Read About Dafne Page 4

  Speaking of the Christmas 2003

  They spent two months from that overwhelming first meeting. Hardly possible, Bob and Dafne made the love with to regulate passion and involvement.

  The school where Bob taught you/he/she was a private institute. Despite this its history with Dafne could not be made public, both were aware of it. He wanted to protect his/her ethics and to certainly protect her from a notoriety few orthodox. You, wanted only instead to protect the indisputable professionalism of his/her companion. If a thing of the kind was known, the envy of the advertising aspirants would have caused him enormous damages. Both, protected besides, a clean relationship and coinvolgente, that spiazzati had them to the sudden one.

  Often, during the courses, he brought the boys in the room computer. It assigned them numerous exercises, passing from the various postings to observe its carrying out. When Dafne saw him/it stoop himself/herself/themselves on the bench of other girls, it went crazy; it observed with disgust the faces ammiccanti of those shameless geese. This way it finished the lessons with a good dose of nervousness. Instead he was able of to maintain a cold indifference, that she didn't bear, although it understood her/it.

  Then the lessons ended and all hastily changed classroom, while Dafne tried for the most part of to temporize. Other times it raced in bath, for then to return back when all if n'erano already gone; to that point Bob was only finally, free to grant her a sincere look, desirous to speak to her, to graze her hair, to quickly strip her/it to make the love. All statement in a breve but intense look.

  In the free afternoons he took the fuoristrada and it gave to pick her/it up; they often found again him to one hundred kilometers of distance, without not even realizing of it. They looked for and they visited places that Dafne had never imagined to be able to see. In the last years, Bob was very impassioned of landscape photo; really thanks to this passion, you/he/she knew amazing places, often to few street times from the grey Milanese frenzy.

  It was in that period that Dafne purchased his/her reflex, remaining in disappointed hurry of it; to the beginning it was certain that you/he/she would have been able to do his every passion of Bob, then it realized that the love was not to dress some tastes of the other, how much rather to unconditionally love them, maintaining settles the proper ones.

  Bob and Dafne often spoke of their passions. He had told her to have stopped having been painting for years. It was one of the rare references that it did her speaking of his lived. Dafne knew a lot of his/her actual habits and of his/her profession; its job returned him a lot of satisfactions, both as teacher that as advisor and esteemed creative. It was often adjourned to the foreign countries for then to begin bright collaborations.

  But who was Bob besides a fascinating man of success? Dafne had already been realizing for the first weeks that he was not quite inclinable to share too many aspects of his/her past, or perhaps, of his/her life.

  During that first months you/they had succeeded in frequently enough seeing him; stripped by the suits of the teacher, it was a very sweet man. It treated her as if it tried a truth and reality feeling. This way, Dafne very, quickly began to wonder what pits this feeling. But the fear to speak was him of it bulky. It was too soon, and it feared to make the figure of the ragazzina, that already wants after few weeks" to define the relationship." Definite therefore not to make to race too much the mind, their relationship living day for day. You/he/she was never fallen in love before then, and of sure you/he/she was never approached to a true man, greater than her. At the same time it knew well the masculine universe: sets in front of taming of it but you and I. thing we macaws? it begins the absolute panic, generally follows from an escape without return. You/he/she could not take this risk; without counting that their history was subsequently complicated by the difference of age aspect that she feared more than every other thing.

  «Sooner or later it will make me the classical discorsetto: you are too much youth for me, worths to be with a contemporary, we have different demands, when I will have fifty of them you would have less twelve of it. bla, bla, bla. The feels him/it to me!»

  This told Dafne the cubist, an evening when you/he/she had lifted the elbow because of the paranoia; and the cubist had given her an unexpected pearl of wisdom.

  «I knew that you would have made a greater. You are not really the type from the twenty year-old half cartridges that I see in the disco on Saturdays. If is not stupid doesn't do you him the" discorsetto", will see! And where the ricapitas an intelligent gnocca as you?»

  Dafne thought that you/he/she would have found in thousands of it, because Bob was more every day the most beautiful thing that you/he/she had ever seen. That evening Dafne also thought that that cubist had to be a deeper girl of what the appearance you/he/she told. But by now it was for deepening its knowledge late; Dafne would have changed later house the week. To a price imperdibile had found an old studio apartment to the doors in Milan, where alone would finally have been.

