Read BIO-Sapien book 4 - Remote Heroes Page 10

  Flight 104 reaches ninety-five feet over the beginning of the runway. Fire trucks are lined up on the side of the runway. The stalling lights continue to flash while emitting a loud beeping sound. The right engine is at its maximum thrust of fifty percent. The F-22 pilot flies over the left wing at a slow 160 mph. The nanodrones reach the first already spinning nanoscanner and quickly accelerate through the other five, reaching the airplane in seconds. The pro-gravity nanodrones quickly go into the left wing and spread out. The anti-gravity nanodrones go into the nose of the plane to assist the other anti-gravity nanodrones. The nanodrones spinning around the nose quickly create a bright white halo ring. The nose of the craft begins to lift again. The nanodrones in the left wing quickly reverse their polarity on both sides, magnetically bonding to the wing and creating a strong magnetic force over it. The left side of Flight 104 begins to straighten out as the F-22 pilot feels a downward force pulling on his jet fighter. The F-22 is pulled down to seventy-five feet and then fifty feet as he begins to stall. The pilot doesn’t know what is happening or why he is being pulled towards the airliner’s wing. He quickly activates his afterburners, slowly pulling the left wing of Flight 104 with it. The nanodrones in the wing reduce their magnetic forces as the rear wheels touch down on the runway. The F-22 quickly accelerates over the runway at a fast speed. The front wheel lands on the runway and the glowing halo disappears. The brakes are applied and smoke comes from the wheels. The right flaps on the airplane go up as the left side does not.

  ‘Shit, we don’t have any braking flaps on the left side, there is a malfunction. We are heading to the right of the runway,’ Jaden says while the airplane reaches 131 mph.

  ‘Sir, we are almost out of range!’ AI yells.

  “Use your brakes Flight 104,” the FAA person yells.

  AI reverses the polarity of the nanodrones in the left wing. The pro-gravity nanodrones move to the bottom of the wing and creating a downward pulling force to the ground. The end of the runway comes in sight. Fire trucks, police and FBI cars are racing behind the airliner as it reaches the end of the runway at 40 mph. The images begin to show static on Jaden’s eyes, as the nanoscanners reach the maximum range. The pilot’s head falls over the steering wheel and the brake releases. Flight 104 continues to cruise at 26 mph. Jaden’s vision through the pilot’s eyes are completely blank. Jaden takes his hands from around Lopez’s eyes and stands up. He removes his shoes, socks and runs barefoot south.

  “Where are you going?” Lopez asks, “Wait a second, who was that guy? Where did the white guy go?”

  ‘AI, keep controlling the pilot to stop the plane! Concentrate on his feet and that brake pedal!’ Jaden yells while running over the grass.

  He runs faster and faster as static returns to his eyes. The images are going out and in on his eyes. Jaden reaches a dirt road and continues running to keep the nanoscanners connected to the pilot. His feet leap over dirt, rocks and pebbles as dust goes airborne behind him. He ignores the pain in his feet. The pilot’s head lifts up and Jaden can see a pond approaching the front of the airliner. The pilot’s foot begins to press down on the brakes again, while Jaden reaches 28 mph running on foot. His heart and blood pressure is accelerating and he has a determined look on his face. He has a look of a hero who isn’t giving up.

  ‘Slam it AI!’

  The front wheel of the airliner dips downwards near the declining bumpy pond area. There is a loud tumbling smashing sound and the pilot’s head jerks back and forth like a drunk person. His head continuously bangs the yoke.

  The airplane reaches 20 mph and then 10 mph and gently glides into the pond. The front wheel slowly sinks in the pond. The airliner stops completely while tilting downwards.

  ‘We did it AI!’ Jaden yells while slowing down as he approaches a gate.

  The nanodrones around the airliner quickly go inside the pilot’s slumped over body. His eyes are left open and look like a person who just died. The basic functions of the pilot’s brain continue to send signals to his heart and lungs to breathe. A wheezing sound can be heard coming from his mouth as the nanoscanner in his brain turns itself off. The furthest nanoscanner midair flies into the other four and heads back towards Jaden. Jaden turns around and jogs back towards Lopez a quarter of a mile away. The five nanoscanners quickly go back into Jaden’s body for diagnostics.

