Read Brechalon Page 13

  Iguanodon Heath

  Located ten miles west of Port Dechantagne in Brech Birmisia, Iguanodon Heath is a large open plain where visitors can see vast herds of dinosaurs. Famous for the large numbers of iguanodon, the heath is also home to large groups of saltasaurus, triceratops, and ankylasaurs.

  Importance of Pleasing the Misses, The

  A play by Leda Stolz, filled with sexual innuendo, The Importance of Pleasing the Misses has seen little time on stage, but is quite popular in Brechalon in book form.

  In Search of the Rainbow

  A book of poetry by Leda Schraam.

  Inspector Doddley

  The fictional hero of a series of short detective stories, including The Curse of the Two Brothers, The Golden Monkey, and The Black Conspiracy.

  Institut Medizinischer Bef?rderung

  Located in Bangdorf, Freedonia, the Institut Medizinischer Bef?rderung is the formost center of medical and physical sciences.


  A long Brech novel, Intruder by Freedonian author Anarosa Freedman is considered borderline pornographic, and so is incredibly popular throughout the country.

  Isle de Fortann

  A large island in the Thiss beside Brech City, Isle de Fortann is home to Fort Tharbin, which protects the city from any invasion that might come upriver.

  Isle of Winds, The

  A tiny, rocky island, the Isle of Winds was the center of a magic dampening zone. In 1499, the fortress of Schwarztogrube was constructed on the island. By 1750, Schwarztogrube had become a prison for wizards and sorcerers. Near New Years day in 1899, Schwarztogrube and the Isle of Winds disappeared of the face of the world. At first it was believed that some act of god was responsible, but it was later discovered to have been the work of an escaped sorceress-Zurfina the Magnificent.

  It All Turned to Dust

  A long and rather depressing novel by Mirsannan writer Raphael Ragone.


  Ixec was a warrior empire built upon the ashes of the abandoned Doglon city-states. Taking much of its culture from earlier empires, Ixec reveled in blood sacrifice and torture. Ixec was one of the few regions not visited by Magnus the Great, so was unaffected by the spread of the Zaeri religion. Beginning in 266, Kafirites began proselytizing in Ixec, and by around 1000, two thirds of the populace had been converted. In 1192, Kafirism became the official religion.


  A small town in Brechalon.

  Jaquesville, S.S.

  One of the cargo ships making the run from Brechalon to Birmisia.

  Journey to Enclep, A

  A book by Mirsannan author Shia Toler.

  Jungles of Brick

  A book by Maddchen Schaub which tells the story of several families living in a mouldering brownstone apartment building.


  Juton was one of a pair of deities worshiped in ancient Akkas. Juton was the aspect of light and was directly opposed to his twin: Treffia. Though both names have been found on the few ancient monuments that remain of Akkas, little is known of their temples or religions practices.

  Kafira Kristos

  Born about -20, Kafira Kristos became a Zaeri Imam about year 5. After a few years, she began teaching a variant of Zaeri that called for a belief in an afterlife, a life devoted to God, and a disregard for worldly affairs. She became a target of the Xygian clergy and was charged with heresy and crucified in year 13. Within three years, she had become the focus of a religious movement that swept across the world. Today, Kafirism is the dominant human religion.

  Kafira and the Barbarians

  A religious text by Liana Reuter, rife with inaccuracies.

  Kafira Mass

  The major holiday in Kafiradom, Kafira Mass celebrates the birthday of Kafira Kristos. Though her true date of birth is unknown, it is almost universally celebrated on Kafirius 25th.

  Kafira's Cross

  A religious text by medieval writer Kenitra Madoff, Kafira's Cross is widely read across Sumir.

  Kafira's Family

  A text by Freedonian writer Liana Rueter, considered both historically inacurrate and heretical.

  Kafira's Marriage

  Kafira's Marriage, traditional Freedonian music, is a march played for the bride's entrance at many formal weddings throughout the Brechalon and Freedonia.


