Read Black Rain Page 16

  It was too bad Farrah was such a bitch; I could have used a friend with access to the media. I would have called him out on national television. I hurried and washed the black rain from my arm and galloped to the knocking door. I crossed my arms over my braless breasts and opened the door.

  “I’m leaving now,” Blake announced.

  “Um, okay. Pea’s not here. She’s with your mom at the show.”

  “Yeah I know. I’m just going down to the restaurant to meet Ryan and my boss.”

  “Barry Holden?”

  “Yes. Stop calling him that. He goes by Zazen. I have a dinner to attend tonight, but I will be home by ten or so. I’d like you to come up to my room.”

  Blake’s eyes moved to my breasts making me realize I had dropped my arms, I put them right back, hiding the two puckers that seemed to stand at his attention. What the hell? Stupid nipples.

  “Sorry, can’t do it.”

  Blake spoke to my breasts, “I saw them last night. I love them. That’s why I want you to come back tonight. What do you mean you can’t?”

  I bent my knees to bring my eyes to boob-level, “We had a deal?”

  “Yeah, and I held up to mine. I spent the entire day with her yesterday.”

  “But you didn’t do anything today. It’s Sunday and you’re going to work. How pathetic is that?”

  “Chief executive officers don’t really get to decide that. That’s not how business really works, but I bet you ditched college, so I can see how you would think that.”

  “If going to college makes me half as ignorant as you, I don’t want any part of it. I could care less how your business comes before anything else in your life. If you think the shiny gold frame, displaying that piece of paper over your desk makes you smart, you’re dumber than I thought.”

  “Who are you mad at?”

  Oh my God! I was going to punch this guy right in the gut, “Thanks for letting me know that you were leaving.”

  “Are you coming up to my room later?”

  “Are you going to play with Pea later?”

  “She’ll be in bed by the time I get home.”

  “So will I. Have a good day, Blake.”

  Blake’s eyes stared through me. I could tell he was fighting not to say what was written all over his face. He held his stiff stance until the door was shut. The bad part about it was I wasn’t mad at anyone. Only him. Why did Blake Coast get under my skin like no other? Oh yeah, because he was an idiot.

  I knew as soon as Blake left what I was doing. I wasn’t going to talk to him, I just wanted to see him; see if I would even know him if I passed him on the street. I doubted it. It was only four years ago, but our encounter lasted precisely two minutes. I doubt if he even remembered that night, let alone me or what I looked like. He listened long enough for me to take a breath and throw me against the wall by my shoulders. I wonder if he remembered that.

  I took great care on doing my hair and makeup before sliding into a new pants suit I’d just ordered. Sometimes Pea and I liked to get cleaned up and eat in the hotel dining room, otherwise I’d never dress like this. The heels were another story. My mom made me wear heels once to one of her coworkers wedding. I swore them off that day, telling her they were not meant to walk in. She on the other hand, loved anything girly. It never rubbed off on me.

  I walked up and down the hall twice, up and down the stairs, and to Miss. Williams door and back. Okay. That wasn’t so bad. I could walk in heels. I pushed the elevator button, spinning to see my distorted figure in the shiny doors. My hair had really gotten long, and although it needed some style to it, the full curls helped.

  “Mikki,” Larry nodded on the elevator.

  “Hey, Larry.”

  “You look lovely. Would you like a cab?”

  “No thanks. Pea’s with her grandma today. I’m just going to go get some lunch in the dining room.”

  “Get the prime rib. It’s delicious.”

  Yuck. I hated prime rib. I was getting the Rochelette Chicken; breaded chicken strips in layman’s terms. I agreed to the prime rib and we talked about Pea. He promised to teach her how to play racket ball later on that day. I assured him we would be there at five sharp, just like we promised.

  Men ran to open doors for me, turned their heads to stare after me, and went out of their way to talk to me. I would never get used to that, and I guess I didn’t understand it. I was one hundred percent sure that I would have been there in shorts and tee had it not been for the snobby dress code.

