Read Alien Security: Domination Page 3

  While taking a nice hot shower, Tom’s mind starts to wander about all that has occurred in his past which has brought him to these golden years of his life. It seems to him like an eternity since he was put in charge of security for the recovery of the crashed craft and alien bodies at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Then, he was put in charge of insuring that the incident was kept secret at the Roswell Base. After that, he was assigned to the Air Technical Intelligence Center as the liaison officer for Project Sign. He didn’t like having to prevent the investigations into UFO sightings from concluding their extraterrestrial origins. But, he did it.

  However, after Project Grudge was closed, he was put in command of Project Sigma to initiate communications with extraterrestrial races and was present at meetings with humans from the Pleiades as well as with Gray beings from Orion. Then, he was responsible to writing the Project Grudge/Blue Book Report Number 13 and briefing President Kennedy before he was assassinated.

  After that, he was put in charge of counter-intelligence at the NSA to keep everything about UFOs and ETs secret. But after capturing an escaped scientist from the Dulce underground facility and discovering the atrocities being committed there, he covertly worked with Linda to expose what the government was doing with ETs. When he was apprehended, he was rescued by the Pleiadians and taken to live with them on their home planet for twenty years.

  He then returned to Earth in order to prevent a military coup in the United States and the confinement of its citizens. The President supported him as he commanded the attack to rid the country of the Gray aliens at the Dulce Base. Then, the President supported him again as he led the attack on the China Lake facility to free the children being tortured there. Once that was done, he retired from the U.S. Army at the rank of a three star Lieutenant General. Now, here he is with Linda at her home in Albuquerque, New Mexico and enjoying every minute of it.

  They fix breakfast together and, as they are eating, Tom asks Linda, “What is your day like today?” “Well”, she says, “I have a very busy day today. Ever since you placed me in the spotlight of making a report on national television about the alien threat we faced at that time and then having me in battle with you as you commanded the forces to free all of those children, I have been extremely busy and loving every moment of it.”

  Linda’s mood turns somber as she tells Tom, “After the President’s address to the nation yesterday, all of the television networks are now looking to me for answers about the new threat that we all face. I have to get ready now to deliver a report on national television. They are bound to ask me some very poignant questions and I don’t know what to tell them. Do you have any advice that you can give to me about our current situation?”

  Tom swallows hard and says, “Well.” Just then, there is a knock at the front door. When Tom and Linda open the door to their home, they are surprised to see Major John Peterson standing on the porch. “Hello John”, Tom says as he puts out his hand to the U.S. Army officer. They shake hands and Tom invites him to enter the house. The Major takes off his hat, walks through the open doorway and says, “Thank you, General. This is a very nice home that the two of you have here. It’s nice to see you again. I am sorry for coming unannounced, but I have an urgent matter to discuss with you.”

  Linda says, “Please excuse me. I was just getting ready to leave for work. It was nice seeing you again, Major. Please make yourself at home. You are always welcome here.” “Thank you, ma’am”, says the Major and Linda leaves Tom and John alone together. Tom gestures toward a living room couch and says, “Won’t you please be seated? How may I help you?” They sit down across from each other and the room becomes deathly quiet.

  Tom has a flashback of when he first met Peterson, who was a Captain at the time. When Tom returned to Earth after living with the Pleiadians for twenty years, it was Peterson who picked him up at the airport in Washington State and took him to Fort Lewis. He also assisted Tom when he took charge of an Army unit there in order to rescue humanity from slavery under Reptilian domination.

  It was a Pleiadian human by the name of Queitel who explained to Tom how Peterson became his assistant. He was told that Peterson was rescued under battlefield conditions in Iraq. While his body was recuperating from his wounds, his essence was with the Pleiadians where he developed a close and loving relationship with a Pleiadian woman named Solmay. Peterson was told about their intentions to prevent enslavement on Earth and he was delighted to be able to serve in his capacity as an aide to Tom.

  Major Peterson clears his throat and says, “General, I have just spoken with the President and he asked me to meet with you. It seems that he has only recently been made aware of a secret treaty between the United States Government and the reptilians that live underground. It appears that your operation to rescue the children who were being held at the China Lake facility may have violated the terms of that treaty.”

  Tom says, “My goodness, I was not aware of this treaty. I was just confidentially informed of what was taking place at the base by an officer who was stationed there. I informed the President and he authorized the operation that we undertook together.” “I see”, says John, “The President was under the impression that the information was derived from your contacts with the humans from the Pleiades star cluster and he wanted me to ask you what their advice might be regarding how to handle the current situation with the Reptilians.”

  Tom responds with, “I am sorry that the President had that mistaken impression. I did not share with him the source of my information because the officer asked that his identity be kept anonymous. I have had no contact at all with the Pleiadians about this matter and I have no idea if I will ever see them again. Even if I did, I doubt that they would get involved due to an agreement they have of non-intervention in the affairs on Earth. But, if I do have any further contact with them, I will certainly ask them for their advice on this matter and relay it to you immediately.”

