Read BIO-Sapien book 4 - Remote Heroes Page 12

Chapter 19: In Contempt of America

  Jaden’s body is drained and he desperately needs sleep to recharge his mind and body. He passes out. Officer Payne is driving while Turner is in the passenger seat of the police car on their way to the police station. AI is still not responsive. The nanodrones report AI SCAIN unit 5005 offline in protective mode.

  “So are you going to tell us your name?” Payne asks Jaden.

  There is no response.

  “We will find out at the station then buddy,” Turner says.

  A few minutes go by. Turner talks to his partner Payne, “The captain is having Winslow checked for drugs and alcohol. He told the captain in the ambulance that he shot the suspect several times and the suspect went down. He said the suspect wasn’t breathing and had multiple gunshot wounds. The suspect then got up and then he Tasered him with the maximum charge and this had no effect on him. Now get this, he said he shot another full magazine directly at the suspect’s head and the bullets stopped in midair. He claimed the suspect shoved his fired bullets down his throat. There are no witnesses to back this story up. On top of that, the bank manager is in shock and can’t speak now, and the security guard doesn’t know how his hands were chopped off. Detectives and forensics are investigating the scene now. Winslow is definitely on something, talking like that.”

  Jaden is still sleeping with his head back. They reach the police station and open the door. He wakes up and they escort him inside. They place him in a room to take his pictures, then they take facial recognition scans and they take DNA with a Q-tip.

  “Listen sir, you are facing multiple felonies, the best you can do is cooperate. Are you going to tell us your name?” A Sergeant asks.

  Jaden is quiet and has a smile on his face.

  “Take him to a cell. We will see if that smile is knocked off his face in a populated cell,” the Sergeant tells the guard.

  They walk Jaden across the station over to the jail side.

  “I think you should put me in a cell by myself if you don’t want anyone to get hurt,” Jaden says.

  The guard laughs.

  “You must be a joker, first words that come out of your mouth make me laugh,” the old white guard says.

  They reach a door and a buzzing sound is heard and the door opens. A rush of musty air hits Jaden’s face. The smell of mildew floods his nose hairs. He is led by the police officer to a medium-sized jail cell. The smell of old damp socks comes to mind. The guard puts Jaden in the cell and informs him to turn around. The officer removes the cuffs and Jaden walks into the cell full of other criminals. The guard locks the metal gate and Jaden stands by the door looking down. The cell is about twenty feet by fifteen feet. Concrete walls surround all three sides with the long metal gate covering the front of the cell. A biker gang of five sits and stands by the double bed in the corner. There are four skinny Hispanic men in their early twenties sitting on a long bench. They look fragile and don’t look as if they did a serious crime. The guard goes around the corner and Jaden looks up towards the people in the cell. He walks directly over to the bed and climbs on the top bunk. The biker men with tattoos all over their bodies stare at Jaden, sitting on the top bunk.

  “Hey there boy, these are our beds. I suggest you get your narrow dirty ass up and sit on that bench before you don’t have a face,” a big biker named Billy says.

  “I think this city college boy is out of his mind and needs a country beat down,” a medium-sized biker named Simon says.

  “I don’t want any trouble with you overweight biker hicks. There was no one sitting on this bed and all I want to do is sleep. I hurt enough people today, I think it’s best you all leave me alone,” Jaden says politely while his back is against the wall and legs folded on the bed near his chest. Sunlight from the cell window is shining on Jaden’s body.

  “I think we need to set an example, on how the Pirate BBS Gang does things,” Simon says while standing in front of Jaden.

  “Pirate BBS Gang? Are you hicks still dialing up into bulletin board systems with your 300 baud modem?” Jaden asks while chuckling.

  “You got until the count of five, you half breed Negro. You think your kind can run this country? Your one term mulatto brother ran this country into deep debt and I’m going to beat his mistakes out of you,” Billy says.

  “Five!” Jaden yells while he kicks Billy directly in the face with his left shoe. He walks backwards losing his balance and the men on the bench quickly move out of the way, as he hits the concrete wall over the bench. There is a loud thump as blood comes from his mouth.

  Jaden jumps off the bed and gets into his karate stance. Simon quickly swings towards Jaden’s face. Jaden blocks it and grabs his arm, flipping him over his back and onto the floor near the gate. The third man grabs Jaden from behind wrapping his arms around Jaden’s arms. A pulse of 50,000 volts leaves Jaden’s body shocking the third man. He quickly falls down towards the floor mumbling and shaking. The fourth man tries to kick Jaden from the side. Jaden quickly catches his leg and gives him a straight punch to his chest. He flies into the concrete wall by the window. The other men that were on the bench try to get out of the way. Billy rushes towards Jaden, grabbing him tightly from behind biting his shoulder. The nanodrones quickly disrupt the gravity around Jaden. Jaden jumps up towards the ceiling while Billy is still holding on tightly and biting his shoulder. Simon stands up near the gate. Jaden leans his head forward as Billy’s head rams into the ceiling. Billy goes unconscious and closes his eyes. As they come down, the nanodrones in Jaden’s back become magnetized. Jaden’s body and Billy’s body quickly float backwards towards the steel gate. They crash into Simon on the way as they all ram into the steel gate. There is a loud crashing sound as dust falls from the ceiling. Billy and Simon fall towards the floor unconscious and bleeding. Jaden slowly walks towards the middle of the cell room.

