Read Always Enough Page 5

  Chapter Five

  Monday morning found Stefan and Wendy in a very tense meeting. Wendy watched as the client and Stefan looked over the plans. The client owned a number of hotels. His name was Malcolm Stratherd.

  Stefan glanced at the plans as Malcolm pointed out certain things he wanted to be changed. It was a project Stefan had done before Wendy was hired. Stefan spoke to Malcolm. “I know you want certain changes made, but I need to you be specific about what you think is missing.”

  Malcolm pointed to three areas of the blueprints. “Something just doesn’t flow here. I know it looks right. I even thought that they looked fine when I accepted your bid but the more I look at them, the more I get the feeling it could be something more.”

  Stefan looked at Wendy. He and Malcolm had been friends a long time. He had hoped to keep Wendy out of sight on this project but knew her eyes would be helpful. “What do you see?”

  Wendy hesitated. She was comfortable around the Felix brothers, but this was a stranger to her. He was also too close. When Stefan made room beside him, she was relieved. Standing beside Stefan, Wendy looked over the plans. She started making notes on the exits and then she looked at the area’s Mr. Stratherd had indicated. When she finished, she handed the tablet device to Malcolm. “I see this. I’m not sure if that helps, but I believe it will give the area’s you are talking about more class. It will also exceed the building codes for exits.”

  Malcolm studied the notes. He looked up at Stefan. “I like it. Rumor had it you hired a beautiful face. This one seems to have brains.”

  Wendy looked down at her hands. His words made her nervous. She swallowed hard to keep the sick feelings at bay. She glanced up at Stefan and spoke softly. “I have the other two projects waiting for me. Should I go do them?”

  Stefan nodded. He knew Wendy was not comfortable. Stefan also had expected his friend to voice his opinion on Wendy. “We have our first meeting for the one this afternoon. That would be great.”

  Malcolm watched Wendy leave. He spoke after she left. “She is very easy to look at.”

  Stefan clenched his jaw doing his best to keep his temper in check. He could still feel Wendy’s distress at Stratherd’s words. He decided to ease the conversation back to the project. “Do you like the way it flows now? If you do, I can get these changes approved for the building permits.”

  Malcolm glanced up at a man he had known for years. He looked at the doorway to Wendy’s office. He sat down and looked at Stefan. “You’re protective of her. Is there something between you two?”

  Stefan was getting angry. “I know you like to play games. She can’t be one of them. I’m asking you as a friend to let this drop.”

  Malcolm was intrigued. He had not seen this side of Stefan in years. “Why?”

  Stefan walked over to his desk and sat down. He glanced up at Malcolm. “Four years ago, she lost her parents and brother-in-law in a fire. Three months ago, she lost her sister to a drunk driver. She is a single mom to her sister’s two boys. Malcolm, I know you like a challenge. I’m again asking you as a friend to let this one go. She has been hurt enough.”

  Wendy stood in the doorway. She listened to Stefan and Malcolm's conversation. Taking a step back into Stefan’s office she looked at the men. When Malcolm looked at her, she didn’t hide the tears his words had caused. Her pain was real. She wanted him to see it.

  Malcolm looked at Wendy and then Stefan. His voice was contrite. “I guess I do have a conscience. I assure you both I will not speak so inappropriately again.”

  Wendy whispered softly. The men could hear the relief in her voice. “Thank you.”

  After Wendy had walked back into her office, Malcolm sat back in his chair. Glancing at Stefan he spoke. “I can see why you hired her. She is brilliant, and she is not a flirt. She seems to do her job and nothing more. She fits the bill of what you have been looking for since Dee’s death.”

  Stefan nodded at the blueprints. He flinched at Malcolm's reference to his wife. He was ready to change the subject. “You never answered the question. Do you like the changes?”

  Malcolm grinned. He knew he was being dismissed. “I do. It was exactly what I wanted even if I didn’t realize it.”

  Stefan chuckled knowing his friend was trying to lighten things up. “She is really good at that. Thanks for not pursuing her.”

  Malcolm smiled. “I know I may come across as a bit of jerk. Normally that is the right assumption. She kind of tugs at the heart strings, though.”

  Stefan shook Malcolm's hand as they finished their business. After Malcolm had left, Stefan walked over to Wendy’s door. He knocked on the side of the doorway. When she looked up at him, he smiled. “Are you ok?”

  Wendy looked down at her work. When she glanced back up at him, he could see the torment in her eyes. “Mr. Felix, is it me? Do I do something that makes that happen?”

  Stefan was surprised. He walked in and sat down on the chair in front of her desk. “It is not you Ms. Collins. Why would you think that?”

  Wendy felt miserable. Tears stung her eyes. “I guess because it is the second time that it has happened. I thought maybe I was doing something.”

  Stefan leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees. “You have not done anything wrong. Ms. Collins, you are not ugly, and some men are just not so nice when they notice that. I’m sorry you think this is on you, but it isn’t. Malcolm is my friend. I knew he was going to hit on you. I was hoping to keep you out of sight, but I needed your help. I'm sorry that his pass made you think it was you.”

