Read Atlantis The Beginning Page 4

  7. The Raid Of Crystal Mill

  The camp was swarming  with hundreds of Empire's soldiers. We were hiding behind a row of elm trees on the slopes, trying to ascertain their numbers.

  ''Get down'', whispered Alice, as a patrol passed by, a few paces from our hiding place.

  ''They outnumber us five to one'', I said.

  I looked over my shoulder, when I heard the rustle of leaves behind me. It was Julian.

  ''How many did you see?''.

  ''Around five hundred, including the vampires. We need another plan''.

  We crawled back towards the cluster of rocks where the rest of the company was hiding.

  ''There are too many. We need reinforcements'', Julian informed the Wolf Lord.

  ''Wait'', Alice interrupted. ''What about the villagers. Do you think they will help us''.

  ''It is possible'', replied the Wolf Lord. ''The only thing holding them back is fear of the Empire. They might need some persuasion''.

  ''If it is possible to sneak inside the gate, we might be able to talk with the village lord'', said Lucas.

  ''The vampires will be able to sniff us out'', snapped Alistair Talbot. ''The only ones who have a chance of sneaking in are Julian and the two girls''.

  ''We can go if you want'', I said.

  ''As if you two haven't done enough already'', snarled Stonearm.

  ''It's too dangerous for Scarlett, but I can take Alice with me'', said Julian.

  ''Fine'', replied the Wolf Lord. ''We will be waiting for your signal''.

  ''Make it quick'', grunted the giant, hefting his huge scimitar.

                _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  Alice lowered her hood as they slowly walked towards the gate.

  ''I cannot believe I'm doing this'', she muttered.

  ''Remember, I am your father and we are returning back to our home in Whitebridge'', said Julian.

  Alice nodded, rolling her eyes at him, ''Alright''.

  Alice calmed her nerves as they approached the gate, which was being guarded by two soldiers. As soon as they saw Alice and Julian, the guards   blocked the entrance with their pikes.

  ''What brings you to the village of Crystal Mill, may I ask?''.

  ''We are just passing by. Our destination is Whitebridge'', replied Julian, smiling politely at the guard.

  ''And who are you little girl?''.

  ''I'm....uhh....his daughter''.

  ''Are you sure?'', asked the other guard, looking at her suspiciously.

  ''Yeah, why? Do I look like his mother?''.

  ''You have a smart tongue, girl. See that it doesn't get you killed'', chuckled the guard, drawing back his pike. ''You may go'', he said, waving his hand.

  ''So much for your clever plan'', muttered Alice.

  Julian gave her a sharp knock on the head.

  ''Ouch! What was that for?''.

  ''You are the one who almost ruined it'', he replied.

  ''I was not. I got a little distracted when he called me a little girl'', she grumbled.

  ''Whatever kid'', said Julian. ''Now follow my lead''.

  ''Who is a kid? I am a hunter now. I can take you on anytime''.

  ''Sure, if you say so, Alice'', he replied.

  The houses were closely packed, with their shingled roofs and wide wooden porches. The streets were narrow and almost empty, except for a couple of women who passed by, glancing at them nervously.

  ''So where does the village lord live?'', asked Alice, looking at Julian.

  ''That might be it'', he said, pointing at the large building down the street.

  The village lord lived in a two story building, which also served as his office. On the roof was a huge bronze bell.

  They walked up to the door and knocked. After a few seconds, the door was opened by a plump, middle aged woman.

  ''Yes? What do you want?'', she asked, eyeing them suspiciously.

  ''We have an important message to the village lord. It's from Lord Alistair Talbot of the Imperial guard'', replied Julian.

  She looked up in alarm when she heard the Wolf Lord's name.

  ''Come in'' she said. ''I will take you to him''.

  She led them to a door at the end of a long corridor. ''Wait here''.

  She went inside and Alice heard her talking in a low voice, ''There is a man waiting outside. He requests an audience''.

  ''Are you blind, woman'', he snapped. ''Tell them I'm busy''.

  ''He was sent by the Wolf Lord'', she said.

  ''Send them in'', he said hastily.

  She opened the door and ushered them in, before closing it behind her.

  The village lord was a plump man with a large belly. He had a pudgy face with a thick mustache. He was sitting behind an old wooden table cluttered with piles of scrolls and parchments.

  ''What does the Wolf Lord want now?'', he demanded. ''If it is tribute, we have nothing to offer. The Empire has already taken everything from us''.