  “Anyone else with a suggestion or comment about the ex-president or want to get in the way of me sleeping?” He asks loudly. “Speak now!”

  The other four men look in shock as they can’t believe what they just saw take place.

  “Okay then, the next person that bothers me, will get it worst than that BBS hugging sissy gang,” Jaden says while jumping on the top bed and lying down with his hands behind his head.

  Two guards quickly run towards the cell and the gate opens from down the hallway.

  “What happened in here?” The guard asks the other men sitting on the bench together.

  They don’t say anything, while two shake their heads in denial. The guards check the pulse of the men.

  “They were fighting each other! They were arguing on who had the most outdated dial-up modem at home. Then it got out of hand!” Jaden yells from the bed.

  “Is this true?” The guard asks the young men with frightened faces.

  They shake their head in agreement. The guards get on the radio and call for a few ambulances. Simon has CPR done on him. Ten minutes later the biker men are put on stretchers with neck braces. They are brought outside by several EMS workers and guards. Two of the four men in the cell ask the guard to be put in another cell.

  “Sorry can’t do that, you know you are here until Monday when you can see the judge,” the guard yells.

  Hours go by as the four men sitting on the bench stare at Jaden nervously while he sleeps. The sun begins to set as the remaining sunlight shines over Jaden’s body. The nanodrones are still reporting AI as offline and in protection mode. Jaden’s weapon systems are offline, recharging and being recalibrated. A guards drop off food in the cell. Jaden is wondering where Kimberly is and why she hasn’t come to the jail yet. Jaden thinks about his father’s letter he briefly read. He replays his memory of the letter and reads it back to himself:

  ‘January 14th 2016

  Dear son,

  I’ve thought about you every day. I know deep in my heart that you are still alive and will return one day. The government said you stole a military airpl
ane and you were shot down. I knew that story was such bullshit. You don’t even know how to fly. They staked out our house for months and months afterwards, as if they were waiting for you to return. Your mother and I were harassed by the government for years after you left. Your disappearance put a strong damper on our relationship. Your mother couldn’t bear losing another son and she had a nervous breakdown. Me and your mother’s relationship first began to change when your older brother Douglas was killed in the war. We separated and then later divorced. She couldn’t take the United States anymore, so she moved back to England with her family. I’ve been diagnosed with lung cancer and the cancer spread. The cancer center in Halifax is supposed to be treating me with some experimental nanoworms that can kill cancer proteins and tumors. So I’m leaving this letter here for you and my life savings in this safety deposit box. I hope I will be able to see you one day again my son.


  Your father

  P.S. Today is your 35th birthday.

  P.S. Again- your girlfriend or ex-girlfriend Amy is claiming I’m the grandfather to her child. She has failed to show a paternity test and has really changed over the years.’

  Jaden falls asleep thinking about his parents.

  Halifax City Jail September 7, 2018 9:04 AM

  “James Revis! James Revis on the top bunk. You have a visitor!” The guard yells through the cell bars.

  Jaden thinks about that name and it sounds familiar. He figures it out and gets off the bed to walk towards the gate. The gate opens and Jaden follows the guard down the hallway. He wants to see who is visiting him, but his nanoscanners are recalibrating and are offline. He sits down on the other side of the thick glass with a telephone. He notices Kimberly walking through a door and towards a seat in front of the glass. Kimberly has a sad face as she picks up the phone. Jaden does the same. He smells her different perfume on through the glass.

  “I figured out that James Revis was your ex-boyfriend and you were using that name because you knew I would remember, right?” He asks.

  “Yes,” she says in a sad face.

  “What is wrong Kimberly?”

  She doesn’t respond. Her head is down and she doesn’t look him in the eyes.

  “Why didn’t you come see me yesterday and why do you look so sad?” He asks.

  “The police personnel said there were no visitors for anyone yesterday. That someone was hurt in the prison. Listen…” she says while she begins to cry, “I stayed at a hotel yesterday and my father came there. He talked to me for hours about you and everything that has been going on.”

  A tear comes from her left eye as she looks Jaden directly into the eyes and continues, “I can’t see you anymore,” she says while the tear quickly runs down her face and lands on the small grey desk in front of her.

  “Why? Why not? What did your father say to you?” Jaden asks in a concerned voice.