  During that cold December, the life of Dafne quickly changed. You hated oltremisura to lose the control, and Bob was provoking her really this feeling; you/he/she was dependent more from that man every day. You/he/she had always sworn to herself that he would be never" rincretinita" for anybody, but by now the heart you/he/she had departed for his where irrational, as a marble that begins to cross the prophetic tilted plan. Dafne you have to surrender, beginning to stagger on his/her same convictions, induced more and more by the attitudes coinvolgenti of the man.

  When it moved, Bob made to jump some appointments and definite to make her a surprise.

  «Today I help you with the I move, we buy some Christmas decorations and tonight I stay me to sleep from you; and for the whole night I would propose to make the love among these!»

  Bob was showing her the blue sheets electric that had seen before together the week in a negozietto of I Lick. Dafne had not said anything, you/he/she had admired only her. It was maddish that he had gained him/it. The color of that appreciated cloth was intense and spine-chilling, as what tried at that time. He had given her the sheets where together, for the first time, you/they would have made the love in a house all his/her. It was December 20 th 2003.

  They spent the whole afternoon to make the love. Moans and sighs had still made echo for times among those bare boundaries. Bob looked at her/it with wonder, caressing her hair and consuming her/it of kisses. You were lost among his/her braccias. It observed the wide shoulders of it, the tapered hands, the long hair silvered that only in intimacy he/she saw loose. The Dafne child returned with overbearance, thinking that that figure pits of big long better than his/her preferred heroes. Despite all of his/her head he/she didn't succeed in not thinking about all the fears that had invaded her in the preceding days.

  «Because you don't paint Bob anymore?»

  Dafne felt to have asked the first question that the most intimate side of that man could disclose her, desirous to do departs more concretely of it.

  «Be', every painter ago his/her time, Daf.»

  A kiss stamped her on the lips. You immediately gained the attempt of instant escape from the matter.

  «But what answer is it? You are an unbelievable painter, and it seems that you have stopped giving him importance.»

  Dafne he was visibly shaking, escaping further caresses, more interested to deepen the discourse.

  «You are the conceitedness person!» it sentenced him behind a bitterness smile.

  «And me known that you, oddly, continuous not to answer. After all go in bed from some, and I hardly know where live! Of thing I surprise me?!» it beat annoyed, immediately repenting himself/herself/itself.

  «Then it is this the problem. Let's put her/it so Dafne: I don't paint because simply I now do something more productive. Second thing, is here in two to go together in bed, and I has never forced you. Now, if you don't regret it, I go out to take something to eat.»

  Bob dressed and did for going out, but Dafne cooled h
im/it on the threshold.

  «Let's put her/it so teacher, returns to eat to your house. You don't do me any favor to be around me, and I would not like that I/you had put in head the contrary one.»

  «No, I have not put in really void head, I hope for you is sure of the things that you say.»

  «I am him/it Bob» Dafne responded, abruptly incaponita to have the best.

  «Well» it replied him.

  The man left the apartment followed by a veil of sadness that Dafne didn't perceive. You/he/she was imposed to hold the low look up to the complete closing of the door, some that crossing the look of it, you/he/she would have returned on his/her footsteps.

  The epilogue of the most beautiful day of its life had been devastante; in few wisecracks, you/he/she had told him all of this for which was intended to take time. On the other hand you/he/she had not felt anything encouraging; a fleeing man that didn't open to a true knowledge. It suffered a lot seeing to go away it, but for pride it didn't stop him/it. Dafne was already in love perdutamente of Bob but that day, despite the thousand tears, it held it settles his/her famous stubbornness. He/she didn't want to allow that feeling to cloud entirely her. This is what he/she thought that evening. The following days and the Christmas 2003, were instead a test hard and unprecedented. After that quarrel, Bob disappeared in the nothing. Initially Dafne was worried few; you/he/she was unconsciously excited by their first quarrel, already projected to an evening of little darlings and unbridled sex that you/he/she would have reconciled them. Then, not feeling him/it for days, it began to be afraid. The fear he made not terror as soon as it realized that its jail cell was out to every time. You cursed for not having him ever asked the number of the second jail cell. On that of the job they called him/it at least fifty times a day, you/he/she would certainly have found him/it power on.

  A fourth day it placed him in front of his/her house, hoping to perceive the arrival of the fuoristrada from a moment to the other. It didn't have references anybody that could help her/it. From the desperation he/she called the reception office of the school, but it was insane to find someone the day of the eve. And then thing would have asked? What would you/he/she be invented for looking for news? Also finding someone, you/they would never have given her personal information on a teacher.