  The entrance to the dining room was separated by a host station with double doors on each side. I chose the doors on the right; the ones Pea wasn’t allowed on. Well, me either, but I was just going to get water. I wouldn’t try to order anything that needed identification.

  I was prominently greeted by Wanda, one of the weekend hosts. I explained that I was going to sit at the bar and chose the corner closest to the door.

  “Hey, pretty girl. Where’s your side kick?” Leo asked, wiping a wet spot in front of me.

  “She’s with her grandma today. Can I get an order of chicken strips with French fries?”

  “No, but I will get you our platter of scrumptious Rochelette Chicken with Pomme Frites and broccoli aldolase.”

  “Yeah that,” I agreed. Leo laughed and left to fill my order. This side of the restaurant was dark with the brighter side of the room on the other side. I looked around at the darker tables behind me first, and then to the well-lit section in front of me. I saw Ryan first and then Holden, but not Blake.

  Shit. I turned my head when he walked out of the bathroom right behind me. His busy thumbs kept him from seeing me. Imagine that. I conspicuously watched the three men drink expensive whisky and talk; more than likely about business. That’s the only language Blake and Ryan spoke. I learned more business words than I knew existed during those first three months; Abnormal returns, diversifiable risk, encroachment, execution costs; and that’s just naming a few. I always remembered the funny ones. Blake spoke a whole other language when it came to business, one that most people wouldn’t understand. Like me.

  I watched the three of them work more than anything. Barry Holden was an uptight man and Blake and Ryan bowed down to him like he was king. Was I like him? He seemed to have a very short fuse. I dipped my fries in ketchup and observed the interaction between Barry Holden and his followers. Chicken stuck in my throat and I had to chase it with my water. I hated him. Looking at Barry Holden caused me to feel things I didn’t like feeling. I wanted to walk right up to him and throw his drink in his face and then bash him over the head with his laptop.

  “Complements of Mr. Collins. He’s the one in the green tie.”

  My attention was pulled from the three business man to Leo and then to the gentleman, smiling across the bar at me. Great. My first response was annoyance, and then I looked to Barry. I wasn’t like him. My message back to him was something about there not being enough antibiotics in the world was quieted and I kept it to myself. Genetic fear caused me to thank him instead; besides. I could use the drink and Leo never questioned my age. Win-win.

  My avoiding eye contact must have told the guy that I wasn’t interested. The longing attention never reached him and he gave up. The drink however was very good, fruity splashed with lemon or something. Sweet and spicy. I liked it.

  “Can I have another one of these?” I asked Leo, pushing my plate away.

  “Yeah, what are you doing here? You’ve been watching him for an hour. He’s not cheating on you. I can vouch for that.”

  “What? Who?”

  “Blake Coast. If he’s in here it’s because of business. I have never seen a girl in here with him.”

  “Except for Felicia,” I stated.


  “His ex-girlfriend. And I’m not spying on anyone. I just have a free Pea day.”

  “I don’t know who Felecia is, but I’ve been the head bartender for three years now. He didn’t bring her in here.”

sp; That made me ponder. I sipped my fresh drink and considered why. My phone was the villain that gave me away. I turned to face the door when Ryan went to the bathroom. He didn’t say anything when I turned to see if he was gone and our eyes met. He kept walking in the same stance that Blake walked. Head down, thumbs on screen.

  That’s when I decided I better go. Maybe he hadn’t recognized me in this outfit. That’s when I stood and felt the effect of alcohol. Whoa. Was it supposed to hit after you stood?

  I loved Candy Reynolds, she was my favorite waitress. She was very nice to Pea, one of those people who go above and beyond. Candy didn’t have to keep hotdogs hidden for Pea in the kitchen. She did it because Pea asked for one every time. I loved how she was so silly with Pea, but I didn’t love her right now. Not at this moment. Please go away. Please go away.

  “Oh my God, Mikki. I wanted to show you something. I just had Mason’s pictures done at this new place. You have got to take Pea. Check this out.”