  ''No, in fact we are here to help'', said Julian.

  ''Help with what?''.

  ''Freedom. We can free your town from the Empire''.

  ''And how would you do that?''.

  ''There is a lycan army waiting outside the gates, ready to attack. But we need more fighting men. We need your help. Together, we can free your village from the Empire's hold''.

  ''No, get out!'', he shouted. ''Are you trying to get us killed for treason''.

  Suddenly, the door opened and a hulking man stomped in. ''No, wait'', he said looking at Julian.

  The village lord looked at the newcomer furiously and snarled, ''That infernal woman cannot keep her tongue in her trap. What do you want Norfell?''.

  ''We have to work like slaves while you sit in here!'',  the man shouted. ''We will fight''.

  ''I cannot listen to this foolishness'', growled the village lord and made for the door. ''I'm calling in the soldiers''.

  Alice's jaw dropped in shock as the hulking man grabbed the village lord's head and slammed it against the wall. He collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

  ''Cecilia!'', he called and the plump woman walked in.

  ''Tie him up and stuff his mouth with a cloth'', he said. ''And remember to lock the door. It is time we took matters into our own hands''.

  Alice was still watching in bewilderment, when he turned towards them, ''Sorry about that. Anyway, my name is Norfell Brown. I am the village watchman''.

  ''Do you know why we are here?'', asked Julian.

  ''Yes, I heard everything'', he said. ''Most of our men are in the mines and by most I mean all our able bodied men''.

  ''Will they agree to fight with us?'', asked Julian.


  ''You sure?'', asked Alice.

  ''Yes, of course. We are made to work like slaves. Since Viktor Grimm took over the throne, we are made to work all day and almost everything goes to the empire. And ever since the battalion arrived, even the children are made to work in the mines.  We are ready to fight. The only thing that was holding us back was fear of the vampires. There are about hundred of them in the battalion. The only ones who can fight against the blood drinkers are lycans. There are about three hundred men in this village who can fight, but they don't stand a chance against the vampires''.

  ''We can take care of the vampires'', reassured Julian.

  ''What about the signal?'', asked Alice.

  ''First we must get the villagers'', replied Julian.

  ''Then we better get moving'', said Norfell. ''We need weapons. There will be soldiers guarding the mines''.

  He took them to the armory, which was in the basement. ''Here, take this'', he said, handing them each a crossbow. ''We have to take them out from a distance, we cannot have them raising an alarm''.

  Alice grabbed some arrows and together they walked towards the door.

  ''Wait here'', said Norfell, placing his weapon on a small table. ''I will be back''.

  He returned after a few seconds. ''Everything is clear. Now, fol
low me''.

  We mostly kept to the alleyways as we carefully made our way towards the outskirts of the village.

  We followed Norfell to the entrance of a mine at the base of a mountain, which loomed a few paces ahead.

  ''There'', he whispered, pointing at the stony wall, and sure enough, two guards were standing outside the entrance.

  They loaded their crossbows and took careful aim, ''I got the one on the left, you take out the one on the right'', he told Julian.

  ''And I will save my arrows for later'', muttered Alice, lowering her crossbow.

  ''On three'', said Norfell. ''One... two... three.. THWACK !''.

  The guards fell on the ground, the shafts protruding from their throat.

  ''Come on. We have to hide the bodies. Just in case''.

  Together they pulled the bodies out of the way and hid them behind some bushes.

  They entered the stony passage, dimly lit by the torches on the wall. It twisted and turned, but they did not come across any more guards for some time. The air started to grow hot and stifling as they went deeper.

  ''How hot is it in here?'', muttered Alice. ''I'm getting roasted in my armor''.

  Suddenly, they heard a grating sound.

  ''Quick'', whispered Norfell, pulling Alice behind a rock outcropping. Julian hid on the other side of the tunnel. It turned out to be a miner pulling a handcart. As soon he was out of sight, Norfell whispered, ''Let's go!''.

  After walking for a while, they started hearing shouts and digging sounds.

  ''Wait'', whispered Norfell, peering around the corner.

  ''All clear'', he said, motioning with his hand. They walked into a wide cavern, where people were digging with their pick axes. The miners looked up and stared at them with wide eyes.

  ''Norfell, what are you doing, and who are they?'', asked one of the miners.

  ''We are taking back our town and they are here to help'', said Norfell.

  Suddenly, a dozen guards rushed into the cavern. But, before they could attack, the three of them raised their crossbows and set loose some arrows.