  Her eyes turn red and another tear rolls down her cheek, “J, I’m so confused with everything that has happened over the past few days with me and you. Just hear me out before you respond. I don’t know what to believe anymore. My father questioned me about everything and he concluded that you are a professional con artist. He wants me to stay far away from you. I told him he couldn’t feel what I felt with you, but he asked if I have ever seen you use any of your alien special powers. I told him no, I have never seen you do anything abnormal. My father suggested you used some kind of hypnotizing brain implant technique to upload all those images and feelings into my mind. You somehow copied my mind with some kind of advanced microchip in your hand. You manipulated my mind into thinking all of this is real. The airplane you jumped out of with a parachute, and the marshal guy was an actor or a friend of yours. That you set all this up to rob a bank and to hurt people. You had me tag along to be an accomplice with you. You already damaged my hard working career with that sexual harassment charge. My father looked on the Internet and said you murdered Ruffo the guard and threw him out the window…”

  “Ruffo was a pedophile and that was self defense against his exoskeleton bionic suit. The rest of it is not true. Everything I showed you and what you felt is the real deal. How can I implant all of that in your brain, there is no technology out like that…” Jaden says while being interrupted.

  “J, I’ve never actually seen your Gravhawk spaceship with my own eyes. Those images were not that clear in my memory, they were mostly distorted. I’ve never seen you throw a gravity shock wave. I’ve never seen your shield systems work. I’ve never seen you walk on the wall or defy gravity. AI could be an imaginary friend in your mind for all I know. He could be another one of your personalities in your mind. A figment of your imagination. I never saw what happened at the back of the bank. The officers said you destroyed the inside of the bank with some kind of explosives. Your friend Lopez could have been in there to help you. The cameras in the bank were distorted with electromagnetic energy the detectives said. They said you assaulted a police officer by shoving bullets down his throat from his gun…”

  “Those were the bullets he fired at me and I stopped them in midair with my reverse energy shields. I was shot over ten times,” Jaden pleads.

  “J, you are making this very hard on me without any proof. Show me some of your special alien powers. Show me something right now,” she demands.

  “I can’t, everything is offline now and being recalibrated. AI is not responsive so everything is all screwed up in me. But I can use some basic magnetic nanodrones, watch this,” Jaden says. The phone stays stuck to his ears, without any hands. His anti-gravity nanodrones are also offline.

  ‘Shit, everything is offline. Why now?’ He asks himself.

  Jaden stands up.

  “Please sit down sir,” a guard standing by the door yells toward Jaden.

  Jaden sits back in the metal seat.

  “Watch this,” Jaden says.

  The seat and Jaden fall back on the floor.

  “Did you see that? The nanodrones in my back pulled me towards the metal door behind me,” Jaden explains while getting off the floor and putting the chair back up.

  “I’m okay, I just fell off the chair,” Jaden tells the guard.

  “You just pushed the chair with your feet and leaned back towards the floor,” Kimberly says. “J, you haven’t showed me any real concrete proof. The only thing that you are proving to me is that you should have stayed in the psychiatric hospital.”

  “Okay, Kimberly, how do you explain my DNA?”

  “You did something to strip the structure of your DNA and RNA. My father suggested you used some sort of modified nanoworms to destroy your DNA particles. The nanomoles you are claiming that are in the brains of humans could be some kind of isolated biological protein that could be the work of terrorists. My colleagues will use the 4D force atom microscope to verify what it actually is. My father had some valid points, the best point is I haven’t seen any evidence with my own eyes. Why can’t you just admit to me this was all a setup for you to rob a bank and you manipulated my mind with these detailed illusions?” She asks with tears running down her cheeks and she sniffs with a tissue in her hand.

  “Kimberly…” Jaden pauses while his eyes turn red, “I didn’t lie to you about anything. Everything, everything was the truth. Everything you saw and felt was real. I do have feelings for you, just like you have the same for me. Don’t do this at a time that I need you,” Jaden pleads while putting his right hand on the glass and holding the phone to his left ear.

  She stands up and looks at Jaden while tears are rolling down her soft cheeks and connect together under her chin. Her left hand still holding the phone to her ear.

  “I can’t be involved with you. I have a life and a career. My father said the police are charging you with felony assaulting a police officer, aggravated assault on a security guard, felony bank robbery, and destroying property with an explosive device. You are looking at fifteen to twenty years in prison. They a
re still trying to identify who you are, I gave them your name as James Revis. I can’t be involved with this, I don’t know what to believe. Your ex-girlfriend Amy called you and left a voice mail on my answering machine a few hours ago. She said she is in New York City and she is going to the World Trade Center grand opening for the public tomorrow night. She said to bring her money there. I have to go now. Please don’t contact me anymore. I’m sorry,” she says while putting down the phone on the desk.

