to live without constantly feeling himself/herself/themselves inadequate. After all, according to Dafne, the art could not be taught in any academy, perhaps improved, but not taught; to twenty, or you have her in the blood, or you cannot invent her/it to you. The artistic high school had been enough, above all for a person that, as she, boasted an unbelievable natural dowry. To continue the studies, thought about something that was not too much binding and that you/he/she could open her a perspective of job.

  Dafne would have lived painting, but on this, it agreed as perhaps unconsciously with his/her father herself, it accepted; to paint was his/her life, but in the meantime it also had to eat. You left incuriosire from the advertising world, a very creative sphere that offered consistent working results in the Milanese. Many of his ex companions would be thrown on the graphics. Because not to try? After an accurate search, it chose a three year-old course in circle of communication and publicity, thanks to which refined particularly the design of the visual communication.

  The first periods it found job in a business center of the city, to the department you perfume. The salary part-time of that place was not quite badly, often rounded off from extraordinary. But as soon as job and study granted her truce, in a whatever angle of the city was defile for withdrawing something.

  That that in advertising circle Dafne labored to accept, it was that the computers were learning to draw to the place of the men. The everything was justified from the frenzy, from the elevated costs of that sector and from the tall possibilities that those cars furnished. The competitive advantage that you/they promised was indisputable, yet for Dafne it was very sad.

  It was 2001 when it began his/her school. It knew a lot of bright personalities, among aspirant arts designer, copywriter and about ten other figures tied to the world of the communication of mass. What studied liked her enough, even if its extremely reserved character indeed very in the middle of that jungle. The most greater part of that people would have made false papers to emerge, while Dafne, for his/her nature, it didn't not at all love to display its dowries. "The applauses are received, they don't wonder", this always said.

  Dafne knew the true love during that school; the man of the dreams very attended you/he/she had arrived. But as all the best cartoons years eighty, introduced him with more than few complexities. It was not a colleague of course, tantomeno a contemporary; to be similar to his/her originality, lost Dafne the head for the teacher of theories and techniques of the advertising communication of the third year. You were twenty-three years old. For everybody, he was Professor Roberto Chellini; for Dafne it became soon" Bob."

  When they were known, Bob had trentacinque years. It was an enigmatic man, of first I lead off glacial. It entangled with indifference men and women. The first graces to his/her professional fancy out of the schemes and to the safety of every reasoning of his, while with the women the presence was enough. All depended on the attractiveness of his/her lines, together to a slender and well defined physicist from years of swimming, passion that anchors cultivated in the free moments. Hair was long, often enlivened by curves to read, also for its habit to let them dry without aid of the phon gadget that hated. To school it imprisoned them in a tail. The dark blond of the head of hair was prematurely ploughed by locks color silver, that you/they created pleasant reflexes. Dafne often lost him to stare at them. The alone gesture of discostare the rebellious locks from the face it distracted three quarters of class. The face was accattivante, delineated by definite lines, that appeared hard to first impact. But what above every thing captured of that man, it was the look; eyes of an indefinite clear color, between the grey one and the green, that to the solo to cross they penetrated them as a vice to the stomach.

  It was decidedly the classical teacher that all the girls would like to have.

  For Dafne, Bob possessed the intrigue of the artist. That looks incravattato and impeccable from perfect advertising it hid some other. It was certain of it. Despite this positive impression of his, their relationship in the classroom had been icy for a long time, as if to skin, despite the attractiveness of both, something didn't work. Reason for which, the debut of their history was everything anything else other than idyllic. In the first two months of school you/they were observed a lot, with moderate insistence. In spite of this, their looks were communicated distrust. The interventions of Dafne were monosyllabic, contrarily of the other girls that always found a pretext to hold back him/it and to speak to us. Every lesson was edged by thousand doubts and questions; they idolized him/it in way to a little shameless dir. He didn't escape to gentleness, for how much you measure and with due separation. According to Dafne that adoration authorized him/it to feel himself/herself/themselves one" strafigo." It was this the principal defect of the girl: to rush himself/herself/themselves in hasty judgments, often inconclusive. It was an unintentional form of self-defence; it is sure what, because of this attitude, it collected the worse figuracces of his/her life.