  ‘We did it AI! We saved the airplane, we are superheroes. Don’t you feel good inside?’ Jaden asks while jogging back onto the dirt road.

  ‘Yes we did. I do feel good, that was beyond calculations. That was a miracle and I don’t believe in miracles. Everything worked out, even though the odds were against us,’ AI says.

  ‘You did good with the last suggestion, to reverse the polarity on the nanodrones in the wing. Good random thinking, you are learning,’ Jaden says with a smile on his face.

  ‘Yes, that was unexpected of me. I’m so used to doing things by the numbers and not taking risks,’ AI says.

  Jaden jogs up the dirt road and sees Lopez walking down the dirt road looking for him.

  “That was amazing, I’ve never seen anyone run that fast before. Dude are you the same guy? Your face and skin color changed!” Lopez yells with a surprised look.

  “Yes, I’m the same person. I changed my face and body back to the way I originally look,” Jaden says, while Lopez looks at him. Lopez stops and walks along side of Jaden.

  “Wild man, are you an angel or something?” Lopez asks.

  “No, just human with some good alien technology in my DNA and a helpful artificial intelligent friend,” Jaden says while walking to the open grass area.

  ‘Thanks sir, you called me friend again,’ AI says.

  “Did you land the airplane safely? Are the passengers on board okay?”

  “Let’s just say I’ve pulled a ‘Sully’ of a landing. Yes, they are all safe. I had to keep up the connection to my alien friends, which is why I had to run like that. You are going to need an excuse to tell your superiors. Tell them you fell off the airplane trying to stop a passenger from opening the door. Then you landed in a lake, and miraculously survived. You just woke up not too long ago, and didn’t get the messages on your phone,” Jaden says.

  “No one is going to believe I survived that fall,” he says.

  “You have a better idea?” Jaden asks. “When the passengers on the plane wake up, they are going to tell the authorities what they last remembered.”

  “I’ll think of something. Oh yeah, your girlfriend called while you were running down the road like Action Jackson. She was a few minutes away,” Lopez says.

  “Oh, that’s not my girlfriend, she’s my friend,” Jaden says while he picks up his shoes and socks.

  He puts them back on and a SUV stops on the small dirt road behind them. A nanoscanner goes up to the SUV to see who is inside of it. Jaden sees it is Chan, as more scanners automatically leave his body.

  ‘Wow, she is looking good, with her hair back and blouse on,’ Jaden says to AI.

  ‘No pervertism today right?’ AI asks in a sarcastic tone.

  Jaden laughs to himself and smile.

  ‘No, I’m not going to do that…now. Thank you for curing me of my guilty conscious.’

  Dr. Chan sees him on the grass talking to Lopez about fifty feet away. The SUV turns off the dirt road and goes up a small embankment. The four-wheel drive kicks in while propelling dirt and grass from the rear of the wheels.

  “That is a nice truck,” Jaden says while it gets closer.

  “That is a Hydrogen Escalade, 2015. Wow, that is a 100,000-dollar SUV. Your girlfriend is doing good to afford this,” Lopez says.

  “Friend! Not girlfriend,” Jaden repeats while walking to the right side as she pulls up.

  ‘If she was my girlfriend I’d be looking at her naked now… That would be okay, right AI?’

  ‘Yes, sure.’

  “You okay Jaden?” She asks while smiling and happy to see him

  “I’m fine, Dr. Kimberly Chan. Thanks for coming. You sure know how to drive this machine, I see,” Jaden whispers to her in the window.

  “Yes, I have those men driving skills. I see that you figured out my first name, kudos to you. I thought you were on an airplane to North Carolina. What happened?” Chan asks. “Get in.”

  “Do you need a ride, Lopez?” Jaden asks while getting into the passenger front seat.

  “Well sure, can you drop me off at a gas station. I’m going to call from a video pay phone,” Lopez says while opening the rear passenger door and sitting down behind Jaden.

  She makes a U-turn on the grass and the SUV barely shakes or rocks over the uneven terrain.