  “Kimberly! Kimberly!” Jaden yells while hitting the glass hard with his hand. The sweat and tears rub off on the glass with his hand. She continues to walk away towards the door not turning around.

  “Kimberly! I love you!” Jaden yells at the top of his voice while the guard stands behind him. His saliva squirts on the glass from his mouth. Both of his hands are flat on the glass. His eyes are red.

  Kimberly stops at the door after hearing these three words. But then she quickly continues through it and disappears from Jaden’s sight.

  “Let’s go Romeo, your visiting time is over,” the jail guard says.

  Jaden continues to stand there looking at the door she went through, as the guard taps him on his shoulder. He sees she isn’t coming back, after a minute of waiting in the same position. Jaden turns around and the guard follows behind Jaden.

  “Buddy, that good looking female was way out of your league anyway. You have to crawl before you can walk,” the middle-aged guard says while chuckling. “The amount of time you are looking in prison, you should get used to liking men for now on.”

  The guard chuckles to himself while they reach a steel door with glass. The guard starts to open the door with a key and whispers behind Jaden’s neck.

  “I heard penetration hurts at first back there, for your first time, but over time you will get used to it and enjoy it. We are going to make sure you are in the most HIV infected prison in North Carolina for assaulting a police officer. Yeah, you going to get what is coming to you, young pretty boy,” the guard whispers while opening the door.

  “I’ll be free by tomorrow,” Jaden says with confidence.

  “Oh, you aren’t getting bail, criminal. There is no bail for assaulting a police officer in North Carolina,” the guard says while walking to the cell.

  He opens the jail cell door and Jaden walks inside. Jaden sees one of the three men sitting on his top bed. He quickly gets up and walks to the other side of the cell.

  “Sorry man, I wasn’t sure if you were coming back. I was just keeping the bed warm for you,” the nervous young man says.

  Jaden climbs on the bed and lies down. His body soaks up the sunlight coming in from the window. Jaden keeps thinking about Kimberly and all the things she said. He can’t believe she doesn’t believe him now. Jaden is so alone and keeps thinking about what happened to his friend AI. He sees: Nanodrones Attempting to revitalize AI SCAIN unit. 29 unsuccessful tries to restart on his eye screen. Jaden falls asleep thinking about Kimberly, AI and his daughter. He is wondering why his ex and daughter are in New York.


  Washington, D.C. Sunday September 7th 1:09 pm


  “You mean to tell me Jaden Marino disappeared without a trace. Dr. K. Chan, who was helping the suspect, suddenly disappeared from her apartment yesterday morning. The father was being followed, but your agent lost track of the father also. Your agent can only say he was heading south on the 95 expressway. What kind of incompetent agents do you have working for you Agent Mcright?” Robinson asks over the phone.

  “My men are really well trained. They don’t lose a tail that easy. Your drone aircraft and your satellite lost the father’s vehicle. These people knew they were being followed and took evasive measures. My agent reported to me just now that Dr. Chan returned to her apartment in Rumford, Virginia. What would you like us to do?”

  “Arrest her and charge her with aiding and abetting a terrorist. She probably knows where he is and what is going on. I’ll interrogate her personally by video conference.”


  Richmond, VA, FBI head quarters 2:31 pm


  Kimberly is sitting in a small interrogation room. The agents asked her several questions about Jaden and she refused to say anything. She knows anything she mentions about Jaden will either get her in a psychiatric ward or further in trouble. A flat screen turns on in front of her.

  “Hello Dr. Chan, I’m the Vice President of the United States. I’m going to get right to the point. We know you had contact with Jaden Marino. We believe he is a terrorist and is part of a conspiracy to hurt Americans. You aiding and abetting a terrorist will have you in federal prison for many years. We know he used your Paylife at the airport in Albany, New York and you didn’t report it stolen,” Robinson says while an image of Jaden’s other white face shows up on the screen.

  “Like I told the FBI agents for the past hour, I don’t know this man and I didn’t realize my Paylife was used. I would like my phone call to call my father’s attorney,” Kimberly says.

  “Do you know this man then?” Robinson asks while showing Jaden’s original bi-racial face and body.

  “Yes, that man is Jaden Marino and he was my patient at the hospital,” she says.

  “Listen you little Asian bitch. Just because your father is a multi-millionaire doesn’t mean you are protected by the Constitution. We know about you joining the ANWO group back in college. We know you knew you were being followed from your house yesterday. We know you are working with this man. You will be in jail for the rest of your life and then we will deport your body back to Taiwan when you are dead. Tell us what we want to know! Where is Jaden Marino!?” Robinson yells while his voice echoes through the screen.

  “I don’t know where he is, last I saw him he was in the psychiatric hospital on Friday,” she says in a nervous voice.