  A common term for the part of the world in which the worship of Kafira dominates religion. In modern times, Kafiradom is synonymous with the entire human world.


  Kafirius is the twelfth month of the modern reformed calendar. It has 30 days. Kafira Mass, the highest holy day of the Kafirite religion is Kafirius 25th. Kafirius 25th is also the birthday of Saba Colbshallow.


  A beautiful city in western Freedonia, Kassleburg sits on a plateau in the Halyon Mountains. Kasselburg University is a noted institution of science and fine arts. Kasselburg is known to most Brechs for the potato dish named for it. Isaak Wissinger lived and worked in Kasselburg before being forced into Zurelendsviertel.

  Keiman, Abban

  A popular Brech writer, Abban Keiman writes extensively on life in Brechalon. Most of his works contain numerous religious references and parallels.

  King's Oval Park

  King's Oval Park is a large venue of cricket in the northern portion of Brech City. King's Oval Park is located on Scrum Boulevard, and is arranged for use by up to a dozen cricket matches and two rugby games.

  King's Warehouse

  Located just off Contico Boulevard, the massive storage facility of King's Warehouse is a distribution site for food to the poor.

  Kiss Me Before I Die

  A book by Dallorian writer Lamis Warlick, Kiss Me Before I Die is very popular in both Brechalon and Freedonia.

  Klumb, Indrajit

  The son of a Freedonian father and a Mirsannan mother, Indrajit Klumb moved to Borazon becoming one of that country's most popular authors and serving in the Borazon Parliament.

  Kolibri, S.S.

  The S.S. Kolibri was a high-class passenger transport added to the Arrow line after its expansion by Merchant and Shannon. It made the southern run between Birmisia and Brechalon with a stop at the extreme southern end of the Mulliens.


  One of the Donnata city-states, Korlata is the birth-place of democracy, and is justly famous for its art and architecture.


  A village in central Enclep, Kutambata is the source for much of the world's white opthalium.

  Ladies' Auxiliary

  A Brech organization originally created for wives of Brech soldiers but later opened to any Brech women. Its members perform community service and charitable works.

  Lathan, Momone

  A Mirsannan writer, Momone Lathan is best known in Brechalon for the novel And God Looked Down and Smiled.

  Latyum, Empire of

  Latyum was the eastern most empire of the Mersh people. Never as stable as Mershona, Latyum struggled through the rule of a dozen emperors, but created wondrous works of art. Latyum fell to the Rundak tribes between -1800 and -1300.


  Laudanum is a tincture of opium containing approximately 10% powdered opium by weight. It is reddish-brown in color and tastes extremely bitter. Laudanum contains almost all of the opium alkaloids, including morphine and codeine. A potent narcotic by virtue of its high morphine concentration, laudanum is used to treat a variety of ailments, but its principal use was as an analgesic and cough suppressant. Laudanum is purchased in Brech City at any apothecary.


  Khaki is a color, a light shade of yellow-brown similar to tan or beige. It is used by many armies around the world for uniforms.

  Lighthouse, The

  A book by wizard Phirun Lovell, The Lighthouse tells the story of wizards in Brechalon and their importance to modern society.

  Light of the Moon

  An importan
t book by Sable Agria, Light of the Moon tells the story of a doomed romance between cousins.


  (See Lizardmen.)


  The aboriginal inhabitants of Mallon, Lizardmen are cold-blooded reptilians with a complex culture and language. Generally six to seven feet tall, with gray, green, or brown scaly skin, the lizzies as they are known to humans have long snouts filled with peg-like teeth, and though they walked more or less fully upright, they sport a tail behind them six to eight feet long. Up and down their backs, as in alligators, they have a row of bumpy ridges, while in front they sport a large flap of skin or dewlap below their faces. Their hands, though possessing stumpy claw-tipped fingers do feature an opposable thumb. They eschew clothing, but often wear belts, assorted tribal jewelry, and decorative paint. Though humans often find it difficult to differentiate between the sexes, females are generally smaller than males. Once a year, female lizzies lay eggs in forest nests. When the young are born, they run wild in the forest until at about the age of ten, they are caught by the adults and civilized. Most lizardmen live in small villages of 50 to 300 individuals, though there are several large and powerful lizzie city-states.

