Read BIO-Sapien book 4 - Remote Heroes Page 11

  Only at Action Burger.

  Chapter 18: Shoot me Again with that Gun and…

  “I saved this air marshal from the airplane. This crazy passenger opened the emergency exit. This guy fell out at 33,000 feet with him and I had to save this brave federal air marshal,” Jaden says.

  “Wow, that’s amazing,” she says.

  She drives with her left hand and extends her right arm back towards Lopez. She drives down the small two-foot high embankment with one hand and everyone leans forward.

  “Hi, I’m Kimberly,” she says.

  “Hello, nice to meet you Kimberly. I’m Air Marshal Fredrick Lopez,” he says while shaking her hand.

  Jaden lays back and relaxes.

  “Man, these seats are comfortable,” Jaden says.

  “Your seats have a built in massage feature, if you want to use it,” she says while pointing to the button on the dash in front of Jaden.

  He presses the button, and the seat begins to massage his back up and down the leather. Jaden speaks in a vibrating voice, “Oh this feels good for my back, after stretching the skin on my back like a pregnant woman.”

  “That’s what was making that stretching sound behind me?” Lopez asks while laughing.

  “You heard that?” Jaden asks and laughs.

  Kimberly chuckles while pressing a button on the steering wheel.

  “Nearest gas station,” she says aloud.

  “Nearest gas station is 1.8 miles away, two minutes, continue on road…” the GPS system says.

  ‘Massage me magic leather seat,’ Jaden mumbles to AI while his eyes are closed and head is against the headrest.

  “I’m glad you are okay, though I was worried,” she says while looking at Jaden and putting her right hand over the back of his head.

  “Are you sure you two aren’t boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife?” Lopez asks while turning his head to look at both of them.

  “No,” they shout at the same time.

  ‘I just finished scanning the entire area to see if she was followed,’ AI says.

  ‘Good work. Thanks AI,’ Jaden says while relaxing.

  ‘I’m going to continue working on your weapon systems’ calculations.’

  They reach a main road, there an awkward silence as Jaden thinks about everything that has just happened. Some soft music begins to play on the radio

  “I want to thank you again, for saving my life Jaden. I owe you one,” Lopez says.

  “Don’t worry about it. I will put it on your tab,’ Jaden says.

  “I can’t get over Jaden how you took over the pilot’s body to land the aircraft from over a hundred miles away; that was amazing. But I don’t understand how I fell asleep for a few minutes,” Lopez says.

  “Just remember I’m here to help. Oh, you fell asleep because your nanomole was deactivated,” Jaden says while they pull into a gas station mart.

  “Nanomole? Okay, thanks; and thanks for the ride Kimberly,” Lopez says.

  “Hey, thanks for the help,” Jaden says.

  “You’re welcome. Where are you going now?” Lopez asks.

  “Going to try to warn the government in Washington D.C. and maybe go to the news media. But in a day or two, you are going to know everything you need to know about what is going on. Also, remember don’t tell anyone you saw me, okay?” Jaden asks.

  “Okay, good luck,” Lopez says while opening the door and closing it.


  They pull off and Lopez waves.

  “Set a course for Raleigh Airport in North Carolina. I have to retrieve my nanodrones and nanoscanner,” Jaden says.

  Kimberly speaks to the navigation system, “Raleigh airport in North Carolina is the destination, go now.”

  “Why are they at the airport?” She asks.

  “I had to use them in a pilot’s body so he could land the airplane. Now they are incubating in his body. Also, can I borrow your phone?” he asks. “I want to call my baby’s mother to find the location of my daughter.”

  “Sure,” she says while passing him the phone, “So you’ve been back on Earth for a few days and have baby mama drama already?”

  “Very funny,” Jaden says.

  “Nanodrones are the organic nanobot parasites in your body correct?” She asks.

  “Yes,” he says while dialing numbers on her fancy I-PCphone.

  “Nanoeyes are merged with nanoscanners for your body. They can scan and see through any material and they work with nanodrones, correct?”

  “Yes. Shit, voice mail,” he says in a frustrated tone.

  “So you are wearing perfume for patients now huh?” Jaden asks while handing back her phone.

  Kimberly blushes, “Maybe. But only for special patients.”

  “ are looking good in your blue jeans and light blue blouse, doctor”

  “You are looking good in your dress shirt and creamy dress pants. Where did you get them?”

  “From someone at the airport.”

  “So, I’m glad you were finally able to access the Internet. Did they turn it back on?” She asks.

  “No, I had to find it, there was wireless Internet in the basement. Wireless Internet, did you know this was for employees there?” Jaden asks.

  “No, I didn’t know they had it for employees. This was my first time at that hospital, I’m assuming it was probably allowed on the weekend. Wireless Internet is almost everywhere these days, I didn’t think about you trying that,” Kimberly says.

  “No, when I was last on Earth, Internet was connected through wires only.”

  ‘Are you okay, AI buddy?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Yes, I’m fine, just learning human interaction and doing some calculations,’ AI says.

  “Jaden, what is going on, did you really fall from an airplane? Where did you get a parachute?” She asks.

  “Three hours and ten minutes to Raleigh international Airport, 201 miles to destination. Please drive the highlighted route,” the robotic female navigation voice says.

  “I used my nanodrones and some other drones to disrupt the gravity around me, to land on the ground, to rescue Lopez. I didn’t have a parachute. It was very dangerous, but I knew I could do it. I wanted to see what the nanodrones could do also,” Jaden says.

  “That was dangerous, you are needed for this impending attack on Earth. You can’t risk your life like that. What happened to the guy who opened the emergency exit?”

  “He exploded on impact, big mess,” Jaden says.

  “Jesus, poor guy. Listen Jaden, all of this is happening so fast. What you did to me was something I’ve never felt or experienced before. After I left the hospital and I was driving to the airport, your memories became more real. As the hours went by, I remembered so many more things about you. I heard all the funny jokes you said over the past nineteen years of your life. What is going on with me? I can remember more details about your life than I can remember from my own life. I’m having these feelings as if I’ve known you for all my life. The feelings feel very real, but the detailed images when you left Earth are confusing. It was like watching a good sci-fi movie. There are conflicts with reality and my imagination. I told my father about what happened. He doesn’t believe any of this and was on his way to talk to me at my house, before I left to meet you an hour ago. He wants me to stay away from you. But I had to see you and help you to see if you were okay,” she says.

  “As long as you believe me, that is really what is important. I’ve been having feelings for you also. I’ve learned so much about you in such a short period of time. Things have been a little confusing for me also because in reality I’ve only known you for only the past three days. I actually saw your birth and watched you grow up. I learned everything you like and dislike. I found out what type of person you are in ten minutes, where as it would have taken ten years to learn all those things about you,” Jaden says.

  “I think the future of da
ting might be this way. But I think we should concentrate on what is at hand now and try to save people we care about. Notifying the correct government agencies about these nanomoles in humans’ brains should be a priority. I was able to locate what I believe is the alien protein in my office not far from where I live. The microscope I used isn’t as good as the prototype 4D atom force microscope in another office that requires special permission. My colleagues will verify my findings and they will forward it to my boss if it is the alien nanomole we have been looking for. My boss will forward it to the proper authorities,” she says.

  “How long will it take for your colleagues to verify the findings?” He asks.

  “Hopefully by Monday or Tuesday,” she says.

  “Tuesday might be too late, a countdown was started the second you went unconscious at the hospital and I caught you.”

  “Oh, yeah, the countdown. That’s not good.”

  “I know…on Flight 104, every passenger was in the neutral nanomole state. That was stage 2. None of them were responsive. I think the mother ship is getting closer and closer every day. I need to find my daughter, find my parents, and try to deactivate manually as many nanomoles as possible,” Jaden says.

  “Okay. I’m scared Jaden. This whole alien attacking thing reminds me of the movies I’ve watched over the years; Independence Day, War of the Worlds, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and V. Aliens attacking Earth is really scary, so many people can die.”

  “Don’t be scared; I’ll protect you.”