  Great. How did one rudely walk away from a mother’s boasting photographs? My eyes glanced at her swiping finger, but nervously twitched back to the bathroom where I knew Ryan would be exiting any second. The fake smile and counterfeit interest went undetected while my heart was very much detected. I felt every beat.

  Ryan and I exchanged a glance, but this time he smiled and scanned my body. Great. Just what I needed.

  “I will definitely take her there. Can you text me the address? I’ve got to get out of here. Pea should be coming any second.”

  Needless to say, I didn’t make it before Ryan made it back to the table and announced my presence. The shocked expression on Holden’s face when our eyes met assured me that he knew exactly who I was. Damn. It was one run in. He barely even spoke to me.

  Blake was the one who stood and walked toward me with a confused frown. Candy happily bounced away, promising to send me the address and I waited for Blake to close the distance between us. Barry’s eyes never left me. Gah! Stupid Candy Reynolds. I hated her.

  “What are you doing here?” Blake asked also skimming my body. Men.

  “I was eating. I’m done now. I’ll see you later.” Yeah. Like I really thought it was going to be that easy. Between the unfamiliar heels and the unacquainted alcohol, I managed to fall right into his arms. That’s when I really died and my heart was never going to beat again. I watched Holden stand and walk toward me. It was déjà vu all over again. He held the same confused frown that Blake held.

  I didn’t move. I stayed against Blake’s chest for support. That wasn’t by choice. That was a sad attempt of determination. I was determined to stay on my feet and not faint with my dying heart. All of time stood still, nothing moved and the room fell deathly quiet while I waited in slow motion for Barry Holden to blow my cover.

  “I think we’re done here. You’re meeting the brokers to go over the inconsistencies in the financial leverage ratios this evening?” Holden questioned Blake while staring at me. That’s when I noticed he still had a hold of both my arms. I regained footing and stepped away. Blake stared at me with bewilderment, like he was disoriented. My mind had to decide which bewildered look to look at, his or Barry Holden’s.

  “Yeah—I mean no. Can you go Ryan? I sort of have a thing tonight,” Blake said, changing his tune.

  “A thing? What kind of thing?” Ryan asked.

  “Just a thing at home. You can handle it. We don’t need to both be there.”

  “Yeah, we sort of do,” Ryan assured the group with great fortitude.

  “You can handle it, Ryan. Call me if you hear from Steiner’s attorney,” Holden said, backing up Blake while his eyes held mine. Crap.

  “Yes, Sir,” Ryan said with too much ass-kissing. Give me a break.

  Mr. Holden walked away and ass-kissing Ryan followed, “Sit down before you fall down,” Blake ordered. Good idea. “What are you doing here? I thought I told you not to come in here.”

  “We come here for lunch all the time. You even pay for it. Please tell me you’re not that frugal with your money.”

  “What do you mean you come here all the time? I told you to stay out of the dining room.”

  “You told me I would get kicked out if I came in here dressed like I prefer. Pea and I dress up every Tuesday and Friday for lunch. I also bought this outfit and a few more to come here. It’s rather stupid if you ask me and so are heels.”

  “You look amazing.”

  “Yeah, that’s what you said about the basketball shorts, remember? Are you going to buy me a drink or do you want me to put it on your card?”

  “Leo,” Blake called raising his arm.

  Oh man, Leo caught it too, “Hello, Mr. Coast. How are you, sir? What can I do for you? Love the tie.”

  “Straighten your tie. Who do you work for?”

  “Zazen Resorts. Sorry about that, sir,” Leo stammered, sucking up.

  “You’re a pussy,” I giggled. Leo gave me a dirty look, telling me to shut up.

  “Can you bring Makayla a nice cup of coffee?”

  Wait. What? “Coffee?”

  “Yes, coffee. You’re drunk in the middle of the afternoon on a Sunday. Is this something I should be concerned about?”

  I frowned and leaned into Blake, “You tell me, Blake. Do you think you have anything to worry about?”