  At eight o'clock in the evening Dafne left that accursed courtyard, it climbed on the grungy utilitarian bordeaux and it passed from his/her parents, to inform them that you/he/she would not have had lunch with them to Christmas.

  At two o'clock in the afternoon of December 26 you/he/she had received an invitation from some old friends of the high school, that cannot wait to wriggle out himself/herself/themselves from the meaningless herd of relatives that you/they invaded house during the parties. Dafne had cried the whole night among the sheets of blue satin, that accursed perfume of Bob it didn't give her truce. You dressed and it accepted the invitation of the ex companions. Alone you/he/she would have risked the madness.

  After the appetizer, lasted a couple of hours, the rebellious party continued to house of James, a native boy of London that had frequented part of the first year of high school with Dafne for then to retire himself/herself/themselves and to make the spool between Italy and England.

  James in that period would have given an arm to go out with Dafne, and you/he/she was very excited to the idea to see her/it again. You that evening had not even recognized him/it. It did a lot of work to remember himself/herself/themselves to have been his/her classmate, considered that when James united to the gang, she had already swallowed three heavy cocktails.

  James had been reentering for two months, and this time you/he/she had taken house and found a job semifisso as barman, even if its more consistent entrances arrived from other turns. It was a ragazzone from the reddish hair sprinkled of gel, a freckled and physical nose from player of retired rugby, of those that tracannano beer from morning to evening. In the last period it divided the apartment with two boys of the south, that had returned from the families for the parties. The house had carefully been furnished of every type of super alcoholic, at ten o'clock in the evening they were all completely you intoxicate. Dafne had warmingly been invited by a pair of friends to avoid the alcoholic party of the English, but the girl had not wanted to feel reasons doing of his/her head. Dafne never lost completely the control but that evening the head didn't respond and the heart hurt her; Bob ever missed not her as, you/he/she had not even called her for the wishes of Christmas, you/he/she had abandoned her. You/he/she could not accept that that man had taken the first useful pretext to send her/it to that country. Dipped in those paranoias, you/he/she was found again in the middle of about ten strangers to house of an English of which it kept on hardly remembering himself/herself/themselves. You/he/she had smoked anything you/he/she was passed among her hands and, after the last sip of humanly tolerable vodka, it estranged him from the group to the search of the bath. Found the door it lost the balance and it tumbled to earth, to few centimeters from the bathtub. When it reopened the eyes, he/she hardly remembered to be fallen. Despite it was stunned from the blow and from the alcohol, it indiscriminately felt the presence of someone: it was James, that tried to unthread her pantyhoses while already the breast semiscoperto touched her panting as a pig.

  Realized the all, Dafne it began to insult him/it and to strike anywhere, in the attempt to wriggle out himself/herself/themselves and to cover himself/herself/themselves; it seemed a crazy person, so much that the boy ran away instantly away, insulting her/it.

  Dafne was alone again, it felt him not to have a lot of strengths to rise again himself/herself/themselves; you/he/she had used the last to strike and to curse that hog. He/she heard a strange silence originate from the stay. The party had to be ends from some. You looked I set and realize to still wear the brief. Thanks to the sky James was too much drunk to succeed in stripping her/it with promptness.

  With movements it got up and it did for looking at himself/herself/themselves to the mirror. James reopened the door and the jacket threw her I set:

  «Here you have remained, only but considering that you do the difficult one you can go.»

  Dafne threw him I set a saponetta and it escaped away. You literally dragged to the car and it waited to the cold to be under the conditions to arrive to uninjured house. It was furious as a beast with that accursed English, but you/he/she had become rabid above all with herself. It thanked the sky to have wakened up in time. You/he/she had taken an enormous risk.

  Despite this, its head was not assembled only on that accident; it was badly for Bob. Turned on the car and it departed, crying.

  What had happened to his/her heart? As you/he/she had been able to lose the control to that way? Dafne had always detested his/her old companions that had lived the adolescence to torment himself/herself/themselves and to humble himself/herself/themselves for some beautiful boy. You/he/she had lived different relationships, but the heart had never been involved of it. You/he/she had been indeed perhaps a choice, or you/he/she had been only fortune. In that years you/they had often called her" he/she eats men", for the facility with which you/he/she was courted, despite the a little elegant style. Now it was her to make himself/herself/themselves the famous mental saws, it was her to have known the famous loving torment, and it was her that a suffering to forget you/he/she had risked to make sex from fainted with the filthiest of the individuals.