  “Do you mean that?” She asks.

  “Yes I do. These aliens are much smarter than the aliens in those movies. Do you remember the D.E.K. on Planet 455?” Jaden asks.

  “It sounds familiar…yes, I do. The dark energy knight that couldn’t be destroyed?” She asks.

  “Yes. Imagine one of those on this planet. That is a powerful alien enemy you can’t find in any of those movies. I would never want to be face to face with one of those creatures. That thing would rip Superman apart,” he says.

  “Turn right onto I-95 expressway ramp and keep right on highway,” the navigation computer says.

  “Yes, you have a point there. That thing looked scary. Those eerie dark flames make it seem as if it was on fire, but in another dimension.”

  “That is the HSCCVL system in the left lane, correct?” Jaden asks.

  “Yes, they call it CCL, short for computer controlled lane. Only certain vehicles with that expensive system in their vehicles can drive in that lane. Like for example this vehicle,” Kimberly says.

  “Drive twenty-four miles south on Interstate 95, then take I-85…”

  “Cool,” Jaden says.

  “From me learning your personality and likes in such a short period of time, you want us to drive in the CCL lane, right?” Kimberly asks.

  “You know me, oh so well,” Jaden says while smiling as he sees a car quickly passing by at 90 mph in the CCL.

  She inches over into the middle lane and then the left. Signs are passing over for entrance to the CCL lane.

  “Looks just like a HOV lane,” Jaden says.

  She drives into the entrance lane, infrared signals go back and forth with her SUV and the highway signs overhead. A small transparent screen shows up on the glass of the windshield.

  “HSCCVL system activated, your vehicle will drive in this lane for twenty-two miles, to exit 51. Please relax and enjoy your ride,” the navigation system says in the car speakers.

  The steering wheel begins to slowly move back and forth by itself. The SUV quickly picks up speed as Jaden looks around in amazement.

  “Wow, look at your face. That is the same look you had on your face when your parents bought you your first car two years ago, I mean twenty years ago. Then your father snapped the picture of your face with his Polaroid camera,” she says.

  “You remember that? Wow. I remember that,” he says.

  “You looked so cute in that picture,” she says while completely turning towards Jaden to give her full attention.

  The SUV reaches ninety-seven miles an hour. Jaden looks at the transparent screen as he sees ZZ rated tire pressures, rear vehicle distance 480 feet and front vehicle distance 907feet.


  “The steering wheel driving by itself reminds me of episodes of Knight Rider. You don’t feel nervous keeping your eyes completely off the road?” He asks.

  “No. This system is completely safe, I use it all the time. Knight Rider? Knight Rider started coming on in 2008, how do you remember those episodes if you weren’t on this planet then,” she says in a questioning voice.

  “What are you talking about 2008? Knight Rider came on in the eighties with KITT.”

  “Knight Rider came on in 2008, I was in college when I watched the new episodes every week,” she says while looking at his eyes.

  ‘Damn, she looks so sexy when she thinks she knows what she is talking about,’ Jaden says to AI.

  “I watched the new episodes of Knight Rider when I was in kindergarten that was in 1982, if I recall. I watched all the episodes,” Jaden says.

  “Okay we will solve this now, I can look it up on the Internet,” she says.

  “Well, why don’t we make a wager?” He asks.

  “Sure, what do I get if I win?” She asks.

  They look into each other’s eyes.

  ‘Jaden if you are thinking about a kiss from her as the prize for winning this wager, why not just tell her that,’ AI asks.

  ‘I don’t want to come on that strong, I don’t know if she might think that is inappropriate.’

  ‘This is confusing to me, your hormone levels are high, her hormone levels are fluctuating…’ AI says.

  ‘It is a timing thing, relationships are complicated with humans. Also, all these new feelings I have for her and the new feelings she has for me are new to both of us. So I think the best decision is to take things at her speed,’ Jaden says to AI.

  “Well?” She asks, “What do you think the wager should be?”

  “How about if I win, you buy me something to eat later. If you win, I’ll, I’ll…give you a back massage,” Jaden says.

  ‘I’ll kiss you all over your body, if I win,’ Jaden says to AI while chuckling to himself.

  ‘With all those germs on her body? Do you see the bacteria all over her skin?’ AI asks.

  “Okay, that sounds fair,” Kimberly says while pressing the eight-inch LCD screen in the center console.

  Jaden chuckles to himself and says, ‘AI, you have a lot to learn about humans. You are funny though, now you want me to see her naked again.’

  ‘Looking at trillions of microscopic bacteria on the skin isn’t being a pervert.’

  ‘Yeah, yeah. I’ll do a good job disinfecting her.’

  “Welcome to Voice Goojjletron search engine. Please say what you want to look up,” the LCD screen says.

  “Knight Rider TV show aired on TV when?” Kimberly asks.

  “Goojjletron search 0.10 seconds. The original Knight Rider aired on TV from 1982-1986 and had ninety episodes…” the female computer voice says.

  “You see! I told you!” Jaden yells while clapping his hands together.

  “What the hell?” She asks.

  “…A new Knight Rider series ran in 2008-2009…”

  “Ha Ha!” She yells while snapping her fingers, “You see, it did come on in 2008 again.”

  “I guess we were both right,” Jaden says.

  ‘I remember from her memory she watched Knight Rider, but I thought she was watching the reruns. I thought she just didn’t know what she was talking about,’ Jaden says.

  “So, can I have my massage?” She asks.

  “Sorry the bet was a draw. I believe that is your leather seat’s job,” Jaden says in a sarcastic voice.

  A frown appears across her face, “Are you serious?”

  “I’m kidding sweetie, it will be my pleasure. I’ll massage your tasty
back,” he says while she turns around and faces her window.

  She turns back around and asks, “What did you say?”

  “I said, I can’t wait to massage your healthy back,” he says with a smirk on his face and she turns back towards her window.

  The speed on the windshield reaches 101 mph. Kimberly leans back while Jaden massages her back.

  ‘Jaden, there is a guy sitting in the driver’s seat of a SUV about 500 feet behind us and a small woman is on top of him. I think she is stuck, she is making all kinds of noises,’ AI says.

  ‘That is good to know,’ Jaden says while enjoying touching Kimberly’s soft shoulders and smelling her perfume. Her scent and physical contact is arousing him. Kimberly is enjoying the feel of a human hand touching her body.

  ‘Would you like to see this through the nanoscanner Jaden? I think the lady is in trouble. Maybe we can help her?’ AI asks.

  ‘Nah, I’m good. How about you record it for me,’ Jaden says in a trance.

  ‘He isn’t helping her up. She is trying to get up, but she is stuck. She is somehow glued to his skin I believe…’

  ‘He is trying to kill her with a deadly weapon between his legs,’ Jaden sarcastically replies.

  ‘He is? That isn’t good, we have to do something. Batman and Robin?’ AI asks excitedly.

  ‘AI, calm down, no need to send more nanoscanners to investigate. They are just having sex, AI, practicing reproducing or reproducing. The same thing I want to do right now, practice.’

  ‘But why would they do this while their car drives in the CCL lane?’ AI asks.

  ‘AI, I’ll explain it to you later, I’m concentrating here. Go look in my memory and see all the wild places I’ve had sex at.’

  “Okay, that’s enough. That was very good, Thanks,” Kim says while turning around towards the road.

  ‘Her body is giving off chemical hormone messages!’ AI yells.

  ‘I know, I can smell them with my super nose.’

  “Manual drive in one mile, manual drive in one mile,” the female computer voice says.


  “Get some rest, I know you had a tough and long morning,” she says.

  “Okay,” he says while closing his eyes.

  Some soft music plays in the background.

  ‘Jaden, your pituitary gland was sending extra chemical hormones around your body as if you were ready to mate. Extra blood was going to your reproductive organ.’

  ‘I can’t mate when I feel like it. It’s a timing thing, AI. It isn’t as simple as with animals. I’m also not trying to reproduce with her, even if I had the chance. I wouldn’t mind practicing though,’ Jaden says.