  He snorted and smiled, “No, I guess not.” Wow. Blake just admitted that he trusted me, “But you can stay in this outfit when you come and see me later tonight.”

  “So you’re done working for the day?”

  “Not quite, but I’ll do what I have to do to get you to come and see me later.”

  “Great. Let’s go. We need shorts and sneakers.”


  “We have a date with Larry.”

  “Elevator Larry again? I wish you would stop letting my daughter hang out with the hotel staff. You’re in New York. Can’t you find something better to do?”

  “What do you think we do, Blake?”

  “I don’t know. It sounds to me like you spend every waking moment in a make believe world.”

  “I do spend a lot of time there, but we also do other things. Things you don’t pay attention to because you’re too busy. We go out. We go out every Tuesday to meet up with a bunch of little kids over at Bed-Stuy.”

  “Why there? That’s not a very nice place. I don’t want you going there. Go to Soho’s if you want to take her to the park.”

  “It’s Pea’s favorite. I took her to Soho’s. The kids were mean there. There all rich little brats, accompanied by snobby nannies. We don’t like it there.”

  “What do you mean they were mean to her?”

  “The girls told her to go play with the boys, because she was wearing jeans.”

  “So it’s your fault she got made fun of. That’s why she has dresses. From now on if you want to go to the park, dress her properly and take her to Soho’s. That’s an order.”

  “Is it? Okay. Here’s my counter. You’ll go with us to Soho’s. We’ll dress the part and take her there. But… Then you have to come back here and change with us and go to over to Bed-Stuy. Deal?”

  “No. Why do you think you get to make any of the rules? I’m the one paying you.”

  “Are you?” I asked, holding my hand over his ringing phone to keep him from answering.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” He frowned and took the call.

  I sipped coffee, expecting to hear something about diversifying, dividends or some other foreign term. I heard quite the opposite. Listening to the lies from the one sided conversation, I knew the topic was me.

  “Her name is Makayla Carlie. Yes. She’s my new nanny from the agency. I didn’t know it was important. Why would you care who is caring for my child? No. Sorry, sir. Yes. I will. Of course I did a background check. No, sir. I will. Okay, goodbye.”

  This power thing is some weird shit. First you have Blake who everyone grovels over, and then you have Holden, who everyone bows down to. Two power levels
. And for what? I would never understand this world. No wonder I lived in the make believe one with Pea. Believe it or not, it made a hell of a lot more sense than this did.


  “That was the best fairy story I’ve ever heard,” I said, appeasing Pea.

  “Thanks, and then guess what happened?”

  This went on for three times before I finally had had enough. This fairy had one a hell of a life. She’d been eaten by a dinosaur, hatched from an egg only to be stepped on by an elephant, but she didn’t die. It only made her flat. Now she was a flat fairy. If the poor little pixie got eaten by one more creature I was going to scream.

  “Pea, look. We’re coming up on a campground.”

  “We are?” She questioned, forgetting all about the fairy who wouldn’t die.

  “Listen up, okay? We have to blend in. This is what we’re going to do. We’re going to come out in a secluded part of one of these campgrounds and pretend like we’re staying there.”

  “Are we? I want to go camping.”

  “What do you mean? We’ve been camping for three days.”

  Pea pointed to the small crowd of cabins. I studied them, wondering if they had electricy and hot water. That may be a good plan, for now anyway. If I was going to be on the news, what better place to be? By the looks of the cabins, cable TV wasn’t one of the amenities.

  “Can we still get pizza?”

  “You’ve got your heart set on that pizza, don’t you?”

  “Yes, and chocolate milk.”

  “Mmm, that does sound good. We’ll find one with a restaurant. How’s that?”


  That’s exactly what we did. Pea and I rented a one room cabin with a tiny shower. After paying cash for a few personal items we missed, Pea and I claimed number fifty seven. I went to the shower first while Pea laid down, thanking God for a real bed. It really is amazing how many things you take for granted. Your mom, hot water, and beds.