Read BIO-Sapien book 4 - Remote Heroes Page 13

Washington, D.C. White House

  Command Center 8:50 AM

  Robinson is upset that Max Miles suffered an unknown seizure and is on his way to a military hospital.

  “How is it we are just finding out Jaden Marino was in a city jail in Halifax for the past forty-one hours and we weren’t notified sooner?” Robinson asks Mcright over the phone.

  “Jaden Marino is back in his original bi-racial body. The system had the white face and body in the face recognition system as his ID. His old face wasn’t in the system anymore, when he had a new face scan on Saturday at the Halifax Jail there was no match. This is why we didn’t find out anything until now. His fingerprints were also different. They had him in the system as James Revis. The dumb hicks at the jailhouse assumed their DNA scanner was broken since his DNA wasn’t coming up. The court has been warned to have more court officers and sheriffs on duty. My agents are on their way,” Mcright says.

  “This is amazing, all this advanced technology the United States government has and we still get these slipups. I need this suspect killed or contained,” Robinson says.

  “Yes sir.”


  Halifax Criminal Courthouse 9:10 AM Monday

  There is a howling wind coming from the windows on both sides of the courtroom. The high ceilings show craftsmanship from the 1800’s. There is a concrete statue of justice on the right of the judge’s desk. There is an American flag hanging from a pole a few feet in the air to the left of the judge’s desk. The cool morning breeze flows through the courtroom kicking up dust from the walls. One of the Hispanic men begins sneezing, but he can’t cover his mouth, so he bends his head down. Jaden is sitting in the front row of the courtroom still connected to the long chain, connected to the prisoners behind him by ankles and around the wrists. He can see the germs from the prisoner’s sneeze floating in all directions. There is a big mug on the judge’s desk. The steam from the hot black coffee slowly goes into the air. Jaden can smell the black coffee from where he is. He could really use some coffee this morning. Jaden turns around towards the seats behind him to see if he sees Kimberly. She isn’t there and Jaden feels she truly wants nothing to do with him. There are many extra officers in the courtroom. Two court officers are wearing exoskeleton full body suits with guns on their waist by the door.

  “All rise,” a court secretary yells.

  Jaden stands up with the rest of the prisoners. The court officer continues talking as Judge Katherine Spinelli sits at her desk. A court officer removes Jaden from the rest of the chain gain. He still has handcuffs on and chains down to his feet. Jaden stands in front of the judge. She has a metal electronic bow in her hair. Everyone sits down while the judge looks on her computer screen without a keyboard. People from the bank are in the courtroom seats.

  “Mr. Jaden Marino, this is your name correct?” The judge asks while looking at Jaden.

  ‘AI, what is going on buddy, they know who I am now. My eye screen is showing the calibration of my weapons and all nanodrones at ninety-nine percent finished. It has been stuck there for the past hour. My weapon systems’ energy is at thirty percent,’ Jaden says to AI.

  “Yes it is,” Jaden says to the judge.

  ‘Your internal energy is fine and stable. There is a slight problem with the calibration, but we are working on it,’ AI says.

  ‘Are the nanodrones having a meeting or taking a break or something?’ Jaden asks.

  Four court officers in blue uniforms and with guns on their waists stand around Jaden.

  ‘Something like that, you could say. The five nanoscanners will be online in less than a minute,’ AI says.

  “Mr. Marino, are you really Italian?”

  “Yes, I’m half Italian.”

  “Interesting. I’ve never seen so many charges against one person before. Are you half Italian and half the devil?” The judge asks.

  “Technically, half alien, one fourth Italian and one forth black is more accurate,” Jaden says with a smile on his face.

  “Do you think this is a joke?” She asks.

  “Do you think you can ask me stupid questions and try to insult me? Let’s get this over with, people are waiting behind me and I have places to go,” Jaden says while the judge looks at her screen again.

  A tall white court officer next to Jaden jabs him in the side with a nightstick.

  “Show some respect in this courthouse you little prick,” the middle-aged officer says.