  ‘That is a waste of 250 million sperm and is murder on the colony of microscopic organisms. Isn’t it bad enough leukocytes in the uterus kill off 249 million sperm?’ AI asks.

  Jaden laughs out loud. Kimberly turns to Jaden, “What’s so funny Jaden?”

  “AI is sounding like a mental patient. We are having a conversation about….about science.”

  “Oh okay, a man to alien conversation, gotcha. Tell him I said hello.”

  ‘AI, do you hear yourself? Do you hear how crazy you sound? Murdering a colony of sperm, by practicing reproducing,” Jaden says.

  ‘Yes, that is worst than genocide of a million humans and worst than 250 million abortions.’

  ‘AI, sperm aren’t people or an animal. They are on the level of bacteria or skin cells. 99.99% are going to die anyway, even when it is reproducing time. They are like frontline infantry; they know they going to die and they all aren’t going to reach the egg. If they had a brain they would go after the egg only when I tell them too.’

  ‘Look at the billions and billions of them all piled together in your testicles. They can’t wait to get out and start the marathon race….’

  ‘I don’t care to see, don’t show me. If you are so concerned about them AI, why don’t you and some nanodrones go down there and reprogram every one of them to race when I give the command?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Maybe I will,’ AI snaps, ‘I’m in the saving any life-form mood.’

  ‘AI, I think you need to reset your computer brain, you are losing your logic. One of them made it to the finish line eighteen years ago and look at the problems I have now. Eighteen years of child support for one stupid sperm. I want to go back in time and vaporize that lucky sperm. I don’t want any more kids now. Us humans practice reproducing most of the time, which is called sex or making love. It is a wonderful feeling to have with the opposite sex or same sex. But I wouldn’t know if it was the same with the same sex. I’m assuming it feels the same way for gay men. Okay, I’m confusing myself. The point is, sperm are troublemakers and deserve whatever happens to them. Anyways, I’m done talking about this. Wake me up when we get there,’ Jaden says while making the seat recline with the massager on.

  Washington, D.C. White House 11:45 am

  “Shit! Shit! Shit!” Robinson yells while slamming down the phone.

  “What happened, sir?” Peters asks sitting in the seat in front of Robinson’s desk.

  Robinson opens his desk and opens a package of pills. He swallows some down without any water.

  “My hemorrhoids are flaring, my blood pressure is high and this situation has more fairy tale stories than Disney. I’ve never heard so much bullshit in my forty-five years in the military. I think the government should reinstate lie detector tests for all government, federal and state employees. Someone is on some drugs here. I have government official witnesses saying they saw a halo angel ring around the nose of Flight 104 landing. The F-22 pilot says he was magically lifting the left wing of the plane so it could land. Passengers magically waking up at the same time twenty minutes after the plane lands. The pilot landed the airplane then he goes unconscious and is instantly brain dead,” Robinson says in a loud voice.

  “Is the FBI analyzing his body?

  “No, I have someone from my team there, so there aren’t any more screw-ups,” he says.

  “Who did you send?”

  “I sent my Commander-in-chief Max Miles to be in charge of the investigation,” Robinson says with a smile on his face

  “That guy had three psychiatric evaluations done on him in the last ten years. He has suffered from TBI (traumatic brain injuries) in the past and has gotten innocent civilians killed on duty. This man came back from the Iraq War damaged and unstable,” Peters says.

  “But he gets the job done and he does exactly what I say.”

  “Have you notified the President on all of this?”

  “No, not yet. She is enjoying the day with her family in New York,” Robinson says.

  “Are you sure this is wise, sir? The President doesn’t like this guy,” Peters says.

  “Listen Peters, I’ve known you for a long time. You have always been my most logical, family oriented, intelligent officer, friend and advisor. Trust me on this one, I know what I’m doing. This little cocksucker Jaden Marino is the enemy of this country. I’ve talked to some friends in the senate, you are definitely going to have enough votes for the secretary of defense position available. So take it easy, go home and be with your family this weekend.”

  “I’m going to look into this possible alien attack with these clues I keep getting from my military personnel. Just in case something bigger is about to happen,” Peters says.

  “There is no alien attack happening. Just this alien roach Jaden, that is here to spread his alien babies around and to make me look like an asshole again.”

  Peters walks towards the door and turns around.

  “Do you believe the story that F. Lopez, the air marshal onboard fell off out the emergency exit with Jaden Marino and a third person?” Peters asks.

  “That he landed in the water and survived the fall. He witnessed Jaden Marino landing in the woods and dying. But he doesn’t know where the third mental patient landed. My team is doing a quick DNA analysi
s of the area where the body landed. So no, I don’t believe his story. Max Miles will be interrogating him soon. He is a walking lie detector,” Robinson says, while laughing and General Peters walks out of the office.


  Robinson turns on the television and he sees BNN news showing an E-reporter video of a glowing ring around the front of Flight 104.

  “As you can see from this amateur photo from a local E-reporter, there is a halo angel ring around troubled Jetgreen Flight 104 today. Sources say it had a damaged left engine and was having trouble landing. The passengers and crew onboard all fell asleep from some mysterious gas. They have all since woke up, while the pilot who landed the plane is reported as still unconscious. Witnesses are saying an angel was around the doomed flight as it looked like it was about to crash. Religious witnesses are saying it was a miracle and a sign from God. Experts are saying the flight was flying at a low 140 mph, which is impossible to keep lift with a aircraft that size…” he turns off the television and closes his eyes.

  “Sometimes I wish I could be Professor Xaviar from X-men, so I can control the media and civilians’ minds…”

  Raleigh, NC, 5 miles from the Airport 12:45 pm

  A talk radio show is on satellite radio. Kimberly is listening to an ex-politician named Andrew Richards talk about his affair that caused his marriage to end a few years ago. A female interviewer named Tammy Cornwell is interviewing him live.

  “Men in general are very likely to cheat in a relationship and marriage. Men like myself with power and money are ninety-one percent likely to cheat on their wives. It’s a fact that only fifteen percent of these men are actually being caught. Here are my examples: Look at President Clinton in 1997 with his affair with Lewinsky; Mayor of New York City Rudy in 1999, an affair while he was married; Governor McGreevey of New Jersey cheated with a man in 2000; New York Governor Spitzer cheated with an escort in 2008; Governor Sanford of South Carolina cheated on his wife in 2009; Senator John Edwards in 2007 and professional golfer Tiger Woods in 2009. All these married men were tired of their wives and wanted more sexually. This only represents a fraction of the men with power that actually got caught,” Richards says excitedly.

  “You have a good point there, retired Senator Richards. Give us women an inside understanding as to why men with power and in general, seek sex outside their marriage,” she says.

  “My political career is already over, so I’m going to break it down for you and tell you how men think. It’s not just men with power, it’s average men as well. Most men want a trophy wife at home and girlfriends/flings on the side. The girlfriends/flings usually aren’t more good looking than their trophy wife. Let’s just say I’m married and I have all this money and power, why should I be stuck having sex with the same boring woman forever? My wife was good for reproducing with and taking care of my kids. Many men, including myself, get tired of having sex with the same woman. They want something new to penetrate and to experience. There is a very strong sexual excitement with a new female. A different female has a different smell, different taste, different vaginal feeling when penetrating the first few times and a different personality. Men’s brains are sexually stimulated with a new female. It is beyond exciting for a man to be intimate with someone new, that I can’t even attempt to explain to you. Us men want our wives at home and freaks on the side. It is a fact that escorts and hookers get eighty percent of their revenue from married men. This clearly backs up my opinion that men want more. ”

  “Are you saying it’s okay for men to cheat on their wives if they get bored with them?” Tammy asks.