  “This man killed a guard at your hospital. We believe he took this man’s body somewhere at the airport…” Robinson is interrupted while Jaden’s white face is shown on the screen again.

  “How can someone take someone else’s body? That doesn’t make any sense,” she asks with her arms crossed.

  “I’m the one asking questions here. You shut your face when a man is speaking. This Jaden man, pushed two people out of an airplane and he jumped out with a parachute on…” Robinson says.

  “Listen you cockeyed old man. I don’t care who you are, you aren’t going to talk to me like that. This is not the forties where you can disrespect a female like that. I paid and my family paid a lot of taxes to this country and I love this country. I told you what I had to say about Jaden Marino, if you are going to put me in jail or prison, then put me in prison. My father will have me out in a few hours. Just make sure you have proper evidence against me, because my father’s lawyer will sue your government back into a recession. You can kiss my Made in Taiwan sesame chicken ass, you chauvinistic want to be President cockeyed pig. Now, I want to call my lawyer!” She slams her hands on the desk and screams at the vice president looking puzzled on the video screen.

  There is complete silence in the room. Robinson’s face turns completely red.

  “Can’t take a woman telling you what to do huh? I know you hate taking orders from a woman President. A woman telling you what to do really eats up men like yourself from the inside out. It is pig men like you who make it hard for women to have equal pay in the work force as men…” she is interrupted by an FBI agent behind her.

  The screen goes off. Robinson is talking to special FBI agent in charge Andrew Mcright on the phone.

  “Don’t give her a phone call. Take her to Buckeye Maximum Federal Prison outside of Studley, Virginia. Make sure she is put in the special housing unit,” Robinson says with a sneaky voice.

  “Sir, you want to put her in the hole at a maximum federal prison for men?” Mcright asks.

  “That is correct, she wants equal rights for women, and I’m going to give her
the same rights men receive. She wants to defend a terrorist, we are going to treat her like a terrorist. Anyone asks at the prison, tell them the order came directly from the vice president.”

  “Yes sir.

  Buckeye, VA, Buckeye Federal Prison 3:22 PM


  Kimberly walks in handcuffs behind her back, being escorted by two federal agents through the front gate at the prison. Kimberly is wearing a blue skirt above her knees with white dots on it and a white blouse.

  “Why am I at a federal men’s prison?” She asks while walking through the courtyard.

  They ignore her.

  A man with a suit walks from the prison building towards them.

  “I thought you were joking when you said you were bringing a female prisoner here. We can’t have a female here, especially a female without a uniform on. These prisoners will get violent and out of control,” the warden says with a southern accent.

  Kim pleads directly to the warden as she walks by, “Sir, I didn’t get my phone call. The government is violating my rights. I didn’t even see a judge yet or get charged with anything.”

  “Ma’am I’m not talking to you.”

  “These are direct orders from my supervisor and from the vice president. You can call my boss or the vice president himself,” the young agent says while continuing to walk towards the entrance to the building.

  Armed guards with exoskeleton body suits in the four towers are looking and whistling at her. The warden gets on his cell phone. They walk her into the building.

  “Yes sir,” the warden says into the phone while walking towards the entrance of the huge prison.

  She walks through a corridor area with a huge fence on both sides. Prisoners run up to the fence on the left and grab onto it. They line up to get a peak at Kimberly’s beauty. They shake the gate together and yell through the fence.

  “I didn’t know Chinese food could be delivered inside the prison.”

  “I will lick every inch of your body with my tongue if you need a shower.”

  “General Tso’s daughter is here to entertain the prisoners and to love us long time.”

  An old white man sticks his tongue through the fence and whispers, “We going to take turns on you just like we took turns on the women in Vietnam.”

  They bring her in another building and downstairs to the basement. The basement smells funky and moldy. The cold, damp air gives Kimberly an eerie feeling. Goose bumps go up and down her long skinny legs.

  “I’m going to masturbate to your perfume and legs all night long,” a man smelling the air looking through the food opening in the middle of the special housing unit. The guards put her into a six-foot wide cell by ten feet deep. The prison guard locks the steel door and instructs her to turn around. He removes her handcuffs. She walks inside the dark hole and begins to cry. Prisoners are shouting obscenities from other cells around and across from Kimberly’s.

  “We want real pussy! We want real pussy!” They yell together.


  Kimberly sits on the floor in the corner and begins to cry and whine quietly to herself. She is cold, depressed, and feels very alone in the dark. She is thinking about how her father is looking for her now. She is thinking about what Jaden said before she left the jail. She is thinking about what he is doing in the jail at this moment.



  109 miles south Halifax, NC City Jail 3:35 pm

  Jaden is sleeping and suddenly wakes up sweating. The four men are still on the bench looking at Jaden with nervous looks on their faces. He is thinking about Kimberly and AI. Jaden misses talking to his alien friend AI. Jaden feels Kimberly might be in trouble.