  Everything began with a nervous exchange of wisecracks, with which she silently clarified that you/he/she would not be made to put the feet it makes a will, even from the more the teachers' osannatos.

  Dafne had the free afternoon from the job, and definite to stop himself/herself/themselves in institute to cross again the last lesson in sight of the tests of November. Cohabiting with a cubist, the first hours of Friday afternoon they were not never optimal for the study, since the girl started in the living room trying his eccentric" choreographies."

  In that same moment Bob, checking his/her purse, it realized to have forgotten in the classroom the essential his/her Black-Barry. It returned back and it found with amazement his/her fleeinger student, concentratissima on some notes.

  «I warmly hope that they are my clipboard. You/he/she is crossing again them with such a devotion!» the man apparently began with serious air.

  Dafne looked at him/it bored, even though surprised to see to fall him/it in the classroom.

  «Devotion? And even to Christmas he/she wants a candle on the desk?» shoal responded, with air of challenge.

  «You excuse me, it was only a wisecrack
. I have realized only that she is the only one on winds people that it understands indeed the sense of my lessons. But I see that to lunch you/he/she is not fed of good humor therefore. The wishes her good weekend.»

  It grabbed the telephone from the drawer of the desk and he/she immediately left the classroom.

  Dafne, for the first time, you/he/she had found bread for his/her teeth. Stunned, it felt not to have understood anything. Despite you/they were always snobbed, Roberto Chellini esteemed her/it heavily beating him/it to him in face.

  Not succeeding in waiting for Monday, the runs behind as a fury:

  «Waits! Ehm, aspects!» it said with the fiatone.

  «Any problem for the you; problems?» he/she asked with a half smile of whom had very appreciated the gesture, carefully disguised as an icy look.

  «In effects I have ended the good humor, does he/she offer some of it? He/she sees, the lesson that I crossed again was his. even The would take advantage to ask her burdens explanation of it. Appreciate him/it, because it doesn't happen me every day to repent me for what I say.»

  After these words Dafne had mentioned him a timid smile.

  «I would say to pass to a mutual" you." And then I add that in how much supreme God, will go down from my altar and I will forgive you. Better humor I would offer you a coffee. However I am holding two dogs to a friend that is found in the United States; they are closed in the house from the ten. You understand well that could find of everything if I don't race to make to go out them. You could make me company.» it tried him, even though certain to have dared too much burdens.

  Dafne had listened to him/it with interest, struck from how much that cold" I know everything self" pits to the hand and ready to the wisecrack.

  «It won't be inconvenient?» Dafne winked, beginning to take tastes us.

  «Yes, you/he/she could be him/it; but for a student that wants to make publicity the good humor it is fundamental. And then the other students are run away away. You know, it is Friday.»

  Of sudden it drew near her, so much to be made an intoxicating perfume feel her; its tone did him serious.

  «From Monday I will be away for a week and I would like to give you the explanations that serve you before the tests; I have the problem of the dogs, but later I would return to the idea of the coffee, if you want.»

  «What serious tone!» the bacchettò her «evidently we are in two not to understand the wisecracks. I wait out, next to the parchetto.»

  In car Dafne was nervous. It didn't understand what it embarrassed so much her. You/he/she had gotten used to manage whatever situation with everybody. But something for the first time did her/it feel inadequate. Despite the first initial provocations on her" unsuitability", Dafne would never have made of the serious avanceses to his/her teacher. It didn't leastly accept that this desire was able only also to graze her/it; you/he/she would have made the figure penosa of all the other girls of the institute. But then because it felt him very embarrassed? What were those the famous ones" butterflies to the stomach?" It tried to think about all other. But then it looked at him/it with the tail of the eye and he/she thought about having never seen anything of so beautiful; it held a hand on the steering wheel, while the left was brought in front of the mouth, the index slowly passing himself/herself/itself among the lips. That was for him an enough usual gesture, especially in the moments of concentration or embarrassment. Dafne observed his hands, taking advantage of the moments in which one of the two abandoned him on the change or it systematized the fan of the warm air. It had long fingers and well you model. Then, the nth and fast look to the profile of the face. To that point, in the head of Dafne, every certainty shattered him; it tried as uncontrollable so unacceptable feelings. And that figure to its left resembled more and more to the man of the dreams that waited from a life. It looked for of resettare every absurd thought with banal attempts of conversation.