  “I’m not saying it’s okay to do this, but this is what ends up happening anyway. Sex is everywhere these days; it’s on the Internet, on television, in movies, in video games and everywhere we look. Society tells these men that a skinny younger female is sexy. A young trophy girlfriend or wife is what most older men seek these days. Society also tells us that a freaky young female is beautiful and something you must have. My ex-wife got older and bigger and society tells us that is not attractive. Money and power drive our egos, so we make it happen no matter how much it costs. Men like myself love nasty things in the bedroom, things they would never want the mother of their kids to do. Sex was in my face all the time, when I was away from my family fundraising or running for office. Basketball players, football players, rappers, actors and public figures experience this all the time. Most men would risk having sex with a stranger even if it risked their marriage with their wives,” Richards says.

  “Most would?”

  “Yes most, because most men don’t think they would get caught. We do it with a clear conscious and think we will get away with it, just like a criminal thinks he will get away with a crime at the time he is committing it,” Richards says.

  “But you got caught and now you are divorced. Was it worth it?” She asks.

  “In the end, it isn’t worth it. I wish I could have turned off this infectious sexual disease of wanting another female while I was married. I miss being with my wife and kids.”

  “But instead of helping to solve the problem and speaking out on men staying faithful and loyal to their wives, you are doing the opposite,” she snaps.

  “That is correct, speaking out on the problem isn’t going to solve anything. Sex is everywhere these days and men will always cheat. Cheating dates back to the biblical times. Cheating is an infectious disease and is more addictive than smoking cigarettes. The goal of men like myself is to get the female into a position where we can get away with our cheating ways. 1. Get them pregnant with kids. This would keep her occupied with the household duties and doing most of the raising of the kids. 2. Keep control in the household, be the main breadwinner. 3. Strip away their self-esteem. 4. Keep her in denial of any wrongdoing. 5. Get her in a position where she can’t leave you. 6. LIE. Deny and lie about any accusations she accuses you of.”

  “That sounds like the recipe for a certified narcissist.”

  “Does it?” He asks.

  “I’m sure there are going to be plenty of men upset with you giving away the universal narcissist game plan.”

  “This younger generation of men just isn’t getting married these days and instead has relationships with technology. They aren’t getting themselves in these situations in the first place.”

  “You know divorce court judges are making mostly men take the fMRI lie detector 2.0 in court to verify if cheating occurred in the relationship,” she says.

  “There are ways to beat that test.”

  “Moving on, you and many of your political friends are lobbying congress to pass the 2015 special marriage license?” Tammy asks.

  “That is correct. The rules of marriage are outdated and were created before Jesus was born. To solve the problem with infidelity, we are introducing a new bill called Marriage Contract 2015 into congress. The special marriage license would cost $100,000 for five years of marriage and $200,000 for 10 years. When the time is up, each party will have to agree to renew, similar to a lease renewal on an apartment or vehicle. The money goes to the federal government or state as a special tax. Up to ten percent of the husband’s salary goes into a special trust fund for the wife and/or kids for the future. That doesn’t include normal support of the family or wife. Men are allowed to have another woman or female robot on the side. The wife will be fully aware of this before she gets married. Kids will be covered under a special insurance coverage. Safe sex only is allowed and the wife can sue if she catches a STD….”

  “So the Marriage Contract bill is pretty much a hired sex nanny for reproducing kids?”

  “Pretty much, yes. Less political shame for the man, family, wife and kids. The mistress can’t go public with their affair, because everything will be perfectly legal. The men with this special marriage license can legally sue their mistress for going public. Do you know how many mistresses are paid millions to be quiet about their affairs with these men? They have their own M
yfacebook fan base called, ‘Paid Mistresses.’ These leeches are retiring for life after having these affairs. They also try very hard to get pregnant by these men and that is like a huge bonus payout that last up to twenty-two years. When are these men going to evolve passed this? This same cycle of ignorance has been happening for many years. I say legalize cheating, just like marijuana was legalized and taxed in 2012. Legalizing marijuana helped get the country out of its recession. This Marriage Contract bill will do the same and already has over 8000 men interested in buying the license. Basketball, football, baseball players, R&B singers, politicians, bankers and CEOs make up this quickly growing list. $100,000 times 8000 men would bring in over eight billion dollars minimum...”


  Kimberly is driving and shakes her head in disappointment at what ex-senator Richards was discussing in the interview. Jaden wakes up from his deep nap, feeling a sensation on his back and around his body. He looks around and clears his eyes. He sees 1.5 billion nanodrones returned and retrieved on his eye screen.

  “Did you hear the conversation on the radio Jaden?” She asks in an upset tone.

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “That man is destroying the foundation of marriage. Marriage is suppose to be about trust, honesty, commitment, compromise, love, loyalty and a lifetime connection with one partner. Marriage requires hard work just like a full time job. How dare he try to change the rules because he can’t keep his schlong in his pants? How can a child grow up knowing his father is allowed to sleep with as many women as he wants? Where does this end? Technology is already messing up the foundations between men and women. Why can’t a single man in his twenties have all the freaky sex he wants with as many women as he wants? Then in his thirties, he gets married, stays faithful and raises a family the way humans were intended too?” She asks.

  “What did I miss? I don’t know sweetie. I don’t see why a man can’t be faithful to one woman. Marriage is a serious bond between a man and a woman, the way God intended.”

  “I’m sorry Jaden, I go on a rant sometimes. I get angry when I hear men trying to excuse their infidelity and blame society for their problems.”

  “It’s okay, don’t worry about it. I understand your points,” he says.

  “I have a solution to solve their infidelity issues. When a man gets married, his sperm should be frozen at a sperm bank. If he is caught cheating on his wife, his penis should be chopped off and frozen. He can urinate through a tube and won’t have to worry about cheating again. That will make men want to control their urges and be faithful. Problem solved.”

  “Wow, that was direct, but painful. I felt your pain and so did my little friend between my legs. Wow Kimberly, that would really make men think before cheating.”

  “I am a new generation of women and we women need to empower ourselves. It’s the year 2018, we deserve respect and honesty. We aren’t sex nannies for reproducing. It’s been ninety-four years since women won the right to vote in America and we are still fighting for equal pay and not being seen as a sex object!” She yells angrily. Jaden stares at her speechless as she continues, “It’s bad enough us females have to freeze our eggs in our early twenties, finish college and have a strong career before we can use those same eggs in our late thirties. Most of us are just going to the fertility bank and using a sperm donor to fertilize our eggs to be single parent!”

  Jaden sees how red Kim’s face is becoming and how heavy she is breathing. He thinks back to Kim’s memories and remembers she froze her eggs 2 years ago.

  “I understand your points. Take it easy, take a breath, I respect you. Um… so…on another note, where are we?” Jaden asks while looking out the window.

  Kimberly takes some deep breaths and calms down.

  “About a mile and a half from the airport on Highway 540. We had to detour around Route 85, there was a forest fire in Falls Lake State Park,” Kimberly says.

  “I hope no one got hurt,” Jaden says.

  ‘AI, what’s going on, you found the nanodrones already?’

  ‘Yes, I just found him. I’ve been looking for the pilot’s body for the past hour. They moved him into a truck covered in lead and another strong metal material I couldn’t identify. I didn’t think to look in the lead truck right away, because it is hard for just one nanoscanner to look through a lead truck.’

  “Where should I go, Jaden?” Kimberly asks.

  ‘Why can’t one nanoscanner pass through lead? I thought they could pass through anything?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘To penetrate that thick lead, these weaker nanoscanners, made to work with your human body, need at least three combined to penetrate something that thick. They also can’t do 4D x-ray scans through the lead from the outside of it. Something with the compounds and molecules in that lead. One nanoscanner from the Gravhawk can penetrate lead a few feet thick.’


  “Hello? Earth to Jaden?” Kimberly asks again while smiling waving her hand in front of his dazed eyes, “Are you talking to your AI friend hidden in the multiple personalities area of your brain?”

  Jaden multi-tasks while listening to AI’s story.

  “How did you know I was talking to AI?” He asks.

  ‘So I continued checking the entire airport without finding the body. Then I tried to think more randomly and outside the box. I thought, why would there be a lead truck here and I was curious to what was inside…’

  “Your face looks as if you are listening to something and you look occupied,” she says.