  Reaches house it didn't make a big parking lot, but how much less you/he/she had arrived whole. Once inside, it removed him the suits and runs from to wash him with hot water. It washed twice the teeth and it made big quantities of gargles to attenuate the taste of the alcohol. You surprised of as you/he/she had not vomited the soul. Later it realized only that he/she had not adequately eaten for three days. In the house it didn't have anything, correct some slice biscottata, of the tuna and some milk. Its instinct of survival complained later food but the day you/he/she would have worked only eight hours to the business
center and the thought it made her forget the hunger. It aimed the alarm clock and it collapsed exhausted in a deep sleep, I don't deprive of nightmares.

  At seven o'clock in the evening of the day later, Dafne ended his/her turn. There had not been a lot of job, immediately after the Christmas it was always this way. Jessica, his/her person responsible to the department perfumes, you/he/she had made her find an envelope floods of creams and campioncini:

  «So much stuff is advanced this year, these I have left them for you; and sees your wax of today, they will serve you!» it said smiling.

  Dafne, in the last years, you/he/she had not given a lot of space to the friendships. Few people had transmitted her that trust of which it had need, and after the high school you/he/she had lost her for road. It was not interested to the thousand acquaintances to be able to call for an evening, few people you/they would have been enough for her, but sincere. In that situation, it regretted bitterly the loneliness; it was departed by now a week from the disappearance of Bob, and she didn't have anybody with which to relieve himself/herself/themselves. This way, when Jessica the churches the why of that does dejected, Dafne bursted in a desperate and uncontrollable weeping.

  The girl passed her a pair of handkerchiefs and a spaghettata proposed her to speak some. Dafne thought that that proposal pits a manna from the sky.

  After the supper it told of Bob, of as everything you/he/she had been born, of as him you/he/she had planted her in ace for the Christmas, and of the thousand doubts that made her burst the head.

  Jessica was very precise and sincere in to give his/her first impression. It was graduated in psychology, and this gave her an analytical and authoritative way in to furnish his/her own point of view.

  «It seems me evident that to your first taking of position this Bob is felt envoy with the shoulders to the wall; typical of many men with low autostima. And usually the escape is from manual. But you feel, allow me the frankness. Is you/he/she gotten married? Divorcé?»

  Dafne looked at her/it with confused air.

  «Is really this the point! I don't know anything! Nothing of nothing! I hoped that with to spend some weeks he/she spoke to me of itself, as I had done me. After two months I have desired to deepen our relationship to know more something. But you/he/she has appeared fleeing, and I believe that I/you/he/she am for the fact that doesn't want a true history. However I don't believe is gotten married. We were very often together, and he works so much indeed. When you/he/she would have had time for his/her/their wife?»

  Dafne nervously touched him his/her thousand bracelets, annoyed that he was able only also to think about a wife.

  «I don't know well you Dafne, and this perhaps helps me to have the maximum purity and objectivity; even if you/he/she was not gotten married, thing that believe me, would not absolutely exclude, I don't believe that Bob is trying what tries you. You it is evident you love him/it to the folly and you would like a concrete love story, and it is sacrosanto to your age. He doesn't have the same purpose, evidently. That's why it doesn't find sensible to speak to you of his/her things. He doesn't leave the beloved person to the first quarrel, not to Christmas and not in this way. Do you understand what I want to tell you?»

  The eyes of Dafne again dampened him; unequivocal sign that the words of the girl had struck her in full. Those just felt, were the doubts that had flooded her the brain from the principle, and someone had now beaten heavily them to him in face.

  «He/she wanted only to sweep, according to you?» he/she asked with suffering, before it went down her the nth one, sharp tear.

  «I believe that you are very beautiful, of a very rare vitality Dafne. Any man would be lost the occasion.»

  «But I there was!» howled Dafne lifting himself/herself/itself standing «there was when looked at there in class, when has desired me the first time, in the afternoons together! Let's have in common a world of things, acknowledged thing I looked for then making me a gift! Am I immediately me granted, and have we been going for two months in bed, because you/he/she would have had to make the whole rest of the teatrino?»

  «Because many men like it really this, Dafne. When they want some pure sex they go from the puttanes. But appagante is very more to do him/it with a woman in love perdutamente. And therefore they feed the falling in love, also without wanting him/it. Without forgetting the classical game hunter and prey, for then to boast around himself/herself/themselves some conquest. Do you know that honor to display to friends and colleagues the nth adventure with a student? Let's intend us Dafne, I wish indeed me that I/you/he/she am not the case of this Bob. But you are careful, certain men know how to be very scanty at times. And you parts handicapped, because you are not comparing yourself with a contemporary, but with a done man and ended.»