  “How about you show some respect for my nose by chewing some gum,” Jaden snaps.


  “Mr. Marino, you won’t be going anywhere, but into federal custody without bail. You are charged with: felony assaulting a police officer, aggravated assault on a security guard, felony bank robbery, destroying property with an explosive device, aggravated assault on five jail inmates, second-degree murder of a security guard, destroying hospital property, identity theft… Should I keep going?” She asks.

  “Yes keep going, this is interesting. I might beat the world record for the most criminal charges on a person,” Jaden says while his nanoscanners go out around the room.

  “…Opening an emergency exit while an aircraft was in motion, pushing two people from a moving plane, first degree manslaughter of a passenger and eighteen years of unpaid child support,” she yells.

  “Seventeen years, ten months and seven days to be exact of child support,” Jaden says with a smile on his face.

  “You froze your body in Europe for eighteen years to avoid taking care of your child? You let your child grow up without a father?” She asks.

  “Well technically I didn’t know I had a child. I didn’t freeze my body, I was on another planet. So technically child support should only be for the amount of time I’m on Earth…”

  Everyone in the courtroom starts to laugh.

  “Are you crazy and a liar on top of it?” She asks.

  “Judge, it seems you care more about me not paying child support over all my other foolish charges you just read. I must say this government is good with putting charges and made up charges on their citizens. It is too bad the laws and rules don’t apply to me,” Jaden says.

  “Entertain me, Mr. Marino, how is it the laws and rules don’t apply to you?”

  “I’m not a Homo sapien like the rest of you humans, I’m what I call a BIO-Sapien. I’m an evolved human and the next level up on the species chain. I’m more of a modified human with alien technology, capable of doing things never thought possible with a human body. I’m here to help save this miserable planet from certain doom. But with all I’ve been through since returning to Earth last week, I think you people need to suffer your own Armageddon…”

  The judge continues to look at her screen and ignores what Jaden says.

  “I’m reading here that you shoved a magazine of a police officer’s bullets down his throat in an attack?” She asks.

  “No, I shoved the bullets he shot at me down his throat. They were very hot and burned my hands,” Jaden says while chuckling. The audience laughs also.

  “Sir…” the judge grabs her head as she feels pain.

  “As you can see judge, there is a nanomole in your brain now, getting into position to over take your mind. There is a pending alien attack on Earth…” Jaden says while everyone in the courtroom laughs except the four Hispanic prisoners from his jail cell. They listen to him with their eyes on Jaden.

  “Sir, Tylenol will fix this headache in the next ten minutes. I don’t think the most advanced psychiatric hospital will fix your delusional brain. If you have magical alien powers, let’s see you do something now,” she demands.

  “I know you are wearing some old pink grandma panties with a quarter inch hole in the rear, under your suit. Your old saggy breasts look as if they were allergic to bras the past forty years. I can read everything on your screen from here. Inputting I’m mentally disturbed on my profile isn’t very nice. I’m sure you have that electronic devi
ce in your back by your spine because your husband left you a long time ago and it’s been ages since a man touched you. When I do something magical, your courtroom won’t look the same when I leave.” Jaden says.

  “Are you threatening me and my court? Sir?” She asks. “You are already looking at three life sentences in prison, do you want to go for four life sentences?”

  “Judge, would it really matter after one life sentence? I mean really, even though I can probably live over 500 years, another life sentence is like burying a dead body again in the same grave. I’ll be walking out that front courtroom door in five minutes without handcuffs and without a guard escorting me. So you can add on as many life sentences as you want. Go knock yourself out, Judge Dredd,” Jaden says.

  The five court officers around Jaden begin to laugh together along with other people in the courtroom.

  “OJ Simpson’s lawyers couldn’t get you off on all these charges against you. Not even Jesus himself can help you walk through that door unescorted in the next five minutes. You are completely delusional and entertaining to listen to along with my morning coffee,” the judge says while taking another sip of her black coffee.