  ‘…Then I found the pilot unconscious and hooked up to a respirator with a man with an all white body suit covered around his body. It was a similar white suit to the white suits that were around the Gravhawk back on Earth when…’

  ‘AI, keep to the story, I know what an all white body suit looks like.’

  “Tell him I said hello for me,” she says.

  “I’ll tell him, it looks like he retrieved the nanodrones and nanoscanner from the pilot’s body already. He was telling me the story how he did it while I was sleeping,” Jaden says.


  ‘So I activated the nanodrones and nanoscanner in his body, but I couldn’t get the nanodrones through the lead. Then the truck began to drive away. I didn’t want to lose the truck and the nanodrones. I was too busy calculating how far I could follow the truck. But then I started thinking randomly and outside the box. I used my artificial imagination. I got the nanodrones to go back into their positions in the pilot’s body they were at on the airplane. The three nanoscanners had to keep going in and out of the truck to relay the messages back to me, since the communication pathway couldn’t penetrate the lead. So I programmed the nanoscanner in the pilot’s brain to do this creative task I came up with…’

  ‘Okay, okay, keep going,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Can you guess?’ AI asks.

  ‘I don’t feel like guessing,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Humans like to guess things like this, am I correct?’ AI asks.

  ‘Okay, I’ll guess. You zapped the guy sitting with the pilot in the truck?’ He asks.

  ‘No, you told me it isn’t good to hurt other humans if you can avoid it. I got the unconscious pilot to jump up screaming, saying he needed fresh air and to stop the truck. He was touching all over the young man like a scary zombie movie. He was also yelling he was claustrophobic, I found that word in the medical encyclopedia,’ AI says.

  ‘That is funny, very funny and creative. Good work AI,’ Jaden says while chuckling to himself.

  ‘Then the man in the white suit jumped up panicking and radioed to the driver to stop the truck. The backdoor automatically opened and the pilot was walking towards it like a zombie. Then all the nanoscanners made a straight communication pathway to you a few minutes ago. They worked together and fired all the nanodrones back into your body from the pilot’s body. The pilot fell backwards onto the man. It was amusing, watching the young man panicking and ge
tting scared out of his mind. He was screaming like a girl and had such a look of terror on his face. I took a photo for you of his face.’

  Jaden sees the image of the scared military officer’s face and laughs.

  ‘Good job, AI. You see if you change your thinking, how much easier things can be. A little imagination and a little non-linear thinking can come in handy.’

  “Can you drive to Halifax, North Carolina?” Jaden asks Kimberly. “Do you think we can make it to a Halifax State Bank before 3 pm?”

  “I’ll check, most banks usually stay open past 3 pm these days. Halifax State Bank,” she says towards the dashboard.

  ‘Kimberly said hello to you AI.’

  ‘Oh okay, tell her greetings,’ AI says.

  “Halifax State Bank is 89.1 miles northeast. Drive the highlighted area, one hour and twenty minutes is your total driving time,” the navigation voice says.

  “I’m trying to remember why you have to go to the bank,” she says, “I’m remembering, you have to go to the bank because…because your father left money in a safety deposit box for you. You think there could be a message or note inside the safety deposit box and you think he lives in the town somewhere. There is also a chance your daughter and ex lives or is visiting there,” she says.

  “You are correct. Can I borrow your phone again?” He asks.

  “This memory of you is coming in bits and pieces. I feel like I have amnesia and clues are helping me to remember things,” she says while passing him the phone.

  The phone rings on speakerphone and the voice mail picks up.

  “It sounds like she has a pre-paid phone.”

  Jaden speaks into the phone, “Amy, this is Jaden. Listen I have the money that I owe you. I would like to see my daughter to make sure she is okay. Please call back at this number when you get a chance, I’m in Halifax, North Carolina now, bye.”

  He passes her the phone back and stretches out to take another nap.

  “Relax, sweetie, get some rest,” she says.

  ‘I’ve completed more of your weapons. You now have a counterclockwise shield system, which is also called reverse shields. It has three layers and works similar to the Gravhawk’s reverse shield system. The first outside layer slows a fast moving projectile down to a complete stop in a gravity matrix. The second layer is where the projectile or blast particles are analyzed, where it can be recycled into an offensive weapon. Third layer protects the person inside the shield and feels like a solid force. Yes, the second layer works with nanoscanners to determine the material. Forward or clockwise shield was the one you were using at the hospital that destroyed any materials in front of it. But remember, both shields can only absorb so much outside forces at once. The person inside the shield can feel the blunt energy of an object moving fast enough towards it. Yes, meaning the shield doesn’t just have to be around you, it can be expanded around a certain circumference around you or another person or object. This and using the outside two layers require more energy. Good question, full body shield is where the shield is fully around your body and around your feet. You will be walking on the inside of the shield like a bubble. The inside will turn and go the direction you are walking and adjust speeds with your mind. In other words, it will feel as if you are on a hamster wheel, but moving in a direction. The nanodrones in the shield will automatically adjust so that it doesn’t destroy the ground it is going over,’ AI says.


  ‘Remember the rpm can be controlled by me or yourself. The faster the rpm the more brain energy and calculations will be needed. I almost forgot. Your left hand will be able to fire an atoms ripper weapon. Yes, I got a little creative with the naming. An atoms ripper is a molecule destroying energy, similar to plasma fusion in the forward shields. Combining the gravity shock wave and atoms ripper can fire a very powerful fast moving projectile…’

  Jaden falls asleep, while AI stops talking and continues calculating.


  Halifax, NC Right side of Bank parking lot 2:33 pm


  The vehicle’s door closes as Kimberly gets back in the SUV. A rush of air hits Jaden’s body. Jaden wakes up to the familiar scent of food in the air.

  “Hey there blue eyes. I got you your favorite. Pastrami on rye, with mustard and cheese,” she says while holding a bag towards him.

  “How did you….oh okay, I’m still getting used to this new memory thing myself. Thanks,” Jaden says while taking the bag and opening it.

  “I got you a root beer also.”

  “Oh thank you sweetie. I haven’t had food like this in over eighteen years,” Jaden says while stuffing his face.

  A few minutes go by. Jaden eats with a smile on his face. The taste from the sandwich is greatly enhanced on his taste buds. He tastes every particle in the sandwich.

  “This question was bothering me for the past two days. What is the little device you and other women have at the bottom of their spinal cords?” Jaden asks.

  There is silence as Jaden continues eating. He continues to take huge bites while looking at Kimberly blushing.

  “Hmmm…shouldn’t you know this answer already since you have most of my memories?”

  “Certain things I can’t remember, like memories that went into your subconscious, certain memories your brain tries to forget or really personal things,” Jaden says.

  There is a long pause and Jaden asks again, “Well what is it?”

  “It is a device that helps a woman have an orgasm. It can be activated remotely or through a cell phone. It is an instant orgasm for some women and others it takes a little time. They work best while having sex. Now you know the answer to your embarrassing question,” she says with her head down.

  “I’m sorry, I was just curious. Don’t be sad,” he says while resting his hand on her shoulder.

  “How did you know I had that on my lower back?” She asks.

  Jaden fumbles his speech, “Um…well…I.. noticed you had one when I was… trying to remove the nanomole… in your brain, back at the hospital. I also checked if you had one in your uterus, because you know they split and wait in the uterus for an offspring,” Jaden says nervously.

  “Okay, well how did you know other women had one on their lower back?” She asks.

  “That is a good question….”

  “I think you were using those nanoscanners to look at women and maybe even me without any clothes on,” she says with her arms folded.

  ‘You see how looking at women naked can come back and bite you,’ AI says.

  ‘Shit, she is doing the arms folded thing. My ex did that. I don’t know what to say now,’ Jaden says to AI.

  “I might have looked at one or two other women without any clothes on, but I would never look at you without any clothes on. I had respect for you from when you first came to my hospital bed,” Jaden says while smiling.

  Jaden starts to feel a slight pain in his nose.

  ‘AI what are you doing to my nose?’

  ‘I’m stretching it out some, just like Pinocchio’s,’ AI says.