  His eye screen shows: manually recalibrating offense and defense weapons 40% complete. AI status unknown, still running diagnostics.

  He lies back down on the top bunk and falls asleep thinking about everything that has happened the past few days. He feels as if he is at his lowest point, now that he lost Kimberly, temporarily lost his powers and lost AI. He feels deeply depressed inside. He closes his eyes and remembers what his father told him back in 1999.

  ‘Just remember, the people who run this country are very arrogant, money and power hungry and wants to eventually control us like animals. Our history proves this, cover-ups and conspiracies are the American government way. They betrayed Douglas and covered up his death. Eventually they will betray you son. Watch your back. If all else fails, save yourself and the people you care about….’

  Thoughts of him leaving Earth and returning back to Xenos emerges. Thoughts of him finding his parents and leaving this primitive doomed planet are being entertained in his mind. He falls back asleep thinking about exploring this galaxy like the Enterprise.


  Buckeye, VA, Buckeye Federal Prison 8:52 PM


  Kimberly is sitting on the cold floor and crosses her legs and arms near her stomach. She is taking deep breaths and enters a deep meditative state. Her Buddhist religion has trained her throughout her life for handling her mind for situations like this. She finds her inner peace and is ignoring the screams and shouting from inmates around her. The toilet flushes by itself right next to her. Her mind is far away from the dark and dirty prison room. She has been ignoring her body’s pleas to use the bathroom. Thirty minutes pass by and Kimberly comes out of her meditation. She opens her eyes and she feels as if she is blind. There is a little light coming from under the door and food tray hole. She stands up and feels for the toilet. Eerie feelings pass around her body as she touches sludge on the toilet seat. The feeling is grossing her out.

  “Eww, this is disgusting. This is ten times worst than a gas station in Mexico. Oh shit, I don’t feel any toilet paper anywhere,” she says while standing over the toilet squatting with her skirt lifted up and panties pulled to her thighs.

  She looks towards the door while she uses the bathroom and someone is standing there.

  “I’ll be your toilet sexy, I’ll swallow anything your body doesn’t want,” a guard with a deep voice says. The guard is wearing night vision glasses as he stares at Kimberly squatting over the toilet. She covers between her legs with her skirt and hand.

  She thinks to herself about replying, ‘It seems there is no toilet paper in here for a lady, why don’t you wipe me with your perverted tongue?’ But she remembers all the prison movies she has seen over the years and knows he probably would do it, giving her a venereal disease in the process.

  “I’m fine! But, if you could be a gentlemen guard and get me toilet paper?” She asks with a sweet voice while finishing up.

  There is no answer while the man continues to stare at her.

  “I didn’t get a phone call or charged with anything, can you find out how long I’m going to be in here?” She asks while shaking back and forth over the toilet.

  The guard walks away when Kimberly stands up and pulls down her skirt.

  “I guess the one girl and a toilet show is over for him,” she says while sitting back in the corner on the cold floor with her back against the dirty wall. She still hears profanity in the hallway from prisoners in other rooms.

  “You are going to be in here for a long time, little terrorist helper,” the guard says.

  She begins to cry again, as she thinks about her family and friends. Her tears land on the top of her left hand.

  An hour passes by and it is silent around Kimberly and the surrounding areas. She breaks out of another meditation. She hears tapping on the wall to the left of her. A low sounding Arabic man’s voice comes from the room next to her. The sounds travel through a crack in the concrete foundation.

  “Can you hear me?” He asks.

  Kimberly ignores him and doesn’t reply. The tapping continues.

  “What terrorist group are you with? Are you a sleeper cell? American born terrorist?” He asks.

  A minute goes by and Kimberly still doesn’t
reply. The man continues.

  “What is your name? I’m Zaze Mohammad, but you can call me Zaze.”

  Kimberly listens but doesn’t respond.

  “I’m a part of the terrorist group that attacked New York City buildings in lower Manhattan with shoulder rockets on Jet Skis, back on July 4, 2015. I’m sure you heard about it in the news. It wasn’t something I was proud of. I’m not really a bad person. I was brought over to America at a young age and I grew up in America. I had my citizenship and I loved this country as a teenager. My uncle owned a grocery store in Brooklyn that I worked at. I was also in college studying to be an engineer. I was saving my money to bring the rest of my family over from Afghanistan…”

  The man sobs and then continues, “My family was running for years trying to stay clear of the U.S. attacks from 2001. My uncle and I sent them money to move from the refugee camp and to live in an apartment building. But in 2006 they died from a cluster bomb dropped on their apartment building. My two sisters, one younger brother, mother and aunts all died. The U.S. said there was a suspected terrorist in a nearby building. But the bomb took out an entire city block. The U.S. and NATO forces killed over 10,000 Iraqi and Afghanistan civilians over the years. That is just a low estimate. I had Iraqi friends who also died. The woman I was going to marry also died in an Iraq attack. My uncle suffered a heart attack and died after he learned of his sisters and family all dying. I vowed revenge on America and the UN for not protecting innocent people. The U.S. keeps attacking the cities not to keep the security situation stable, but so they can stay in Iraq and control the oil. Oil?”