  The Major stands and says, “Very well. I will relay the details of our conversation to the President. You are requested to keep our conversation secret. I wish the very best for you and Linda in your retirement years. I must depart now. Fair well.” Tom stands, shows the Major to the door, and says, “Good bye, my good friend.”

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  Chapter 3



  The President is in the Oval Office and talking with Major Peterson on the telephone. He hears the Major say, “That is everything that was discussed with Mr. Evens today, Mr. President, and I believe that he is telling the truth. If you request it, I will obtain the identity of the officer involved.” The President says, “No. That will not be necessary. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. That is all.” Peterson responds with, “Very well, Mr. President. Good bye.”

  The President hangs up the telephone and is deep in thought when his personal secretary beeps him on his intercom. The President presses a button and asks, “Yes, what is it?” He hears, “Mr. President, the Secretary of State is here to see you about an urgent matter of great importance.” He responds with, “Very well. Let him enter.”

  The Secretary of State quickly enters the Oval Office and the President says, “Yes, what is it, Mr. Secretary? I’m rather busy at the moment.” The State Secretary rushes over to the television monitor, turns it on, and says, “Mr. President, what you are about to see is a worldwide broadcast from the throne room of the Queen ruler of the reptilian race of beings deep underground.”

  The President watches the screen as the reptilian Queen appears and sits on her throne. The Queen is heard to say, “I am Queen Aria, ruler of the reptilian race within Earth. We have existed here on Earth for 300,000 years, long before the existence of humanity here merely 50,000 years ago. We have co-existed with your race, preferring to live deep underground in peace while you struggle to survive on the surface.

  “But that peace ended when your milit
ary soldiers killed two of our species during an attack on one of our outposts on the surface. We consider those actions to be intolerable. There are those of us who want open warfare with the humans and to exterminate each and every one of you. However, I have decided to take a more civilized approach with all of you. I will give the leaders of humanity one complete orbit of this planet to surrender to me unconditionally and commit your nations and populations in eternal servitude to me. I await your response.”

  The screen goes blank and the President has a stunned look on his face. He presses a button on his intercom and says, “Have the Defense Secretary and all members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff meet with me in the Situation Room in one hour.” He then hears his secretary say, “Yes Sir!” An hour later, the President enters the Situation Room at the White House, where nearly all of the chairs are filled by the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and other high ranking military officers.

  The President sits in his chair and says, “Alright gentlemen, you have all seen and heard the telecast of the Reptilian Queen. I need to know from you if we have any chance of overcoming attacks by this species.” The JCS Chairman says, “We honestly don’t know, Mr. President. We have no way of knowing what their capabilities or defense vulnerabilities may be. It may by possible to attack them with nuclear weapons, but at what cost? We might destroy all of humanity in the process and leave the planet uninhabitable for millions of years. Thanks to General Evens’ skirmish with them, we now know that their soldiers are vulnerable to attacks from their rear, but we don’t know what protection they may have developed against this.”

  The Air Force Commander says, “If I may add, Mr. President, we have known about their space traveling capabilities for a long time. They have large cargo ships that frequently travel between their facilities deep underground through certain egress ports on the surface and various planets in the Draco Constellation. They also have many smaller craft that orbit the Earth and travel to other planets in our solar system. If they are equipped with weapons, they could cause devastating damage to our satellites and space based defensive system.”

  The President asks, “Can we attack them in their bases underground?” The Chairman responds with, “Although we know where some of their egress portals are, we have never been able to enter or even remotely examine where the ports may lead. However, we have never really tried to attack them before. We have a nuclear weapon that can theoretically penetrate several miles of solid rock and then detonate, but it has never been tested or produced in any substantial quantities.” The President asks, “Does anyone have any ideas of how we can defeat these creatures?” The room becomes silent.


  The Queen is in her War Room with her military staff. They are looking at a table with a map of the planet. She tells her staff, “While the human leaders debate and decide what they should do during this period of peace that I have given to them, we shall give them something more to consider. I want the attack on the surface humans to begin right away. I want all of our combat craft to attack their cities and military installations. Kill as many people as possible and neutralize all of their defenses. I want them to have no choice except to capitulate to my demands. But most of all, I want the head of General Evens on a platter for me to devour!” Her military leaders all bow and say in unison, “Yes, your Majesty.”


  Tom and Linda are watching a network news channel on their television set at home. They see reports of military movements and preparations taking place all across the country. They are both very nervous and concerned about what is to occur. Linda asks Tom, “Do you think that it is really possible for the reptilians underground to conquer all of our surface military defenses?” Tom responds with, “I really don’t know. No one has ever been able to gain access to their facilities. We do know that they have advanced lazar weapons and space travel capabilities, but we don’t really know what we are dealing with.”