  “Kimberly Chan is held in Buckeye Federal Maximum Prison in Virginia as an accomplice to the charges against me? Vice President Robinson is giving out these orders?” Jaden asks.

  ‘I knew he had to be behind this. This is why everyone is after me,’ Jaden says to AI.

  “Yes, how did you know that?” She asks.

  “I told you I’m watching your judge screen from here. I can see that the feds have me in the system as this face and my other white face. I’m on the terrorist watch list. I can also see that they consider me very dangerous and to be held until Homeland Security or the FBI arrives. Why do you think they consider me armed and dangerous even though I’m in handcuffs?” Jaden asks.

  “You listen to me, you young teenager, I don’t know what kind of tricks you are pulling here…”

  “No you listen!” Jaden shouts and asks, “Why is my friend Dr. Chan is being held in a maximum federal male prison? She had nothing to do with this!”

  “You are in contempt of my court!” She yells while banging her gavel as the audience talks amongst themselves.

  Two UAV Predator drones fly by outside, along with a FBI helicopter hovering a few hundred feet from the courthouse. A local news-reporting agency is setting up on the steps of the courthouse.

  “You are in contempt of America and I hope the feds put you deep in a hole where you belong, you mentally challenged terrorist traitor!”

  ‘Good job and thanks for e-mailing this story to the local news in town, AI. I can see they are outside now,’ Jaden says.

  The court appointed public defender and prosecutor are being told to stay outside the courtroom.

  ‘Thank to the free Wi-Fi in this courthouse building and in town,’ AI says.

  “Judge Spinelli, let me go now and a lot of people won’t get hurt today,” Jaden demands.

  “Guards remove this mentally challenged man back to a holding cell, until the feds can take him into custody. I heard enough nonsense for my morning,” she says.

  Two guards grab Jaden’s arm. They can feel his muscles bulging as if something is inside of them. They look at him with a strange look on their faces. Two other guards say, “Let’s go.”

  Jaden stands in the same place, not budging. The courtroom lights begin to dim. Everyone turns to look at each other.

  “I would suggest anyone who wishes not to get seriously hurt to please leave the courtroom now and stay out of my way. If you have a family or kids at home think of them now!” Jaden yells, while two court officers in exoskeleton body suits with helmets on walk down the court aisle from the entrance behind each other. Their metal feet make clanking sounds against the floor. The walking sounds behind Jaden remind him of Robocop walking. The tellers and some customers from the bank get up and run out of the courtroom. The four prisoners on the bench attempt to get up, but a court officer make them sit back down.

  A guard’s long hair begins to float in the air. Jaden’s eye screen suddenly shows: Offense-defense weapons online 35% total strength, All nanodrones, Anti-gravity, pro-gravity online.

  Jaden sees small light particles moving inside his fair complexion, down to his wrist and ankles. Jaden turns around and looks at the door. Nanodrones destroy the metal compounds in his handcuffs. Smoke comes from the metal and all the cuffs drops to the floor. It makes a loud clinging sound. The officers look at the chains on the floor. The judge stands up to see what is going on. The lights go out in the courtroom and sunlight shines down from huge windows on the wall near the ceiling. Nanotime 100x shows on Jaden’s eyes. He notices his body is moving faster along with his brain speed. Jaden hits the first guard with his elbow in the chest, and his body falls backwards on the bench. The other guards’ hands slowly reach down for their guns. People in the rows of benches scream in a low growling sound as they try to climb over the benches towards the door. The judge slowly bends down towards her bulletproof desk.