  «All absurd Jessica seems me» bofonchiò Dafne.

  «I have only a few years in more than you, but I have passed so many of it to be able to write us a book. And psychology is alone to the dawns to know indeed the universe of certain heads.»

  The second cup of American coffee poured her.

  «I didn't believe that you/he/she would have given me an I love you to Christmas; however I hoped it told me that we were a couple, that ended my third year we would have been able to go out to supper with his/her colleagues, it stuffed to see to the light of the sun, or even to introduce me to the family. I believed it tried something great despite the little time together. Instead I am afraid now to be done me of the nonexistent films.»

  It sipped his/her coffee, thinking that in his/her life you/he/she had not been so badly never.

  Dafne talked a lot to Jessica. After having dismissed the loving matter, the two girls realized to have in common a lot of things, among which the reluctance in to deepen too friendships and the loneliness that it at times tormented her. They intended to see him other times and to make shopping together after the parties; they fully arranged on the fact that the sales could make miracles, even in the worse moments. At eleven and half o'clock, Dafne wore his/her coat in violet velvet and dismissed him with a smile.

  All could imagine, but not that someone the same ones waiting out for house, sat on the sidewalks, in an icy night of end December. And you/he/she would ever have believed that that someone could be Bob. And instead he was there, wound in a black montgomery, with the long loosened hair, dampened by the cold to attend her/it. You was blowing in the hands, in the attempt to get warm himself/herself/themselves. It flowed the auto of Dafne and it lifted the look without stirring. You gone down by the car, and as soon as he/she saw him/it it was paralysed, as if a blade cools the same ones cutting the body, as if the heart had decided to squirt street from her breast. He/she didn't succeed in breathing. After a handful of seconds it stepped backwards, as to return to the auto; it did him/it up to beat us against with the back. You turned and it tried to open to run away away her. It trembled from the cold, it trembled from the anger, he/she didn't succeed in inserting that accursed key. He grabbed him from behind and before she could say anything, the hand gently leaned on her lips. With the other arm it encircled her life, crushing her/it to itself.

  «There is something that you have to know Daf. I pray you, it waits.»

  After a principle of rebellion, Dafne returned immovable, as to the beginning. It didn't feel colder; it was again, suddenly, among his/her braccias and it was as if everything the love that tried for that man the same flowing hot in the veins, fast. You turned and a long instant looked at him/it. You/he/she would have slapped him/it, you/he/she would have kissed him/it, it was everything conflicting; head and heart were fighting to the last blood. He was clearly infreddolito. Dafne him made account that had to have for a long time her expected. The heart had the best. That glacial and deep eyes had looked at her with supplication, bewitching her as every time.

  «It will be the case that you climb to take you a warm shower» it told her a vain attempt of indifference.

  They climbed in the house, Dafne
delivered him a clean bathrobe. He had not said before still anything from the and only sentence whispered next to the car. You the same.

  Mezz'ora after Bob went out of the bath, still wound in the bathrobe with the damp hair; they were always very I just moved washed, with such a perfume to be invaded the room, whatever pits the product used for washing them. In to so damnedly see him/it beautiful, Dafne it labored not few to show him indifference. The heart beat madly her.

  «Because you have left here me to torment me as a crazy person?» churches her, breaking the ice that separated them.

  You/he/she had just murdered his/her pride with that sentence. But it needed immediate clarity.

  «Domenica, on that bed, you have succeeded in asking me the only question that could devastate me. You don't even imagine how much. Then you have cooled me, sending me street.»

  Dafne tried to intervene but Bob stopped her/it session stante.

  «No, I pray you, make to end me. I don't know what you think indeed of me. But that afternoon you have made me feel the classical stupid that sweeps with whatever understands ragazzina him under draught. I have had thousand occasions but not the you ever concretize once. I wanted you. If you believe in this, then I can finally give you the answers that you look for.»

  Dafne lowered the head, gesture that Bob interpreted as affirmative.

  «Then you still want to know, why don't I paint anymore and do I arrive from where?»

  Dafne returned to look at him/it, brim as a rope of violin. It was frightened to the idea of thing you/he/she would have felt. At the same time it felt strong the emotion for the sweetness felt a little before; he had realized every doubt of his and you/he/she had made her feel important. It was not one of the so many, it was not the one month-old adventure; you/he/she would not have lasted however perhaps, but of sure its feelings were correct and Jessica was mistaken.