  The miners did not need any more persuasion. They joined in and started fighting the guards with their tools until there was no soldier left standing.

  Norfell turned towards the villagers, ''The time has come, for us to rise against our oppressors. Even as we speak, a lycan army led by Lord Alistair Talbot and Lord Royston Stonearm of the Imperial guard is waiting outside the gate, ready to attack the Empire's soldiers. This is our only chance for freedom. Take up your arms. Today we fight to rid the bloodsucking monsters from our village''.

  Alice smiled as Norfell riled up the villagers. The miners started shouting and waving their pick axes in response. They made their way towards the village followed by the miners.

  ''Wait'', said Julian, motioning at the crowd, as they reached the edge of the village. Only a thin belt of trees separated them from the soldiers that were patrolling the streets.

  Julian grabbed Alice's shoulder and said, ''I want you to go to the roof of the village lord's house and ring the alarm bell. The lycans are waiting for the signal''.

  Alice nodded and carefully made her way towards the two story building at the center of the village, ducking behind houses whenever someone passed by.

  She found the stairs which led to rooftop at the back of the building. She climbed up and looked around. She was able to see the guards standing at the gate.

  ''This is more fun than I thought'', muttered Alice, smiling to herself, as she grabbed the rope and pulled.

  Suddenly, the air was filled with a loud clanging noise.

  As she ran towards the stairs, the air was rent by a terrible howl that made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. Alice turned her gaze towards west and grinned as the huge werewolves lumbered down the slopes, heading straight towards the enemy tents. The siege had started!

  ''Let's go!'', shouted Norfell, gesturing at the crowd behind him.

  Alice drew her sword and joined the villagers as they charged towards the gates.

              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  I waited patiently, peering through the foliage. It was more than a couple of hours since Alice and Julian had entered the village. I was quite anxious.

  It was almost noon and I was sweating underneath my armor. The blistering sun shone directly overhead.

  Suddenly, I heard a metallic clanging. It was the alarm bell! Alice and Julian had succeeded.

  ''It is time'', said the Wolf Lord, and the lycans started transforming. Their faces elongated into snouts and fur started sprouting all over their body as terrible snarls ripped through their throat. The gray Alpha raised its maw to the sky and howled.

  The giant hefted his huge scimitar and strode forward.

  ''It has been so long since my blade tasted some vampire blood'', he grinned evilly.

  I pulled Shadowfang from its sheath and charged behind the werewolves. The guards were taken by surprise as a couple of werewolves pounced on them.

  ''Lycans!'', shouted one of them, before his head rolled on the ground.

  The rest of the empire's men were regaining their senses. They jumped on their horses and grabbed their swords, shouting commands at the ones on foot.

  ''Archers to the rear. Fire at will!'', shouted an enemy commander.

  One of the soldiers charged at me, pointing his spear at my throat, ''Die!''.

  Before he could thrust, I grabbed the shaft and drove my sword into his gaping mouth.

  On the other side of the camp, I could hear the shouts of villagers. One of the vampires caught sight of me and motioned at his partner. They jumped off their steeds, drawing their swords as they edged towards me, showing their terrible fangs.

  Suddenly, a mammoth shape appeared out of nowhere and pounced. One of them jumped aside, but his friend was not so lucky. The huge brown wolf growled furiously as he snapped his jaws at the vampire's jugular.

  The second vampire lunged at me, a snarl ripping through its throat. I gripped my sword and ducked, before driving it through the vampire's heart.

  As soon as blade touched its flesh, the vampire started smoldering, until there was nothing left, but a skeleton. After that, the vampires kept a safe distance from Shadowfang, eyeing it warily.

  The werewolves tore through the enemy ranks, pouncing on stallions and their riders. The horses scattered under the onslaught of the gigantic beasts, going crazy with fear.

  They threw off their riders and ran helter skelter through the village, killing anyone who was unlucky enough to fall under their iron shod hooves.

  The villagers screamed in fear as the vampires bore down upon them, showing their fangs.

  ''Lucas!'', I shouted at the brown werewolf beside me. ''The villagers!''.

  The werewolf howled at the sky, signaling his pack. As soon as his pack was regrouped behind him, he turned towards the vampires that were attacking the villagers. The air was filled terrible growls as the two blood enemies met, baring their fangs at each other.

  The rest of the empire's men were losing ground and they started retreating, running towards the woods.


  I looked at the gigantic figure emerging from the enemy ranks. Suddenly, the soldiers stopped in their tracks and turned back.