  Wendy nodded. She took a deep breath. “This is not your fault either. Like you said some men aren't nice. I’m glad you and your brothers aren’t like that.”

  Stefan knew he needed to leave her alone. The fact was he really wanted to hug her and tell her it was ok. He knew that would only make her feel worse. He stood and smiled down at her. “I guess I need to get back to work.”

  Wendy smiled at him. She remembered a question she had wanted to ask him and had forgotten. “Will it be ok if a friend of mine drops the boys off here today? It will be about a half hour before work finishes.”

  Stefan nodded. “That will be all right.”

  The two worked until lunch. Wendy was so engrossed in the project that she was surprised when a plate of chips and a sandwich was placed in front of her. She looked up at Stefan and gave him a lopsided grin. “I guess I’m a bit too focused. I do love this work.”

  Stefan sat down with his plate. “You really are. Can I ask you a question?”

  Wendy nibbled a chip. She smiled at him. Wendy's smile faded slightly when she noticed him hesitate. “Sure…”

  Stefan knew he had to word this just right. He didn’t want to freak her out but knew that it could. “Violet calls us all by our first name. Julia does as well. There are three of us Felix men. If my dad stops by when he visits from Florida, it goes up to four Felix men. Would it bother you to call us by our first names?”

  Wendy could tell he was worried. She knew he was not being forward with her. Wendy's heart was touched that he cared about her comfort. She nodded. “I have no problem with that. It may take me a while to remember so you may need to remind me.”

  Stefan swallowed the bite of food he had in his mouth. “Do you want me to keep calling you Ms. Collins or is Wendy ok?”

  Wendy decided to tease him. She did a theatrical wave of her hand. “I suppose you may call me Wendy. If you happen to add Queen in front of it, I'll answer every time.”

  Stefan laughed at her joke. “Thank you, your highness. I appreciate it.”

  Wendy continued to nibble her food. She remembered what the two women in line at the bathroom at the dinner party had said about his wife. She spoke hesitantly. “Stefan, I want to thank you for understanding my loss and my vulnerability. I’m sorry you have had your own to deal with.”<
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  Stefan glanced at her. “Thanks. As you know the pain lessens. It is nice knowing you get that.”

  Wendy looked up at him. Her voice was soft and thoughtful. “I worry that they will forget her. Gracie was so beautiful. To know her was to fall in love with her. Her beauty radiated from the inside out.”

  Stefan understood what Wendy was saying. “Macy never got to know her. I show her pictures of Deanna. I try to tell her who her mom was. Can I tell you something?”

  Wendy nodded. She sipped her water as she watched the play of emotions on his face. “You can tell me anything.”

  Stefan took a deep breath. He admitted something to Wendy that he had never confessed to anyone. “I’m not doing what Dee would have wanted. She believed like you. Dee believed in Christ. I used to, but after her death I guess. I question if God is someone I want to know. I have never told Macy about Christ. Deep down inside I know I should even if it is only to help her understand her mother.”

  Wendy knew she needed to be careful with her response. She didn’t want to come across as being judgmental. “It hurts not understanding why God took them. It is hard to trust that He sees something I can’t. I do know He loves me. He loves you and Macy too. When you are ready He will be waiting.”

  Stefan nodded. He smiled. “I think I will be ready sooner than later. Trevor is back in church now too. He and Liam are looking for a new place to worship, but they have both told me they are praying for me. I wish I had your faith.”

  Wendy looked at Stefan. It was time for her to confess a few things. “Can I tell you something now?”

  Stefan glanced up at her surprised that she wanted to share. “You can if you want to.”

  Wendy hated being vulnerable. She knew Stefan needed her to be that now, though. “I cry myself to sleep most nights. When Gracie died, I was so angry. I actually went into a room away from the boys and just yelled at God. If I have, to be honest, I even used a bit of language I’m not proud of. I’m terrified of failing the boys. I’m not a man. How do I teach them to be men? I question my faith more than I should. You aren't alone Stefan. I get what you are saying.”

  Stefan was surprised by Wendy’s confession. He observed her body language. “You didn’t want to share that with me. Why did you?”

  Wendy looked at her boss. “Like I said I wanted you to know that I get it. I also wanted you to know that God does too. He created us to be who we are. He listens when we are ticked off. He sees every tear that hits my pillow and yours. He knows you, Stefan. He is ok with your anger. Tell Him how you feel. He will listen and just like any good relationship it will free you and Him to grow again. You have to weed things out so the sunlight can shine on you again. When the sun comes, you will thrive.”

  Stefan regarded the woman in front of him. For the first time since Deanna’s death, he felt understood and accepted. Stefan also felt a stirring in his heart he was unsure of at the moment. He glanced down at his plate and then back up at Wendy. “Thank you for saying that. I wish I could put into words how much it means to be understood.”

  Wendy nibbled her sandwich again. She knew Stefan was more than a boss. When she looked at him, she knew he was aware of that too. “How do we do this friendship thing? You are my boss.”

  Stefan took a deep breath. “It is different for us. It has been from the beginning. I guess we just acknowledge that it is ok for us to vent and be friends.”