  «I believe you. I would like to feel what you want to tell me. but take to seat nearby here, first» it said her with timidity.

  It was nearby hardly her, Dafne moved his damp hair from the face bringing them behind the ears; it passed his/her thin fingers on his/her uncultivated beard, then on the lips. They were about to do the one be crushed by the other, but they stopped him. It was time to listen what Bob had to say.

  «You have it foresees the picture to the entry? I had told you that that had been the last, painting three years ago.»

  «The extended woman on the bed.» bofonchiò voice low Dafne.

  «Really that» it clarified him.

  Dafne made local mind and tried to remember every detail of it; the body was of an extended woman on a bed, whose sensual forms were bandaged in a sheet. The colors of that painting were warm, fiabeschi for Dafne. The girl him made account that had always analyzed him from an artistic point of view, but it was not never mail the problem of who pits the owner of that fantastic body. Bob seemed to read her in the thought and continued his/her story:

  «That on the bed has been being Vanessa, my wife and great love of my life for the times of the university.»

  Dafne made a leap bringing himself/herself/itself on the other side of the room.

  «You have to make Daf end me, or I won't make her/it more to continue. I pray you listen to me!»

  Dafne was petrified, invaded by a prickle that it prevented her from feeling the body. Bob respected his/her separation and kept on telling.

  «I have lived in Pisa for five years. I arrived from Siena, where I/you/they were born and grown. I was nineteen years old when I moved me, it was the ottantasette; I went art to the university, and there I knew Vanessa. I met her during a lesson; it was the model that we would have withdrawn. They were all to the seventh sky, instead I was annoyed to the thought that such a young and beautiful girl appeared naked to about ten idiots.»

  Bob fixed the void, as him same reliving that scene projected in air, while Dafne made him jump away all I enamel him/it violet from the fingernails.

  «I don't do you her long. after one month Vanessa and The frequenteds there and in the novantaquattro we married there. You wanted to move himself/herself/themselves to Milan. Definite that was the best thing, because I wanted to realize me in my field and to show her how much I was worth. You organized events. From the life we wanted only the maximum one.»

  Listened to this last affirmation Dafne it brusquely interrupted him/it.

  «You could save me the details on your life of success? Do you go to the firm Bob, where is this Vanessa? And that enter it me in your perfect life of the cazzo?»

  The tears invaded her the disturbed face. It tried to hold back her, but it was her impossible. He remained where it was, passing himself/herself/itself the hands on the face and then among the hair. It was uneasy in serious difficulty. Attended once that to Dafne it seemed endless.

  «Vanessa is dead» it declared Bob with peaceful coldness «it is dead in the novantanove, after two years of pain and suffering. two years to be forgotten.»

  Bob's eyes, for the first time, they were done shiny, even if it tried to have self-control himself/herself/themselves with strength, to succeed in going on.

  «And that of her on the bed is the last portrait that I have done her. Later I have sworn to myself, that I would not have withdrawn anymore.»

  Dafne could not say anything. The breath the it stopped him in throat, as if the bellows had torn her from the breast and its blood you/he/she was stopped. It tried conflicting feelings. You cursed for the things that you/he/she had said a little before. You/he/she would have sunk gladly, very in low.

  He gathered everything this, thanks to the empathy that had immediately tied them from. It got up and it went nearby her, it leaned his/her forehead against that of the girl holding her head among the hands.

  «After you/he/she has disappeared from my life I have spent years of hell. Years full of job, loneliness, trips to the foreign countries, all in the attempt not to grant time to the pain. Then you have arrived and. The have tried unbelievable things. I have been afraid, fear to try something of strong. But you missed me, and I had to return from you, to tell you thing I brought me inside and to be able to finally restart.»

  Dafne was esterrefatta; you/he/she had listened to very strong things in the good and in the evil. But an only sentence now boomed her in head: it was him missed and he/she wanted to restart.

  «I don't want to know other, neither on his/her death neither on what you have passed. You will speak only of it when you will want to do him/it. I regret for your wife, I feel me a disgust for this. I could not know. but at the same time The ams happy. Felice because also I want to restart. Rather, to start, with you.»

  Two nobody could know as you/he/she would have gone, or for how much that prophetic desire would have lasted to live him. But they understood in hurry thing an instant you/he/she would be happened later; I still invaded by a strong disturbance they melted him in a kiss, between the tremor and the trepidation to belong anchors him. In an instant they were an alone thing, with a passion that only love and pain together could produce.