  Jaden grabs and removes three of the court officers’ guns before they can reach it themselves. He tosses them straight into the air. The anti-gravity energy above him makes the guns slowly float towards the ceiling. Nanotime goes off and time speeds back to normal in his brain. Jaden does a roundhouse kick in the face of another officer and his body twists onto the bench other prisoners are hiding under. Jaden then fires a slight gravity shock wave with his right hand into the chest of the last guard standing near him. A dust of smoke is two feet around his body. The two officers in the bionic suits crouch to aim their guns at Jaden and fire at him. A nanoscanner is inside of the gun. Jaden can see the bullet loading into the chamber and quickly being shot. A barrage of 8mm bullets slow down to a crawl. Their guns begin to click as thirty-six bullets are four feet from Jaden’s head. The last person runs out of the courtroom while the door swings back and forth. The bullets move down a foot and Jaden takes a step backwards. He fires a gravity shock wave towards the bionic court officers as they try to reload their guns. The shock wave takes the levitating bullets and a bubble of the energy shield with it. The bullets riddle their armor suits. The strong force lifts the officers off their feet as they fly through the courtroom doors and into a concrete wall twenty feet further. The left door hangs off its hinges as it looks as if it is about to fall off.

  The first guard struck by Jaden aims his gun at him as he crawls over the benches towards the entrance.

  “Save your bullets for a real criminal officer, I will have to make you eat those bullets you fire at me,” Jaden says as the officer’s hands shake. The nervous officer gets up and runs out of the courtroom.

  Jaden puts his hands together in front of him and the guns thrown to the ceiling come down into Jaden’s hand. The two other court officers that fell down run towards the door. Jaden turns towards the judge’s bench. He hears the four Hispanic men making nervous whimpers.

  “You see judge, if I was a terrorist, wouldn’t I be killing and shooting innocent people also?” Jaden asks while walking closer to the judge’s bench.

  ‘We should go sir,’ AI suggests.

  The last guard in the room comes up behind Jaden with a nightstick, swinging towards the back of his head. Jaden quickly turns around, dropping the guns in his hand and stops his swinging arm with his hand. He catches the court officer by the neck with his right hand and begins to squeeze. He drops the nightstick.

  “There is always a renegade officer who wants to try to be a hero. Didn’t you just see me stop bullets in midair and blast two bionic dick officers thirty feet into a concrete wall? Why would you try to sneak behind me?” Jaden asks while still lifting him off his feet by a few inches. He gags and tries to remove Jaden’s hand around his neck.

  “You were trying hard to be in the newspaper tomorrow as the town’s hero? GI-prick?” Jaden asks while lifting the 270-pound man.

sp; Jaden lifts him by his body and tosses him high above the judge’s desk. The American flag is hit and it falls from the wall. The man screams as he slams hard into the wall losing consciousness as he lands on the floor. The judge screams as the officer’s body lands near her. Concrete debris and a clock falls onto the officer’s body. Jaden sees words scrolling across his eyes and read it.

  “Are you not entertained judge? Are you not entertained?” Jaden yells while turning around and walking towards the exit. The four prisoners lay trembling under the bench.

  “That was three minutes and forty-five seconds with time to spare judge.”

  Smoke and debris floats in the air from behind the judge’s desk.

  Jaden walks out of the courtroom door and down the empty hallway.

  ‘Where did you get that quote from?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘It was on the Internet under famous movie quotes. The movie Gladiator,’ AI says.

  ‘Cool. I know I missed a lot of movies from the past eighteen years.’

  Jaden makes it towards the entrance glass doors of the courthouse building. A news reporter and cameraman walk through the front door to meet him.

  “Are you Jaden?” The young small blonde hair news reporter asks.

  “Yes I am. You are going to have to interview me quickly because, as you see, I just broke out of custody and the government is after me,” Jaden says while the bright lights from the camera go on Jaden’s face.

  They walk back away from the front door.

  “I’m Jan from Channel 3 News. Did you really travel to another galaxy and is there really a pending attack on Earth?” She asks in one breath, while putting a skinny wireless microphone to his face. A nanoscanner sits in front of the camera recording the interview also.

  ‘Jaden hurry, soldiers are creating a perimeter around the courthouse.’

  ‘I see them.’