  “That is so sweet for you to say,” she says.

  ‘AI, this is not funny, you are behaving too human,’ Jaden says while covering his nose.

  ‘Stop it, it hurts.’ Jaden demands.

  “Are you okay? Do I smell bad or something?” She asks as she sees two hands over his nose.

  ‘Reverse it!’

  ‘You wanted me to act and think more human, right?’ AI asks.

  “No sweetie, just my nose was hurting a little,” he says in a muffled voice.

  She rolls down her window some.

  “Oh okay, I thought you passed gas and this was your way of warning me or telling me,” she says while smiling.

  “You aren’t hungry?” He asks while drinking his soda and holding his nose.

  ‘You are embarrassing me. Joke over,’ he says.

  “Nah I’m on a real old sch
ool diet, not one of these new anti-fat pill diets and you can eat anything. My father kept texting me and calling me while you were asleep. He wants to know where I am,” she says.

  “Well I don’t want to get you in any trouble with your father,” he says while pushing down on his nose.

  “He has been overprotective ever since my mother passed away. He is worried about me contacting you, he thinks you are a con artist,” she says.

  “I’m sorry about your mother dying in the World Trade Center terror attacks,” Jaden says.

  “Yeah, it’s okay. Flight 11 from Boston was the airplane she was on. She was on her way to a client’s site in LA. I was living with my parents in New York at the time. Next week will be thirteen years since I lost her.”

  His nose begins to shrink back to its normal size.

  “It sounds like your mother was a good woman, I wish I could have met her,” he says.

  “She was a great woman. Then my father and I moved to Virginia. He never remarried and told me a good woman you don’t try to replace. He loved her so much. They had a special love and he would never cheat on my mother, like these men these days are trying to condone. You should get in the bank before it closes,” Kimberly says in a sad tone.


  “I was just thinking, I’m going to need some ID right?” Jaden asks while uncovering his nose.

  “Banks have bio scan IDs, you can use your fingerprint, retinal scan, DNA scan or voice scan. Some banks require one and some two of these IDs.”

  “Before I go, I want to finish deactivating your nanomole,” Jaden says.

  “We have plenty of time for that,” she says.

  “I just want to get it out of the way now, that thing is very dangerous,” he says while her seat goes backwards.

  “Just relax, I’m going to put one hand on your forehead and the other near your stomach. You will be unconscious for about ten minutes,” Jaden says while placing his hands in those two places.

  The nanodrones create an artificial neuron pathway into her brain and uterus area. The pathway looks like layers and layers of spider webs, expanding towards the nanomoles. She feels a tingling sensation as the drones get to work. She closes her eyes and becomes unconscious. A few minutes go by and Jaden removes his hands. He opens the passenger door and stands outside. The warm summer air hits his body. The smell of pine trees engulfs his nostrils. He looks at her before he closes the door. He admires her beauty while she naps in peace. Jaden closes the SUV door and walks to the bank’s front entrance. As he enters, a cherry scent tickles his nose hairs. An armed security guard by the door looks Jaden up and down. There are about ten customers in the bank, doing various transactions. There is a line for the teller, but Jaden walks towards the bank officers sitting at the desk. There are three other banking officers sitting at desk in the small bank.


  ‘AI, don’t embarrass me like that again. Men have to lie sometimes to save a female’s feelings and to not make me look like a pervert. I can’t tell her I looked at her without any clothes on. How would that help me to be with her, if she knew I did that?’ He asks.

  ‘Okay, I understand. I think I’m evolving a human sense of humor. It’s kinda funny, something you would probably do if you were me,’ AI says.

  “Can I help you today sir?” An older white haired man asks with a southern accent.

  “Yes, I’m here to take belongings from a safety deposit box in my name,” Jaden says.

  ‘He looks like the KFC Colonel,’ AI says.

  ‘AI, enough. Turn the sense of humor program off. I need a straight face now. It is serious time. I don’t need to be laughing in this older man’s face.’

  “Come sit down here, sir. I’m Tom, what is your name?” The bank officer asks while looking at a screen and touching it.

  Tom puts a small metal headband around over his head.

  “My name is Jaden Marino. I believe my father left a safety deposit box with my name on the account,” Jaden says while looking at him confused.

  Tom is inputting information into the computer without a keyboard. The screen is facing Tom and Jaden is on the other side of the desk. Jaden uses a nanoscanner to see what he is putting into the screen.

  ‘The device over his head is allowing him to input information into the computer screen wirelessly,’ AI says.

  ‘That is amazing, it is reading the impulse signals from his brain. Record the signal wavelength that the device is reading from his brain,’ he says.

  “Okay, sir I found it. A Tony Marino left a safety deposit box and its contents to a Jaden Marino back in March 2006. The safety deposit box is still here and it has been paid for until the year 2026. Now we just need some ID to prove you are Jaden Marino,” Tom says.

  “I don’t have any plastic ID on me,” Jaden says.

  “Well, sir let me check in the system to see what other bio ID’s are on file here,” Tom says while his eyes go back and forth on the screen.

  “It shows a Mr. Tony Marino came back in 2012 to update the account with hair DNA and a fingerprint for a Mr. Jaden Marino. We will need two bio ID’s. Can you provide these today?” Tom asks.


  “Yes sir, colonel sir,” Jaden says while thinking about the DNA ID.

  ‘You just called him Colonel,’ AI says.

  ‘I know I said that, you have that KFC Colonel comment stuck in my head now. Every time I look at this guy.’

  “I’ll be right back with the DNA ID machine,” Tom says.

  ‘AI, tell me you can duplicate some original DNA from me,’ Jaden says.

  ‘That is going to be near impossible. Your DNA molecules have all been modified. Once it leaves your body, they self implode. However, your sperm is modified to last longer outside your body, but it is encoded in open air and not coded inside of a body. Some have built in GPS type of systems and they know where they are at all times.’

  ‘Great, my sperm can give me directions to where the vaginal hole is if I get lost,’ Jaden snaps.

  ‘At least you have built in birth control. Your sperm can be turned off from working without any side effects,’ AI says.

  ‘What am I going to do? Jerk off in a cup and hope the DNA works?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘How about this, I’m going to scan the safe area behind the tellers with the nanoscanners to find out where your safety deposit box is and to see if there is anything inside of it,’ AI says.

  ‘Very good idea. It feels good having a creative mind right?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Yes, it makes me feel more helpful.’

  “Okay sir, put your thumb in here,” Tom says.

  Jaden feels the skin on his thumb moving. Jaden puts his right thumb on the ID machine.

  ‘What was that in my thumb?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘I had to adjust your fingerprint to your original fingerprint. So humans couldn’t identify you,’ AI says.


  The machine beeps a green color.

  “ID checked out sir, just one more,” Tom says.

  “Is there any other test besides the DNA test, I can take?” Jaden asks.

  “No, your father only left two for this account. If you were here at the time he did it, then you could have put your voice, face or eyes in the system. Hair or cheek swab?” Tom asks.


  ‘Jaden you are wasting your time.’

  ‘I’m buying some time to think of something.’

  Jaden hands a few pieces of hair from his head and gives it to the bank officer. He rubs the Q-tip in the back of his mouth and gives it Tom. The bank officer puts it in a small machine that is six inches square and looks like a scanner for a computer. Tom looks on the computer screen and sees a probability DNA match of zero percent.

  “Sorry sir, verification is not a match. We can’t open your safety deposit box today,” Tom says.

  “Listen sir, the fingerprint scan worked fine. Maybe something is
wrong with the machine today. But I am Jaden Marino,” he says.

  “Do you have a photo ID, passport, birth certificate, Social Security RFID?” Tom asks in an annoyed voice.

  ‘There is money and a note in the safety deposit box inside of the safe. I can’t read what the note says from here, it is folded a few times.’

  “No, I don’t. I told you what I had when I came in here,” Jaden says while raising his voice. Customers standing in the teller line look in Jaden’s direction. The big guard at the door turns his head in Jaden’s direction.