  He was slightly smaller than Stonearm, but looked just as fearsome. I froze, as he turned his eyes on me and strode forward, a long spear in his hand.

  ''Well, if it isn't Lucien's daughter'', he chuckled.

  ''Get back!'', growled Stonearm, as he stepped in front of me.

  ''Royston Stonearm. It has been a long time indeed'', acknowledged the spear wielding giant. ''So the rumors are true. You have truly joined the lycans''.

  He threw his spear aside and grabbed a double sided axe which was strapped to his back.

  ''Ragnor'', acknowledged Stonearm, ''this time I will make sure you die''.

  The ground shook as they charged at each oth
er. Stonearm raised his scimitar and brought it down with tremendous force, but Ragnor parried it with his axe. Sparks flew as their blades met, filling the air with the terrible metallic sound.

  Both of them staggered backwards, jarred by the impact.


  I looked back and saw Alice and Julian running towards me.

  ''Thank the gods, you are alive. I thought you had gotten yourself killed by now'', she grinned.

  Suddenly, two steeds came thundering down the street, heading straight towards us.

  ''Incoming'', I shouted, as I dashed forward and grabbed the reins of one of the horses and jumped on its back, kicking the rider off the saddle.

  I pulled on the reins and it dug its hooves into the ground. I looked back and saw that Alice had already taken care of the other one. I jumped off the steed and patted its head, ''Go now, before you get killed''.

  ''Really Scar?'', sighed Alice, rolling her eyes.

  My attention was drawn towards Stonearm and his adversary, who were fighting with deafening intensity.

  ''Who is that?'', asked Alice, pointing at the giant fighting Stonearm.

  ''Ragnor'', answered Julian. ''One of the most fearsome commanders in the Empire's army''.

  The air was filled with the sound of metallic clanging as the two giants fought. Most of the empire's army lay dead.

  Only a dozen vampires remained, who had found sanctuary on the rooftops, away from the snapping jaws of the werewolves. The villagers were waving pitchforks and pickaxes in the air, jeering insults at the vampires.

  Suddenly, out of nowhere, a vampire appeared behind Stonearm and drove a sword into his ankle. The giant cursed and staggered back, trying to regain his balance.

  ''How does that feel, Stonearm?'', sneered Ragnor, as he raised his axe and struck Stonearm's chest, but the armor was too thick.

  As Ragnor struggled to pull back his weapon, Stonearm grabbed the vampire who had struck his ankle and smashed him onto his adversary's face.

  Ragnor lost the grip on his axe and stumbled backwards. Stonearm who was stronger, pulled the battle axe free off his armor and threw it aside.

  ''Fall back!'', shouted Ragnor, as he realized that he was no match for the member of the Imperial Guard.

  The remaining vampires disappeared, retreating out of sight. Ragnor picked up his spear, but Before he could do anything, Stonearm strode forward and struck him with his armored fist. Ragnor's helm crumpled under the blow and he collapsed to the ground.

  ''Stay dead this time'', snarled the giant.

  Five werewolves and about twenty villagers were dead. Lucas and some lycans from his pack carried the bodies to the village cemetery, where they were buried. The vampires were piled in a mound at the outskirts of the village and burned. Rest of the empire's soldiers, along with the giant were buried together in a huge pit on the outskirts of the village.

  A small council was called at the village lord's house. Lord Alistair Talbot stripped the village lord of his title and gave it to Norfell.

  ''My lord'', he said, bowing to the Wolf Lord, ''you have my gratitude. We are ready to pay one fifth of our gold to Lycaonia. In exchange, the village of Crystal mill should be made a province under Lycaonia and must be brought under the protection of the Wolf Capital''.

  ''I agree to your terms, as long as you swear fealty to the Wolf King, Hector Talbot'', said the Wolf Lord.

  Norfell knelt down and offered his sword to Alistair. After Norfell had recited the oath, they proceeded to seal the contract.

  Once they were done, Lucas stepped forward and whispered to the Wolf Lord, ''Alistair, We have to hurry. It wont be long before more of the Empire's army arrive from South Warren. It is too dangerous to pass through Whitewater. We have no choice. Feon is our only chance''.

  Alistair Talbot nodded, before turning towards one of the lycans, ''Phineas, send a message to Lycaonia. Tell them to send reinforcements to Feon, and a ship''.

  ''Feon it is then'', agreed Stonearm. ''Inform the others. Collect the supplies and send lookouts. We leave at sunrise''.