  They arrived to his/her house. Dafne communicated the preference to wait in car. The teacher thought that you/he/she was better to accept without objections. Nevertheless, once made to go out the dogs in front of the quarter of house, it recrossed the courtyard and it drew near definite to the car, bending himself/herself/itself on the car window to speak to her.

  «I would like that I entered only a moment; I have something to show you.»

  To Dafne the heart made a leap. An amazing feeling, liquid joy in vein, a sense of confusion ever tried before. He/she didn't know as to tame those feelings anymore. Anything he wanted to show her, it was not important; what counted it is that you/he/she had not left her in car to wait.

  Once gone beyond the threshold, the girl flowed the most beautiful portraits that you/he/she had ever seen; they were numerous, suspended here and there in a small and modern openspace. Dafne was invaded by a sense of ferment. They were unreal.

  «They are mine» he/she explained Bob «the last one is that, I have done him three years ago.»

  Dafne was strabiliata, it simply found that extraordinary paintings, so much not to be succeeded in checking his/her excitement.

  «Then an advertising are not alone everything spot and computer! You won't believe it, but it has been since September that I observe you, that listening what says, word for word; your genius in the subject was clear but. The also perceived other, and The wases not wrong me. Everything this is fantastic, they are fantastic! Before every other thing are a painter! And you are.»

  Dafne stopped him in the attempt to look for the correct adjective that didn't make to slip out in shameless way his/her feelings.

  Bob nervously passed the hands among the hair; you/he/she loosened them, then you/he/she bound them of hurry. It seemed tense. It set the hands come in front of the mouth. They settled some instant, embarrassed, up to that he spoke.

  «And am I? What am I/you/they? Because you know, I only feel me a big coglione in this moment. because The would like to see you naked in my living room and to paint your curves on to white sheet. and The ams to coglione because I/you/they have not succeeded in not telling you him.»

  Dafne looked at him/it with shelled eyes, without succeeding in answering, completely unarmed. The breath was made strenuous. It was the first time that he/she didn't know whether to come out of it and it was already the third time that that man succeeded to spiazzarla. To anybody else teacher would already have thrown something I set; but with him you/he/she was invaded by a dangerous exciting shiver. Fought to the improbable one, definite that owed to make to be transported. Anything had left in that house escaping, you/he/she would have regretted him/it of sure. Dafne the jacket removed from him and began to softly unbutton himself/herself/themselves the shirt that bandaged her the delicate forms. It went on to undress himself/herself/themselves, staring at him/it with bewitching look, lost in his/her eyes, firm and magnetic. It hoped not to be interrupted, up to that he/she remained in underclothes. Bob had in front of itself a naked half girl that drew near him with extreme sensuality; a slender and seductive figure. The him approssimò with fear. Hardly it was her to few centimeters it felt the shaken breath of it. The neck caressed her, for then to make to flow the fingers along the shoulder, accompanying down the suspender of the bra. It continued, up to discover her/it completely. With definite gestures, but at the same time apprehensive, it conducted her/it toward the couch. To that point she succeeded in pronouncing an only sentence with the only thread of possible voice.

  «And would you like to withdraw me teacher only?»

  Bob the he hurled I set with energetic passion cutting her breath with an intense kiss and load of desire. And it was not some one desire had been being born for a few times. After that first contact, accompanied by the first moans, Bob was not afraid some anymore; Dafne would not have stopped him. They lost in uninhibited and exciting preliminary, to unite himself/herself/themselves in an intense, long enjoyment. While him the it stirred above with vigor, Dafne discovered then as everything the sex done before you/he/she had been bleak and
deprived of emotion.

  It was late afternoon, when they panted together the last time. Bob grazed for a long time her hair, in that period of a meddler red fire as the passion that you/he/she had just upset them. The time seemed an useless and distant dimension. Only the dogs that complained food brought them to the reality.