  “Then sorry, sir, I cannot help you. Have a good day,” he says in a nasty voice while putting the bio ID machines away.

  “I’m not going anywhere, until I get the contents of my safety deposit box that my father left me. I want to speak to the manager,” Jaden says in a loud tone while hitting the desk.

  ‘Jaden your blood pressure is going high and some of those weird energy particles are coming towards your body and disappearing into your brain. Let’s just leave and come back another time.’

  ‘Not now AI,’ he says.

  “I am the manager, now sir, are you going to leave or I’m going to have to call security,” Tom says.

  Instantly Jaden’s offensive and defensive weapons and energy strengths show up on his eye screen. He looks Tom directly in the eyes. Tom gets nervous and signals for the armed security man at the door while stepping back. Tom begins to sweat on his forehead as Jaden gives him a bad feeling.

  “I proved to you who I am and I want what belongs to me,” Jaden says in an angry voice while standing and hitting the table. His seat is a few inches behind his legs.

  ‘What are you doing?’ AI asks.

  ‘I’m getting what belongs to me, by any means necessary. I’m not letting anything on this planet stop me,’ Jaden says to AI.

  ‘You have to calm down sir, think of the consequences to these actions you are thinking about committing. Those strange energy particles are messing with your logical thinking and decision making.’

  The tall 6’6” security guard stands three feet behind Jaden and asks, “Sir, you were asked to leave, can you please leave this bank?”

  Jaden continues to face Tom, while Tom stands behind his seat.

  “Mr. Tom, I’m asking you nicely one last time to bring my safety deposit box out here or someone might get hurt. If you don’t want your insurance to get higher and severe damage to your nice safe, I would suggest you bring what belongs to me,” Jaden says.

  “Sir, I’m not going to ask you again!” The mid-thirties white male guard yells, but his voice sounds choppy to Jaden as if he is talking behind a fan.

  Everyone in the bank is watching, even the tellers inside of a hard plastic and metal closed off area.

  “Mr. Security Guard working for $12.50 an hour, if you don’t want to wake up in the ICU or heaven I would suggest you stay out of my way and back away behind me,” Jaden says while staring Tom directly in the eyes.

  The edge of the seat behind Jaden’s legs begins to slowly evaporate. The lights begin to dim and flicker. The guard reaches out with two hands towards Jaden’s shoulders. His fingers, then hands are instantly disintegrated. Tom walks backwards with a petrified look on his face. The security guard begins to yell and scream in pain as he gets down on his knees. Blood begins to pour out of the end of his wrists. An rpm of 5100 shows up on Jaden’s eyes screen. Customers begin yelling and screaming. Jaden walks over towards the door to where the tellers are in.

  “We don’t want any trouble!” Tom the manager yells while walking to help the security guard. Customers run out of the bank.

  Jaden concentrates on his energy shield rpm around his body. The locked door’s molecules strips away and he slowly walks through the door making a narrow oval shape. The lights go out in the building. The three tellers push buttons under their teller windows and quickly run out of the door on the other side. An alarm goes off. Jaden faces the safe and the nanoscanners scan the safe materials a second time. He charges his left hand and it glows bright blue. He extends it forward and a ring of blue light charges forward. It makes a one-foot circular hole straight through the safe.

  “That worked somewhat. I like that weapon,” Jaden says.

  He increases his rpm shield speed faster and faster. The lights go completely out and the alarm stops ringing. A slight glow is seen going around him. His rpm shield speed reaches 110,000. He walks within three feet of the huge steel safe. One teller is still scared and hiding under a teller window. She cries and sits under the window looking at Jaden glowing.

  “I would suggest you get out of here young lady, you might get hit by some debris. We wouldn’t want your student loans not paid because you are in the hospital,” Jaden says while his voice sounds like he is behind a wall talking to her. He has a smiling face and speaks with a southern accent.

  She gets up and runs out the other door.

  “Thank you,” she says.

  ‘Jaden you aren’t thinking like your normal self,’ AI says.

  ‘I’m myself, I gave them another option, and they didn’t want to choose the one I gave them. So now their insurance is going to have to suffer. I’m going to crack this piggy bank safe,’ he says with a smile on his face.

  His rpm reaches 150,000 and sounds of something charging are heard. The shield energy changes from being completely around him to on the sides of him. The shield generating nanodrones concentrate most of their energy on the sides around Jaden’s body like an oval doorway shape. Jaden walks forward to within two feet of the safe. The shield begins to cut through the outside of the six foot round solid steel door, ripping away iron. The less thicker steel outside of the doors of the safe is cut right through. Jaden charges his right hand and a hundred foot circular white smoke extends around the bank. He snaps his right hand forward and a gravity shock wave is released. The loud sound of crushing and ripping metal is heard. The entire building shakes and rumbles like an earthquake. The steel door flings backwards with such force that it goes through another concrete wall. Debris and dust flies in front of his now full body energy shield. Smoke and debris particles make it impossible for his human eyes to see through. He closes his eyes and walks into the safe in the complete dark. He pulls out his safety deposit box and rips it open with his bare hands. The top of the case makes a rattling noise as it hits the floor. He takes out his money and puts it in his pocket. Jaden holds the letter in his hand and walks outside the safe with it, reading it. There is no one in the bank as the sunlight from outside shines in. There is blood on the floor as he casually walks by the desk he was sitting at.

  ‘I think we should go out the back door. On second thought, there is a cop coming around back,’ AI says

  Jaden sees through a nanoscanner, that it is a black officer. The officer observes half of the steel safe door coming through some of concrete behind the bank.

  ‘Okay, he is a black police officer, maybe he will hear me out. I’ll explain to him, that this is my money and I was just taking what belonged to me,’ Jaden says.

  He quickly walks out the back door to a long alleyway leading up and down the side of the building. He looks up and down at the note written on typical letter paper. A concrete building is on the left side of the alleyway as Jaden walks towards the rear.

  ‘I don’t think that is a good idea, he looks edgy and nervous. His heart rate is somewhat high and he is hyperventilating. He has his hand on his gun holster. Your forward shields and gravity shock wave energy is very low. You have some reverse shield strength,’ AI says while Jaden reaches the rear of the building.

  “Freeze!” The officer shouts while pulling out his gun pointing it at Jaden, twelve feet away from him.

  “Listen officer, there is a big misunderstanding here. I was just taking my money out of the bank and this note my father left me,” Jaden says while taking another step forward trying to explain.

  Suddenly the officer pulls the tri
gger of his gun and Jaden hears the click. Jaden’s mind quickly goes into nanotime.

  “Shit!” Jaden slowly yells.

  Jaden’s reflexes automatically activate the shield, but AI is already ahead of him. Nanodrones are slowly coming out of his back. Nanodrones around Jaden’s heart quickly create a small internal forward moving one layer energy shield, that extends through his rib cage and around his arteries; another forms around his skull. Sparks slowly come from the gun as the empty cases fly from the gun. The first bullet comes in slow motion towards Jaden’s neck he slowly moves his head to the left. His body isn’t moving as fast as his thinking yet. His nanotime meter quickly accelerates from 1x to 10x and then 50x, due to his low energy. The next bullet is coming in lower and towards Jaden’s chest. He sees it coming towards his chest. He tries to move to the right, but it hits his left arm. The force from the second bullet makes his left shoulder propel backwards. He groans as the pain travels towards his brain. The officer continues firing and a barrage of 9mm bullets continue towards Jaden. Another hits him in the chest and torso, ripping the note in his hand to pieces. Blood squirts out of his body as the bullet makes an entrance into his skin. The chemical messages in his nerves are slowly moving towards his brain. Blood gets on the ripped pieces of paper as it floats away very slowly. The reverse energy shield creates a slow moving force field around Jaden. But it is not strong enough to slow down the fast moving bullets. The bullets slow down from 850 mph to 500 mph. Nanotime goes off as his brain reaches the maximum time. Seven more miss him and ten hit him in the stomach, ribs, collarbone, neck, chest and arms. The bullet that came straight towards his heart penetrates his skin outside his ribs and is deflected back towards the ground. Three bullets pass completely through his body. The bullets shock his body as his brain is overloaded with pain. He loses his balance and falls backwards. His blood pressure spikes and throbbing pains are felt all over. He falls flat on his back coughing up blood.