  “Yes, I left Earth in February 2000, you can research on the Internet Michael Morris government conspiracy 2000 for proof. I’ve traveled 2.2 million light-years to the Andromeda Galaxy to a planet called Xenos, where I met some friendly aliens that are about 70,000 years ahead of us. They uncovered a nanomole in my brain, implanted in human bodies hundreds of thousands of years ago. A nanomole is something that can control a human body with the right amount of energy from the mother ship. This is why these bad aliens called Darclonians are here to attack us for whatever reason I do not know yet. Their mother ship is here and hiding behind the moon watching us to plan their silent attack. I’m here to help the government to avoid this possible attack. I’ve been attacked by the government and police for the past few days…”

  Suddenly Jaden’s clear energy shield forms seven feet in diameter around the cameraman and news reporter. A three-inch circular hole is made in the glass door. It goes silent around them as a fast moving 4000 feet per second sniper bullet slows down towards Jaden’s head. A ripple of white energy is seen around where the bullet enters the outside of the shield. The cameraman turns the camera towards the bullet slowly moving through the air and stops. Jaden walks up to the bullet still thrusting forward. He grabs the hot bullet with his fingers and shows it to the reporter.

  “Did you really just stop this sniper bullet?” She asks while taking a step towards Jaden.

  “Yes, I’m what you call a BIO-Sapien. Here is proof that your government is trying to kill the only person that can help stop this attack. Vice President Robinson is behind this attack on me. He has been trying to kill me ever since I found a UFO in 2000. These headaches and sudden unresponsive humans have been experiencing around Earth is all related to these nanomoles in their brains. The government has the instructions on how to block the signals in these nanomoles,” Jaden says while dropping the bullet.

  “Maybe this can explain why people are disappearing around the world at high elevations without a trace?” She asks.

  “Yes, people should stay away from tall buildings and high elevation places.”

  “If the mother ship is here, why doesn’t it just attack us?” She asks.

  “They are much smarter than that. They would anticipate us to defend ourselves, they have something else in mind. They know a lot about us already. I would like to talk more to you, but I have to go save a friend. Make sure you play this story to everyone, even people in other countries,” Jaden says.

  “What are you going to do after you save your friend?”

  “Go back to the Andromeda Galaxy or travel to another part of this galaxy. This planet isn’t worth saving, I’ve had enough. I warned the government, so I’ve done my job. I saw some nice uninhabited Earth-type planets a couple of thousand light-years from here. Maybe I’ll go there to start a family and start my own government,” Jaden says while walking towards the exit doors.

  “Good luck sir.”

  He sees SWAT people standing around different entrances while fifty men stand outside the building. Armed men are slowly walking up to the front of the courthouse stairs with their guns pointing forward. Jaden sees local police, state police, FBI, Homeland Security, helicopters and drone planes flying by outside. Jaden fires a gravity shock wave at the front door as the cameraman continues recording ten feet behind him. An explosion and the sound of broken glass are heard. The glass doors quickly come off the hinges and fly into the air. The armed men on the stairs crouch down and look at the glass door flying over them and into a tree. The leaves on the tree fall quickly towards the ground

  with the door and debris. Jaden’s body goes invisible as he runs outside the front opening and towards the left of the courthouse. The fresh warm spring air hits his body.

  “Sir, the suspect disappeared from sight,” a sniper across the street on top of a church says into the radio to a military commander.

  He runs and leaps high into the air. The anti-gravity energy around him allows him to jump forty feet into the air as he slowly lands on the roof of a red church. He sees people across the street from the courthouse in a park where people are standing behind a yellow tape. Jaden jumps from the roof of the church and into a parking lot. Jaden continues to run down a side street. The nanoscanners show that the courthouse is being rushed by many federal agents and military personnel from all directions.

  ‘They are taking the news anchor and camera man into custody,’ AI says.

  ‘I see, agents are taking their holographic disc from the camera now. Shit! That video is never going to see the light of day. I did the best I could do,’ Jaden says while running down the street at 18 mph.

  ‘All the roads are blocked off with heavy checkpoints. I have a creative idea on how we can escape out of town,’ AI says while a helicopter flies by.

  ‘Creative sounds good to me. Now I know how the predator and the invisible man feel,’ Jaden says.


  Chipotle garlic hot wings – Action Wings smothered in Action Sauce.