  He continues to cry and sob. The man bangs on the ground and a tear falls on his hand.

  “Oil? I was studying to be an engineer that specialized in green energy. America always had the technology to get away from oil and gas. The USA always had the capability to have seventy percent of their vehicles running off solar, electricity, vegetable oil or water by the year 2000. Then there would have been no interest in oil or an interest to attack Afghanistan and Iraq. September 11, 2001 was staged so America could have a reason to invade a foreign country. Civilizations have been using this strategy for many centuries to invade someone weaker for something they might have. Who was held accountable for this?”

  There is dead silence as the man continues, “The American government kept covering up in Afghanistan and Iraq how many innocent civilians were actually being killed by them. During elections in America, they would use airstrikes instead of ground forces to minimize their American military casualties. These airstrikes increased my people’s death rates. So many innocent children and civilians’ blood was on the street. The Americans kept criticizing Saddam for the mass graves. How many civilian graves did the Americans make in Iraq?”

  Kimberly still doesn’t respond, but continues listening to the terrorist’s perspective. Sadness and sobbing can be heard in his voice as he continues.

  “The U.S. lied and said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. These weapons were never found and there was never any apology from any U.S. government. So many cover-ups and many Americans citizens didn’t know everything that was going on over there. I had nothing left to live for in America. My anger for America’s greed changed me as a person. So many civilians out of work and nowhere to go, many joined Al-Qaeda. I went to Baghdad in 2007 as a volunteer and joined Al-Qaeda where I was transported into Afghanistan. I trained for a year at a secret underground location in Afghanistan. I would return to America a year later as a sleeper cell and I would conduct a martyrdom operation. I would do anything, including sacrificing myself to bring attention to what the American military was doing to civilians in Afghanistan. An eye for an eye. American civilians needed to experience what Afghanistan and Iraqi civilians experienced for the past ten years. I fired my rocket directly at the UN building and it had my family’s name on it. I was ready to join my family in heaven, when I rode up to a ferry boat and my Jet Ski didn’t explode….”

  The man moves his mouth from the crack in the wall and cries on the floor in the dark. The sobbing and crying can be heard vibrating against the entire wall. Kimberly continues to sit on the floor in a meditation position. She tries to comprehend what the man has told her. She blocks out his loud crying and meditates again.

  “Hey you big cry baby man! Keep it down over there, some of us are trying to get off!” A man yells from across the hall.

  Halifax, NC City Jail 11:49 pm


  Sleeping for hours, Jaden begins to dream.

  He dreams Kimberly is in a black colored castle in a red princess gown. Jaden is in a white knight outfit, the same as in the virtual chess game he was playing on Xenos. He runs into the castle fighting pawns with his sword, suddenly the sky turns from day to night. Jaden looks up and the castle disappears from around him into a black darkness. The planet disappears around him and he is flying through space towards the moon using nanoeyes. He stops behind the moon, looking at a big mother ship facing Earth. The ship is camouflaged and cloaked into the abyss of black space. He feels evil vibes and evil intentions coming from the ship as it hides behind the moon. He hears a familiar voice coming from different directions in space.

  ‘Jaden? Wake up buddy.’

  He turns around and looks into the darkness and stars. It gets completely dark.


  Jaden opens his eyes and sees the ceiling of the jail cell.

  ‘Hey buddy, I’m back online,’ AI says.

  ‘What happened to you? I thought I lost you.’

  ‘I went into what you humans would call a self induced coma. My operating system shut down after those unknown energies returned,’ AI says.

  ‘Yeah, I noticed a weird black shiny material on my fingertips. The skin was being destroyed under it.’

  ‘I was looking at the data on that from the nanodrones in your fingertips repairing your fingernails and outer skin. I can’t explain what is happening to you. I went offline after those bullets began to strike your body. I’m almost finished compressing your DNA in various areas around your body. You will have 10,000 DNA memo groups tightly packed together making your weapons and superhuman abilities work more efficiently. The DNA in the skin around your body will be stronger than Kevlar. I’m creating an artificial orbital hybridization bind with your skin cells. The technology is called nanotubes and it is in everything from bulletproof clothes, to the body of police cars.’

  ‘Cool. As long as I don’t feel strange, look different or feel a lot of pain. Do what you have to do. What time is it?’ Jaden asks. ‘I felt like I was sleeping for two or three hours, the sun is still out.’

  ‘I knew you were going to ask me that, so I did a stellar motion on the stars a few hours ago, it is about 8:08 am, September 8th,’ AI says.