  Lovell, Phirun

  A wizard and writer, Phirun Lovell took part in killing one of the last dragons known in Sumir, which he recounted in his book Red Dragon Hunter.

  Lowess, Kingdom of

  Splitting away from Rundaria in 544, Lowess combined with Rundarr (Rundaria) and Derich in 1794 to form Freedonia.


  A city in eastern Freedonia, L?westadt is a stopover point for tourist planning to visit the Numateme.

  Madoff, Kenitra

  Saphiran poet and writer, Kenitra Madoff eventually became a nun.


  A town in central Freedonia, Magdafeld sits high up on a hill, giving a beautiful view of the surrounding countryside. Magdafeld is a connecting point both for the railroad and river travel. An ancient canal connects the waterway to nearby rivers through a series of locks.

  Magic Spider, The

  A novel by Mirsannan writer Anapurna Sevo.

  Magic Whale, The

  A children's book by Geert Resnick, The Magic Whale is also popular among Brech adults.


  Magnius is the eleventh month of the modern reformed calendar. It is named after King Magnus the Great, who adopted the calendar during his rule. Like all the months except Hamonth, it has 30 days. Magnius 21st is the birthday of Augustus Marek Virgil Dechantagne. Magnius 20th is the birthday of his younger sister Terra Leah Dechantagne.

  Mahanian, Umeko

  A writer with a Brech father and Enclepian mother, Umeko Mahanian is best known for his detective story Doctor and Priest.

  Majestic, S.S.

  A passenger ship making the run from Brechalon to Birmisia.

  Major Frisbie's Chutney

  Major Frisbie's Chutney is a product produced in Brechalon and distributed around the world. Founded by a former army officer, the company produces several different varieties of chutney, the most popular of which is green tomato.


  A continent far to the east of Sumir, Mallon is the home to dinosaurs and aboriginal reptilians of several varieties. The northern third of the continent is divided into two regions: Mallontah and Birmisia.


  The northwestern portion of the continent of Mallon, Mallontah is a vast region of deserts and tropical forests. The Brech presence in Mallontah is centered around their capital city of St. Ulixes.

  Man Who Loved His Gardener, The

  A novel by Isaak Wissinger, The Man Who Loved His Gardener tells the story of a man's obsessive love of a prostitute.

  Manzanian River

  The Manzanian River, named by Colonel Mormont during his exploration of Birmisia, lies just east of Port Dechantagne. It is navigable for only the first several miles from the ocean, before going through a series of cataracts. Locally, it is known as the Minotaur River.

  Marching Over Enclep

  A book of poetry by Leda Schraam, Marching Over Enclep puts a positive spin on the subjugation of primitive peoples by the Brech military.

  Marcourt Station

  On the other side of Brech City from Princess Aarya Boulevard Station, Marcourt Station is almost as large, connecting trains going in and out of Brech City with the horse-drawn trolley system.

  Marines, Royal

  The Royal Marines are a branch of infantry trained to fight from ship, as well and on land. They were formed in 1664 and are a part of the UK Naval Service. They have the longest infantry training in the world, which stands at 32 weeks for an enlisted recruit and 64 weeks for an officer recruit. They include a commando brigade, a security unit responsible for guarding Greater Brechalon's wizards, a Fleet Protection Group, a landing craft and boat-training group, a naval special forces unit, and a naval band service.

  Mark, Brech

  The Mark is the main currency of The United Kingdom of Greater Brechalon. In modern Brech, the mark is produced as a coin, as in a gold Decimark (10 marks), and banknotes are printed in denominations of 1 to 500 marks. The 500 mark note is often referred to as "a Tybalt" because of its portrait of King Tybalt III.

  Marriage in a Slaughterhouse

  A novel by Walter Grace.