  Just then, they see news reports on their television set of devastating attacks on cities around the world by flying disks. Human military, law enforcement, and civilian forces are seen attempting to do battle against the craft to no avail. Suddenly, they hear gunfire and explosions in the distance. Tom and Linda run to their front porch and see great destruction being caused by flying disks. As the sights and sounds come closer, Tom takes Linda’s hand and tells her, “Let’s take cover in the basement.”

  They are both shocked to see a disk quickly descend and hover over the street in front of their house. Tom yells, “Come on!” He enters the house with Linda following behind him when a loud explosion is heard. He finds himself flying across the living room with the house falling down around him. Tom looks back to see if Linda is okay when he sees that he is holding only her severed arm. He looks around and sees Linda’s unconscious body with many parts missing. She is obviously dead. Tom throws her arm away and starts to go into shock.

  Tom can hear movement from outside as though someone is trying to clear their way into the house. Just then, Tom sees a bright light and finds himself in familiar surroundings onboard the Pleiadian spacecraft. Queitel is standing nearby and Solmay is at the controls of the craft. Tom says, “She’s dead, Queitel” and starts crying.

  When Tom is able to regain some composure, he asks, “Can you save her life?” “I’m afraid not” is Queitel’s response, “I’m afraid that there is too much damage. Besides, reptilian soldiers are there now and we cannot expose our presence there to them. That would violate an agreement of non-interference in the affairs of Earth that we must adhere to. We were fortunate to have been able to rescue you without detection.”

  Queitel says, “I must tell you that the situation is hopeless for the humans on Earth. They do not have the means to defend themselves against attacks by the reptilian military, let alone defeat their attackers. They will have to eventually capitulate and become slaves to reptilian domination over them.” “Oh my God! This is all, my fault”, Tom says to himself.

  Queitel helps Tom to lie down on a bed that forms from the wall at the rear of the craft’s copula section and says, “Rest now, Tom. We are returning to the Greatspacer mother ship. It will take quite some time for us to arrive there. Try to get some sleep now. You are among friends here.”

  Tom feels comfortable in the familiar surroundings of this craft and the loving feelings from his friends. He tries not to think about what is happening on Earth by remembering the wonderful twenty years that he lived on the Pleiadian’s home world of Erra. It was truly paradise and the people there were so loving and highly evolved. But then, he returned to Earth where Queitel and Solmay helped him to become a part of a U.S. Army unit in Washington State that restored freedom for humanity.

  They also helped him to be reunited with Linda, who helped Tom with his fight to preserve freedom in America by exposing the malevolent alien’s intentions. They had such a wonderful time together in each other’s arms. The tears start to flow once again as Tom thinks about the loss of Linda. Eventually he falls deeply asleep.

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  Chapter 4


  The Secretary-General at the United Nations building in New York addresses a meeting of the general assembly.  He raps his gavel and says, “Will the members of this assembly please come to order?” As the room becomes quiet and everyone sits at their appointed seat, the Secretary-General says, “This emergency meeting of the general assembly is now in session. I believe that everyone is aware of the dire situation that we all face at this time. All major cities around the world have been devastated by repeated attacks from reptilian forces and there is much loss of life. The President of the United States wishes to address this assembly.”

  The Secretary-General yields the podium to the President who says, “Thank you Mister Secretary-General. As the elected leader of the United States, I wish to make it clear that my country
has only acted in a proper legal manner to protect the human rights of its citizens and preserve our way of life. At no time has there ever been any attempt to attack the reptilian species that exist within the planet.”

  The Russian delegate shouts, “Yes, but you have certainly caused war to be brought down upon us!” This causes the room to erupt in angry dialogue by the other delegates until the Secretary-General is able to regain control of the meeting. He states, “We are where we are. The only question now is what we do about it. It is obvious that the reptilian forces are able to continue causing their death and destruction around the entire globe unabated without any chance by humanity to stop it or even retaliate against it. Does anyone have anything constructive to add?”

  The room remains quiet for quite some time until someone is heard to shout, “I do.” The UN leader says, “Please step forward and identify yourself.” The person walks over to the podium, shifts its shape from human into that of the reptilian species, and speaks quietly with the leader. The UN leader then addresses the general assembly by saying, “Ladies and gentlemen. May I have your attention please? I have just been informed that the leader of the reptilian race requests the opportunity to address this assembly in a peaceful manner. Is there anyone here who refuses to allow her to speak without interruption?”

  There is no objection, so the Secretary-General gives his permission to the reptilian entity and says over the public address system, “Security, please allow the reptilian Queen and her entourage to enter this chamber.” A short time later, the doors open and the Queen enters the room along with her reptilian armed guards. The UN leader states over the public address system, “Queen Aria, as Secretary-General of the United Nations, I would like to welcome you here to our meeting and I relinquish the podium to you so that you may address the human race.”