  ‘It is 8 am already? Shit,’ Jaden says. ‘I’m glad you are back buddy, I thought I lost you forever. I already lost Kimberly.’

  ‘I was looking at the recordings; that was a tough emotional breakup. I hope you two get together again, I’ve sensed great chemistry between you two. It is funny that she never saw you do anything special with her own eyes. I never thought about that. Anyway, what was your dream about, I was trying to wake you up for hours, but your conscious was unreachable,’ AI says.

  ‘I was dreaming I was rescuing Kimberly in a castle, then I was looking at the Darclonians mother ship behind the moon. It was just sitting there and I felt evil. I know they are here already,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Fascinating, your dreams are enabling you to see things in the present and possible future I’ve been noticing. I’m still blocked out of them. I think the Darclonians want you to see them. We have to get out of this prison as soon as possible.’

  ‘Something else, Kimberly said the images of the Gravhawk were very unclear in her mind, as if her memory or subconscious was trying to hide it. What do you think that could mean?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘According to psycholo
gy online encyclopedias, I believe something happened in her childhood or when she was younger. Maybe something in a movie, an accident or something that traumatized her. There were some memories in Dr. Chan’s past that are blacked out and hidden in her subconscious that we were unable to access. I don’t know what it could have been. Maybe the next time you see her, you can find out.’

  ‘Yeah, next time. I hope there is a next time. If I were her, I would leave the country for a while, with all she has been through the last few days. I wouldn’t be surprised if she went back to Taiwan for a couple of weeks,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Possibly. The nanodrones have been reorganizing themselves so the task I was making them do, can be done automatically by you just thinking about it. They already began rerouting, and recalculating your weapon systems, pro-gravity and anti-gravity nanodrones. This is why they have been offline for the past forty hours. The negative side is your mind will have to do more calculations putting a strain on your mind. Your sleeping helped the nanodrones pull energy from the air, to manipulate and accelerate subatomic particles… I remember, save you the details on the big science words. Your brain neurons are at an even 200 billion. The next time you feel great pain or anger the nanodrones will create a microscopic shield around me or I can temporarily turn myself offline, to prevent any damage. Not one hundred percent sure that will work though. I wouldn’t want to take the chance though.’


  ‘Where are we going after we get out of this jail?’ AI asks.

  ‘I was seriously thinking about just leaving this planet and returning back to Xenos. Let everyone fend for themselves here. I think I made a mistake wanting to come back to this planet. This was a big waste of time. I’ve tried to help people, warn the government and everything I do is a constant fight. The government probably doesn’t believe there is going to be an attack on Earth, even after getting the message from deep space. I don’t hear about any preparations or the government asking for my help. I don’t see any special helmets being given out to citizens. The Andromedian elders were right, there isn’t much one person can do,’ Jaden says.

  ‘What about your daughter? She is half you,’ AI says.

  ‘That snotty little bitch. I don’t even know her. She is like a clone of her crazy mother.’

  ‘There might be a side you don’t know about your daughter,’ AI says.

  ‘Are you getting this from your psychology for dummies e-books?’


  The door opens in the huge cell and Jaden wakes up to look towards the door.

  “Alright everyone let’s go,” the guard at the gate says.

  Jaden gets out of the bed and walks through the gate. Three other guards help handcuff Jaden and the other four men to a long chain line. The four Hispanic men in their early twenties stand in a line behind Jaden. They look at him with nervous expressions on their faces.

  ‘Anything you can do to speed up the recalibration?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘I’ll see what I can do.’

  “Where are we all going now?” Jaden asks the guard.

  “Everyone has a court date to see the judge.”

  ‘How did a nanoscanner get destroyed?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘The black gloss that was around your fingertips completely destroyed a nanoscanner when it went to investigate from the outside. Whatever it is, nanoscanners aren’t immune. Until we figure out what this is, they will have to stay away,’ AI says.

  They walk together in a line outside the building and towards a sheriff’s van.

  Buckeye Federal Prison 8:31 AM

  Kimberly finally falls asleep against the dark wall while her knees are against her chest and arms around her legs. As the tears slowly dry against her face, her mind enters a dream state.


  It is completely dark as Kimberly hears different voices all mixed together, right behind each other. The barrage of voices competes with each other. She tries hard to distinguish the familiar words, “Kids! Kids! Stop running…I’m your government appointed psychologist Miss Chan, What you saw was in your imagination…Do you want to see your parents again?… Mom, do you believe me?...I will hit you again if you keep making up things…Are you okay?...Look at my hair floating…” Young children begin crying simultaneously and then they fade away.

  Kimberly wakes up screaming, from her dream as images and voices locked away in her subconscious came out.

  “I’ll give you a reason to scream,” a prisoner across from her yells towards her from the feeding hole.