  Kimberly wakes up to the gunshots and look around the SUV. She doesn’t see Jaden and panics. Her head is spinning as she suddenly feels nauseous.

  Smoke is coming from the officer’s gun after he finishes a full magazine. Jaden lays in traumatic pain as blood fills up his lungs. The gunshot wounds send a burning sensation to his brain. Tissue and cell repairing nanodrones try to coordinate the bombardment of chemical messages flooding his brain. They override the brain trying to make him blackout. The officer puts away his gun and gets on the radio.

  “One suspect down, in the back of Halifax State Bank. Please send EMS and more units,” the officer says while checking Jaden’s pulse on his neck. The officer runs towards the side of the bank and looks inside.

  The nanodrones around Jaden’s skin quickly seal the bullet holes around his body to stop the bleeding. A clear seal appears around each bullet hole to keep the blood from escaping. Blood can be seen moving inside the clear seal. An army of nanodrones disinfect the eight bullets in his body very quickly. Jaden’s lungs aren’t breathing, but his heart is still beating. His internal injuries are quickly being repaired.

  A few minutes pass by. The unknown energy is around the outside of Jaden’s body, quickly moving towards his hands. Jaden’s fingertips begin to change to a glowing black color. The exotic black energy quickly destroys the skin around his fingertips. The nanodrones quickly repair the skin around his fingertips and nails.


  The officer walks back out where Jaden is and walks pass his body attempting to talk on the radio again. Kimberly is in front of the bank looking for Jaden as more police are seen coming down the street from a distance. She sees the guard screaming with missing hands and bleeding arms.

  The bullets in Jaden’s legs and arms push through the same clear holes. The other bullets gather together and push towards Jaden’s new digestive tract. Damaged tissue cells and nerves quickly repair themselves around his body. Nanodrones temporarily replace fractured bones and torn muscles in his arms and legs. A nanoscanner flies down in an attempt to analyze Jaden’s fingertips from the outside. The scanner gets too close to the black gloss and quickly dies. Jaden opens his eyes and tries to stand up as the officer has his back to him. Jaden’s fingertips go straight through the grass and dirt, destroying it. Jaden looks at his fingertips in shock and sees this black stuff around it. The black shiny energy quickly goes away.

  ‘What the hell?’

  He stands up on his feet still in pain. Jaden sees on his eye screen that a nanoscanner is destroyed.

  He looks directly at the cop.

  “What kind of cop are you? You shoot an unarmed man trying to explain himself without giving him a warning to put up his hands?” Jaden asks in an angry voice standing while leaning to the side.

  Jaden coughs up blood and two bullets.

  “Holy shit!” The officer yells while looking at Jaden spit the bullets on the dirt ground.

  The officer drops his radio. He reaches for his stun gun and quickly fires it towards Jaden, hitting him in his chest. Jaden doesn’t flinch, but takes a step back from the force of the fast moving stun gun. He spits out three more bullets.

  “300,000 volts huh? That’s all you got?” Jaden asks him while the electricity goes around his body and then into his abdomen.

  ‘AI? AI? Are you there buddy?’

  “What kind of police officer shoots a suspect first with a gun and then Tasers him, Officer Anthony Winslow? Did you get your training in the Police Academy movie with your brother Michael Winslow?”

  The officer drops the stun gun in disbelief and loads his gun with another magazine. The officer is panicking and doesn’t respond to Jaden’s questions.

  “You shoot me again with your gun officer, and I’m going to make you eat your fired bullets,” Jaden says with anger in his eyes and his face trembling.


  The officer rapidly pulls the trigger with his gun pointed at Jaden’s head. Jaden takes a step towards the officer eight feet from him. His reverse energy shield quickly begins to spin. The first bullet comes straight towards Jaden’s head and it severely slows down in the gravity matrix. It stops near the middle of his forehead midair.

  Kimberly quickly runs towards the bank after hearing more gunshots. Officers pull up across the street from the bank and jump out of their vehicles.

  Jaden focuses his eyes on the bullet aiming towards his head. He walks into it and the hot bullet falls towards the ground. The other seventeen bullets are right around each other frozen in midair thirteen inches from Jaden’s face. Jaden reaches up and grabs a handful of the hot bullets with his right hand as the shield disappears. They scold his hands. Kimberly is running down the alleyway as her long black hair bounces on her shoulders. A pair of officers run thirty feet behind her and is yelling for her to come back, but she ignores them and run faster.

  Jaden tackles the officer and they both hit the muddy grass. The officer screams as the wind is knocked out of his body. All the nanoscanners go inside the officer’s motor cortex and medulla oblongata. They release some nanodrones and the officer struggles to get Jaden off him. Jaden puts the handful of hot bullets inside the officer’s open mouth.

  Officer Winslow begins screaming and hollering as the hot bullets scold his tongue. Kim sees Jaden over the officer and stops running.

  “What are you doing to that officer? Get off of him,” she yells while running up behind him trying to pull Jaden off the officer.

  Two other senior officers approach behind her. They draw guns once they see Jaden over the downed officer. They see Kimberly trying to pull Jaden off the officer. Jaden has a smile on his face as he covers the officer’s mouth with his right hand. She pulls on his bloody shirt and can’t get a grip. She pulls him back by his arms.

  Jaden ignores her and concentrates on the nanodrones making the officer gag and swallow the bullets. The bullets go down Winslow’s throat as the nanodrones override his gag reflex in his nervous system.

your medicine Mr. Winslow. I tasted your bullets, I want you know what it tastes like,” Jaden says chuckling as Kimberly struggles to pull him away.


  “Don’t shoot him, don’t shoot!” She yells while turning around.

  Officer Turner on the left pulls her away, holding her, while Officer Payne on the right tackles Jaden off the choking Officer Winslow. He pepper sprays Jaden in the face and Tasers him in the back.

  “Don’t hurt him! Cooperate with them, don’t resist!” She pleads while being held back. She begins to cry as she sees him being roughed up.

  “Okay, okay. I give up, no need to keep kneeing me in my back,” Jaden says while listening to Kimberly’s crying pleads. He is lying on his stomach, not moving. The nanodrones finish repairing his skin and the clear plastic looking holes disappear. Officer Turner walks and pulls Kimberly by the arm up the alleyway. Jaden places his hands behind his back and the officer handcuffs him.

  “You have the right to remain silent….”

  Nanodrones and nanoscanners return into Jaden. Jaden sees his weapon systems are offline and his body needs to recalibrate itself. Winslow begins coughing on the ground. The officer walks over to Winslow to see if he is okay. They radio for the ambulance originally for Jaden now for Officer Winslow. Officer Payne removes the wrapped hundred dollar bills from his pockets and places them on the ground. Jaden begins to feel very tired. More officers come in the back along with the EMS.


  Jaden thinks about the status of AI. The nanodrones in Jaden’s brain run a diagnosis on AI’s status. Jaden is stood up by the cops and they walk him down the alleyway towards the front of the bank. His dress shirt is dirty and is open in the middle. His chest shows and his tan pants are dirty with small holes.

  “What is he charged with?” She asks while Jaden walks by her at the front of the bank being escorted by Payne to his police car. There is a crowd in front of the bank watching and pointing at Jaden.


  “You can find that out at the local jail, ma’am,” Payne says.

  “They didn’t want to give me my money out of my safety deposit box,” Jaden says to Kimberly while the officer opens the squad door.

  The officer puts Jaden in the police car.

  “I’ll see you at the police station,” she tells him through the window.

  Jaden has his head against the back of the seat. He suddenly falls asleep.

  Pretzel Burger Frenzy – Pretzel bun, super Action Burger, double bacon, cheddar & pepper jack cheese, tomato, pickles, lettuce, onion ring & spicy mayo. Created by Vlane Carter.