  Marriage of Purpose, A

  A novel by Sable Agria that many mistakenly take as favoring arranged marriages; A Marriage of Purpose in fact advocates marriage for love.


  The largest Freedonian manufacturer of firearms, Mather is famous for their semi-automatic pistols.

  Matter and the Elements

  One of the most printed books in the world, Matter and the Elements by Phoebus Dodson is a text for all chemistry and physics classes in Brechalon, Mirsanna, or Freedonia.

  Merchant and Shannon Shipping Lines

  The largest and most expansive shipping organization in Brechalon, Merchant and Shannon operated scores of ships in and out of ports around the world.

  Meet Me in Hexagon Park

  A flowery and romantic novel set in modern day Brech City, by author Cathal Parvis.

  Men and Women

  A book by Shrem Tunney extolling the virtues of marriage with little or no sex.

  Mermaid's Ankle, The

  A tavern in Brech City near the Thiss docks, The Mermaid's Ankle caters to sailors and dockworkers. It has its own carriage that is used to take home patrons who become indisposed.

  Mernham Yard

  Mernham Yard is headquarters for the Brech City Police Corps.

  Meninia Impertinenta, S.S.

  A Mirsannan freighter that frequently makes the trip to Birmisia from Mirsanna.


  The Mersh were people who migrated to modern Freedonia about -3300, conquering the Donnatta successor states and Ancient Brechalon. The Mersh practiced Argrathian culture and religion. Eventually they split into the twin empires of Mershona and Latyum.

  Mershona, Empire of

  The western half of the lands conquered by the Mersh became Mershona. Known for its engineers, architects, and artists, Mershoan was the first civilization to send explorers beyond the continent. Some speculate they may have travelled as far as Mallon. Mershona fell to the invading Rundak tribes about -1140.


  Microraptor is a genus of small, four-winged bird or dinosaur found in Birmisia. With adult specimens ranging 2.5 to 3 feet long, and with a weight of about two pounds, Microraptors are unusual among birds and feathered dinosaurs. They are one of the few known birds to sport long flight feathers on the legs as well as thier wings.

  Ministry of War, Brech

  The Ministry of War not only operates the Army, Navy, and Marines of the United Kingdom, but also controls the wizards and sorcerers of the kingdom.

  Minotaur, H.M.S.

  A large and modern battleship, H.M.S. Minotaur is 430 feet lon
g, has a beam of 75 feet, and a draft of 26 feet. It has a displacement of 13,200 tons. The Minotaur was loaned to the Dechantagne Birmisia Expedition.

  Minotaur River

  (See Manzanian River.)


  A country in Southern Sumir, Miparia was founded by conquistadors from Mirsa in 899, who invaded what was then Pavir. Today Miparia is a close allie of Mirsanna and is an enemy of Numis and Camora.


  An ancient name for steel.

  Mirsa, Kingdom of

  The Kingdom of Mirsa was formed, along with Loess and Derich, in 544 during a revolution against Rundaria. In 1744, Mirsa combined with the Kingdom of Zaer to become Mirsanna.

  Mirsanna, The Kingdom of

  Mirsanna was founded by the joining of the Kingdom of Mirsa with the Kingdom of Zaer in 1744. Mirsanna is considered by many to be the cultural center of the modern world. Its capital of Natine is the center of fashion, food, and music. Mirsanna is a traditional rival of both Freedonia and Brechalon.

  Mirsannan Pastoral

  The only remaining work by novelist Robinson Arps, Mirsannan Pastoral extolls the virtue of Mirsannan country life. It is popular among Brech women, who typically find Brech society less cultured than that of Mirsanna.

  Mistress of Brechbay, S.S.

  One of the larger freighters making the run from Brechalon to Birmisia, on her last such run, the Mistress of Brechbay was sunk by a torpedo from a Freedonian submersible.


  A subject race that overthrew the Olgons about -1300, by -1000 the Miza had become a civilization in their own right. They worshipped the Olgon gods, but were decidedly less bloodthirsty. They expanded to conquer Hathastor and were eventually conquered by King Magnus's Zur Empire.