  Wendy nodded. This was not something she was entirely comfortable with. Being friends with Stefan gave him the opportunity to hurt her, and that scared her. She decided, to be honest with him. “This is hard for me. I don’t like letting people close.”

  Stefan chuckled. “That makes two of us. I knew from the first time I met you in the elevator you were going to be trouble.”

  Wendy giggled. “I was absolutely mortified when I realized I had just confessed my last job’s issues to you. I almost turned around and left.”

  Stefan raised an eyebrow. He chuckled softly. “There was no ‘almost’ about it. I think I had to encourage you to come back two or three times before we finally finished the interview.”

  The two finished their lunches in comfortable silence and then got back to work. They had just finished their second meeting of the afternoon when Wendy’s friend showed up with the boys.

  Liam and Trevor looked at each other as Wendy’s receptionist ushered the boys and Wendy's friend back.

  Trevor could see Stefan’s surprise. He was curious to see what his brother would do.

  Liam chuckled. “I’m thinking our brother is a bit jealous.”

  Stefan looked at Wendy. He tried not to frown when she smiled at the man.

  “Hey, Brandon… How were they?” She asked as the boys ran to her.

  Brandon chuckled. “They were great. We did guy things.”

  Cory remembered Stefan. He surprised the man by walking over to him and crawling into his lap. He looked up at him. “Aunt Kim yelled at us a couple of times. Uncle Brandon made her mad.”

  Stefan looked up at the man for clarification.

  Brandon glanced at Stefan and held out his hand. “I’m Brandon. I’m the worship pastor at Wendy’s church.”

  Stefan shook the man’s hand. “I’m Stefan, Wendy’s boss.”

  Brandon looked at the Felix brothers. He almost laughed at how protective they seemed of Wendy. He decided to explain. “Kim is my wife. We men kind of made a bit of a mess.”

  Sean walked over to Stefan refusing to be left out. He crawled up beside his brother.

  Stefan was surprised at the scowl Wendy was giving Brandon. He tried not to smile. She was not happy.

  Wendy looked at Brandon. She frowned at the man as she put her hands on her hips. “Please tell me you made them help clean up.”

  Sean laughed. “Aunt Kim called Uncle Brandon a big kid. We almost started a fire.”

  Liam laughed as he watched Brandon start to get uncomfortable.

  Brandon held up his hands. “Now I can explain, Wendy. I didn’t know my wife had a candle burning. Us men started playing with the swords, and things just happened.”

  Wendy looked at Brandon through narrowed eyes. “What kind of swords were you three playing with?”

  Brandon glanced at Stefan. “Do I look like I would give them real ones?”

  Stefan shook his head. “You don’t, but I suggest you keep explaining. Wendy doesn't seem to have a problem believing you would.”

  Brandon looked at Wendy. “They were the soft toy ones. You have to teach a man the art of swordsmanship. It is a man thing.”

  Wendy shook her head. “I bet Kim was just thrilled with that. I need to write down all of these man things. I am almost positive you are making most of this up. I hope you helped her clean it up.”

  Brandon frowned at Wendy. “Of course, I did. Have you seen my wife’s pregnant belly? She is getting ready to explode. I’m not stupid.”

  Wendy raised an eyebrow at his use of words. Her voice was soft, too soft. “I really hope you don’t use the term ‘explode’ around her. Are you really using that term in front of me?”

  Brandon looked at Liam, Trevor, and Stefan. “I actually did. I don’t recommend it at all. You know how women can be?”

  Wendy glanced at the men in the room. “Why don’t you four enlighten me? How can us women be?”

  Stefan looked at Brandon. The man had dug himself an enormous hole. He had no intentions of joining him in the space he had dug. “You are on your own. I like living and breathing.”

  Brandon glanced at Wendy. He held up his hands like he was defending himself. “I apologize for that statement from the bottom of my heart. I would greatly appreciate it if my wife does not hear about this.”

  Wendy’s laugh held no mercy. “I won’t forget this. I expect to hear from your wife that she has been getting foot rubs. I suggest you also g
et her that wrap she wants.”

  Brandon chuckled. “You ladies really do stick together.”

  Wendy glanced at the men. “We have to. You men can really be clueless. A fire…really?”

  Brandon knew it was time to leave. “Are you coming tomorrow?”

  Wendy smiled. “I’ll be there. Tell Kim that I love her.”

  Brandon looked at the men. “It was nice meeting you. If you are ever in our area on Sunday feel free to stop by for church.”

  Liam looked at Trevor. They both followed Brandon out of the office. They had all intentions of visiting the church sometime in the near future.

  Wendy looked at Stefan holding the boys. “I think they like you.”

  Stefan laughed. “It appears to be the case.”

  When Trevor and Liam walked back in, the four adults talked a bit more before it was time for Wendy and the boys to leave. Wendy left knowing that she and Stefan had started a very nice yet delicate friendship. Stefan watched Wendy, and the boys leave wondering why he had been jealous of Brandon until he realized the man was married. He shook his head knowing he would need to evaluate that in the near future.